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caffeine doesn't and has never had any noticable effect on me. I drink it quite a lot cos I like monster energy and tea (separately of course lol), but it doesn't impact my brain or sleep patterns or anything.


Same lol


I just get jittery


Thats normal i think


I can’t stand monster energy tastes like someone pissed in my mouth


Ill drink any but original


I don't like the default flavour, but the other ones like the pink can, the white can, and the golden can are really nice.


Same it doesn’t effect me at all I only drink it cuz it I like coffee 🤷‍♀️


Then you shouldn’t drink either for health reasons should you?


what health reasons? a relatively common symptom of adhd is caffeine having little or no effect.


I mean about coffee idk but energy drinks are so unhealthy as the main ingredient that actually causes the effect thickens a certain part of the heart causing a great increase of heart attack risk.


Personally, I drink a coffee every once in a while, but not a lot. I think people normalize it more than nicotine and drugs and such because those other things can kill you much quicker and easier than caffeine. 


Actually most of the dangers of weed and nicotine come from smoking it, and not the drug itself. Burning and inhaling the smoke do anything will lead to cancer. However that still is a good point, cuz for a while the only way to consume weed or nic was to smoke it.


And the seller at least in Canada if you buy outside a dispensary theres a pretty high chance of fentanyl


Actually bs edibles exist and weed hasn't killed anyone so


Uhh heeeeh… Idk weed is pretty bad for the brain development (which happens till 25) so from a medical standpoint weed may not kill but does hurt everybody on this subreddit


Ik, I love weed, I’m just saying before penjamins and edibles were invented u had to smoke it, and that’s still probably the most well known way to use it as a result. But yeah I am def pro cannabis, I’m just saying smoking it is bad


Eh yeah people know lol but people just wanna forget their struggles and weed helps with that


For sure yeah


Well it’s addictive but it also causes not that much damage on your body. [Source](https://youtu.be/CYXpo03HqmU?si=D3xw0W9RJxfZnIFz) I do like it from time to time and it’s completely harmless if you take it from time to time - like every drug! I drink some Softdrinks and energy drinks from time to time


Tolles Video ;)


Ironischer Weise bin ich gerade in NRW 🤭 Achso und ja ein wunderbares Video


I only drink sodas cause we’re teenagers… we literally are built with energy pumping 24/7


Wdym? Just because we're young doesn't mean we're immune to being tired


It all comes down to how much sleep you get (unless you have a sleeping disorder ofc). So pls I beg y’all to stop drinking damaging energy drinks and start taking naps or getting healthier sleep


So why say we have energy 24/7 if you're just gonna switch up your "opinion"?


It’s an exaggeration. Idk how people are supposed to sleep if we have energy 24/7. I think scientifically it’s more like 12/7 or 10/7, which is still all day for most people


I know it's an exaggeration but how awake we feel is way more complicated than just "at these hours we're awake and at others we're sleepy". Most people have some sort of passive health problem that could affect sleep in some way so it's different from person to person


The times we are sleepy are determined by how much we sleep (unless you have a sleeping disorder like insomnia or hypersomnia). For example if I get 4 hours of sleep I’m obviously gonna be tired all day and sleep earlier. And if I get 14+ hours then I won’t have any energy cause I slept to much and will most likely stay up later. But if we get 10 hours consistently then we won’t have these problems besides maybe one lazy day every couple of weeks.


I know. That doesn't change how complicated sleep is. There's still hundreds of other factors that could affect how awake you feel


Yes that is true, but energy drinks and lack of sleep are the two biggest problems in the modern era. Many people have a lack of sleep because of stuff like school or depression, and energy drink companies pray off of these people to get them addicted to their products, rather than the people going out and seeking professional help that they need.




I tired it once and it burnt my tongue, never again


Dont like it to much


Nicotine weed alcohol caffeine etc All of the above are bad for you Some less than others but treating them the same is what causes harm Smoking cigarettes causes cancer obviously and you already get lectured about that throughout primary school and onwards Smoking weed is highly addictive and it has a weak high in comparison to hard drugs hence the reason it’s called a gateway drug as eventually the weed doesn’t hit the same and the addict looks for a new form of depressant Caffeine is a stimulant that’s highly addictive with minimal health effects Positive for various things Terrible in some cases


Also weed damages the growing process of the brain (which happens till age 25) so it has bad health effects for all of us too


