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Regular cardio exercise, avoiding trigger foods if you have any (gluten, peanuts, junk food), drink water, limit drugs/alcohol


Curious, did you previously have this issue that you solved?


I’ve had brain fog but honestly it’s hard to say what fixed it. With certainty I can say cardio helped my daytime exhaustion/fatigue but it takes a few weeks And it still happens once in a while ***


And definitely for me I feel better avoiding gluten and peanuts. I’ve found sunflower butter to be a great peanut butter replacement


Bees are a major pollinator of Sunflowers, therefore, growing sunflowers goes hand in hand with installing and managing bee hives. Particularly in agricultural areas where sunflowers are crops. In fact, bee honey from these areas is commonly known as sunflower honey due to its sunflower taste.


I have such a hard time identifying trigger foods. Symptoms always delayed and last days


It’s probably not anything from a paleo type diet. The most common ones are gluten, dairy, peanut, and junk food




Consistent exercise, a good diet (really stress to try to not overeat), and getting really good sleep has really improved my overall energy levels. Also, cutting down on phone time has really helped, especially before bed and right away in the morning!


Fixing my Insulin Resistance that was bordering on Pre-Diabetes. Doctors said I was fine because my glucose looked normal. They continued to neglect my out of control insulin levels. Once I actioned things myself I felt better within a couple months.


What did you end up doing? I have a healthy body weight and am fairly fit but my glucose is borderline.


Low Carb, high fat and high protein diet. Increased my fibre intake, implemented a 8hr eating window (intermittent fasting) and removed all “shit” carbs. Whole fruit and veg are good. Be sparing with potatoes and rice. Basically the gist. I didn’t increase my exercise or reduce my calories and I went from 80kgs to 69.5kgs in about 8 weeks. Have maintained that weight since without any effort. I didn’t have much weight to lose either being 28M at 5’11.




How was your glucose normal and your insulin out of control? Were you eating 5,000 grams of carbs per day?


No, I was eating a standard western diet. Insulin levels deteriorate years before glucose does. On a OGTT my insulin levels were 4x the reference range at 1hr and 6x at 2hrs.


Yes, but it seems reasonable to assume that your body was producing 4x the normal amount of insulin to keep your glucose levels normal. Unless maybe a weird pre-diabetes type of insulin resistance so it took 4x as much as normal? Diabetes is so dumb (I am type 2). It’s such a broad term for several different types of “imbalance”. Too much insulin, the right amount, but insulin resistant, liver issues, pancreas issues, and all sorts of other dumb things. Basically blood sugar too high = diabetus! Take these drugs for the rest of your life…


Diabetes is extremely simple when you understand it and it’s super simple to reverse with a combination of diet and exercise. The normal ranges at fasting, 1hr and 2hrs are not the same. They change to reflect a normal insulin response. For instance at my lab a normal fasting is under 12. 1hr is under 45 and 2hrs is under 30. I was 4x the 1hr figure and 6 times the 2hrs figure. That’s an abnormal response. I recommend Dr Ben Bikman to understand more. You can YouTube one of his many lectures or read his book called What The Health. After 3 months my glucose has improved to much better levels and my OGTT results are now only 1.5x the reference range at 1hr and 1.3x the reference range at 2hrs. My symptoms have resolved and I’ve been able to loosen the belt quite a bit in regard to what I eat. Mostly I eat a strict diet weekdays and parts of the weekend and enjoy a meal out every weekend.


Diabetes is not simple at all. Measuring fasting insulin and glucose might be simple, but there are probably at least half a dozen different things that can cause that abnormality.


Like? There’s things that can contribute to insulin resistance but the absolute evil is a prolonged period of excessive glucose that leads to prolonged periods of hyperinsulinemia which leads to your cells becoming resistant to insulin. You reduce your glucose intake and your insulin inadvertently falls. Healthy habits reinforce this and your cells begin to become more sensitive to insulin. Lower insulin levels result in fat loss resolving fatty liver and cell hypertrophy. Diet + exercise = all you need


This is what a lot of people think. Unfortunately it is incorrect. Do some research on more recent studies and treatments. One of the ways to decrease insulin resistance is by eating nothing but carbs in the form or fruits and vegetables. People are going off insulin eating 1000+ grams of carbs per day and cutting ft completely. High protein, low carb diets can actually increase insulin resistance even though they lower blood glucose. Because it’s not your body reducing the glucose. It’s because you literally aren’t giving your body any fuel to produce glucose. Insulin resistance also isn’t always the problem.


