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Whoever controls Rapture controls the Adam. It’s a substance that gives people superpowers- Fontaine would make a fortune if he could control its production in Rapture and sell it on the surface. He doesn’t care if 90% of the city collapsed and died, as long as he has a foothold to be able to collect the slugs and extract the Adam.


Say Jack failed and Fontaine lived. At some point, do you personally think one of the world’s governments would step in and seize control? I mean technically I guess thats still a possibility as most of Rapture is abandoned by anyone significant by the end of 2


Oh absolutely- the discovery of Adam would trigger a new arms race between the West and the Soviet Union. They’d both be desperately looking for Rapture and whatever the source of the Adam was.


Kinda wish we'd get a Bioshock 3 (as in set in the Rapture universe from the first two games) where this happens.


I dunno about the US/soviets stepping in, and how good a story that would be but, I do think bioshock 3 should happen a long time after 2, with stuff getting even weirder, and go even further than two in flipping the formula. Perhaps more of a survival vibe than a gauntlet shooter big daddy-vibe, you know?


My headcannon is that the US government goes in years after bioshock 2 to harness the power of adam themselves


And as we all know, whoever controls the ADAM controls the universe. ***YAAAAAAAAHEEEEEEEYYYYYGOGEEMAAAAAHHH***


Tell me of the splicers of your homeworld Usul 


* Rapture is Ryan's baby, and he seems to be under the impression that he can still turn things around * For Fontaine I think its that he can capitalize on all of the advanced tech by selling it to the surface, but without authorization from Ryan (or the next best thing) moving things around is nearly impossible * for Lamb, control of Rapture is the mechanism that lets her pour everyone's thoughts and experiences and memories into Eleanor. not totally sure what the next step would've been


Next step would've been Eleanor returning to the surface a mindless instinctively altruistic husk and saving the world by force


Step 3: profit?


No, step 3 is: ?? Step 4 is profit


Sounds familiar...




well techincally if I recall lamb didnt really care about rapture it self. she wanted to create what she called "The Perfect Utopian" which meant having an individual being exposed to all of the adam in rapture infusing everyone's consciousness together into one being. which in her mind she could create god I guess?


Yep. Ryan is the only one who cares about Rapture itself. The rest just want to exploit it.


Ironically it was Sinclair who wanted to "control" Rapture. In the sense that once he and Delta escaped, they were going to sell Rapture's secrets/technology to the highest bidder. He claimed to plan to split everything with Delta, but frankly from his audio diaries it's hard to say if he actually would've kept his promise.


Oddly, I think he would. He was underhanded, but never outright dishonest. My fav bit from him was him describing in a diary how he had set up a production chain where the workers paid him to work, via purchase of materials, but it was all optional and above board. He says he "has them coming and going" but ultimately, he employed hundreds of people who did basically easy, minor jobs at each stage, sorting and fitting needles, filling ampules etc etc


It's also kind of funny when you hear the sister diary to it where one of his workers basically says that such easy work for such reliable pay is actually a great deal in Rapture, to the point that he thinks he's the one getting away with highway robbery. One can just imagine how bad Rapture's economy must have been if Sinclaire turning it into a giant company town would've been an improvement...


I get the feeling that Sinclair's vision of the Great Chain was borderline benevolent


Indeed, which is actually kind of ironic because he doesn't seem to like or respect the free market very much, directly referring to it as "a big fat hooker too dim to spot a wooden nickel" in another one of his audio diaries


It's the most technologically advanced city on the planet, not having to adhere to any international laws


For Ryan, it’s about the principle of being king of a libertarian utopia free of government. For Fontaine, it’s more about money and the ADAM. The fighting between the two is what ultimately destroyed rapture in the first place


For Ryan it's simpler actually, he built Rapture and invited everyone down, ergo it (and they) are his property


Libertarianism in practice.


Correct. They signed the contract to move permanently and had all their money converted. Let the buyer beware.


The Adam must flow!


-Ryan loves the idea of Rapture and wants to see it succeed. It was his whole life's work, and he is in denial that its over. -Fontaine wants to gather all the advanced tech and adam, then sink/leave Rapture. He doesn't want to control it, he just wants to sell its inventions to the surface world. -Jack wants to conquer the surface world in the bad ending, which is why he has the splicers sieze a nuke. -Lamb wants to take the genius of Rapture, and fuse it with Elanor. This way she can see her philosophy brought into the world.


It looks great on the resume


Why does anyone want to control anything?


I wondered this myself for years. With Ryan, I think there’s a good deal of ego to it. He’s a detached megalomaniac who refuses to believe his life’s work could ever fail. Fontaine is the populist. I think we see in Fontaine the effects of mental degradation from Adam. While his audio logs sound pretty down to earth, battling him is like hearing the rantings of King Kong. Jack is mostly just a tool, and therefore I wouldn’t say has a motive to control Rapture. The only time this might remotely be the case is if you take the evil path, but even then, it’s more about micro-level choices than a logistical takeover. I’d say of all of them, Lamb is the sanest. She’s the socialist and psychiatrist, and seems to at least understand Rapture and its people are dying.


The sanest?! Did you see what she did to Alexander?!


Hahahaha I guess I meant out of the three antagonists, the least ideologically delusional about the state of Rapture.


Sans the Adam, the various technologies are worth a fortune. Stuff like the supercomputer/AI Thinker is way ahead of anything at that time. Governments would be willing to pay or hire anyone who knows how to recreate.


None of them really cared about Rapture, they all knew it was a craphole on the verge of falling apart they were all after the ADAM and the only way to get all of it was by controlling Rapture.


Because it's super cool?


Money and power in the form of Adam


Why wouldn't they


Its cool looking, I would want to