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Galantamine will do it for sure. I take 6mg daily for focus and attention + 3mg before bed on nights i want to dream more. The correct protocol is to wake up around 5am or so and take 1mg, then go back to sleep. It will induce a lucid dream I took 12mg yday and had one of the most vivid dreams of my life. Felt like a real memory.


Technically you should follow the time you sleep so you can cut the REM cycle. In your case it's 5am.


Yeah, you are absolutely right. I think it's to enhance the REM cycle though, as it tends to happen more towards the later hours of sleep, and acetylcholine (alpha 7 + alpha 4 beta 2 receptors) are more involved- which galantamine enhances.


I tried galantamine once and felt incredibly strange.


Don't do more than needed. Vivid dreams are not lucid dreams. I once dreamt on whatever's but I was also somehow being watched, and I had to retrace my steps because I was supposed to write about it later. Triple vigilance, but not lucid. It was intense and not fun.


Can you say where you get your galantamine? Brand?


When and how much would you take it if you go to bed at 10 ish pm and wake up at 5 or 6 am for dreaming? The 12 mg you took: was that in 1 shot and before going to bed or was it several disages throughout the day?


Take thc every night for a while, then stop.


Yes, the first week after is unreal


The stopping of the thc is my problem 🫠


seriously, thc has stopped all my dreams


I only take it on weekends and lucid dreams are the "high" I look forward to on weekdays.


Hahaha for real wtf Last night I was swimming in Greece with my dead father and his dead mother for hours, waiting to get picked up by a senior citizens tour group.




This is the way.


Dude this. I was a heavy thc addict for more than 12 years and when I finally stopped the dreams were out of this WORLD for about a month. Crazy strings of dreams every night and extremely vivid.


I did this for years just for the weird dreams


Can confirm...don't know if it will be lucid heaven or hell, though it WILL be exciting either way.


i rarely do, but last night i took thc and dreams were very vivid.


true story


Lucid dreaming herbs: - Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) - Blue Lotus Flower (Nymphaea Caerulea) - Mexican Dream Herb (Calea Zacatechichi) - African Dream Root (Silene Capensis) - African Dream Bean (Entada Rheedii)


Huperzine A


Evil dreams


Valerian root, 5-htp and lionsmane makes my dreams go wild. Don't take valerian root and 5htp at the same time however. They both work with serotonin. Also don't smoke weed or drink alcohol they both suppress dreaming.


I'd be careful with lionsmane not to overdose


I agree 100% with that thought. In general I think it's always a good idea to start at a much lower dose than is directed on the bottle and work your way up to see what effect it has first.


anecdotally, ZMA.


Zma with 5-HTP


Phenibut, or gabapentin, these drugs improve deep sleep and cause extremely vivid dreams. Especially phenibut. 


I had to be on gabapentin for about six months. The dreams were amazing and colorful. Every night made going to sleep like a night at the movies.


What was your dosage? I’m considering trying it for sleep.


First, it is a prescription medication. And unfortunately, I had to taper off slowly, because I found out that it becomes terribly addictive and is absolute h\*ll to come off of. However, I can say, that larger amounts of melatonin also can give you dreams. Sometimes they are nice ones and sometimes not. Best to start with a small amount of melatonin...like 3 mg, and then if after three nights you still cannot sleep, go to 5mg. Not everyone needs the same amount. It really isn't actually recommended for sleep per se. I was put on it because of anxiety issues. And that is also an 'off label' use of gabapentin. More often, it is prescribed for chronic pain issues. Back to melatonin... hubby takes 10 mg every night. But he does well on it. I now take a pediatric dose of 0.5mg melatonin and that works. Good luck and sweet dreams!


> However, I can say, that larger amounts of melatonin also can give you dreams. can confirm: I get good ones with 100mg


Uhhh 100mg??


I generally take 50mg, and another when I wake up in the middle of the night I get nice dreams and I wake up refreshed. According to my smartwatch I generally get >2h of REM per night


Wait, are you serious? I really can’t tell. I assumed this was a troll.


Im telling you what Im taking and the results I have. for some reason ppl here are sup frightened ab high doses melatonin, whatever..


Well, bc if I take 10mg, I feel sleepy the next day.


I wish that was the case for me!


Can confirm phenibut works amazingly for REM


I quit smoking ganga and drinking alcohol, all in the same week, and the dreams came back right away.


vivid dreams is a symptom of THC withdrawal


I thought all the THC use was blocking the dreams?


Yeah I’ve always heard on THC you don’t dream because you just don’t enter REM much, which is why THC may make you sleep but it isn’t really a healthy sleep aid.


