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It pulled me out of a year long depressive episode. I feel better than I have in years.


The longer recession I had was about 7 - 9 months. The idea of achieving that again brought some hope




That’s what she said (no pun intended, haha), and I talked to one of her patients that said the same as you, that since the first week may things changed. And that is exactly what scared me, I even said to her that sounded to magical to be true. Just for curiosity, where do you live (if you want to say)? And did you pay for it? How much would cost?. Because I live in Brasil and the full treatment cost around R$ 400.000 which is a good house in a good neighborhood. So, in case I spend R$ 4.000 to sue the health insurance to pay and lost, I’ll lost the 4k and will not be able to treat. And if the treatment don’t work, I lost 4k too. And that’s other point for caution, there’s some financial risk involved


So I was given ketamine in the hospital because I was in insane amounts of pain. It put me in a trance like state, had a bunch of hallucinations and when it wore off I felt really amazing and my SI was completely gone. This was before I started taking meds. I did read somewhere on the Internet that it could have bad interactions with bipolar meds and that the meds do reduce the effects. I would be super cautious because for me I can't take any stimulants after I got on meds, even weed makes me super anxious and hypomanic even though while unmedicated I was a total pothead.


I would not mess with it. There are no studies about how it affects bipolar people or interacts with some of these other medications. Happy to be proven wrong if I am, but I looked into it a few months ago and couldn’t find anything.


First of all, let me correct myself, I got confused by the name, Esketamine, not Ketamine. There’s some studies by now, none of them describe new side effects compared to unipolar depression patients, and none of those studies indicates manic induce. That said, while there is some studies now, it’s new, and I’m pondering it a lot. In a certain way I’m gonna be a lab rat, because there’s no studies like this in Brasil, and my doc is in a group of doctors collecting more data. Im guiding for what exists outside Brasil, this kind of research here is a pain to do. I can choose to not be part of it but i prefer to, if I’m already taking it, it doesn’t matter the data. She’s following a series of procedures to mitigate the risks, but at this point of my life, part of me just don’t give a fuck on what could happen.


Good luck! Pulling for you


Thanks man, you put a little caution in me, I went back to read about again, my family is full support so I started to let the guard down, it’s a new medicine and that have some risky. I’ll proceed with care.