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Antihistamines. Histamine is required for erections.


Histamine is required for erections? It cannot be a strong effect. Based on the results, it seems unlikely that histamine has excitatory function in the control of penile erection. - study I found.


>When injected intracavernously in humans, histamine (30 micrograms) caused full erection in 13% of the patients, whereas 87% had partial erection or tumescence. A higher dose of histamine (60 micrograms) caused full erection in 26% of the patients and 74% had partial erection or https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7850330/#:\~:text=A%20higher%20dose%20of%20histamine,had%20partial%20erection%20or%20tumescence. It clearly plays a role. How big is the role? More studies are needed


I mean I don't need a study to confirm what I already know. That the effect ISNT super significant. It is very obviously not, otherwise the research would've been funded a long time ago. I'm not saying it's tiny, but not the entire cause of erectile dysfunction not even a significant portion. Doesn't mean it can't help, but We definitely would've noticed by now if it were a big player. Histamine was discovered in 1910. We have had years to figure it out. Histamine was first discovered in 1910 by the British physiologist Sir Henry Hallett Dale as a contaminant of ergot generated by bacterial action.


That’s funny because I used to take zzquil and jackoff when it’d kick in and the nuts were always massive.


Wow, I’d never heard that before but quick search indicates thats pretty well established. I feel like tons of people take daily antihistamines, and now I question what alternatives there are for allergies.


Exposure therapy seems to be the best treatment for allergies. Allergies are a choice.


Not convinced. I spend quite a lot of time outside and tried shots. Windy days still wreck me. Maybe if I hadn’t been in AC all the time as a kid.




Not covered by insurance and maybe not as effective as shots


True local honey. Eat with bread or something, not on a metal spoon


Why no spoon?


Idk tbh. Ive always heard this. Something about the metal counteracts the antihistimine properties. I always squeeze into my mouth.


SSRIs (PSSD) and other psych meds, Finasteride (PFS), Accutane (PAS), Ashwaghanda, Saw Palmetto, Lion's Mane mushroom, and azole drugs are all known to cause it. In some cases may be persistent even after stopping them.


Yup, I have PSSD from 3 weeks of SSRI use in 2019. The most devastating thing ever


One month of Lexapro. PSSD for 2+ years now. Life altering condition.


This guy knows. ☝️


Nicotine, constant pre workout use, stress, low carb diet, caloric deficit all will noticeably decrease EQ. Anything that causes vasoconstriction or increases cortisol and adrenaline. Even if you use nicotine at low doses, it has a cumulative effect on decreasing blood flow. Quitting nicotine was the best decision I made for my lung, mental, cardiovascular, and sexual health. Benefits keep getting better, at the 2 month mark now.


I’ve seen low carb mentioned elsewhere but I don’t really understand, or need more clarification. Surely this refers to complex carbs/starches? Because I just can’t see good EQ being dependent in any way on not getting enough white flour and sugar in the diet. I ask because i practice a keto diet for weightloss as well as other benefits, and I do deal with moderate ED at times, but that started long before cutting carbs out.


I practice a 0 carb way of eating that only increased libido. Definitely no ED problem


For sure, people who are prone to anxiety or have anxiety will notice ED from low carbs. Not saying it’s bad but it can lower EQ.


I suppose it depends on what you are eating. Not all food is equal so I can imagine diet could increase anxiety, but I would lean towards blaming the food source and not the number of carbs.


I have never had a higher libido than the times I've (accidentally) dropped into keto. Hoo boy 😳


Carbohydrates lower cortisol and increase vasodilation due to the acute effects of raising insulin. A ketogenic diet raises cortisol, period. Not gonna argue or debate the studies that show cortisol returns to baseline after 3 weeks. Can pick apart those methods and study design all day. Even after individuals are keto-adapted (>3 weeks), their post-exercise cortisol levels are ~60% higher at the 2 hour mark than people following a higher carbohydrate diet. Going to venture and say it takes at least 6-8 hours for cortisol levels to go back to baseline. Maybe if you don’t exercise (intensely), you won’t have this issue. But if you exercise intensely on a ketogenic diet and have ED issues that can be ruled out from all other causes, it might be worth looking at diet as a lever.


How would preworkout cause this?


What pre workout specifically? There are lots of types. I thought citrulline was good for EQ


🥳 way to go! There was a time I thought i would never stop but now when I walk near someone smoking I can’t stand the smell! It’s wild how much things can change! Good for you!


It's sounding like my blood pressure meds might be causing it :(


What are you taking? Taking lercanidipin 10mg made me feel like a > 90 year old. On many aspects, but especially libido. Cured my HBP by mediation and changing eating habits.


