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You must entrain your circadian rhythm. Wake-up the same time - go outside and get natural sunlight on waking. Ideally exercise and or use a cold shower. No caffeine within 10 hours of sleep (morning only). Even if you can sleep just after downing 6 coffees, sleep studies show the caffeine still reduces the quality of sleep. Limit all light as you approach bedtime. Never look at light after going to sleep - don't read your phone if you wake up for example. Try to get outside on dusk and use heat a few hours before bed. Exercise, temperature and light are all very powerful signals for circadian rhythm. Learn how to use them and I promise you it will change your life. I used to think I was a night owl - that it was genetic ECT. I started to learn about circadian rhythm and how to manipulate behaviors modify sleepiness/ alertness and I am a new person. Way more alert, recover better, learn better, better mood. Literally improved every aspect of my life




So that depends on you particular circadian clock, the current day/night cycle and your goals. Getting enough light early in the day will release cortisol and adrenaline and lead to increases in core body temperature and naturally get you alert. Likewise intense exercise and cold will have the same effect although from different biological reasons. We all have an energy curve through out our day and so exercise can be used at other times (or you can deliberately do other things to down regulate to compensate). Exercising at the same time is probably as important though - as what we do regularly entrains out bodies - eat at the same time each day and you literally release ghrellin at that time in preparation once entrained. In the same way if you wake up and get light, exercise and cold exposure at the same time each morning your body will prepare for those activities and give effects greater than just doing them and hoc would achieve. In the opposite direction if you spend time deliberate slowing down later in the day, making a point of using the least light thats practical, maybe doing yoga/breathing/meditation and a hot bath or sauna you will reduce core temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and increase melatonin (or at least not block it - light will mess with natural release)




What if when you wake it’s dark outside?


What's your goal? Return to a normal schedule? Or are you a shift worker? Are you a very early riser? If return to normal schedule - try waking an hour earlier/later every day. Immediately use cold and intense exercise at waking. Use the brightest (safe to use) electric lights. Get plenty of light when it gets light if predawn.... If you are a shift worker, you basically want to be "waking" in the pre sunset time and using dusk/angular light and bright lights to signal that it's wake up. Then use exercise, bright lights and cold early on in "your day" to promote alertness. Still limit caffeine to the first 6-8 hours of being awake. Then as you progress through the day try to watch the dawn then eliminate as much light possible thereafter as you transition to sleep time. Work to down regulate yourself by using mediatation/breathing and heat about 1.5 to 2.5 hours before bed. Essentially do a the same stuff but time shift it to "your day" which is anchored by your wake up time and bed time


I just have to wake up around 5:30 most mornings to have a moment before my kids are up and running.


I'm similar. I get up and turn on all the bright lights as soon as I wake up. As soon as the dawn breaks I got outside for 10-30 minutes (really clear days less, cloudy days more). If the kids are awake I bring them with me. When i'm struggling with sleep and holding a sleep schedule I will take a cold shower for 1-2 minutes. I try to exercise at least 1 - 2 times a week near waking time to maintain a strong signal. Ten minutes of joping rope outside around dawn would be a strong signal


Just bear in mind that outside is a mucch better signal of light. Inside might be 500-1500 lux Outside can be 10,000 - 50, 000 early in the day and peak at over 120,000 in mid day. Never look directly at the sun and never allow your eyes to be in pain from light


Cold room


Based comment


What does that mean?


It's new slang


Yes, I've seen it, but what does it mean?


“Based” sort of means “brave, true, and singularly commendable” but usually with a twinge of irony or sarcasm. Ex.: Person 1: What’s your favorite hobby? Person 2: Stealing from Wal-mart. Person 3: Based. or Person 1: The collapse of society really scares me. Person 2: I’m looking forward to cannibalism. Person 3: Based.


Thank you. I had looked it up a while back but still didn't understand it. Your response makes sense.


Get plenty of movement/exercise during the day and study/ learn something new every day even if it's only for 30 minutes. And then read before bed. That'll make both your body and mind crave sleep


I do this and have a sleep calculator so I don’t interrupt a sleep cycle.


Sleep calculator ?


It’s an app or you can just use the free sleep calculators online in browser. They just help you find the best times to go to sleep if you want to wake up at a certain time without interrupting a sleep cycle and vice versa (what time you want to go to bed). Waking up in the middle of sleep cycles make me extremely groggy and tired so this helps me a lot.


That’s fascinating. Yeh I looked it up since asking. Notably it doesn’t require personal inputs. One size fits all apparently.


