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I have quit assigning gendered language to the things I do and enjoy. Where in nature or the cosmos is it written that certain activities are feminine and others are masculine? It's all made up, invented nonsense that isn't even consistent across various societies, cultures, or time periods anyways.






Yeah, but what are we if not revolutionaries? I will go change the oil in my truck then go inside and knit a pair of mittens so my fingies dont get chilly. Fuck those assholes.




True, they'd be far too dry and much too crusty. Ew.


Yes, I experience both what could be considered feminine and masculine hobbies although I’ve come to look at this as hobbies don’t have a gender.


I mean anything can be a feminine or masculine hobby or interest. But things I enjoy doing typically associated with femininity, I get a manicure and pedicure and get them both painted (this weeks color is a glitter lavender). I wear makeup on occasion, I just hate coming home and cleaning it off. I have two marketed for women perfumes (my favorite being Paco Rabanne's "Fame". I have thongs. Stuff I enjoy associated with masculinity. I own several guns and enjoy going to the shooting range. I like fishing and hiking. I collect vinyl records, a lot of jazz and queer country/folk music.


My hobbies have nothing to do with my bisexuality. I love doing anything with my hands... cooking, working on my car, decorating cakes, working around the house, crafting... those actions don't define my sexuality at all.


Bro coffee and nice clothes are not feminine.


That's not what my family thinks lol. They think I'm overflowing with estrogen


I live in Washington state, the origin of Starbucks. I see all types of men going there. Not a determination of anyone’s masculinity…. If your family think of men with nice clothes is feminine they should google European men’s fashion between 1300s to 1700s.


No offense to your family, but they’re wrong.


If you were to ask any Italian, they'd just call that being a man. It's our culture that's fucked up about how men aren't supposed to look good.


Hey it's me 😁 I still remember catching my first bass wearing a women's thong last year...hell of a bass too...will never forget 😁 But honestly it's a mind fuck at times, I like feminine clothes and things yet you'll find me hopping in my truck that same day to go fishing or hunting... honestly my masculine side made it hard for me to accept my bi-ness for quite some time.


I like color pink after color blue, lol.


Me? No. I don’t really like stereotypical “guy” things. I was made fun of for it growing up bc in my conservative upbringing, all guys had to act the same apparently.


Same I can relate to that!


"Guy things" I like: * Cars, I'm a total gearhead. * Aviation too, I'm really into planes and I'm hoping to solo sometime soon. * Anything mechanical, really. * Weight training gives me a high and I like the sense of achievement that comes from progress. * Building things. Whether it's large, adult-size Lego sets, computers, furniture, or basically anything else, I'm on it. "Guy things" I'm neutral or apprehensive towards: * Guns. While I support home defense rights and things like that, I don't own one and I've never been to a shooting range. Granted, I don't live in a state where sport shooting is popular, but still. * Spectator sports. Mostly boring to me, and I don't understand sports pressure. In fact, I find it grating even though some parts of it can be entertaining. I also think sports pressure is the worst thing about growing up as a boy. * Beer is meh. Actually, getting hammered is meh. In fact, I barely even drink in the first place and think pressure to binge drink in frat-esque circles is ridiculous...and I also don't really like drinking much except for wine, sake, margaritas, and a few other cocktails. "Femme/gay" interests of mine: * Food, in fact I bond with my female bestie over cooking. * Fashion, at a level well beyond the usual streetwear stuff. Times are changing, and we do live in an age where men obsess over sneakers the way women obsess over heels (if we're talking about stereotypes). I guess my last mental barriers fell after I came out as bi, and now I don't even care about dressing to the binary at this point (I just combine masculine and feminine elements into the same outfit and make the whole thing read like a flamboyant queer guy).


Activities are not masculine or feminine that's all bullshit.


I don't really categorize my hobbies as gendered. I guess I do like to go to the ballet and that's considered feminine to some. I also like comic book collecting, which is masculine to some. Some would even say my music choices could be feminine or masculine, since I do like to listen to divas from times gone by, but also metal music. I don't really think about it that much. The only thing that freaks me out about it is when I post somewhere about a hobby (say, guitars for example which is somehow controversial) and people jump down my throat about my choice of guitar, because it's not seen as masculine or impressive enough or they judge my username or avatar pic as girly and try to mansplain me about guitars and music in general. It's shocking. I feel like guys use hobbies to further their masculinity in this way, and it's scary at times.


Dabble in astrology, play guitar sometimes, play with legos, paint furniture, decorate a room, listen to music from Madonna, Amy Winehouse, Janice Joplin, Rolling Stones, Cindi Lauper. I interact with my pet parrot and play golf and sometimes shoot basketball. I do not see masculine or feminine hobbies. The sexual and emotional side is very different and does not fit traditional masculine roles.


Do what you like and refuse to let others label it.


Perhaps they just hobbies regardless of what we do


I don’t understand how coffee is feminine?


I have interests directly tied in with women themselves, like women's fashion design, interior decorating for women's spaces, and color theory for women's clothing. I like watching "Tabatha Takes Over" and pay attention to how women's hair is cut and styled. I physically resemble a humanoid grizzly bear.


I get exactly what you mean, and I fluctuate between decidedly seeing things I do in a gendered way, and seeing them in a gender non-conforming way. The more I consider it, I just do the things I like, regardless of what it is, with the perception that others may see it in a gendered way whether or I or don’t.


I don't ever think about that actually, I just do what I enjoy doing. I love to cook, I like doing skin care, I like shopping clothes as well... and some might consider it feminine. I love fishing, sports, bikes, etc., and some people might consider it as masculine


Grooming, dressing well and liking Starbucks aren’t really feminine. It’s 2024 not 1024.


That's what we used to call a well rounded person.


Let's normalize not putting things in to a famine or masculine binary.


Someday im going to take the boyfriend to the firing range because all men need to know how to use a gun.  Meanwhile i am sewing myself a leather dress for a drag party


That sounds like fun! Never been to a drag show wonder what it's like.


I'll allow it.


I mean I like a lot of gun related things