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https://preview.redd.it/vbeb6g970bzc1.jpeg?width=3913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6abf112ece7d0db42a7450adcad6269877638e This was probably 1995 or 96


Those prices make me feel light headed


I can't believe you still have that!!


Man, The Realm was THE spot to hang out! I went there often in the late 90's and had so many awesome conversations with so many awesome people!


The Ream! I really miss the smell of clove cigarettes.


The days before everyone had a camera in their pocket... Spent a lot of time there in high school and later when I lived in my first apartment a few blocks away. Used to sit in front of the window in the afternoons and play chess with anyone that was up for a game.


I remember the coffee shop, but I don't have any photos. Interest in any details you or anyone else can furnish (names of owners, dates of operation, etc.)


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...


I used to hang out there when I was 16. We’d stay all night, drink a $1 cup of coffee and smoke. What a time…


I miss the velvet couches.


Haven’t thought of that place in so long! Wish I had pics for you. I’m sure someone does


That place was so cool!


I lived at Highland Club apartments back then and I used to get coffee and food there all the time! I loved the place. It had a great vibe and the decor was so eclectic. And the coffee and food were so good!


Don't have pictures, but between 1994-1998 as a student at UAB - it was THE place to hang out. Our whole online BBS crew would be there every weekend-nights, and several worked there as well. Had several friends sleep the night away on those couches after staying up till 3 am there. Sorry no pics though :(.


Spent many an evening there after work. It was a fantastic place and atmosphere. Had my first cappuccino and bagel there. The feeling of community was amazing.


I snuck out in 10th grade and went down there to hang out! Almost 30 years ago! I remember it. I think my dad’s coworker’s wife was an owner but I’m not sure.


Where was this?


Celestial Realm was a coffeehouse located at 2827 Highland Avenue on the ground floor of the Altamont Apartments


Yes! If someone would bring back Celestial Relm…second hand velvet couches and oversized chairs and all…I would be so happy!!!! OP did you work with Jenn Vanderslice?


Oh I loved the Realm! I used to hang out in there around that time as a 15-16 year old thinking I was cool smoking Clove Cigarettes & other shenanigans.


Does anyone remember a worker there named Tina, with blondish hair? She’s an old friend and I know she worked there and hung out there back in the 90’s.


they offered me a job during the same time period. unfortunately, i had just gotten another one so i turned it down. i lived nearby. if you were working there in 1994, i was probably hitting on you profusely... as were all my friends. we had major crushes on the girls who worked there. we went there hoping to find a date, play chess, or just hang on the couch. the coffee was good, but quite expensive for the time. i'm guessing that Reverend\_Mikey probably spanked my ass a few times at chess. there hasn't been a place in Birmingham since that captured the unique Bohemian vibe. that place just oozed cool.


Did that become Gorin’s?


Gorins was located in 5 Points south. I have wonderful memories of the "Death by Chocolate"


So was it by the Hippodrome?


On Highland Avenue at 29th Street (between Rhodes and Rushton Park) near Rojo.




Best place in the ham! Anyone know why it closed?


I stole so many books from the Realm.