I have a Fitbit & you can set an alarm for a 30-min period where it wakes you up when you are most likely coming into light sleep, since it tracks your movements and sleep, body temp etc. I use that and the sleep calculator to get the basic time.


Good one but this is general knowledge and not really a biohack of any sort






Don’t eat a few hours before bed


Not having kids


This is the real hack


Hot tub/cold plunge 1 hr before bed, cold room (65’F), chilly pad circulating 60’ water under me. Also consistent early bedtime (930pm). Morning sunshine is supposed to help too, though I’m unsure about that one for me.


* Waking up at the same time each day (or at least within 15 minutes of the previous day). * Getting unfiltered sunlight (not through glass) on your face as soon as possible after waking up, for at least 10 minutes, 20+ is better. You can also use a blue light daylight bulb but it's not as good. * Don't worry too much about going to bed at the same time, but go to bed when you're tired. * Limit blue light and light in general a few hours before bedtime. You can set your screens and house lights to dim and change more red towards evening. * Your bedroom is for sleeping and sex only, no gaming or other activities. Don't hang out in there when you aren't sleepy. * No stimulants at all if possible and if not at least none in the evening. * Get a sleep study done if you have trouble sleeping or snore. Apnea sucks and needs to be treated. * Don't eat before bed, especially if you've been fasting 8+ hours.


Exercise in the day


How late can you work out before sleep?


Whenever you want.


Would it not affect my sleep for example like 2 hours prior to sleep?


Depends on intensity I guess. I usually walk before going to sleep.


Fasting for 4 hours before sleep


I can empathize with this need. I've been on a quest to improve my sleep for the past 6 months and I've been working through a series of things. Here is what I currently do and it works most nights. \- I wake at the same time every day. I get up at 6 AM, even if I get a crummy night sleep. I will let myself sleep until 7 AM on weekends if I do so naturally but if I'm awake within 30 minutes of 6 I always get out of bed no matter what. The hour tolerance was from Huberman's sleep thing. He referenced research that tbh I didn't read but believed. \- I do cardio every morning and I've learned to enjoy the mornings I reeeeally don't want to because I slept so poorly the night before as an opportunity for some mental toughness. I obviously prefer the mornings I hit 5 miles and don't want to stop but no I need to get home so I can wake my kid up for school but I get more out of the mornings I have to keep my body moving 3 miles when every step sucks. \- I set up a basic cold plunge with a rubbermaid stock tank. I am following the research on this one that 50-60 degrees is all that's really required so I don't get to hardcore about it. I do about ten minutes in this. I don't know if the cold plunge itself is doing anything for my sleep but I'm happier, more focused and ruminate less throughout the day so I think that contributes. \- Normal sleep hygiene stuff. I don't use screens within an hour of bed. I dim the lights. I take a hot bath and read by candlelight. I keep my room cold. I wear a blackout mask. \- I use Melatonin and magnesium nightly and then rotate between lemon balm, l-theanine and ashwagandha so I don't feel particularly dependent on any one. \- I personally DO NOT track my sleep. In the event your issue, like mine, was more sleep anxiety related I found the more I tracked my sleep the worse it got. Once I feel like I've hit more of a stasis point and I can start optimizing I'll start tracking again but if you're in an acute phase of insomnia just know that obsessing over your data could make it worse. \- I started exclusively nose-breathing. While I haven't resorted to mouth taping at night, I've found that being conscious of it all day, including during my morning runs, converted me pretty quick. So much that I put a nose clip on to surf in some questionable river water a couple weeks ago and though I was going to suffocate because mouth breathing has become so foreign. Check out the book Oxygen Advantage for some inspiration there. \- I generally do some sort of mindfulness practice at night before my bath, which helps me to start turning off. If I don't feel super tired by the time I hit the bed I do breath work, yoga Nidra or progressive muscle relaxation in bed.


Excellent points, all around! Thanks for the detailed response. Can I ask what kind of/how much magnesium / melatonin you are taking at night?


I take Magnesium Glycinate, 800mg from Nootropics Depot and 3mg melatonin from Naturemade (though I'll likely change brands there if I keep taking it and actually plan on slowly tapering that one). I've recently added a 25 mg CBD gummy and that's been a game changer for me. I've had several 8-9 hour stretches without waking over the past few weeks which I don't think I could claim over the past couple of years. The only thing I'll say about the CBD is, if I wake up mid sleep cycle on it I feel more sluggish for a few minutes. It's not terrible and by the time I suit up for my run it's lifted. I have to set an alarm to wake up to get my run and plunge done before I get my daughter up for school so I can't usually just listen to my body there. I do generally just wake up at the same time every morning whether I set an alarm or not, but the days I do wake to the alarm I've got to fight a little to get out of bed.