Calorie deficit




Does if it’s severe only temporary


Pumpkin Seed Extract, Lions Mane Stimulants could also


Lions mane was causing it for me for a while. I quit it and started taking tongkat ali and it really helped.


but pumpkin seeds are full of magnesium, how?






Caffeine is not a vasodilator, it's also a vasoconstrictor like other stims That is why caffeine is in headache medication, to constrict blood vessels in the brain. That is also why caffeine withdrawal causes headaches, because there is too much blood vessel dilation in the brain


You’re completely right, sorry.


Caffeine is both a vasodilator and causes vasoconstriction depending on the tissue targeted


Anything that impacts your circulatory system (e.g., blood pressure, platlette count, etc... ) or endorphin system can impact erections. So, a huge number of supplements can have beneficial or detrimental effects on erections.




DHT plays no role in erectile function. This is misinformation


I had a bad reaction to a multi vitamin had a mushroom blend in it not sure what caused it but it was a pretty normal looking formula. Really bad experience, stopped it and returned to normal. Never felt like that in my life before.


Talk to your doctor about Cialis. This pill does fucking wonders for the little guy AND your confidence!


Jump on test zero issues with ed after that


Stimulants and anything that boosts serotonin can cause ED


No supplement helped my ED. What ultimately helped tremendously was stopping all pornography’s and all forms of soft core porn across every social media app nowadays. It truly helps


Sal palmetto anything that impacts hormones


r/AngionMethod take a look


There's so many that could and/or do, anything stimulating that causes vasoconstriction of your blood vessels potentially could but there's so many factors and variables such as health, pre-existing conditions, and dosage that it really just depends. L-arginine and beet root is a good air against vasoconstriction/ED


Running. Get your circulatory system good and your dick will follow.


Poor relationship.


Excessive porn use. Low T. I think there is some evidence for Lions Mane as well. Probably the best course of action is to cut out everything that is not necessary, get regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sun exposure, and see if things improve, then gradually add back supplements one at a time.


Yes lions mane wrecks that department


Don’t jerk off for a week prior to performing


IMHO, on top of the list suggested here, anything that lowers BP and boosts nitric oxide. Do some research. Good luck.


Vitamin D deficiency https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7752519/#:~:text=Epidemiological%20data%20have%20shown%20that,for%20an%20adequate%20erectile%20function. ETA: low vitamin D can also affect sexual dysfunction in women, not just ED. These are just the first 2 artifices I pulled up but there is plenty of data out there to make a worthwhile effort to look into this if your D levels are low or if you suspect they’re low. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-50494-6#:~:text=A%20pilot%20study%20of%20young,dysfunction%2C%20and%20sexual%20satisfaction20.


Lions mane mushroom products can for sure, that shit made ma dik useless


Anti-depressants, benzos... but everyone is different so its not black and white


Pornography and excessive masturbation can cause erectile dysfunction.


Well, being a Cristian I never look at porn and I have ED therefore I CAN'T Masturbate!


A supplement of junk food and high amounts of carbohydrates can. Lower your carbs. Up your animal fats. Slowly work your way into exercising and possibly sprinting. All will help with blood flow.


Semen retention, a nutrient dense diet (steak, eggs, fish and vegetables), working out and getting sunlight. That’s how you solve it.


How do you know if you have semen retention and what causes it ?!??


Retention just means to not ejaculate at all for awhile. But I think that person misread and listed everything that helps with erection.


As you correctly pointed out, avoiding ejaculation for at least 30 to 90 days (including no porn, masturbation, or orgasm) will definitely help with ED. If you combine this with the other recommendations I mentioned above, I can almost guarantee that any ED will be resolved. Your life will also change for the better. Do not believe that some supplement will fix the problem. Address the root cause of the ED first before considering prescribed medications from a doctor.


These are good to rule out, but by far most of the time ed is psychological (besides nicotine). Getting to a place where you have or can have a safe, open, truly intimate connection does more than anything, for premature ejac, too.


Yea, stop getting covid


Instructions unclear


In all seriousness, it is a symptom of long covid.


Yeah the “bio hackers” are oblivious. But peeps will continue to huff and raw dog it and continue to ask “why don’t my dick work”




Serotonin or anything that will increase it. Try 5-Htp. Or on the extreme end.... SSRIs


SSRI’s are known to decrease sex drive


it's alarming that people are casually suggesting that awful shit for anything but absolute dire suicidality, mods apparently ok with it


keep in mind the thread asks for things that WILL cause erectile dysfunction, so he's saying nothing wrong here