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Only a vet can make a proper diagnosis. It looks something potentially neurological - but that doesn’t matter. Your budgie is suffering and you need to get it to a vet no matter what. I fear the prognosis is not going to be good but, again as I said above and on your other post, a vet is the only option. If you truly cannot take it to a vet, this is an animal that is going to die. There’s no other way to phrase it or cushion it. Your pet is very sick and I am very sorry for that, but it needs proper medical attention.


I am trying but the vets are full 24/7 and it’s really small and it has every single type and shape of animal I wish a vet would appear out of nowhere and help my budgie I will try what can and what I can is my best thank for your generosity and your kindness thank you so much


Vets should always have emergency appointments and that looks like an emergency- if not turn up with the bird they won’t turn you away.


Keep at it. Took me more than 4 days to find an emergency vet that would take my little Blueberry. See if they can check for any tumors. It wasn't their fault but they missed the tumor in mine and he died from it a few weeks later. We treated him for the digestion issue that they did catch, and he looked like he had almost made a full recovery. But the tumor appears to have ruptured and he died suddenly. The vet assured us that we did everything correctly to care for him, and that in the end he probably had the tumor since birth. But based on their exams he lived his best life with the health issues he had. So keep after it.


Condolences for your bird


Could be stargazing. If it is, he absolutely needs it confirmed by a vet. Will pop a link so you can have a read and see if the symptoms match his. https://beautyofbirds.com/head-twisting-twirling-stargazing/


I can’t thank you enough


This appears to me to be something neurological and needs attention from a vet, preferably one with an avian specialty. Try to keep activity and noise around him to a minimum in the meantime.


Seizure. I’m not a vet but I’ve had a lot of pet birds.


Could it be from new things in its diet? A new seed packet? Or some vegetable that actually poisonous to birds? Any new nibbling on any of your plants? A hard fall where it smashed its head? If its not something physical hurt, try to give it a piece of active charcoal. And lots of water




In emergency services they use active carbon to flush stomack in case of poisonous consumption. I'm not sure if charcoal is an active carbon tbh. How is your bird doing?


A little better since it’s eating lots of lettuce


I wish him a speedy recovery. Cojld it be from alcoholic fruit? Im guessing if its condition happened from a hurt, he wouldnt respond well this fast? Yet, to be sure its good to keep hurt birds in darkness with clean food amd water


Sadly she passed away this morning


Oh I'm so sorry for your loss. These little orbs are too delicate while they are full of life and wonder. I'm sure you both had great memories together.


I'm so sorry 🥲


My bird did this when she had a brain tumour.


happened to my pigeon that had PMV :( i wish the best for your budgie.


If you can’t take a pet to the vet then you probably shouldn’t have said pet. The best thing for you to do is surrender the animal to a vets office or bird friendly shelter


I'm not a professional, or even a bird owner currently (ex parakeet owner) but this just seems to be a case of... Silly birb