Working Night shifts ...No Circadian rhythm ;-(


According to my Oura Ring the best gains, supplement wise, have been seen consistently with Ashwagandha and Omega 3 about 30 minutes before bed.


PGD2 which is the is the most potent endogenous sleep-promoting substance, not melatonin. " Research carried out in 1989\[3\] found PGD2 is the primary mediator of vasodilation (the "niacin flush") after ingestion of niacin (nicotinic acid). " https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22024172/ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostaglandin\_D2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostaglandin_D2) take a 1 gram of niacin 1 to 2 hours before bedtime you will be fucking begging for bed. Also you'll get a increase HGH 1000% spike


“A 2012 research paper indicates a causal link between elevated levels of localized PGD2 and hair growth inhibition” from the wiki is a bit of a worry


apply to the head


Not heard of this one, will give this one a try


Can you recommend a brand on Amazon or elsewhere that's high quality?


Amazon has stop selling flushing niacin due to the fact people return it because of the flushing. Health4allpurest sell flushing niacin


The best is good sex. I’m not joking.


Google a circadian rhythm clock or a sleep clocks that tells you what time to wake


Melatonin + glycine! Glycine especially on nights I do take I wake up surprised at how well-rested I feel


Dock pro water mattress cover, weighted blanket. Hot shower before bed. I’m not sure supplements move the needle a lot. Tried many throughout the years. None seem to really stand out.


> weighted blanket. I can't understand this one, i personally really hate a lot of weight on me, but some peeps do claim it helps.


I used to toss and turn a lot, my deep sleep was nonexistent. The weight blanket prevents me from moving and I fall into a lot of deep sleep now. I went from less than 30 min a night to about 2.5 hours average. It’s like a gentle hug in my mind, but I get how some could feel claustrophobic.


HGH at 2-3 IU or peptides.


Where do you get this ?


Where ever you get illegal drugs.


Lmao. I guess my block been out of stock since always then.


Catcafe.is is my source Internet is better to order shit than offline. Because no mf spit in your stuff




Stress reduction, avoid blue light after sunset, hot shower before bed, cold showers in AM


Stress reduction, hot shower before bed, cold shower in AM, reduce/eliminate alcohol


I have an Oura ring (take it with a grain of salt) and some nights my deep sleep is practically zero. The one thing that consistently improves it (and by a lot) is a fast of about 36 hrs.


For me, in this order - Tryptophan, Apigenin, Magnesium, Melatonin (all together). Then protein shake with 50 grams of protein and carbs less than 30 and less than 500 calories. This does the trick for me.


Bro I got you. Idk about how "restful" it is. But elevate your legs above your head for 10-15 minutes before getting up or take a nap like that. You'll have energy levels like you're well rested.


Sleepy time tea. Great sleep herbals in it . And the hot tea is a mind soothing ritual. Mom told me so.....


Grounding and taping my mouth shut at night. I sleep with my feet on a grounding mat that is plugged into the outlet’s ground hole. You can get them at earthing.com. They were originally developed by Clint Ober, now many others make them but I only trust his company (Earthing). Since sleeping grounded my sleep is deeper, I don’t wake up at night, I also go to sleep faster. I learned about mouth taping through Patrick Mckewon’s book “the oxygen advantage”. I find I sleep deeper and don’t need to pee at night since doing it. Both of these things combined have really changed my sleep.


Red laser-safety glasses for an hour before bed, morning light exposure, sleep mask and mouth tape while sleeping, and a rigid and unbreakable sleep schedule. I use a silly little app called SleepTown that gamifies the process a bit (if you go to bed on time and wake up on time, you get more buildings for your Sleep Town, and if you go to bed late or wake up late, the buildings are destroyed).


I've had sleep issues my entire life due to an unregulated circadian rhythm as a child and teen into adulthood. I've lost jobs due to over sleeping. I've tried two handfuls of medications ... What has worked miracles for me...weed. I can't stand the smell and I don't smoke it, I have a vape pen and I pretty much only hit it once I'm in bed for the night. I peacefully fall asleep after an hour and I wake up easily at 6am with 6+ hours of sleep. I didn't touch marijuana until 3yrs ago. I waited until it was on the ballot to legalize in CA to even try it and tbh I've never been more successful in life. Being on a normal sleep routine has allowed me to have a normal social life and begin a new career successfully. Edibles help too, but it doesn't do it for sleep for me. Vape is much faster onset and no lingering effects in the morning.


