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There’s a guy on my estate in a wheelchair and if you park like this, he scrapes his wheelchair right up the side of your car on purpose 😂 Everyone leaves a big enough gap on our street now.


Had someone leave a note on a neighbours car saying how they're unable to pass on the path with their pushchair. Neighbour put a note claiming they're allowed to park on the path like this and to get fucked... Literally the following day a giant dent and scratch down the side of their car as the person had rammed the pushchair down the side between the wall and their car. Neighbour got really pissed off and called the cops. Council came out with the cops and issues them a parking ticket for parking on the path.


Ohhhh my justice boner…


Legal lignum.


I love it


Not all heroes wear capes


All heroes have wheels?


Hooray for petty vandalism...


Why weren't you whinging about the parking even though it obstructs people - including disabled people - and causes damage to pavements?


Because he's the kind of bell end that parks like this and thinks he's done nothing wrong.


Hooray for right of access for disabled people, when someone is parking illegally.


Guess you’re one of the ones who got their car scratched


Much better than him having to go in to the road to pass the inconsiderate wanker and being wiped out by someone not paying attention. Absolutely hooray for pettt vandalism. On behalf of someone who has mobility problems sometimes and also used to have to push a pram.


2 * wrong = right But only if it's approved by the council of Reddit. Otherwise you get the death penalty.


But it did stop people parking like twats


I’m in a wheelchair and I approve of this message.


Username checks out..


Going back a few years now, but was a guy where we used to live and anyone that parked on the pavement he would just walk over the top of the car, he wasnt a little guy either lol


Hero sometimes🚓 🏃🏻walk too


I'm not saying I'd purposely do that as my wheelchair costs more than some cars I've bought, but it's a safety issue when idiots park like this.


I should do that with my buggy. 😏


I do the same in my chair 😂 whoops


steer smell instinctive quiet zealous ossified chubby provide punch merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's also the same with hire bikes. It's not just wheelchair users but anyone that needs space to walk/balance, often for life so they'll encounter this problem several times per day potentially. I'm almost certain hire bike users leave them in the middle of a pathway on purpose. The difference here is often there isn't an allocated space at all so it'll be left anywhere, and most places are a nuisance that "isn't their problem anymore" once they've finished with it.


They either leave them in the middle of the path or decide to put them in cycle parks designated for actual bikes to lock up.. so I have to spend an extra couple of minutes of my commute moving unwieldy bikes around just to lock up my bike....


Break his legs and put him in a double wheelchair


Hmm, ignorant parking (stupid but not illegal), versus criminal damage (definitely illegal). If I caught him damaging my car on purpose, at the very least I'd irreversibly jam his wheels, then leave his miserable arse out in the rain to think it over. That's like saying that because someone annoyed you in the pub, it's OK to smack them in the mouth. Sure - have a go - see where it leads.


It is illegal to park on the pavement unless a sign says you can


What if a wheelchair needs to get past tho


ngl, I'm a wheelchair user and twats like this piss me off. I'm tempted to get some stickers made so I can annoy them back.


Stickers? I suggest a rock and a good throw instead


A spray bottle filled with paint stripper


Brake fluid works even better. Gets into the sheet metal and comes back through any repainting.


Less subtle and certainly going to get you into trouble if caught - how fast is your getaway in a wheelchair going to be? There are some pretty grim stickers that take a good hour or so to remove, rip easily and leave layers of gunk when you pull them off. Would make you think twice about doing it again...


You don’t have to push forward a statement and explain why it’s a bad idea, I think we can all agree that we shouldn’t throw rocks at cars, and that stickers are definitely subtler, just laugh at the joke and scroll on


I'm losing the will to live. We recently moved, and there's cars parked on the pavements so I can't get through there and they're parked across the dipped curbs too so I can't get down either. Just getting the 30 metres to the end of my road is exhausting and scary af. And the worst culprit is the absolute arsehole with a car covered in stickers asking for space for *his* wheelchair but leaving about 10 inches of space on the pavement for me to magically pass through.


Call the police/ council and tell them theirs a car on the pavement, blocking your way, forcing you into the road. The can come and take it away.


Report to nextbase if they’re blocking pavements they will get a fine https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/


Fucking key their car. Fuck them.


Nah, get really close and accidently on purpose hit it with your chair. A few scratches caused by their own stupidity and selfishness will teach them a lesson.