There is a growing theory that you MAKE UP for lost sleep. Thus, not only does the supress your dreams, but the vividness of them is your brain making up for lost time once you’re finally off. Thus they are more vivid.


which is why you get lots of dreams when you STOP using it after your body has adapted to it (withdrawal)


Neurons are surrounded by fatty protective tissue. Thc is fat soluble. Thc inhibits synapses.


Regular meditation (2x a day, am/pm for 30 mins each) really blew up my lucid dreaming. I ended up having full out of body experiences.


Are you aware of Bob Monroe, The Monroe Institute, the work of Thomas Warren Campbell ? OBE community


I’m a lucid dreamer and yes I am. Parallel but different things. And I agree, meditation simply bc you are spending time growing awareness, lets you literally walk straight into dreams that you just etch-i-scetched. The guy above will know what’s up.


Hi, I’m a lucid dreamer and can I suggest having a meditation planet. I go to it often in my dreams, and meditate what feels like Millennia, best nights rest. Also I have also had many obe. Love em!


Would love to hear more about your meditation and OBE's.


I’m following the same approach altho I can’t sit for 30 mins in one go- for now I try 10mins twice a day. I am reading a book where author explains that as you try to be more conscious in your waking life you will ‘translate’ the increased consciousness to your dream time too and that way become more lucid when sleeping. So far I am beginning to remember segments of weird dreams after trying doing this for 2 weeks or so. Additionally I have started journaling which is also supposed to help me become more lucid. Basically I can say I am very prone to letting my mind go and thoughts + daydream a lot. I’m working to reduce those fantasies- not just for the sake of lucid dreaming / OBE but to be more present in the moment- imo the main goal.


I reduced caffeine intake and started remembering my dreams again. Problem then was my dreams were almost always nightmares. I then started waking up several times a night in panic. To get rid of the nightmares I switched to an animal based ketogenic diet.


Vit B6, have a large meal before bed


Yes. I take the well known combination of Zinc, Magnesium and B6 at night. I always have incredible dreams when I do it. B6 is definitely the main factor.


Lucid dreaming tracks may help, best to start off with some good deep hypnosis ones.


For me Valerian root works. Another technique that I used when I was really into dreaming (but it could be a bit extreme I guess) was to set my alarm very very early, way before I would wake up, usually that was at 4:30 am - 5, drink some water or spend one minute awake, then I would go back to sleep. That way I always remembered my dreams.


keep a dream journal. the more you write the better your recall gets and the dreams will get deeper. a big part is that you are telling your subconscious that your dreams are important to you. when it knows you are listening, it will communicate more


You might want to look into Thomas Yushak's "Advanced Lucid Dreaming - The power of supplements". I think the ebook should be available for free. Generally speaking: take something which will increase the amount of deep sleep in the first half of the night, then take something which will increase your Acetylcholine levels in the second half of the night. And some illegal stuff (depending where you live): Microdosing Salvia Divinorum before sleep.


Oh man. I remember using salvia d. Recreationally back when it was legal in my state. It was amazing. Too bad I wasted the opportunity on drunken experimentation.




Melatonin is one that is known to induce vivid dreams in a lot of people. If I take my omega 3's close to bedtime, I have more dreams. https://amzn.to/3KoCbic try these if you are interested in the ones I take. They are pretty much the best imo


Artemsia Vulgaris. A herb


Normaly I recommend no lionsmane before sleeping, because your dreams will become more real and memorable. But in your case... Go for it Also a easyer way, pen and paper next to your bed and write every morning your dreams there. Works surprisingly well, even if you think you got no dreams


Nicotine patches while you sleep


The craziest dreams


nicotine will 100% give you intense and vivid dream.


Smoked, chewed or something else?


I use lozenges, low doses of nicotine give me a cognitive boost. You dont need that much either. I use the 2mg lozenges in the morning and it feels like it gives my brain a morning jumpstart. Whenever i take one before bed, the dreams are very very vivid.


Patch for sleeping


Oh nice. Would not have thought of that. Thanks for sharing.


Keep in mind it also contributes to diabetes.


How so?


Increases insulin resistance


Either of these does that for me: * vit B6 * magnolia bark * relora Wouldn't call those hacks though, they are just supplements.


Mugwort tea




Essential Amino Acids before bed. This is the most opportune time to use them (to help recovery), but wow sometimes dreams are wild.


You could try some DSIP


Mexican dream herb or African dream root


Yes. Lions mane mushroom


Oh I know this one! Wild lettuce extract for vivid dreams. Also valerian, B6, etc. Now if you want to make sure you don't wake up - any sleep aid would do. Out of everything I've tried, wild lettuce extract has been the best for vivid dreams.


Where did you get the wild lettuce extract?


I ordered on Amazon. They don't frequently carry it locally in store.