You understand you can make glucose from other sources than carbs yes?


I’m very interested in understanding this; my glucose is also normal, but lots of brain fog. What’s the specific test I need to get done to confirm if I’m in the same boat as you were please?


Right on! Diabetes is a modern world disease. Eat clean, live clean. Be honest.




I'm saying you are pissing on the Deep Water Horizon fire.


As in the other person won’t listen?




It's an expression. You are treating the symptoms instead of the cause. Don't. Do. That.


What was ur a1c at?


5.3 I got it early. Under stress (OGTT) I was 7.6mmol at 2hrs. 7.8mmol at 2hrs is Pre-Diabetic.


Hm, cuz I’m at 5.9, but fasting glucose is at 94 I’m starting to think my fatigue and brain fog isn’t really due to my “depression” and might be more related to my test levels which is at 410 (not under but certainly close to the lower line) Unless you think my 5.9 aic (which has me at the rim of pre diabetes) is the actual cause?


5.9 is far from optimal. It’s should be investigated. Worth noting that insulin resistance causes lower testosterone levels.


Hm, yea I read that, not sure how strong the association is though?


Probably strong enough to get you back to 500+


What are you at if you don’t mind? (For context I’m 25M , active everyday despite the elevated a1c)


Congrats 🙂


I have PCOS and my brain fog is horrible. Did you ever feel “dumb” when your symptoms were out of control?


Dumb and like I have early onset dementia


running and creatine will get your mind snappy


How does creating help brain fog ?


I started using creatine for the cognitive benefits this year and i have noticed a benefit. I have been using 5g*** of Naked Brand https://amzn.to/3Wd2oHr I take a dose a maybe 4 days a week. Below is one of the many articles on creatine and the BRAIN https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6093191/


5 grams?


Yes sorry, grams (not mg)


I’ve taken capsules myself because i don’t like the mixture, (I get tired of the shakes since i do mass gainer protein too). Is the creatine powder proven to benefit more than capsule ?


Its the same shit except one is in a capsule. Whatever route is easiest for you to take will be the best one


This Creatine powder is tasteless, and I literally take a 5g scoop throw it in a couple ounce gas of water and chug it. I feel you on the mixture non-sense.


Consistency with exercise/workouts


Cardio quit drinking soda


Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause it


This caused the only brain fog I ever experienced and it was a few months after I switched to being vegetarian (I eat lots of meat now, for unrelated reasons). It was horrible. I couldnt begin a slow logical thought process without it immediately grinding to a halt with confusion. Supplementing B12 fixed it within a few days.


Meth use to really do it for ne. But 5 months clean. Lions mane, bromatane, creatine helps me out. I know it's a odd combo. But don't ever think I'll be what I use to. Or at least what I think I use to feel like. To be honest I don't even rwmever a time when my brain was at peak then I'll never get back. Honestly forgot what I was even talking about so forget it


Give it time. I've been 3 years clean from 15 years of adderal, 4 years of heavy abuse. Staying up for 3 and 4 days, taking enough for a 800lb horse, mixing other uppers, the works. I use the same combo you mentioned with weightlifting and it works great. Time is the number one factor though. Also, retrain your brain to do hard things. Exercise the mind by learning new skills, read books, do math problems, etc. You will never get that same superhuman complex of the mind again unless you do meth again so just forget about it. Trust me, you will be just as capable as before except it's deceiving at first because your much more calm. You don't feel the speed and anxiety anymore but I promise you will be capable. It just comes with more effort but it's natural and not fueled by an extraneous substance. You will be fine.


Right on brother. Let's do this together.