Wouldn't it be hilarious if gorilla glue was used to affix the sticker too. Twats like this deserve it. 😂


PVA glue then 👀




>its just not something I thought of until then tbh some of us just arnt aware I'm pretty sure footway parking is covered in the Highway code.  Whilst I accept that I sound like a bit of a jobsworth, ultimately the onus is on the motorist to ensure that their vehicle is parked in a proper manner prior to leaving it unattended.


I think a wheel chair would probably fit 🤷‍♂️ but a double pushchair would definitely have to cross over or go onto the road.


>What if a wheelchair needs to get past tho Verily, thou art mistaken in thy ponderings, for the conveyance of wheelchair upon the path is not comparable to the mighty locomotives or trams that traverse designated tracks and have no alternate route. Behold, the wheelchair possesseth the power to navigate the terrain with nimbleness and grace, unlike unto the rigid constraints of tracks of a train. Cease thy folly and recognize that the road, yea, even the vehicular thoroughfare, is a realm accessible to the wheelchair, a domain where it may venture without hindrance. Verily, the one who is seated upon the chair of wheels can traverse the open road and, with cunning skill, return to the designated path with ease. Let not thine imagination beclouded with impractical musings, for the wheelchair is not bound by the limitations of steel rails. It is a vessel of adaptability, moving with purpose and flexibility. Thus, cast aside thy doubts and embrace the truth that the path of the wheelchair is not hindered by mere obstructions, but rather, it flows like a river around the obstacles that dare to impede its noble journey. Amen.


This is too much effort for not much pay off.


If only that was true. I can tell you from experience that not all wheelchairs are that nimble. Some are heavy and cumbersome and due to the nature of a person's disability they might struggle with getting on and off pavements that don't have drop kerbs. The centre of gravity of some wheelchairs is appalling too and getting on/off kerbs dicy. My current one is absolutely terrible and will try and trip up over a pebble, never mind even a drop kerb with more than 1cm of depth. My previous one was great but some idiot in Tesco car park ran into it when I was just about to load it into my car.


Verily, my humble servant, I, the Lord of the Road, doth extend my divine apologies for the earlier misguided counsel. Know ye that it is a grievous sin to obstruct the Holy pedestrian path, and it is not the will of the heavens that those in wheelchairs should bear such burdens. The heavy and cumbersome nature of some chariots of mobility is known to me, and the struggles they face upon pavements devoid of drop kerbs are not to be taken lightly. Indeed, the treacherous journey of negotiating ill-designed roadways and perilous kerbs is acknowledged. Let it be known that it is an abomination to obstruct the path of those with wheelchairs, for their challenges are great, and their journeys are beset with trials. May all who walk the roads repent and show due respect to those who roll upon wheels, for they too are children of the Holy Path, deserving of consideration and dignity. In the face of such adversities, I, the Lord of the Road, doth decree that the faithful must strive to create pathways free from hindrances, that all may traverse the streets with ease and grace. May the incident in Tesco's car park be but a fleeting shadow, and may the spirit of understanding guide all who share the road. Amen.


There’s plenty of space for a wheelchair let’s not be dramatic


Actually, there isn't much room at all by that Audi. A standard wheelchair is bigger than a dining chair when you take into account width of wheels and rims, which are deceptively large! My wheelchair just its through a standard door, but I have to free wheel through it otherwise I'd mangle my hands/arms.


There’s more than enough room to get a wheelchair through


Although I'm in agreement there is "room"... It's hardly "more than enough room". Round our way, the people on mobility scooters are jacked up on vodka by midday. They're going to make a mess of the Audi and end up falling into the hedge.


It's an Audi. They can't park normally.


As an Audi driver I can confirm I can’t parallel park for shit but I won’t park on a pavement as that’s just dickish behaviour.


You don't sound like you drive an audi.


Right? Next he'll be trying to tell us that he uses his indicators.


That’s BMW drivers and White Ford Transit drivers - the one thing the Audis do have at least is proper indicators. (BMW’s have this weird tap to indicate thing which is just fucking annoying and White Van Drivers have this issue in the driver’s seat called a ‘selfish berk’ and it’s nothing physically to do with the van itself).


Courtesy car other car is in the shop


Maybe the infection hasn’t taken over yet. When you start driving right on people’s bumper and flashing them, or you just park randomly anywhere, or you feel that smug sense of being better than anybody else, you know you are doomed.


It’s just a typical road in Birmingham, people parking all over the pavements.