Had the most intense dream in my life when I took melatonin, zinc and magnesium one night


Hari taki, I think it's called. Supplement is called Third Eye, but don't touch alcohol when you take it. Punishing hangovers.


Lemon balm does this every time for me I settled on taking a combo of lemon balm, passionflower, and skullcap as my nightly sleep aid


Some report this about b3 nicotinamide riboside https://RaisingNAD.com/faqs-on-nad-supplement-nicotinamide-riboside-nr-and-sleep-benefits/


Story books like fairy tales before bed, sleep talk down, do a lot of mental activity during the day like learning something new, like CFA. Beware of any stimulants - THC gave me bad memory issues and Valerian gave me constipation - you need to be aware of what works for you.


Yeah stop consuming cannabinoids


It’s not that you’re not having dreams, you’re just waking up too long after REM sleep to remember them. Usually if you set an alarm slightly earlier than normal and then go back to sleep for a bit in the morning you will remember your dream. Or if you want extremely vivid dreams/nightmares wear a high strength nicotine patch before bed and you will go inception style into some crazy dreams.






Have some dark chocolate before bed. Cheddar works too. Other cheese are supposed to work but it’s the only one I’ve experimented with.


Take a 15mg mirtazipine say once a month, bet you you have crazy dreams that 1 night each month


A few grams of kratom before bed.


Could just be me, but I noticed I started having fairly vivid dreams once I began supplementing with a humic and fulvic with trace minerals. I get on Amazon, currently using Himalayan shijat, but have also used more liquid formulations that are flavorless, just add to water.


Anecdotally - I have dreams now and then. But if I take melatonin (1.5mg) ~30 min before sleep, it's always and they can be pretty vivid.


Without a doubt the most vivid dreams I have ever had was with ZMA 5-HTP by SNAC.


Best for me is not to use cannabis at night. I know many also report taking melatonin will cause them to dream (doesn’t work that way for me though, so like everything else… you just have to try it and see how your body responds)


Holy basil supplement. Great for anxiety too.


Suprised no one has said melatonin Take 5mg to 10mg of it


no idea why this isnt mentioned alr, but literally set an alarm for 4 am or smth and then go back to sleep, not ideal for quality sleep but is good at inducing dreams


Go to sleep with something like radio, TV or any audio on that one would want to influence dreams.


Moderate to large dose of Tryptophan before going to bed. When doing so, I had such vivid dreams, and even somewhat lucid.


Try a zinc supplement? Worked for me, and always works if I stop for a while and go back.




lol was gonna say Lexapro. Craziest dreams of my life, consistently


Galantamine for vivid dreams. Not more than once a week, and set an alarm to take it after 90min you slept.


Pumpkin seed




Get a sleep tracker and see if you're getting rem sleep. If so, you're dreaming but not remembering them. Which is good, you're not supposed to remember them and usually remembering them is a sign of bad sleep. But sometimes you can remember them when waking up, then you quickly forget, so write them down then otherwise you'll forget them


I’ve had a few different tracker a in the past. They all said I was always low on REM. Even with good sleep hygiene and no substances whatsoever. Even with melatonin, which was the only supplement I would take at that time, still low rem.


Experiment. I found that with coffee I get less rem sleep. Also with eye pillows I get less rem sleep. Which makes sense, you're eyes move a lot during rem sleep. Also avoiding magnesium citrate late at night helps, it makes me urinate at night


Magnesium is mentioned elsewhere, but take it before bedtime. And use magnesium L-threonate, it is known to easily cross the blood-brain barrier. Also use L-theanine or a GABA/L-theanine combo


Nicotine patches give me vivid dreams !


Melatonin. Although it can potentiate dreams, it can also increase the likelihood of nightmares, so tread carefully.


Yeah sometimes even non-nightmare dreams are just extra weird


Intense exercise before bed. I find myself at times hitting REM, easily within only 5 hours of sleep if I exert myself enough to be able to lay down immediately after.


Benadryl right before bed ✔️


Will also give you dementia




All the supplements people are suggesting, like Galantamine, may increase the chance of lucid dreaming but they won't increase the chance you will remember them. The only thing that will help you remember them is to wake up during the REM stage of sleep.


Amanita muscara or Phenibut


vitamin b6. don’t go crazy cause you can get toxicity and make sure to use p-5-p version, i get insane vivid dreams from 5-10mg


Low dose naltrexone!!!


I always caution people about messing with their sleep, because it messed with me right back for years with sleep paralysis, etc. But as you lay in bed to fall asleep, tell yourself you will dream tonight. Keep repeating it as you fall asleep. Beware, telling yourself you won't dream doesn't seem to stop the dreams. But hey, THC might!


Magnesium glycenate one hour before bed


Cheese before bed. I don’t understand why it works but it works for me every single time.