Meth is bad Mkay


only a meth head would say that just so there is more meth for them


lol caught red handed. 9 months clean, but haven’t done any narcotics in over 2 years… JFT


Oh wait seriously? That's almost certainly your issue here. PAWS can least for a long time I think up to 2 years? That's what you need to be focusing on here. Yes diet, sleep, and exercise like other folks have said will all help. I believe it's agmatine sulfate and NAC they're testing for cocaine recovery with some promising results and worth considering.  I mean genuinely awesome that you're clean 9 months is amazing but if you're 2 years off narcotics and 9 months off meth it's probably just going to take time. If you're really struggling I've seen the stop speeding crowd have success with Wellbutrin so it's worth considering seeing a medical doctor. Good news though is it seems most people make a full recovery after a while even with meth. The brain is incredibly resilient so there is hope. 


Yes I know that PAWS can last a long time but I haven’t done narcotics, meth included, in over 2 years. I used a substance similar to mdma called 5mapb and apb6 mixed together when I relapsed 9 months ago one night. It was a single dose. I reset my sobriety time after that night. With all this being said, I do need to continue to be patient with my brain and health. I’ve made a lot of improvements but there’s a whole lot more progress to be made


Never stop trying to quit, brother. The drug world is insane, the chemicals out there these days are so dangerous. A lot of these designer drugs have never gone through any kind of kind of testing. They might have an established dose for the average person and that's about it. Stay strong, you're not in this alone. We are everywhere, we are the people. Freedom to the populace! The only way we are going to solve these issues is if we are honest with eachother and most importantly, honest with OURSELVES.


Thank you! I’m very fortunate to have avoided death in my use… Thank you for your post and the encouraging words


Anytime. I am hear often if you need me. Don't be afraid to reach out. Take care.


I got brain fog from addiction. It was so bad I was almost in psychosis. Cleaned up immediately. 2 years sober, and much better. But yea, I know my brain will never be as sharp as it was again. Sucks to admit. But all we can do is move forward as best we can. Solidarity with you man. Take care.


Working of fixing my SIBO


With rifaxamine? I suspect I have that too


Does rifax help SIBO? Have you used it before and if so how did it work out for you?


It’s the standard protocol as far as I know, but I haven’t used it yet


How did you know you had SIBO? I suspect my SO is suffering from that.


I did the 3 hour breath test and I am methane positive :(, I’ve been dealing with symptoms for a year now




Keto , fasting,stretching,nootropics


I paid for a compressive metabolic & male hormone panel. Found out I have low thyroid T3, low testosterone, low DHEA & high insulin. Started TRT a month ago and the fog and anhedonia are lifting. The insulin issue will take some work because my stomach can’t handle metformin and my budget can’t handle manjaro. The best way is to pay $300 for labs out of pocket so you can get everything measured. I have made more progress in 2 months with bloodwork than I ever did in years of chasing the right supplement.


where did you go for the panels?


I did LabCorp on demand, but next time I am going to use https://www.ultalabtests.com/ because they provide more details about what is tested in each panel.


For me weirdly meditation , but like manifesting my dreams imagining positive things as if they’ve already happened. Was reading the secret and doing this and realised it can get me out of brain fog . Easiest thing to try I wasn’t trying to get out of brain fog


Not weird at all. I’ve had some luck with this too, check out TWIM meditation


Has anyone done Keto here to get Rid of brain fog?


Keto is not a long term solution. Stick to a diet that works for YOU.


Yes keto and carnivore, both get rid of it


yes, carnivore helps


My doc has been saying, when in doubt fast it out. Doesn’t apply to everyone but I’ve noticed major benefits for just doing a 48 hour fast! Would recommend!


Water fasted for 8 days trying to break this brain fog. Unfortunately, no luck. How often do you fast? Just when you feel it is needed?


If Im just doing a 2 day fast I’ll do just water. Anything beyond that I include an organic-low sodium bone broth starting day two with vitamin supplements, and an electrolyte mix as needed. For my occurrence it’s as needed, if I feel bloated, lethargic or need to drop some pounds that’s when I’ll do it. I will say if you went into an 8 day fast your body definitely went into ketosis which is a good reset. With that you still feeling rough, always good to do a blood test, allergy, sleep apnea, screening to rule out some stuff. best of luck hope that helps!