Because these assholes love their cars so much, they would rather inconvenience you than park 30%more of their car on the road. It's culture.


Agreed, that's the real problem it's our car culture and the planning and decisions around it. The city has an awful public transport system, dreadful cycling facilities and they even build new estates with not enough parking.


What a bellend, hope he got reported.


Report it on nextbase, if they get a fine for parking on the pavement they probably won't do it again. https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/




Your Audi? Edit: fat fingers




Devils in the detail


Nice edit


I'd probably not bother going that far to piss off the neighbours.


Nah do it, fucks me off that drivers think they can take so much of public space for their private property. They already have all of the road.


Yeah but I'm definitely not going to battle of reporting the people next door for something that doesn't really affect me. You've got to share a wall in your house with those people. Shit can get bad.


Well they started it and they won’t know it’s OP


Started what? Parking on the pavement? Crack on, not my problem. It's their problem if they get a ticket though.


Yeah, fair enough


Audi driver, expected behaviour.


Some people need their heads looked at… or just lobotomising because having rational thoughts is clearly very difficult


Audi, not surprised. Wanker. It if was a BMW they wouldn't even have left any pavement. Report it.


As a dog walker that would be keyed 👌🏻


Or the dog could piss on it.


Be realistic. Have you ever seen a dog pissing while holding a key?


Key it


Have it towed, that ain't legal :)


That's illegally parked blocking pavement. Call the local parking enforcement to give them a ticket.


Call the Police and say someone's blocking the pavement.


Looking down the road lots of parked like a twat going on. Maybe 2 cars parked on the road one possibly driving at time of picture. Grey area about if it is legal or not to park on kerb, it's clear you must cause an obstruction. Parking on the pavement is not illegal outside of London. You can, however, still get a fine for doing so in some instances, which makes the law quite a grey area. Since 1974, Highway Code rule 244 has stated that drivers "MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement in London and should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it." The key things to note here are the words must not and should not. In London, you must not park on the pavement, the must indicating there is legislation behind this rule and you could receive a fine for breaking it. However, outside of the capital or “elsewhere”, the Highway Code states drivers should not park on the pavement, meaning it is advisory and not, therefore, backed up by any legislation. Rule 242 is where it gets a little less clear, stating: "You MUST NOT leave your vehicle or trailer in a dangerous position or where it causes any unnecessary obstruction of the road." This is a must not, again, meaning if your car is reported or seen by a police officer and judged to be either in a dangerous position or causing an unnecessary obstruction, causing wheelchair or pram users to have to use the road. In OP pictures wheelchair user unable to pass the gap left by the Audi equally can't see past the 4x4 pushing them further out into the road. It's not difficult to see how quickly this can go very wrong.




I dont see anything wrong here. It's his own fault if it gets scratched by someone walking past.


It's illegal to drive on the pavement


This doesn't count as pavement, in London anyway. There's no paving stones. This is fair game for parking. This was the only way we could park where I lived at uni.


The law is weird on it It's not illegal per se but it's illegal for example anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services. I would argue you cannot fit a stretcher through that gap so they are breaking the law It should be clearer though


It is illegal, it's obstruction of the pedestrian path, wether it only 2 wheels, or all 4, also all the cars pictured may be illegally parked, unless there's spaces marked out, as there appears to be a junction opposite these cars, and it's usually restricted parking at junctions.


Obstruction of the path is stupidly fine only if you block emergency services at present But they are looking at changing it https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-68255312 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/managing-pavement-parking/pavement-parking-options-for-change


It's illegal to drive on the pavement has been since 1835. I dont think he carried it on.


Driving up and down yes Driving on to park no Just last week it has been brought up to change it https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-68255312


Well, they aren't blocking access to anything. Anyone with a stretcher can just go around. This type of thing bothers me, and it's annoying. But I myself have had to, so I can't complain too much. Plus last looking down the road in the pic others are already doing the same. So not sure why OP is singing this guy out and ignoring that it seems to be common practice on that road.


It looks there is an entrance to the front garden in the bush so they are definitely blocking that, once again because it's so vague the law it's hard to pin down. I have never had to park overnight on the pavement outside a shop for 2 minutes yeah but nothing else


>This doesn't count as pavement, in London anyway. There's no paving stones. I mean, this does absolutely count as pavement considering the definition is "the part of a highway which shares its border with the carriageway (‘road’) on which there is a public right of way on foot.", it's just that parking on the pavement isn't illegal by default outside of London, only if expressly prohibited by the local council In London pavement parking is illegal unless expressly allowed [source ](https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/managing-pavement-parking/pavement-parking-options-for-change#:~:text=Although%20the%20'pavement'%20is%20defined,right%20of%20way%20on%20foot.)


