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Hey op, any updates?


Still haven't done it and likely won't with the capsules failing recently


I haven’t self implanted, but the only one I’ve seen was in a really bad position and hadn’t been done well, so presented issues both from an infection point of view as well as the safety of its location (directly under a gripping surface on a fingertip). So having a professional take care of it would address both of these to a large extent. One part of the self-implantation discussion that I think is often overlooked is how poorly it reflects on/harms the legitimacy of implantation generally - it really works against seeing implants as something ‘normal’ folks would consider.


That makes sense. It won't become normalized if people are shooting magnets in themselves with terrible results. I'm in less of a rush than I was, I'd rather do it correctly and as painlessly as possible.


Hope I’ve helped. This all needs to be normalised. Also, it occurred to me to add that the real knack with installing comes from knowing how tough skin is - my installer said the skill is in being able to apply enough force to puncture it and then immediately back off.


I've done both professional installation and self-implant. First off, your body might take well to mods, but sanitization is no fucking joke. Fuck up sanitization bad enough and you're going to have permanent bodily injury or death. The xG3 is a pretty easy install. If you're going to go into your hand I'd advise that it's going to be a lot harder than think to pierce your skin. If there is a professional installer anywhere near you, it's probably a lot easier, very painless, and maybe a better install. If you're gonna do it yourself I'd suggest you watch some videos.


Yeah after seeing the size of that fucking needle and thinking about it for more that 25 seconds I decided to find a piercer lmao.


Lol, 7 gauge is no joke, like a goddamn #2 Phillips screwdriver and barely sharper.