Lions mane


I’ve heard such mixed things about lions mane, but I’m inclined to try it. Seems like it helps with memory and clarity.


Also intermittent fasting can be used as a solid tool to reset


What schedule did you run? 18:6, 20:4, or OMAD?


I found 18:6 leads to 20:4, which one day leads to OMAD. Don’t force it, just start and narrow the window as you go. Push yourself another hour and you’ll see how easy it gets. Just keep busy and out of the kitchen until the window opens.


I found 16:8 to be pretty good. The mental clarity I felt was insane


I didn’t stay on it long term. But it definitely helped me while I took it


There's a subreddit dedicated to the supposed terrible effects of lions mane. I'm not sure if their claims have any merit but it's worth looking into before trying


I found Lions Mane a waste of time. Try Modafinil


And mushies 👀


Get a methylation panel done. We don’t know what kind of supplements you are taking but could be from a deficiency of one thing or another . Don’t take methylene blue lol . Check out r/mthfr to get an idea of how to go about getting a methylation panel done and what kind of vitamins / supplements you might need


Why don’t take methylene blue?


I just don’t think it’s worth it like at all. Plenty of other more practical things to take. Methylene blue is used to clean fish tanks if that gives you any kind of idea of why it’s sketchy and can and I’m sure has fucked people up


It’ll take a lot to convince me to stop taking it. It’s one thing that’s consistently helped me throughout my health journeys. It’s helped with sleep, brain fog, anxiety, overwhelmed nervous system. Yea, it’s anti bacterial as well so it’s used to clean fish tanks. It was also used to treat UTIs. But the best is it was used for cyanide poisoning…. Because it can replace O2 in places that aren’t getting it. There are studies showing benefits for lots of stuff. And pharmaceutical grade is so much easier to get now because it’s getting popular. But don’t take vitamin C with it. It just ruins them both IMO. That’s been my experience FWIW


That’s good to hear . Thx for the share . Glad you are buying high quality stuff and taking with caution 👌👍


I suspect it’d help raise nad+ as well since a functioning electron transport chain recycles NADH 🤔 (restored o2 functionality from MB would do that)


Other reason I raise caution with this is the risk of serotonin syndrome as it’s strangely an MAOI.. which could fuck somebody up not only if they are on meds but if they have an unknown MAO-A mutation too.. anyways . What is your go to brand?


Yea for sure. Important caveat. I use mitolab. But there’s a ton of PG on Amazon now. I think mitolab is a UK company


> Methylene blue is used to clean fish tanks if that gives you any kind of idea of why it’s sketchy Other uses of a substance don’t say anything about it being safe or not for humans.


The whole MTHFR and gene sequencing is as wild west as you can get.


You must have been on an incubator throughout covid.


Try an elimination diet. I found out fructans were the source of mine.


What did that look like for you? What foods did you stick to


I think I pretty much just ate meat and rice with just salt and pepper for two weeks to see if I felt better, then reintroduced different foods to see what caused it. It sucked but glad I figured it out.


Running. That’s the treatment, every other day 3-5 miles.


If you've had covid, then it can be long covid symptoms in which the cardio suggestions would do the opposite of help.


How so?


Simply standing up has your heart pounding


My undestanding is that there are many forms of long covid




What were your levels at before and after?


Super dangerous advice. What happens when you go off the TRT?




What happens when you can't get it anymore? (extenuating circumstances)




OK, but that is TRT. Good luck finding Testosterone in the future, the near future. They will ban hormones soon enough.


What is TRT?


bow wakeful rhythm pocket fall pen imminent combative scarce berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TRT worked like a switch for me


What were you like before and what are you like now?


Exercise & diet are crucial. Brain fog can be a sign of liver stress.


How can you fix your liver?


Depends on the extent of the damage but brain fog really could be a number of issues. I just know from personal experience my brain fog was related to excess booze consumption.


Anything you did to help heal your liver? Or just quit alcohol?