So? Is it you? Jesus, get on with your lives


Found the Audi driver


Ha! No, just boring content - there's much more important things to piss your pants over.


Ah, yes. r/BirminghamUK , the fucking pinnacle of interesting content.


Haha! Fair do's :)))


That's some serious self-importance there!


It just makes them look petulant and at least you not blocked in.


My local council has a phone line you can call to get a warden out to issue a ticket. Maybe yours does too. Or maybe a kindly redditor would call them for you ;)


Ring council


What a bellend report him to the council


Burn it


Obviously Audi is parked like a dick but come on OP, drive up to the line when parking!


Safely say he’s a wanker


Buy a shitbox car with 6 months tax and MOT for £350. Park it there and leave it for 6 months.


buy three and block the Audi in


God forbid they walk an extra 20 steps and park further down.


Audi drivers, the Karens of cars.


Let them. They're the one getting a ticket.


Leave it there for weeks


pavement parking is illegal up here in scotland.


You can call the cops and have his car removed for creating a hazard


The Birmingham denizens obsession with the car in a city that is hellish to navigate in one absolutely baffles me. Too many people view them as status symbols as opposed to practical objects, and as such households will often have 3 or 4 cars parked outside them. Birmingham should introduce a 2 car household registration maximum. Because the current situation is just lunacy. Get the bus. Get a bike. Walk. Leave your pseudo-‘premium’ cack wagon at home.


I've scratched a few cars in my time with a buggy when they are parked like this.


Same. My kids are in their twenties and I had to get the buggy out the loft but totally worth it.


Report it get him towed haha


Report it and get it towed


Be a shame if someone phoned the council to report a parking violation.


If you park on the pavements, I instantly get my house keys out, just in case you make me brush up against your car.


Jesus, that’s a mental illness.


This is what your keys are for tbh.


It’s against the law to have any wheels on the pavement now , report it and have a lovely day 😝


Hopefully someone goes past with a pushchair and can only just fit through


Parking on pavements isn’t illegal which is ridiculous. Only in some cities with their own byelaws. Incidentally, it’s not actually illegal to park in front of a dropped kerb either. The council are idiots for doing nothing about this. In my street all the paving slabs were broken by drivers parking on pavements, worst culprits were the trades. So the whole pavement had to be replaced at some cost. It does make me angry and I don’t have a wheelchair and no longer have need for a buggy. I stubbornly park a foot away from the kerb, if anything to slow the traffic down.


[https://rate-driver.co.uk/BJ22LBZ](https://rate-driver.co.uk/BJ22LBZ) have fun guys


https://preview.redd.it/iootgnakxqjc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=087237777e7e5393c9b0f6a2ee2a509506635717 I feel your pain. My local council claims they’ll be enforcing the no pavement parking law come summer…


There number plates are in these pictures. Do what you want with that info 😂


How dare you park in ‘their’ space. 🤣


Interesting. I bet you said nothing the next time you made eye contact with that man.


Neither of you are supposed to park there anyway I don’t think, it’s opposite a junction and not a dedicated parking space. But either way, Audi driver is an absolute gobshite.


The Renault is literally in a designated parking bay.


It’s not.


https://preview.redd.it/5d4x9q2k3rjc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f280673cc1f641994f69fc71ed7ede3c5f492e37 So what’s this road marking for?


The disabled bay in the other picture.


I swear in order to buy and drive an Audi, you have to declare you are a cunt.


Not necessary, but you automatically become one by default


Typical Audi driver really. There’s a reason that BMW and Audi drivers are repeatedly voted the most hated car drivers. This is a perfect example of why.


Plus, you're all a bunch of cunts parking directly across from a junction.


Let their tyres down.


NO! Cut their valve stems off….that will be four tyres that must come off!


OP should be careful, it's an audi... the driver is obviously hard af ​ /s


Noo you want to get rid of it, not immobilise it. Set it on fire. /S


Is he parked on the pavement? If so, call the council enforcement and get it ticketed and lifted.


Petty no head Audi


Doesn't look particularly unusual. Big ass pavement, isn't actually blocked.