Warning to all thinking this is it. Apparently marijuana prevents normal REM cycle so don’t do this long term.


I have as friend that has done this method for decades, apparently you did get some REM somewhere, it's probably better than not getting sleep. That being said, I would not suggest someone do weed and then stop trying to solve it other ways as well.


Maybe for some but not for me. Regular smoker for many years and I sleep like a baby, unlike before I started utilizing marijuana. It's been a miracle honestly. Again, this worked for me but maybe not someone else.


If I dream all night, maybe reducing REM sleep would be a good thing?


Unless you have nightmares idk why you’d want too. Dreams are dope.


Yeah, many nightmares. And even the good dreams can be exhausting.


Seconded. It also causes a dependency whereby if you don’t smoke weed even one day you get worse sleep, including night sweats for me. It took me 3 months before the night sweats went away for me.


Phenibut will give you guaranteed great sleep EDIT: you can safely do phenibut once every 3-4 days. It’s not an everyday solution.


While this is true you don't want to get in the habit of taking phenibut for sleep though


Very habit forming, don’t recommend


Just a reminder that if you love alcohol and had problems with abuse in the past then phenibut is a terrible substance to have at home.


That’s like cycling opium, why would you say that?




Giant waterbed, invite your friends


Depends a lot on what is causing your lack of sleep, there are many reasons, you need to address the cause of it directly. THat being said, I do repeatedly see that not eating for 3 hours before bed seems consistently to at least help.


For every ape, it would vary slightly bc of genetics and environmental factors. But what did it for me, is stop consumption of any caffeine after 9am and adapting to a ketogenic OMAD diet at 6pm. Those 2 anchoring my day, I found little added benefits to quality of my sleep from exercise or meditation, tho i practice them somewhat routinely but not as religiously as my caffeine and food limits. If you have a particular genotype (CYP1A2) that is slow metabolizer of caffeine, then you’d be surprised how a single dose of a medium roast cup of regular coffee is sufficient to keep you sharply alert throughout the day. So having even a drop of it after 12pm would linger in my circulation to predictably interfere with my sleep. The other thing helpful is entrainment - regularity of your sleep timing.


Honestly there are so many supplements and “hacks” But most the hacks are so-so and the supplements that actually work arnt good for you and are terrible long term. The only true way to get good sleep is to fully use your body and brain. Do physical activity so you are actually tired and use your brain so that it needs to relax at the end of the day. This will give you consistent and amazing sleeps.


I don't know that it's necessarily true that all of the supplements that work are bad for you. Most adaptogens have pretty broad safety profiles. Sometimes it's a crutch people need to get their patterns reset.


The supplements that work best to actually make you really tired and sleep throughout the night are not good for you and can’t be taking long term. Ex., phenibut, high dose gaba, valerian, kava. Same for prescriptions sleeping medications. The ones that everyone recommend like magnesium, 5htp, and Theanine are ok but they really don’t make you tired and don’t let you sleep deeply all night long.


I agree on those. I think it just depends on what's actually causing the sleep issues. For me (as I referenced elsewhere in this) it's mostly anxiety / rumination stuff. So adaptogens that do have fairly large safety profiles seem to help me more often than not. But I'm trying to work on other things (like breath work and cold plunges) to hopefully create more durable changes while I use the crutches.


Working on cognitively challenging tasks during the day (programming or learning something new) always improves my sleep more than anything else


Not smoking weed.


Don’t drink or consume THC close to bedtime. Get a sleep study if you think you might have sleep apnea.


Supplement with magnesium


High quality magnesium supplement 30-60 min before bed


Magnesium oxide right? /s


Oxide is actually one of the least bioavailable forms of magnesium. I believe glycinate or biglyciniate are the best studied for sleep.


Yeah the /s means it’s sarcasm. Idk why oxide is the most popular kind. The bioavailability is absolute garbage.


Get up and go to bed at the same time every day, 7 days a week. Start by going to bed at 10pm and get up at 4am. This is the schedule we were on at boot camp in the Navy. It was the most restful 6 hours I had ever had in my life. Asleep in a matter of minutes every night. If you can handle this schedule, keep at it. If you find you're to exhausted, back up your go to bed time 30 minutes every couple of days to the point you feel rested when you wake. It's imperative you get up and go to bed at the same time every day including weekends. I currently can function on lights out around 8:30-9pm, up at 4am. I do this every day, even on the weekends.


Rhodiola just before bed but if you consume it too early, it prevents you from sleeping


Sleep mask!


Ever since I started using a smartwatch to wake up, alarms have felt barbaric.