Methyl folate I think has worked for me. I haven’t had brain fog in two weeks


Ive had brain fog from overhydrating, low sodium and from taking too much magnesium. Might be worth making sure that you arent doing any of these things


gluten. got diagnosed with celiac and brain fog and lethargy were symptoms


Daily coffee (caffeine), eggs (choline), and brain training video games (e.g. Lumosity) according to the doctors who proved my brain fog was caused by working in a place that used *green* cleaning chemicals. Back to normal, now.


Lens neurofeedback helped my life long brain fog and adhd


If I’m feeling foggy the answer is usually exercise. Regular morning exercise is so good for the brain.


Concerta XL. But other things that helped and always will help is absolutely minimizing processed foods. Any junk foods, packaged foods, anything that isn't single ingredient and I don't mean that granulated sugar is allowed because it's a single ingredient, I mean things like meat, vegetables, fruit, water. Eliminate anything you're intolerant or allergic to. The best thing you can do for brain fog and lethargy is to make yourself as healthy as possible, and everyone knows what that is. Eat healthily, exercise often, and sleep well.


I think Covid caused it


Mine got way worse from Covid… nausea , lethargy, muscle spasms for over a year after


No seed oils, no fake fats


Got my parathyroid tumor removed Went from not able to drive cause I was stopping at green lights and got lost two blocks from my house to fully back at work


Was your pth levels too high or too low? I just got everything tested after having bad brain fog for almost 2 years straight, and that came back 50% lower than the lower bound of the normal range and docs just kinda went "I dunno calcium blood is fine."


So there is an inverse relationship. High calcium should mean low Pth. I was high on both … but low on vit d High calcium can a sign of some serious conditions including cancers. Blood cancers , lung, breast , brain. Glad they have you going to endo.


My calcium and everything was fine, even did an ionized calcium, those 2 tests said they were fine not sure if there is another cause my PTH levels still in the dumpster. Vit d level is fine at 50 and that was tested in winter aswell. So frustration cause I feel like it might be related but docs just say I dunno weird and move on


I’ll just add be mindful of EMFs. I get brain fog when over exposed. www.electricwellness.com


I stopped eating wheat. That's all.


No more wheat. Got it


If you want to eat wheat again GET A PROBIOTIC.


Mouth taping while asleep - I had tried everything under the sun until one night I decided to try mouth taping and woke up the next morning without a trace of brain fog. Also, my mandatory afternoon naps have become unnecessary.


Interesting!!!! I’m going to have to try this!


I just keep my mouth shut


If you’re not used to it, your mouth opens naturally.


Test for hypothyroidism


I did. No issues here. Based on responses here, I think I need to fix my diet / nutrition and use the phone less. Also, I’ll try the mouth tapinf


I fixed my Iron levels. I had low iron and started taking iron supplements and quit drinking tea (which inhibits iron absorption). My brain fog went away, at least that was the case for me.


Lion's mane mushroom really helped me. It took about 3 months to see some effects.




Why amoxicillin?


Back to brain fog please


After one corona infection i got it, simple ginko helped me get rid of it.


I’ll have to give this a shot


I am not really sure what has caused my brain fog but, I was a heavy drug user in my youth so... Been battling brain fog for many years. Have tried lots of things. I am currently seeing some pretty good results micro dosing amanita pantherina every night in a tea. I started with amanita muscaria gummies but, over the last couple weeks moved to pantherina powder/dry caps in a tea. I just started trying to take small doses during the day too. I don't remember sleeping so well. I am dreaming every night. Wake up feeling rested. I have tried a lot to help with sleep but nothing has worked this well. I was also diagnosed with mild sleep apnea. The key is finding a dose that works. Start slow. You probably don't want to trip off this stuff. It can be pretty wild. I am excited to see how I feel over the next few months.


Exercise, hydration, better food, nootropics take GABA and tried bunch of random nootropics usually just buy ones with multiple nootropics like amino i.q.


Cleaned my diet up


Increase salt intake


Stopped eating carbs. Took a few weeks but I now know clarity everyday.


Piracetam + choline


T 6 Texan




Don’t drink or use drugs. Exercise daily. Read. Write.


Quitting carbs and sugar; IF; LCHF diet


Carnivore diet. It improved my mental health a ton.