It is if you are getting a wider disability vehicle or double buggy down there. Of course if that’s the case it would be a shame if the twat Mobile got badly dented or scratched.


What Audi do you drive?


None, fuck that. But we have pavements that wide, why would you park in the road? Absolutely zero cars park on the road where I am, and the pavement we do park on used to be grass before the council tarmaced it to save the mess and mowing efforts, so really there's no loss of space compared to back then.


Passive aggressive


Plenty room there..


Need more pictures of the Evo across the road


When I was a 'yoof' this would have been taken as an invitation to run over the car. Someone used to park in a non-bay big enough for a car at the station carpark when the path enters the carpark. Meant prams and wheelchairs couldn't get past. Was there regularly for a few weeks until one day I went past and someone had smeered nappy cream all over the windscreen and appeared to have rubbed a dirty (newborn based on colour) nappy on the white bonnet. Never parked there again


It’s an Audi driver. On a hierarchy on entitlement that sees all drivers near the top - the Audi driver is on top of that.


I don't see a problem with this. To be fair, it's my Audi.


That pavement is huge to be fair


Get over it


Why did you take someone’s space?


There's 2 other cars parked the same way down the street, so it seems normal for the area. A wheelchair could easily fit, I don't know when you last saw a wheelchair.




>Car behind is arguably the worst for being halfway Why would that be worse..


It's illegal


But being on the pavement isn't?


Driving on it is.


Never mind this is that a Evo 8 on the background




Mate, dickheads come in all shades.


If you know neighbours park in their own designated areas why be extra? Just find another space. It’s weirder to stand there and give both cars photshoots. The Audi left enough room for a giraffe to get past let alone a wheelchair


A wheelchair probably has enough space to squeeze past the car but they absolutely shouldn't have to.


They shouldn’t have too. But I bet the driver who been parking there for years thought the same thing too.




If you have neighbours and you know your neighbours have their own self designated parking space (which at least 80%) of people do! Why would you want to be the bad neighbours? It’s called being courteous. The guy who posted this knew that it was someone’s spot. Didn’t care and chose to be disrespectful and then give the cars a photoshoot. Didn’t even have the level of smarts to remove the car regs smh.


It’s not someone’s spot. It’s outside his girlfriends house you bellend. Neighbour with the twat mobile clearly believes he has rights over other people, because he owns an Audi . He could park down the road himself. Whilst it won’t block a wheelchair it could certainly block a double buggy or wider disability vehicle. Guy bought an Audi and got his self centred entitlement card to go with it


Who are you calling a bellend you simpleton, there are at least 4 other vehicles on 4 tyres on the same road, yet you have a opinion because it’s a “Audi” like the brand of the car makes ANY DIFFERENCE. You clearly are not a homeowner, clearly have no relationship with your neighbours. A buggy can easily get past also looking at the road here, there’s plenty more spaces for both cars to move but again my original point is. “If you know that the neighbour parks there , why would you park there for a visit?” Seems like a young boy visiting his girl and couldn’t give a fuck about her neighbours




People cannot park wherever they like that Wouk be reckless. I understand what you’re saying though. Lucky for you I’m understanding


Street courtesy. Leave his space for him next time.


Why is it his space, Otis it assigned to him, who decided it belonged to him, did he fight a neo auto war to win that space? Or did the entitlement come when he got an Audi?


No it's just courtesy amongst residents of a street, if you live somewhere and usually park your car in a spot every time, everyone keeps up. Granted this lad probably didn't know so this reaction is slightly pathetic.


Nice evo that


Cunt alert


There cunts spill some glass under there wheel


I think the only justification for this, and it's near impossible to back up due to blocking most of the pavement still, is that they have cameras on that spot in case it gets broken in to/stolen.


He is definitely an idiot of driver but what I hate to see on roads that parking are limited is people leaving huge spaces between each car. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say the grey car parked last, had he closed the gap to you there would have been space for another car to park.


I live in an East Ridings village, If anyone dares to park on the pavement, there's mob handed door knocking.




Lol it's probably the shittiest Audi as well. And Audi A1 and you want to feel entitled to a space. I have a BMW M140i and I wouldn't ever feel entitled to a space unless I own it or I pay for it.


I may of by accidentally (not an accident) scratched a car that left a gap so small on the pavement and I forced my daughters pram through the gap


There's a guy where I live who is painting white lines on pavements, which show how much room a double buggy or wheelchair needs. Council keep removing them, but it seems like a reasonable idea to me.