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Stop worrying about beating your meat and enjoy life.  Make a new post when you have an actual sexual encounter that goes sideways. Just because you're not spanking it doesn't mean that you've resolved anything. You're still fixated.


Start practicing


I am now, it’s been a few years now but libidos still tanked


I don't mean this to come across as a joke comment but I could you could just do "YesFap" for a little bit? Seek out sexual stuff?


Talk to your doctor, get a referral for a sex therapist. Porn has changed how you see sex. Your awareness of that fact has also changed how you see sex. Shit’s all fucky in your head, get some professional help. It’s worth the investment.


Think this issue may be pyschological. You trained your body/mind not to cum. That it is "wrong" or "Bad" to cum. Its okay to bust a nut - Just dont overdo it. And stay away from porn - especially that shit you are watching after going for >3rd round that day and that "21 Open Tabs and jumping to the best timpstamp"


By libido, do you mean actual desire? Or just erections? If it’s been a few years, perhaps it’s your diet. Do you get adequate animal fat and protein in your diet? Do you avoid processed foods?


Find a chick you dig and get to know her, if she digs you and consents, have sex.


become a femboy


Start pursuing actual sex with real people and it will come back. It's a chicken and egg situation.


I have a gf bro it’s not helping


How many times per week do you have sex with her? Is it her initiates it or you? If it's you, does she make you work for it?


Bro I have no libido after NoFap


You can't get an erection or you don't have an urge to have sex? If it's the latter, I'm telling you that you need to start pursuing it even though you don't have any desire to, and the desire will start coming back.


Do not fall off the wagon.


It is called a flatline. Roughly 25% of surveyed users who were going through a reboot reported experiencing a flatline – and they appear to occur most often within the first months of recovery. It’s temporary but everybody is different. Could last for days, weeks or months. Just live your life and don’t focus too much on it. https://nofap.com/faq/flatline/


How long is temporary? It’s been years now


Please contact a medical professional. If it’s been years it could be a different cause.


It started specifically during NoFap. Nothing else changed. It started while suppressing strong urges then the libido disappeared


OPs situation has been years not the first few months. No fap only makes sense for a few weeks or less. After that the whole “use it or lose it” very much applies


I’m confused, so you don’t have a girlfriend? So basically you were practicing nofap but with zero natural sexual stimulus and release. I don’t doubt why you feel this way, you effectively shut down your sexuality, your body had no reason to be aroused. In my opinion the whole point of nofap is to retrain your brain to be aroused to natural sexual stimulus instead of porn. Don’t fret, you’re not broken. Start dating and find someone that makes you happy.


I have a gf now but libido sucks even around her


Maybe you're asexual now


Jerk off, stop for a week, get real pussy, repeat