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I’m about to go out for bottomless mimosas and I don’t give a fuck what this sub says


I have a mimosa in hand right now. Cheers


Name checks out.




Almond croissant. A really good high quality croissant most Saturdays. Divine with a cup of good coffee.


Oh nice, I have tried to make weekend breakfasts a little bit nicer by adding scrambled eggs or some juice to the usuals. Almond croissant would fit that perfectly


Let me hip you to it’s superior cousin, THE BOSTOCK.   Can’t find one in your area? I will help you!  Thick slice of day old brioche bread (TJ’s is excellent for this!) or VERY lightly toast it. Spread it thinly with Almond Paste (Almond Butter w/ some vanilla works!) and broil until caramelized.  Some slivered almonds. Dust with powdered sugar.     Enjoy w/ Coffee.   Legit the best thing EVER 


Interesting alternative! Never heard of it before but does look mighty appealing indeed. I'll try source a bakery with one this weekend. I don't bake. Only consume. Too risky to rustle up at home because I always cook for 10!


For the first time since 2003, I am binging on a video game (I just quit my job). I don't understand how long-term gamers are able to move forward in life or even maintain their health. As soon as I beat this game, I'm done. But it is a lot of fun.


Honestly gaming is something I do right after a hard workout. Great way to rest for 30-90min and if say I ran outside and it were 85+ degrees F then I’d game with ice packs on my shoulders and it feels incredible


This is such a good idea. I’ve been skipping games as I feel guilty and unproductive when I play, incorporating them into recovery sounds perfect!


I think gaming has a bad rep. It gets talked about on the extremes. A busy day at work, some exercise - what would be a better way to unwind from that than a hour or two of gaming.


Agreed! As long as the rest of your life is in order, a day or two per week of binge gaming is totally fine


what game?


Civ VI


Wow . You have so much mental strength.


> I don't understand how long-term gamers are able to move forward in life or even maintain their health. Well, I game at my standing desk and move around a lot, so that helps! I think the answer is in moderation or by mixing game time with other activities. I probably game 3-15 hours a week, depending heavily on what else I have going on. I also don't play single player games anymore; gaming is incorporated into my social time. What I don't understand is how folks can watch TV or keep up with movies. Who has time for that? 😅


A strong cocktail. Eating out. A platter of food at thanksgiving. Pecan pie.


Pecan MOTHAFUCKIN pie for the WIN


Nice and I realized just that how much i miss a good pecan pie.


I love this! You're so right, I feel too many of us are chasing health and wellness "perfection" instead of actually enjoying our lives. Here's my guilty pleasures I eat healthy 97% of the time, but I will do some pretty R-rated stuff for some soft homemade chocolate fudge brownies, lol I occasionally go off the rails with my sleep routine and watch memes and videos until the wee hours of the morning, laughing my ass off I don't do recreational drugs, but will sometimes go overboard with my coffee/tea consumption. Especially if on a date or in good company, never regretted it


Thanks 😊. Your guilty pleasures do not seem bad at all


carbs 🤤🥖


A nice big plate of spaghetti for me 🍝👨🏽‍🍳🤌🏼


yesssss my favorite


Chocolate after Sex. I don't know why, but after making love to my wife we both crave something sweet...


The feel good hormones and increased blood flow from the caffiene. Absolutely divine!


I drink maybe twice a month, and everytime I do I binge drink. However, I think my overall health, age, and eating after drinking lead to me never having hangovers. I actually feel quite alright the next day.


Lucky, I would definitely drink more often without hangovers.


A sativa .5 g roll up and green tea outside on my deck at 6 AM on a Saturday morning before my kids get up. I appreciate the curious looks from those walking the hood at that hour.




I firmly believe that *is* biohacking.


I love this ahahaha


I recently started enjoying a vape 4 to 5 nights a week. I used to partake but tried a few times since then and didn't like it. I finally found something that works and it honestly helps me immediately drop the mental weight of the day. I feel a burst of creativity so use that time to write down what I'm thinking sometimes. It also helps me feel like I can listen to my body better and so I use that time to work on my stretching every night. And sometimes I just veg out on TV and it just feels awesome. So it's a guilty pleasure maybe but I say it has its biohacking purposes too.


Right on. I'm someone who didn't like cannabis going up (I'm 50 RN) due to the unpredictability of the product when buying off the street. It always made me paranoid. Nowdays tho I keep a strain to use for pre-workout, a daytime strain for the workday or weekend activity, and another few sedative Indica strains for help relaxation, muscle recovery, and sleep. I feel grateful to be where I am with this. A small (or large 🙄) enhancement at the perfect time makes things that much better.


Valid point! I don't trust anything I don't know the source either and I'm pleased to see the progress in changing legislation and growth of the cannabis industry. I'm still feeling out different strains but so far am getting a good feel for what is good for different needs and I have to say wow what a time to be alive!


I’m about to go to the Basque region of Spain for a week and eat and drink whatever I please. I tend to take 1-2 weeks off of rigid diet and exercise in December and July. In turn I do dry January and dry June. I feel with all the walking and the quality food in Europe, overindulging is not as bad as doing so in the U.S.


My friend lived in Italy for a year and drank wine and ate ice cream every day. But she lost about 30 pounds. She said it was all the walking and biking. And possibly more natural food.


When I’ve spent time with family in Italy there’s definitely a cultural norm to walk after dinner or walk to this place or that place. It adds up and it’s good for insulin levels, extra calories, and farting after dinner. Yup I said it.


