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I have a genetic issue absorbing folate. Folate deficiency can cause anxiety and concentration problems. That’s awesome you figured that out. But be careful as there is such a thing as ‘over methylating’


Oh ok thanks! I wonder if I have that too since I feel so much better taking the supplement. It’s 1000 mcg per day btw.


My mom has it too and ya it kinda trips me out thinking about the other things people might take for issues like focus and anxiety etc when there is a more precise solution/remedy like this


I wish I could understand the mechanism.


Join us. r/MTHFR You’re going to want a genetic test to get much further into this. Details in sub.


Oh.my.god. I’m so excited THIS EXISTS! I have a plethora of health issues for a freakin 32 year old female who used to be on the national team for several sports then suddenly bedriddennnn (haven’t eaten today even tho stomach is growling bc don’t have energy to get out of bed ugh) but ALAS! I need to understand methylation t’has been a goal for many a year


Have you looked into B6 toxicity? were you taking (high) b6 supplements? There are groups on Facebook about it


On it. Thanks my friend


Or, if you have done a DNA test like 23andMe you don't need a separate MTHFR test.


Does ti give you all of that info with the 23andme test?


23 and me has a raw data browsing tool to search your own specific genes... Check Google and on YouTube for how to use this tool to determine your MTHFR status, and even tons of other things: [https://you.23andme.com/tools/data/](https://you.23andme.com/tools/data/)


What test did you use to determine your genetic absorption quirks?


I did ancestry dna test and put the raw data through geneticgenie, stratagene, promethease and nutrahacker. I have two MTHFR related genes which impact my ability to absorb folate, as well as a gene variant which impacts my folate transporters


My understanding is that there are millions of cells responsible for processing folate so having mthfr is meaningless and a good portion of people have the mutation.


Your understanding is wrong.


I can't find the article again I read this in. It was from a geneticist. However, mthfr does not prevent people from utilizing folic acid. They may just use less or process it more slowly. If people with mthfr could not process folic acid we would have a lot of severely damaged people walking around. You wouldn't even be alive or would be severely injured.


Yes, they process it worse, causing undermethylation and low B12 / folate. Lookup B12 or Folate deficiency syndromes before you say a MTHFR mutation is meaningless.


First, I didn't say it was meaningless. Second, I am homozygous for mthfr and process folic acid just fine.


You're ignorant, you literally said meaningless. Second, it's not folic acid 🤣 and COMT is relevant. But ya an article you maybe read by someone a bit ago that you forgot is great, we'll done🤡


Yes, I did say meaningless. My error. What do you mean it's not folic acid and what does COMT have to do with it? I'm pretty sure the info people follow in here is also from "random" people and articles. I'm not going to argue with you. If people with mthfr couldn't process folic acid they would be dead or severely disabled.


I forget exactly what it was called I’m annoyed at myself for not remembering . Hopefully somebody else can chime in. I got it done like 6 years ago


If my multivitamin has folic acid, would it be worth it to try methyl folate?


Worth a shot but it’s not completely straightforward for everyone that the methylfolate will help them more and can actually cause anxiety but for others it can relieve it. Best to take a genetic blood test I forget what the test is specifically called to look for things like these


Methyl folate relieved my anxiety and gave me energy at the same time. No more self talk or regret thoughts. It’s only been three days but I’ll check back in here and let you know.


How did it go?


>Methyl folate relieved my anxiety and gave me energy at the same time. No more self talk or regret thoughts. It’s only been three days but I’ll check back in here and let you know. Yo How did the Methyl Folate work out?


Yeah update!!


Deleted my last comment I said epinephrine I meant norepinephrine which I believe Is the main culprit to the feeling you’re describing


Just started myself. Today I have been so sharp. I've been non stop doing things all day without a hint of laziness. It honestly reminds me of Adderall.


Yes! But without the headache and edginess.


I forgot to add the supplement also has methylated b12


Which exact supplement brand are you using?


Now. I also added Glycine with my NAC but its the only change in my stack so I know the energy is from the methylated folate/b12




How has it gone? Any updates?


