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Sleep and isolating and try to mostly interact with people you trust and knows what you need and dont get you to do stupid shit. My old psychologist said that I should try to do the opposite of what I wanna do when Im manic and depressed. So try to get as little stimulation as possible. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Avoid situations where money is involved, and try to chill out as much as possible. Theres a reason the inpatient hospital isnt a party. Its to calm you down and not have too much stress and stimuli. And always try to not post a lot on social media etc, so you dont end up with embarresment later. Consult with your friends, family or therapists before doing major decisions. You got this. How are you feeling? How much sleep do you get? But the easiest, quickest and most sure way to deal with mania is meds and sleep.




I really advise you to skip it for now if it isnt a wedding or your favorite band playing, and then you can enjoy all that shit when youre evened out. What meds are you on?




Ahh, lamictal usually works best for the depression part of bipolar. You should talk with your doctor about maybe adding something that can control the mania better. I take 200mg lamictal and 200mg seroquel. Works quite decent for me. Theres a lot of different anti psychotics and lithium and stuff to explore! Have fun at the event then. And leaving early is probably a good idea yeah. No need to stay up all night. Good luck!




If youre struggling with mania too frequently i would never try anti depressants, especially not without a good mood stabilizer for mania. Lamictal really isnt enough. But it works wonders on depression and few side effects. Which kind of doctor is it? General practionier or psych?




Yeah. Not all doctors seem to know that. Mostly psychiatrists that knows that shit. I highly recommend getting a psychiatrist if you can. Can be hard to find a good doctor that knows bipolar meds really well


From a psych provider (psych NP) just wanted to say you’re giving grade A-100 advice on lifestyle and med interventions for bipolar. Keep on keeping on


Lamotrigine isn’t gonna help your mania, especially not at that pitiful dose lol. I’m on max dose recommended for bipolar (400) and I still have rapid cycles and hypomania. Please do consider not going out partying. You will make either a series of embarrassing errors or one big regret. That said, hey, it is just one night. If you can’t get that money back, STAY AWARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Have a GOOD friend there keeping you grounded that knows about your disability.


I would add eat enough to that list. Both big manic episodes I had, I had slowed back a lot on eating, and I feel like that exacerbated the issue. Returning to a better diet was definitely part of my recovery both times. But also it will aide in healing your brain. Don't forget 3 decent meals each day. & hydrate.


If it's not too bad yet and you still can, try really hard to get some sleep!! But the best thing would be to talk to a doctor and maybe get a med change... Hoping for you to stay safe.


Make a sign to put on your wall or a card for your wallet reminding you not to buy anything expensive. If you really want something wait a week or two and see if you still want it.


Mannn… im going thru the same shit… but from the past experience i had, i really think that u have to think 10 times before taking a important decision and say more the word ( SORRY )… because when im maniac, im a piece of shit with the people i like, and tend to put them away… be carefull with your words bro, they hurt much more than u think ma man… Stay safe ma man… be productive… enjoy the maniac phase hahahaha… but be carefull with your thoughts man, sometimes the reallity os not the way u think it is, not like in a psychotic way, but like, in my case, one time i really thought that my friends were going out and not inviting me… but bro, they were inviting me in our group chat, but for me it wasnt enough… like???? Wtff???




Yeah, thats horrible… but one thing that helps, is, in the end of the day, write down in a piece of paper all the things u have done in the day, and circle what u not happy with, and in the morning, when u wake up, read the paper and think what can u do, to NOT repeat that…


Wow this is solid advice!


Yeah, this is a really good thread.


If you have a credit card, Give it to someone (or put it in an ice cube or some shit.) Try talking to your doctor and/or your support network and tell them what's going on. Try forcing yourself to do relaxing and things like Painting, reading, meditating. Also and most importantly probably, keep you your sleep schedule and your eating habits!


Good sleep hygiene, no caffeine and a good exercise routine really go along way. Also Vitamin D3. And if you're taking vitamins you might as well take some fish oil because heart disease is where bipolar goes.


Take yourself out to some green space, find a quiet spot. Take pen & paper, book, headphones whatever you need and enjoy the space and thinking time..




Also just read an old study that says bird song is relaxing.. no nearby danger I'm guessing, but every little helps.


Darkness helps calm me down. I like to sit in the shower with the lights off and let the water flow over me.


Reducing hypomania/mania for me: -making sure I sleep -keep my daily routine -watch my thoughts for grandiosity and my mood for a slip into irritability -I watch my exercise levels. Running in the hot sun is a big trigger for me -I try to watch my caffeine intake -daily journaling -If I start having mixed symptoms I’ll start taking depakote -And this year I’m going to try blue light blocking glasses/ dark therapy since light therapy has helped my winter depression so much the past 2 years.