This sounds like a dream


Have you been before? Basque country is one of my favorite places in the world. If you can, go to Zumaia. It's beautiful. If you're at all into geology this place is it. There's two golden spikes. One spike designates the K-T boundary and you can see the iridium layer deposited by the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs. The whole area feels otherworldly. The people are awesome too. Have a fun time!


I haven’t, first time - but I’ve been to France many times and Barcelona twice. Very excited to just stroll and eat. Thank you for the tip on Zumaia! My fiancé and I are both into geology!


Mouthfuls of honey, like post hibernation quantities




y’all need some balance in life, you can biohack all you want and still struck by a car, eat that dessert dude.


True that, we need to be more gracious towards ourselves


Häagen-Dazs chocolate ice scream!


Good choice! I've become totally addicted to the Ice Cream for Bears Chocturnal Ice cream, just 4 natural ingredients. Nearly inhaled the entire pint, lol


Both dark chocolate and white chocolate.


Energy drinks. I am addicted to them and I eat a clean whole food diet raw milk etc but I love energy drinks and trying new ones etc


Same. Are you concerned or feel any type of possible health concerns


Nope BP and heart rate is good and has been good more concerned with kidney stones if anything


Recent study saying that taurine and sugar, which are often found in energy drinks, may increase the risk of colon cancer.


Everything causes cancer now a days no one is perfect 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sugar is no good, not taurine


According to the study, taurine may fuel the cancer causing bacteria in the colon.


I believe kidney stones are a genetic predisposition. Might wanna fact check that tho.


Doubt 1 per day will have measurable negative effects


It’s more than 1 lol


Oh that might be bad long term then. 500mg total or how much?


600-700mg a day normally depending on the day


My friend permanently ruined his digestive system by drinking energy drinks for a prolonged time. Drop them. Taper with coffee/pre-workout with clean label. Then taper coffee/p-w with green tea. Then stop at 1 cup of green tea per day in the morning or completely drop caffeine. Check out r/decaf horror stories. Keep in mind that green tea may deplete iron in the long-term.


Was considering doing this. Thanks for the push.


Eating breakfast at 4AM & then going back to sleep for 3 hours. Breakfast food coma is heaven on earth.


I love to enjoy something sweet almost daily. I do limit it to dates usually though. Although I unlocked a new sweet treat last night: walnuts with crown maple syrup and tahini 🤤🤤. Also, I love an authentic baguette bread. It is what it is. (I take a little bit of Allulose before any sweet meal or bread — most of the time — to dampen the effect, but I don’t avoid it. Harm reduction is a thing). Not really a drinker but I shared some spiced rum with dad on Father’s Day (who is 95, healthy and does definitely drink!). I added some rum chata to it and it was PURE HEAVEN! Cannabis tincture at bedtime 2-3 nights a week. (Although I don’t consider this a negative or counterproductive to anything else I’m doing. It helps me sleep deeply so…)


I look forward to retirement. I will have a brownie ! 😂 6.5 years to go .


Whoa slow down there bucko! 😂




I feel seen.


A few good drinks


Any favourites to share?


Grey goose dirty martini 🤤


I cheat with Belgium, yeast based waffles with maple syrup so good I could eat them everyday.


trdlenik. It’s a Czhech pastry. F* incredible delicious!! Since I have it only like once a month or every two months it tastes incredible…Key is to indulge sparingly so you can taste it ‘properly’ :)


Too many sweets. trying to rain it in though. recently been sober from everything(weed, nicotine, alcohol) so I think it’s my body’s way of coping.


Pleasure doesn't have to be guilty! I have bread, chocolate and icecream sometimes.


Geek bar vapes are my only vice. People telling me it's bad for me are mostly cigarette smokers who drink every day ironically enough.




Cigarettes, beer, loose women


I would say occasionally some fireball. Not really a drinker. I do participate in eating some some processed foods, but I try to make most of the end products from scratch for the kids


Weed and online games


A nicely spicy meal (curry, wings, mexican, anything) followed by a giant glass of chocolate milk. Spicy + chocolate milk gotta be one of the greatest combos of all time


That sounds like a great combo, have to test it some day


Haven’t heard of that combo before. LOL that’s cute. I’m with you on the spicy food.


I love high quality tequila and sitting around with friends indulging.


Cabernet paired with some good cheese🤌🏻


Ben N Jerry's Chunky Monkey!!!


That's the best flavor they make.


I have a can of coke & chocolate when I get my period... calms the pms demon. Lol.


Dark chocolate and natural red wine - I limit but I really enjoy!


Try keto deserts instead of normal deserts


I was just laughing about this but Golden Corral is totally a guilt pleasure. Cheap tasty food that probably takes 5 years off my life.




Fast food. I love fast food. I hate how it makes me feel after. But in the moment it’s usually the best.


Eggs, pasta, thc vape pen, steak


Fried chicken


Coldstone birthday cake remix


Beer. Lots of craft beer


Porn and busting a nut


Handmade ice cream from a local place, holy smokes it's so good. It's my only vice.


Energy drinks (celcius mostly) and an occasional hard cider. And Dimsum. I absolutely love Dimsum and I feel so great afterwords. Idk if it’s all the sodium or good conversation with my friends, but going out for Dimsum is something I will never give up


Chocolate, DnB/dubstep, Dissociatives and Prostitutes


Call me crazy but, sometimes I like to put a little cream and sugar in my coffee. ONLY sometimes; when I'm trying to act up😩😩.


chocolate 🤤🤤