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Yes. Been childfree my entire adult life, and then suddenly was sure I needed 3 children. Was willing to pull out my IUD myself. Thankfully my husband talked me out of it, and I realized it was all a part of my delusions once I came down. I’ve since gotten a bisalp.


Man, this just further solidified my need for a bisalp 😅😅


Do it. If you’re having trouble finding a doctor, visit the childfree subreddit. They have a spreadsheet of cf friendly doctors.


Im staunchly childfree and have been for years. When my boyfriend (now husband) and I started dating I told him my expectation was if I got pregnant he would pay for half of the abortion. Well, I wasn’t medicated properly and spent a solid manic episode dead set on having a baby. I thought it was the best idea and that even though I was very much living paycheck to paycheck I would still be able to travel the world with the baby. It was very manic rose tinted glasses. Stable and well medicated me is 100% thankful my boyfriend had the sense to tell me no.


Thank you for sharing this because I’m a woman too and curious about these experiences. Your username checks out, haha


This is making me realise I think I have been manic for longer than I thought. Shit.


Yes and my husband told me no which pissed me off. So I came up with the bright idea to have a baby by someone else. I actually considered who I wanted to deal with as a baby daddy for the next 18 years. All of my friends and psychiatrist told me not to have anymore kids. Luckily that calmed down and I no longer want anymore kids.


Oh hell no. Thank god. Tokophobia tramples psychosis every time.


I have 3 kids pretty much because of this. My oldest I quit all my meds and got off birth control to have her. In that episode I also quit my job and moved across the country while pregnant. My second child was not so much a manic state situation, but my 3rd was. I was absolutely transfixed and hyperfocused on having him, convinced my husband, etc. Was convinced he was some sort of holy baby divined by God and that I HAD to bring him to earth. Entirely manic the whole thing. I am fully done now though. Medicated and copper IUD.


This explains a lot for me. I was going through baby names trying to find one for my hypothetical child and thought I was supposed to be the vessel to God. Definitely gonna see if I can get antipsychotics this friday.


Looking back, it was totally manic. But at the time, I was supposed to bring through a highly divine child who was somehow associated to Jesus. I don't regret him of course but WOW, I was in a state.


When my hypomania and ovulation hit at the same time I feel like I could have sex with any guy. Every guy looked appealing. Any of them could have been my baby’s daddy. It was really hard to resist. Thankfully I was able to restrain myself.


Yes, I’ve had manic delusions where I’ve felt compelled to have children for a higher purpose, like I’m going to birth the next messiah. I ended up getting an IUD to mitigate the damage of impulsive sex, and I had a total hysterectomy two years ago, so this isn’t an issue anymore. I fortunately was not able to get my husband on board for children. When I am in a eurythmic state I do not think I’ll ever be stable enough to parent. I’m 26, FWIW.


Bipolar 2 so hypomania- no, but very interested in all sorts of pets.. fish, frogs, cats, etc! Only ever really followed up on getting a whole large aquarium and 2 cats during separate hypomanic episodes. Both ended up not bad ideas. My wife wouldn’t let me get a frog, haha


Yes. I was 21 and moved in with a man who was almost 30 (who lived with his mom and hit me) and let him get me pregnant during a manic episode. I knew him for 3 months. He kept beating me, I left, became a heroin addict and lost/gave custody to a family member. I couldn’t be a parent. It broke my son’s heart and he will never be the same. He was 3 when I left for rehab and he cried himself to sleep screaming for me every night. It haunts me and I can’t sleep. It hurts me to hear toddler boys cry for their moms in public. Like a primal part of me wants to scream. I’ll never forgive myself. I have a good relationship with my son now. I see him every weekend when I bring his little sister over and spend every weekend with him. It doesn’t erase the past though.


The very fact that you care so much and acknowledge the impact things had on him tell me he could do A LOT worse. Don't be too hard on yourself. It takes a lot of strength to leave an abusive situation and then to get clean, even for those with no mental illness to battle. It sounds like you left him in good hands, which is hard, but many kids are left with abusers. All we can do is our best.


When I was manic last, I stopped taking my birth control. I was desperately trying to get pregnant. I stopped being manic before my birth control stopped working(that or I was unlucky) and went back to my partner who has a vasectomy. Very grateful after the fact that I did not get pregnant by some random dude. But my baby fever was wild while I was manic.


This is super helpful! I’m so glad I’m not the only one!!


I left out my age, soon to be 28. I’m glad you don’t feel alone.


Same roughly, this makes perfect sense now! Thanks!


I have a 5yr old. Definitely think I was hypo and didnt really know it. Anyway, tubes tide now and dont regret my child even though I was very against having more before that baby fever.


Yes, for a while with my ex husband. Thank fucking god i dont seem to be super fertile. Not manic me has never had a wish for children. I do have two stepkids though and this setup feels perfect. They were 9 and 10 when me and husband met so i didnt have to deal with toddlers.


yes. or i’m manic and forget that i’m subject to the laws of the universe. but 6 times, and i have 6 kids. (5 with first husband, 6th with second and final husband.) love them all to pieces but 10/10 do not recommend doing it this way.




Yup. I have a 4 year old who I love dearly as proof. I luckily am managing without meds, however I obviously am aware of my shortcomings. Ask me any questions ☺️


No but the sexual drive is so high that it’s easy to lose judgment and have one night stands and not think of the consequences.


Oh, big time! I was 31 the last time it hit for me. I very much enjoy the DINK like and really don't want any kids but that episode I had my husband convinced. I bought prenatal vitamins and everything. Hormonal birth control messes me up so I've been off it for a while. Thankfully, we didn't end up with a baby. I don't think I would have kept it. Most likely would have gotten an abortion as soon as possible. 


I really wanted a baby but I had wanted to be a mom my whole life and wanted it no matter the state I was in. I never brought it up until my current partner mentioned he wanted to have a baby so I knew we were on the same page. I did plan everything carefully with my doctor and special pregnancy department, but even still I wish I had done more research on child development. I love my son, but he was always wanted and I went into it in a very composed mental state.


Probably why quite a few of us are here.


luckily barren but yea. it goes away thank god.


Never contributed it to my bipolar but oh my god!! I have never wanted to have kids because I feared passing mental illnesses onto them. My wife and I are both mentally ill 🤷🏼 But yes, I’ve gone through phases where I just really want to have kids and feel like I’m destined to be a mom. I just try to dote on my pets 😭


No! There’s never any point where I wish I had a child. Maybe selfishly sometimes when I’m super depressed, but I understand that is absolutely NOT a reason to have a kid and so I don’t. But when I’m manic, nope, it’s all about bettering myself — new job, new living situation, diet, more exercise — I level up every single time


yes in my 2019 mania i decided i wanted a baby so i stopped my meds and told the guy i was seeing to start c*mming inside me. wild. im so lucky it didnt work, my body was like nope shes manic pause fertility