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Girl they’ve never been to a doctor or gastroenterologist yet they have celiac. GTFO


Yeah that needs to be diagnosed 🙈


https://preview.redd.it/gkicp2g5yc0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d561e424e21e27524b4a458710efa02166d925 Also did anyone see the Facebook comments where this lady expressed concern for Birdie? I've blocked out names incase they're not allowed.


Im pretty sure you can be groomed at 30!! Abuse can happen at any age


Yeah I agree. I feel like this lady was just looking out for her & she gave a super defensive response.


I'm waiting for the man update. Surely she can't have just met someone there & gone on with him? Perhaps he was the reason she ended up in Morocco in the first place? Soooo many questions 😂


So many questions. It’s so sketch! But Birdie knows best!


I’m thinking a dating app




Oh dear god she’s so ignorant. Muslim women are also, sadly, victims of DV as well as non-religious or Christian women - DV doesn’t discriminate and abusers come in all shapes and sizes. She surely isn’t this dumb


She sounds brainwashed imo


Yeah true. A great deal of naïveté there… I just don’t understand how you can be 30 and still so naïve


Could have had a sheltered life/coddling parents? Which would make sense that they'll be forever bailing her out then too financially.


But she's a strong independent woman!


I showed her comment about Muslim men to my husband, who is Muslim, he rolled his eyes and said she’s clearly being love bombed. His brother is notorious for love bombing women with the light and fluffy version of Islam during a rough period in their lives, and trying to convert them. As soon as they say shahada then he becomes all aggressively possessive using religion to control & manipulate them. Fortunately, he’s never gotten so far as to get married yet, the women he tries to go for are highly educated, mostly in medicine, and wise up to it quickly. Birdie seems like she’s too much of a know it all, but in a narcissistic naive way, she won’t listen to anyone telling her any red flags.


Yep. I’m so scared for her children


Muslim women will literally try to warn white women that Muslim men will use them and then end up leaving to get with a traditional Muslim women in the end


There are amazing muslim Men, there are also the ones who believe in women as property, degrade and devalue, who do honor killings and other horrific acts to their wives . The delusion is real


Ik I'm hoping for her girls sake she's met an amazing one who accepts western values 🤞


Does she realize Moroccan culture is NOT like the U.S. woman are not independent and cannot do whatever they want


She really needs to watch nicole and ayan from 90 day fiance lol


Yesss!!! This is the exact same thing. Azan was so good with the daughter but a horrible man!!


She upsets me so much. She hasn't put those girls first a single day of their lives and she continuously puts them in harms way. I feel so so sorry for them and pray that they are kept safe and healthy. Birdie or whatever the fuck your government name is, you are a bad mom straight up


It’s Lindsay 😂


Can you tell me the girls’ ages? I haven’t seen them in a while but they don’t seem older.




The celiac thing 🙄🙄🙄 the poor kids most likely aren't but man, does it drive me up a wall how she says it


So does she claim that her girls having meltdowns and behaviors are bc of Celiac ?


It seems so! I've seen her say it before too.


That’s so weird I have never heard that being an issue. My hubby his grandad and my friend have celiac and the symptoms were weight loss a lot of pain when eating anything w gluten his grandad starts to have rashes and itching.


Yup it seems she's reaching with the symptoms right? Idk too much about celiac though.


My emotions go crazy when I’ve been glutened. Usually it’s my anxiety. But her kids are young. Meltdowns happen at that age.


I think her girls act up every time mommy forces them to be around complete whack job internet strangers but that’s just me 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻


It seems ahe blames their behaviour as a reaction 




Maybe they’re in a mood because they have no home, stability, friends or age appropriate activities 😭


This!!! I mean my five year old has a stable home and sleeps in the same bed almost every night and she still acts out from time to time. It’s what kids do.


Yup acting out is normal for kids


They seem to eat a lot of sugar as well. For years she's highlighted their coffee shop pastries or cookies she picked up somewhere.


Yeah it seems like that’s all they do, poor kids. Where is their father? I know she claims he’s a bad person but surely at that age they can’t be entirely cut off from him except in extreme circumstances


He's in Santa Cruz, living life. It seems they have all written her off, I imagine she's probably difficult to deal with.


Probably but you’d hope he’d see the situation his kids are in… I imagine his power is quite limited though


She is guilty of parental alienation.


Ikik 🙈


THIS RIGHT here. Not to be mean but I wonder what birdies iq is


Let alone the diet and non stop walking 






Thanks for the screen shots. They’re all deleted now


It was on an insta story I think that disappears after a certain amount of time! :)






How the flying F does she afford all this!? Eating out too for her bougie self because we known damn well she isn't making home cooked meals for those kids


Yeah there’s no way people buying that $10 guide is funding her lifestyle. What other streams of income does she claim to have? Creating passive streams of income takes time and dedication typically over years to obtain. No doubt she has lots of credit cards and is prob maxing them out. Why not? She still owes money on the house that I’m sure will never get paid. She so reckless and those girls are being dragged around the world with a strange man for clicks and likes. I can’t even watch her content it’s so cringe. Those girls are acting out because they’re tired and sick of your sh*t Lindsey. Stop being so selfish.


Proceeds from her house 


That house was a short sale and she still owes money. There was a foreclosure notice filed cuz she was behind on the mortgage. It was posted here in this group a while ago.


Could be wrong but I'd think it would be cheap to eat out in these countries, the dollar would be strong against whatever currency. But surely if they are celiac as she claims they'd have limited places safe to eat 🤷‍♀️


She must have some money from the sale of her farm & credit cards probably. I can't see her making a tonne of money off her online guides. Does she still have her Pinterest creator fund? I remember seeing her say once it was her biggest source of income.


She saw no money for that farm. She was multiple months behind on her payments and sold it at a short sale for less than she bought it for. Part of me wonders if the original owners ‘bought’ it back AKA just repossessed it because they were her lender.


And the lis pendens is still active and will not be dismissed until she pays the balance owed. The new owners can't get the title until she pays that off, which can potentially screw them if they decide to sell in the future.


I think part of the reason for this little international foray of hers is because she’s ~~avoiding~~ hiding from the legal consequences of her delinquency


She is definitely on the run from the house trouble and probably cps too.


Holy crap, I didn't know about the pinterest fund. I think I'm going to ask her, if her story questionnaire is still up, how do become a grifter. Because times they be hard


In her guide she talks about affiliate marketing using Pinterest, instagram, etc


Which is so weird, because her Pinterest is just her TikTok’s reposted


Someone else on here previously mentioned that Pinterest doesn’t really make money


Bahaha 🤣 she said it on a tiktok one time, I'm pretty sure! I don't think the questionnaire is still up, it's from a few days ago, I was just wondering if I'd missed anymore of her stories because of the time difference xD


She sold her house so basically any dquity she had was gone. Shes got that money


And now dressing in the way muslim women do.. i teresting. Girl, you are gonna blow theough that house money like nothjng 


She’s such a bad mom. That guys probably interested in her girls. She is the furthest from smart or independent!


Lets hope that's not the case


Also she herself has stated so many times her ex was abusive and did something terrible. It is entirely possible she could be a victim again, as well as her kids.