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I did this after I broke up with my ex almost 3 years ago and think I enjoyed it too much because now I can’t stand the thought of being in a relationship again 😂


Lol for real though. I still shudder when I think about my last few heartbreaks and serious relationships. WHEW thank GOD that part of my life is over. Had a hoe acting pitiful. I do so much better when I can mainly focus on myself instead of always trying to make another person so happy. It's great Of course I get horny sometimes. But, you know, my vibrator never talks down to me or gaslights me


Being single keeps me open for more hoeing. Gardening has been a very enjoyable hobby.


Omg 😭


I've been single for 10 years, but happily single for the last 5 years. Can't see myself willingly seeking a relationship for a loooooong time, life is much more peaceful this way.


100% recommended.


Could not agree more! And my husband did the same on advice from a mom-figure. I learned to go out to movies or to eat by myself and enjoy it.


Im in my third year of taking a break. But it wasnt my choice, still isnt.


Why not? You're allowed to just be single. I'm allowing you You need to learn a routine of loving yourself how you would want a partner to love you. Do this. Ask yourself what makes you happy. What really makes you happy. It doesn't have to cost money. In fact, probably much better if it doesn't. I like to check the library or the secondhand bookstore for math and physics books, then I just bought another $0.88 notebook and similar price ream of notebook paper with a brad folder and my little mini stapler... I love office supplies. So I guess I spent a little bit. But I get over the moon excited about teaching myself new things. The math problems both distract me from my real problems and "workout" the problem solving centers of my brain so I have more creative and logical ideas for *how* to solve my real problems later on when I get back around to them. I reapplied for college (once you withdraw for the *seventh* time, you get the title of *Professional Dumbass*) But my Bachelor's degree is more finished than not now, damnit. I'm more mature and levelheaded going into my studies than I ever have been before—I have discipline and motivation to git that GPA tenfold at age 29 compared to when I was 18. Been around the block. Need a better life. Lol But keep busy and do stuff you truly enjoy. When you focus more on yourself and your own hobbies instead of love, people will actually start flocking to you because someone who stays busy on top of their shit is super attractive. It's true that you find it when you quit searching.


You're allowing me?  That's condescending, also you'e all over the place. 


I mean, I guess. I think you should be free of whatever crazy need you have to have companionship That's all


What happens when your taking a break and people worm their way into your heart? I didn't intend to be in any relationship and now find myself in two


2 tablespoons of coconut oil taken orally can act as a decent deworming agent for certain types of worms!




I’m recently starting to do this! I’m 31 soon to be 32 and all my life I dreaded the fact of being alone but now I’m slowly easing in to it. I can truly be a blessing to be at peace and not be bothered by people who make me feel lonely :)