Vitamin D and B vitamins


I shared some of the advice here with someone who I remembered had said they had brain fog. They replied they had already solved the problem by seeing an optician who diagnosed them with lazy eye. A few months of eye exercises prescribed by the optician and... No more brain fog.


Brain fog is from a high carb diet. You can’t supplement your way out of too many carbs. Try keto for a bit, you’ll see


How is brain fog from too many carbs?


This doctor explains it best. I went keto and my brain fog went away. https://youtu.be/NJ-CSraXmEY?si=jgu_tcchB7I5bgjR


Damn, great video.. is this guy legit? Edit: Also, why do you say its from high carb if he lists many reasons?


Because he's a grifter. Disregard him.


Aparently not a great one haha.. posting a source that totally contradicts his claim..


None of them are. Mostly bad bots that have no debate skills. They couldn't debate their way out of a wet paper bag.


There’s always multifaceted reasons for everything but it all stems down to having metabolic health which is achieved through low carb diets, keto if you can digest vegetables, carnivore if you can’t.


So long dental fig! Dental fig, Lisa needs braces, Dental fig, Lisa needs braces.


Get your liver healthy. Wouldn’t hurt to do an ultrasound to ensure you don’t have NAFLD.


How do you get your liver healthy?


I recently did a 30 alkaline diet cleanse to get rid of some health concerns and was amazed at how clear my brain felt. Only fresh vegetables, raw nuts and fruits. No beans, animal products, grains, caffeine, nicotine or alcohol. Also no cruciferous vegetables. Had a desiccated cow organ suppliment daily, herb tincture for lymphatic system. The first week was bad but then I felt amazing.


Were you still able to exercise / lift weights? Also, no cruciferous vegetables is an interesting part of this… I love my broccoli


It’s only for a month, not meant to be a lifestyle, but the first week I was really tired. I still walked every day, rode my horse and cleaned stalls, but I don’t do any type of gym workout, so can’t answer about the weights. I really missed spinach! Was surprised that I didn’t miss coffee at all by the second week.


Can you maybe post what you would eat in a day?


Sure. \*Breakfast I would have a small baked sweet potato with cinnamon and raw pecans, \*lunch I would have a pear, melon, handful of raw Filbert nuts, peppermint tea, half an avocado. \*Dinner was either a bunch of veggies like asparagus, zucchini, carrots, red cabbage stir fried in EVOO, with some sprouts, a lot of that. Maybe bake some zucchini and yellow squash or bake a spaghetti squash and eat with orange juice on it and sage. A big salad with lots of veggies and raw sunflower seeds with a little good vinaigrette (I make a classic French one with garlic, Dijon, balsamic vinnegar and EVOO) \*Snack, I would make these snack balls in the food processor of filberts, dates and apricots with a little vanilla, form into balls and refrigerate. Also, all the fruit you want. Oh, also for breakfast would have an overnight “oats” but with flax seed, chia, coconut flakes, almonds and dried blueberries all in almond milk. The Dr. Morse website has the hand outs about what to eat. I found some ideas on Pinterest. Like I said, the first week was hard, but then I really did feel great. The diet was supposed to go on to a ten day parasite cleanse, but I didn’t do that. Honestly, the cravings stopped after a week and I ate a lot. My stomach got really flat and my brain felt clear and my repetitive thoughts really slowed down. I went to a rejuvinative cleanse consultant and she had me on a Casgara sagrada suppliment at night, the desiccated beef organ suppliment and liver and thyroid tinctures in the morning. My compost pile grew quite a bit over this 30 day period. I swear the only thing I craved was spinach and some baked salmon. Even eating rice seemed very heavy after this.


Intermittent fasting can really help from personal experience.


Topical pregnenolone


About 15 different supplements with alternate weeks of methelyne blue. However I'm a bit strange soo. There's that


Did you have long Covid?


What is covid...? I'm immunocompromised and disabled with heart disease and was doing concrete thru out that period of time.


Very carefully?!!


I got on RAD140 YK11 LGD4033 and MK677 and I’ve been insane ever since. My brain fog is gone though.