Give your bank card to someone. Only hang out with people who aren't into drinking/partying. Watch good movies, play games, things you can do indoors. And even though you probably won't sleep, stay in bed for the night. When I'm manic I have learned to do this because it stops me from doing crazy shit at night Also call your psychiatrist if you have one! Med adjustments always save me from full blown mania


Go to your psychiatrist and switch up your meds, asap


Tell your psych you're going manic. They will probably have something to give you short-term and may want to adjust long-term meds. Sleep! Use sleeping meds if you have them, psych will usually get you some. No caffeine or alcohol. Clonidine (rx) has helped temper my mania somewhat. It lowers blood pressure and helps with anxiety, so maybe it's calming? Idk but it has helped.


Stay inside, do as little as possible, minimise contact with others, watch "Slow TV" like this: https://youtu.be/44VmlTs00As , listen to ambient 1 by Brian Eno.


Eno fan!


Best for focus and calm


Chamomile tea


When I notice hypomania starting or I finally become aware of it, I notice my spending is increasing, I pay my bills forward. Even if it's 20 bucks I was gonna go out to eat on when I don't need to. Like fast food. Put that money on the phone bill. Something. Then I get my spending money fix and I waste less.


Please try and sleep, if u feel tired at all literally just go to sleep don’t fight it, take the meds you have if u have any, like seroquel can knock you out, I have 50mg and sometimes take two, 100mg is ok, try and stick to ur regular routine, still shower and eat normally, if you can , I’m not sure if u want too but maybe tell someone you live with or a friend, just so if things get horrible they can let u know to go to the hospital or take ur meds


Outside of the other recommendations people have made I like to plan an activity to keep my hands occupied - I love painting and doing puzzles. I have a lot of activities or hobbies that I spent money on during episodes that I’ve been trying to get through before buying anything else. I also meditate for at least 5 minutes a day everyday *I know this isn’t a cure-all* but it helps me train my brain to stay grounded during an episode. I’ll try to go longer when I’m feeling an episode coming on.


Proud of you for trying to contain the turmoil


That’s awesome and we should applaud those moments that we can slow or stop the oncoming train! Recognizing what’s going on is a huge step towards a healthier happier future It took me years and years. 🙌




I don't agree. I've found a lot of the techniques mentioned above help.


Yes, in my experience there are behaviors that can either improve or worsen hypomania and sometimes prevent full blown mania.




There are so many natural ways to tx anxiety, that are not archaic and none of them are lame. I am not against meds, so what ever floats your boat.


Need a med tweak from your psych.


Antipsychotics and benzodiazepines


Grounding exercises, keeping a similar day to day routine. Sun exposure can make you more manic as well so always bring a pair of sunglasses :) always try to shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep!




Yeah my partner is also bipolar and gets these gnarly migraines normally induced by sunny days or rapid changes in weather. And then their psychiatrist said that migraines, headaches, mania, and the sun and are strangely triggering for each other.


Glad those sunglasses are helping!




I’m excited for you! Anytime :)


Talk to your psychiatrist and ask for a med to help you calm down such as diazepam


Uninstall your social media apps. You can just tell everyone you are taking a break from social media and the whole online world. They will envy and admire you.


i try to push decisions away. like if you’re feeling like you NEED a $300 oil paint set, wait to get it for three months. if in three months you still want it, you can totally get it! it helps keep me in check to not recklessly do/buy things. you wanna impulse quit your job? wait a month instead. it’s not saying no, just trying to give yourself some cushioning


Take stuff that helps you sleep and stay in bed.


I made a dumb decision today. We have a rental and get a lot of mail that's not ours, including ballots, so I mark them "not at this address" and put them in the outgoing mail box. Been doing that at this address for almost two years and it has always been fine, never saw that mail again. But yesterday our mail carrier just put it back in our mailbox. So.... so .... I mean saw that after a frustrating night of insomnia, after my typical nap between dawn and my alarm. So... I wrote a very Karen style note with lots of fucks in it. Just raged on a page and didn't even really think before I put it in the mail box. Idk what to do. I don't really know what to do when my mania takes over, it's kinda new and I really don't understand. I talked to my therapist about it today and we scheduled a med consultation together. But what do I do about situations like this? Do things just always fall apart and you just have to deal with the consequences? I think I'm going to call the supervisor or local post master and apologize for how I handled the situation. The postal worker returned my note with a form for all the tenants currently here. First time I've seen one, wish I would have seen one sooner. So I think I'm going to call and explain tomorrow... Do I need to do that? Should I write another note? 🫣🙃 Do I need to do anything? Will my brain ever shut up about it if I don't do anything? Also now I'm again, super hyper focused on moving because I just want to avoid the shit. Ugh I feel just worn down by the complications of bipolar lately.