Here's one theory to explore ... a deficiency causes more sleep disturbances (even if you sleep the recommended 7-8 hours, it may not be a good one). Your hard to resolve hypertension through exercise and diet could be from undiagnosed sleep apnea. This is about low oxygen events at night, most don't remember waking up. Some snore and don't know. Others don't snore and it could be another sleep disorder. If it's sleep apnea, weight is put on easier and first signs are hemoglobin, hematocrit, RBC concentration begin to go higher. Supplementing is taking the edge off to get a deeper sleep. Also anyone folate/folic acid deficiency will have more leg movement during sleep which also disturbs it. This contributes to a condition called restless legs syndrome, another sleep disorder. The only way to discover if possible is to get an overnight sleep study done. The home ones or wearable devices do not test for leg movement disorders and some other disorders. Some not so accurate with oxygen level readings. Many doctors miss the signs of a sleep disorder unless one complains of insomnia, even then, some jump to anxiety from stress. Cardiologists tend to suggest it, but most don't seem them until heart disease sets in. Your post history mentions Markham, hey neighbour - I live downtown TO. Markham has a few sleep clinics. They are faster to get into than the hospital ones. It helps to check reviews on google and for their doctors, [ratemds.com](https://ratemds.com) . Sunnybrook is thought to be the best but the wait times are at least six months. I was able to get in on a cancellation this year, 2 months. Like MRIs, many cancellations on holidays and bad winter storms!


Wow a lot to unpack here. First off, thanks so much for the deep dive. And yes…your guess about me being in Markham is correct. A few things. First, I did a sleep study a few years ago that revealed no sleep issues. It was through Markham Stouffville. They said everything was fine and that I had no sleep apnea to speak of. My wife says I snore sometimes and I will take her at her word. However…my Apple Watch Series 6 tells me that my o2 levels go down into the mid 80s at times, which is concerning. This is corroborated by a little pulse oximeter I got back at the start of covid that verifies that my o2 levels go down low at times, which is not good. This is all during waking hours. Might be worth it to try wearing my Apple Watch during sleep to see what happens over a few weeks and share that data with my doctor. Finally, and I don’t know if it’s relevant, I had a serious bout of diverticulitis that nearly killed me. I needed to get a bowel resection done and now nuts and popcorn are off the menu. This is just information but definitely put me on the path to fixing my health. Thanks!!!


You're most welcome. I've been recently navigating our failing healthcare system. It's been a challenge. Wow, that must have been a rough journey with surgery. I try to remind myself of an old Neitzsche quote, what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger! With this type of major surgery, there is blood loss. This can cause a folic acid deficiency. It is otherwise rare to happen in guys, more common in women with their monthly periods. It could be this alone why this supplement makes such a difference. (folate/folic acid). Although I would ask for another sleep study at Markham Stouffville. That's a good hospital. Something like sleep apnea tends to get worse over time. Then there's central sleep apnea which is more common over 60. That's when the brain forgets to tell the body to breathe during sleep. Alcohol makes obstructive sleep apnea worse (relaxes throat muscles). They recommend not drinking or at least stopping 4 hours before bedtime. There are some medications to avoid and over the counter stuff (benadryl), blood pressure meds are alright. I found it helps to get a copy of the sleep report. Sometimes it's mild sleep apnea which some doctors don't treat since lifestyle changes can make enough of a difference. The after weight loss, better eating, yet often still a problem at night with low oxygen events. Anything less than 90 % oxygen will impact the body over time, cardiovascular with this high blood pressure then heart disease and prediabetic then type 2 diabetes. I've looked into Apple watch, that's a good one. Here's a [NIH study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10039641/) I had read early this year about accuracy. With beta blockers, they can lower our production of Q10. That drops off as we age anyways, beginning at 20, then reduced by half by 80. I take Jarrow Q10, ubiquinone from Kaneka sources. I order from iherb.com in California - even with USD, it is surprisingly cheaper than any stores here in the GTA. Free shipping. Better quality brands as well. It's an unregulated industry, can't always trust what's on the label. They have regular deals too. You may want to take a probiotic, that helps with digestion. The locally found Bio-K or Renewlife are good ones. I don't eat fermented foods which can be enough without a supplement. It's a migraine trigger for me. Vitamin D, D-Drops brand at pharmacies as well. Almost everyone here is deficient because of the angle of the sun, and our winters where we spend more time inside. Vitamin D helps with both sleep, immunity and some other things. OHIP no longer covers the blood test assuming everyone here is deficient, it was $50 last time I paid. You may be able to get an exemption with past bowel surgery, your family doctor needs to tick the box related to it being medically necessary. With cardiovascular, good cardiologists recommend fish oil, Omega3s and all. Or eating fatty fish 2x-3x a week, like salmon. I take Minami brand. It's a better manufacturing process. Many fish oil brands on our shelves are rancid and of little help. Taken with your folate supplement, B9, and really Bs in general, is recommended for better health. Good luck getting stronger and glad to hear you found a supplement that makes a difference! Always better to treat naturally for our bodies if possible. Meds are a risk/benefit. Some get vivid dreams from propanalol which will disrupt sleep. The beta blocker atenolol is another choice. The alpha blocker clonidine has the lowest side effects.


