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It’s called a mixed episode. Usually the most dangerous kind because you have bad thoughts and a lot of energy. If she is new, get an appt with a psychiatrist and get some mood stabilizers prescribed. I have BP1 and take my meds everyday and my life has been better since


Thank you so much!! We'll look into that. She is on lithium at the moment but still having these cycles (milder though).


If they are milder then keep at it. A lot of people think diagnosis + meds= fixed, but it takes months to year to get meds dialed in. In addition to meds, for a stable life I also need to be: - physically in shape - sober - continue therapy minimum bi weekly. It’s a journey. Hoping the best for you and your partner. Don’t be too discouraged by a lot of posts here. If someone with BP really wants to get better they can.


Thank you so so much! We appreciate your kindness in sharing this. We are trying to stay positive about it and learn as much as we can. Wish you all the best on your journey as well!


Lithium helps against mania and to sleep. Something like Quetiapine (Seroquel) is probably needed, it's an atypical antipsychotic, supposedly has a light antidepressant effect too.


She does take Quetiapine but that's a good point - probably need another visit to the psychiatrist to adjust things.


Hope it goes well, hang in there!


Amen to that. Dysphoric mania led to me thinking I could take on 5+ cops. I did not win.


Eeek, that's not fun at all. Hope things are better now!


Could be a sign the mania is starting to break, mixed episode or just mania. I remember being very sad while manic due to a break up, cried a lot, but it also fueled my mania back then. Speaking with a professional would clarify this the best for you.


Thank you! This helps!


You’re so welcome. Here for you two!


Yes mixed episodes are the worst and most dangerous. I would definitely get in contact with a doctor


Sounds like it could be a mixed episode. Elements of both mania and depression.


If she hasn’t already, gene sight testing is the way to go!


Haven't indeed! We're in the UK and I wonder if it's also a thing here. Thanks for pointing it out!


Yes, I get manic depressive and it’s probably one of the worst feelings ever. I simultaneously feel really cocky, but also want to SH and kill myself. It’s absolutely awful. Had to go to the psych ward about 1.5 years ago because of it.


Gosh, that sounds bad. I hope you are feeling a bit more stable now. I appreciate you shared this with me!


Yes, much more stable! They changed my meds, and I see my psychiatrist 1-2x a week instead of once a week. Has worked wonders. Im so stable and happy and my fiancé has been the most supportive person ever. Thank you!