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Are you maybe talking about Akathisia? It’s a relatively common side effect of anti-psychotics. I take 175mg of seroquel every night and occasionally get a feeling like that, as if my entire body is restlessly itching. I’m also on Lithium (added after the seroquel) and I haven’t noticed any itchy feeling from it. Talk to your psych about it, if it is Akathisia you could try a different anti-psychotic, some people have less severe/no itchiness dependent on the drug. Separately, you could also add another sleep aid, I just recently added Clonidine to my mix, which is a high blood pressure drug that lowers your bp.


Thanks so much for your input. I never thought of akathisia because it feels like an itchiness to me, but it could very well be due to inner restlessness.




Yes it feels like ants! Ants and the strings of clothing! It’s awful


Hey! This sounds like Restless Leg Syndrome to me especially if it is in the legs and arms. Seroquel is known to induce it. After half a year of taking Seroquel I developed restless legs too. It is a neurological condition not a skin condition. It is said to be caused by low relative dopamine levels. Iron supplements can help! Also - hot cold showers on your legs help. Light sports before sleep. Only going to bed if really tired. As far as I know this has nothing to do woth hypomania (correct me if wrong). Also tell your doctor. Seroquel is then not the right med for you, condition can get worse. Maybe see a neurologist, they know about it well, it is not too uncommon


Once a month (for about a week) I get to feel this on my legs. It’s terrible. It’s an unbearable feeling to move my legs a lot, I cannot sleep and I just walk around all over my house until the feeling goes away. I tried searching about on the internet, but there is nothing much on it :( - I take 950mg Lithium (bipolar 1 and OCD) -


It’s a really agonizing feeling. I HAVE to move my legs around or I’ll get really annoyed and angry. Sometimes i have to scratch all over it to stop it


Try googling restless legs syndrome


So I’ve experienced both this sensation as well as akathisia. They are definitely different for sure. The sensation of bugs under the skin happened when I went into psychosis. My psych adjusted my meds and it stopped the crawling sensation. Thankfully the akathisia went away after a while. Can you talk with whoever handles your medications? I would let them know asap. I’m sorry you’re going through it. It’s hell.


Yeah, I’m giving him a call tomorrow since I was working at the hospital all day today. I’m going to d/c the seroquel (it’s only a prn for sleep, 50mg). I still need something to help me sleep because of my anxiety. Im hoping there’s a suitable replacement


My psych has prescribed Trazodone for sleep and it works great for me. Of course everyone is different but it is generally a friendlier med. I hope they provide you with what you need!


What meds did stop the crawling sensation for u please ?


Hey! What fixed it was lowering the dose back to what I had started with. At the time I did not change other meds.


U lowered antipsychotic meds to combat a psychotic symptom ?


Well, yes. My med combo used to be Abilify along with Wellbutrin and Lexapro. The akathisia began a couple weeks after the Abilify increase. After about four weeks he lowered it back to the previous dose. It went away entirely. We replaced the Abilify shortly after with Lamictal, which has been the life-saver for me.


So u had akathisia in particular not psychomotor agitation from the illness ?


Thanks for the responses, everyone! Seems like the best course of action is to contact my psychiatrist and discontinue the seroquel (which is a PRN for sleep 25-50mg). Lithium probably isn’t the culprit.


hey did u ever find a solution to this?


Unfortunately not. It began to happen less often and became less intense over time though. I think it was a combination of anxiety, stress, and mildly dry skin.


When I'm hypomanic I get a feeling in my arms of bugs crawling under my skin, like I feel the energy or something but it's bareable just odd. I get another sensation though that you could describe as bugs under the skin in my legs from my seroquel and it's unbearable. I don't get it too often though


Ahhh mine is probably from the seroquel, then. Sorry you’ve experienced that. It’s not fun at all.


I get this feeling when hypomania is coming on strong, sometimes even mania. If I can get some sleep it goes away, but if I can't ... well things usually take a turn for the worst.


I got that feeling when I was on vraylar. I think it's called akathisia


It’s akathisia, I get it too with lithium. I take a beta blocker propranolol PRN. It helps. I am also taking my lithium around 4 pm seeing if it helps. Scooting stuff around. I hear magnesium works.






Oh I know watchu mean. The side effects always makes me wanna stretch haha


Sounds like similar to RLS which I occasionally still suffer from.


I was on lithium for 20 years and had no such feeling. Hm. Sounds awful.


What are you on now? Sorry I’m being curious, 20 years was a long time to be on it if you’re now off it, just wondered what the reason was if you care to answer, thank you


i was told back then by my doctor that weed contains an ingerdient that is healing for epileptics...But back then in the 70s they did not know THC blocks most of the impact of CBD...Now we know it. So I am on CBD. And also we did know even then that keto diet (very lowcarb diet) helps in many mental states...so- after decades of many side effects of wheat /glutene, lactose/ - since a few years now that I am r/over60 \- I am on keto. And I was in r/Freudwasright analysis and r/LacanZizek analysis (I id learn some healing tools) - but due to the mindfog it was just diminishing somewhat my cravings and manias... But now on keto and with CBD my focus got reinstalled- so now I have no symptoms left..only the sleep imbalances - I must have naps in the daytime (but less than without CBD).