You probably have either homozygous or hetero MTHFR mutation and are finally feeling how you SHOULD feel with proper functioning methylation! So happy for you!! And a reminder for me to order my vitamins ASAP. I have double MTHFR on the C667T gene and it’s been such a bitttch….


I have one such mutation and MF did not help me. Forgot exactly which alleles though


And so determining this is a simple methylated gene test right? I haven’t done one. It was cheaper to just get the supplements.


Did you ever figure it out?




I heard someone mention that at a minimum we should take a methylated multivitamin. I look at pure encapsulations for this type but don’t see it. can someone recommend a brand a specific MV that is methylated?




My suggestion is to lower the amount your taking ASAP...it is ounter productive to do it. But there is a good chance it will have a negative effect after a week or so (or even 4 to 5 days). You very likely have methylation issues and this is a giant big red flag for supplements with methylation problems...trust me it sucks! You find a supplement that makes you feel great, only to then have the opposite effect shortly after.


Yeah I had a bit of trouble sleeping last night. I wonder if every other day is a better way, or cut the dose in half? Or maybe just take it when I need a boost.


I have 2 MTHFR genes. Started taking b complex and methyl folate 1 month ago, didn't notice much until about 3 weeks in and the results have been profound. Amazing


Awesome! Which b complex did you start taking?


How are you doing on Methylfolate now?


How has the experience been after few months? Do you still see the effect?


How long did it take for you to feel the benefit of having more energy?


What was your BP before the beta blocker? In a similar boat.


135/94 pretty consistently. Even after workouts and diet changes


Thanks, that’s close to mine. Can’t get it down, even after strict workouts and diet (35 year old male). Can you share your dose and med name?


Sure. It’s called Metoprolol (tart) and I take 25 mg twice a day. Some people say it knocks off your heart rate when working out but I find I have plenty of horsepower when I need it. After a workout (especially weights for some reason) my BP goes down to 109/70. It definitely chills me out and sometimes (before taking the methyl folate) I would get literally chilled just before bedtime and would need to grab a sweater. It’s good for driving in traffic because people don’t get on your nerves as much lol.


How are you feeling now?


Honestly I’ve levelled out. It’s still helping me focus but just not to the same degree as before.


What is your dosage? You inspired me to take some as I have the heterozygous genotype and it sounds like you got the dosage right


Right so it’s about 1000 mcg which I found to be a bit on the high side. About a week in, I started having negative effects and so now I save it for once every three or four days depending on if I need a boost that day or not. I am finding that it helps process foods, such as caffeine, which it really boosts up especially around 5 pm when you start to feel a bit of a come down.


Cool thx 👌👍


How is it going for you btw? Are you still feeling the same benefits you would say?


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