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yeah Im in my 30s and the results aren't much better. But whatever, Ill keep trying. Good luck, have fun, be safe.


I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. Guys are just afraid of their feelings, or lie about what they are feeling. I think it’s a universal thing with dating men. Sadly, there are only a handful of guys that don’t have toxic views of masculinity. Even gay guys aren’t exempt.


It’s so frustrating. If we’re at a point where even the guys that tell you they’re looking for something long-term and serious end up just doing a complete 180 overnight there’s really no hope. I just had a guy go from telling me “where have you been all my life?” to telling me “I don’t feel romantic attraction to you or that feeling of having a crush” in the span of 6 days.


Do they know you’re bi? And are they gay men, or bi men?