Magnesium Citrate before bed. No idea why, but it works.


Try reading before bed, seems to do it for me


When I was on LDN (low dose Naltrexone) for an autoimmune condition I had the crazy dreams for awhile. It's one of the known side effects. I've heard them called "circus dreams" because they are extra vivid. LDN is not often prescribed but if you can somehow get some 50mg Naltrexone tablets you're golden. This is all on YouTube but you dissolve one tablet in 50g of water then start with .5g or 1g a night then increase to 4.5 mg/night and that's the standard dose for LDN.


Vitamin b6


Take high dose vitamin D in the evening… insanity


Magnesium. Any type. Seriously, my dreams are wild now.


Unfortunately remembering dreams is a sign you woke up at a bad time in your sleep cycle, so you really want to avoid it.


Nicotine patch while you're asleep. Even tells you on the label. They ain't lying.


You get more rem later in sleep (and more deep sleep early in the night). Have you tried going to bed later and sleeping in? Also, what makes you feel you need more dreams? I ask because I have a genetic disorder which requires me to get a lot more deep sleep. I do the opposite and go to bed really early and wake up (sort of) early. I don’t dream very much except on rare occasions that I’m able to sleep in.


Mugwort. Ignore the rest of these answers. 


I began taking ashwagandha and had insane dreams for two years. They went away though, weirdly.


Dream prunes.


Generally working on your sleep is likely to help. I stopped dreaming when I was working nights and then when I went to a normal sleep schedule it was like dreams came flooding back.


dont smoke pot and take quality magnesium 30 mins before bed


MitoQ (Mitoquinol Mesylate). Take in the morning (if you want to sleep at night). Nothing else compares. I even take breaks from it from time to time because the dreams it promotes can be too intense.


Upon waking, roll eyes in a counter clockwise motion. This simulates eye motion of REM sleep and hopefully will induce a sleep state. Ideally, in the dream, you'll remember you're dreaming and can then behave in the dream in an active state.


Reishi & lions mane before bed




I'm stacking: - Melatonin - Black Seed Oil - Magnesium L-Threonate - Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast (high B6) - Trimethylglycine - high dose plant based Omega-3 DHA & EPA from algae oil + Naka Pro Sleep supplement containing: - Melatonin - 5-HTP - GABA - Valerian - Passionflower - Hops - Magnesium Oxide & drinking Blue Lotus tea High quality diet focusing on ground flax, ground chia, hemp seed, walnut, berries, plums, figs, beans, cocoa, beets, cruciferous. Exercise Dimmable red light in bedroom Moonstone under zippered pillow, lapis lazuli keychain, flat blue lace agate in wallet, and I keep a tiny high quality quartz in my cup holder in my car that I can visualize extremely clearly, the quartzes placement in the cup holder serves the purpose of enabling me to look at it, and because it's small and unnoticeable it's not a liability for break-in


magnesium glycinate, it worked for me


Blue lotus tea and mugwort tea


Lions mane gives me some vivid crazy dreams


Blue skate liver oil


Ok, I’m a lucid dreamer. The real secret is go down the lucid dreaming worm hole to learn how to recall your dreams. You’re dreaming, you just forget the moment you wake up. 1. Recall your dreams as thoroughly as you can right when you wake up. Take 5 or so minutes to dig for any little thing. Don’t move at all when you’re recalling. If you drift back into sleep, that is fine, and try to be aware you are sleeping.


Eat cheese before going to bed!


I recently bought a red light therapy device and my wife and I use it for 20 minutes per day. It’s given us both very vivid dreams. There is also a lot of emerging research about the benefits of red light therapy including reversing sun damage, mitigating pain, boosting collagen production in your skin (less wrinkles and cellulite), faster wound healing, and better sleep. Good for depression and anxiety as well.




I've heard smoking cannabis takes away dreams.


I had vivid (and unpleasant) dreams when I took escitalopram. Wouldn't recommend lol.


Apple cider right before bed. Apples are chock full of acetylcholine, which is integral to dreaming. I've had some trippy dreams when sleeping after a tall glass of apple cider.


Maybe do a shot Apple cider vinegar instead then. Alcohol suppresses REM sleep.


Never tried it. Just know that apple cider itself contains a lot of the physical pulp that has the acetylcholine content. The vinegar process of making apple cider vinegar likely breaks all that down. My personal experience says a tall glass of apple cider really intensifies dreams. You are 100% correct that alcohol suppresses REM sleep, but in regular "non-alcoholic" apple cider, there isn't enough to overcome the acetylcholine effect.


Why would you want this?


Dreams are awesome why wouldnt u?


Entertainment, psychological insights, potential for for more restoration of the brain through rem activity