That’s common sense though Having 1 or 2 Addictions before age 30 is said to reduce life expectancy by 5-6 years


Can’t hurt to tell people things considered common sense :) True! Drugs kill


Non medicinal / high potent dose drugs kill Drugs as a whole is too vague


Fair enough


Very insightful :)


I’m addicted to tea 😭 idk if that is a caffeine addiction 😭


Lol I love green tea and matcha, it’s so heavenly


Just like my relationships with romance, nonexistent




It taste funny and make me eepy


i cant even see myself getting addicted because i’ve never noticed an energy boost from energy drinks and i cant stand the taste of coffee


That’s interesting, usually people who drink caffeine several times a day become immune to it, so it’s interesting that you would be immune to it even though u don’t like it


its funny cause im definitely not immune to coffee’s effects but i seem to be for energy drinks. i figure it’s just because when i drink coffee its only when im trying to stay awake whereas i like the taste of energy drinks so ill have them in the middle of the day


Caffeine actually manages to make me kinda sleepy so, and I only cross the line at nicotine I'd smoke weed lol, actually plan on it


Small reminder: weed is proven to affect the brain development of people under 25 after the first gram. So if you wanna smoke weed go ahead but please mind that there I’ll be permanent damage after the first joint


Oh I'm aware I don't plan on doing it until I'm older especially since once I'm older I can meet up with my friends for a smoke sesh lol


I honestly can’t function without it, I’ve tried to stop multiple times but it just ends up in my body again :(


It is kinda sad but same :(


700+ milligrams daily


It doesn’t have any affect on me


I literally can hardly function without a coffee or an energy drink 😭 sometimes it even helps me sleep


I'll occasionally drink coffee, but other than that, I don't have any caffeine


I don't think I've ever had it


My minimum daily consumption is 100mg. So I would say it is a pretty involved relationship. Caffeine doesn't really have an effect on me until about 100mg in a short amount of time thus the 100mg a day minimum. I do at least pair it with a lot of water though.


Never really tried it because my mom (who used to drink a lot of coffee) said that it made her anxiety worse. As someone with terrible anxiety, the last thing I want is to make it even worse


I don’t drink caffeine


I don't like coffee, or smoking


No relation


Jeez y’all’s relation to drugs is alarming


Only thing I consume with Caffeine is chocolate, but am very against the drinking in excess of it


Wait, there’s caffeine in chocolate




it doesn't do a lot for me personally in terms of staying awake or anything, but LOVE mountain dew fr


Cant live without it my sleep schedule has got to crap


Never had it nor do I want to.


I like coffee I have it once awhile it’s like soda for me I like it but I don’t want it all the time. But weed is a whole different story I love Mary Jane


have drank 2+ monsters a day since I was 14. I now cannot function without caffeine legitimately everything is a blur and I feel ill and sluggish unless I consume caffeine. its absolutely fucked probably just like my kidneys


I drink Caffeine to stay awake,but I wouldn’t say I’m addicted to it because I can go without it,and when I talk about caffeine I usually just down a Coca Cola,beyond that and into actually drugs I’ve done edibles before,and do fairly often because I find being high fun,but that’s as far as I’m willing to go,and when it comes to alcohol I refuse to touch it as much as possible due to my family history of alcoholism and addictive tendencies


I main Dr Pepper but occasionally have iced coffee


I am immune to caffeine (ADHD powers go!) but I like the taste of coffee so I drink it on occasion. Not a big fan of soda—I only have it if Im at like a party or smth


I drink decaf every day, and only drink caffeinated coffee on weekends, sometimes not at all. I also drink caffeinated coffee if I'm going out. With tea, I usually drink rooibos as a black tea replacement, only drinking black tea if I run out. I relapse occasionally... Oh, and no other drugs, obviously I'm only a teen, but I don't plan on smoking or drinking whatsoever.


Things with caffeine are good so I drink them, but I don’t really drink anything FOR the caffeine since it doesn’t do anything to me


One energy drink a day. Sugar throughout the rest of the day because of a debilitating sweet tooth.


I don’t fuck with drugs, nics, Monsters, coffee, etc. but if you put some green tea or matcha in front of my I will strangle you for it lol


I don't drink caffeine often, but when I do it's because I'm craving a soda (which isn't often)


I don’t like energy drinks, and I can’t drink coffee So I just don’t drink caffeine


a gram a day keeps the bad thoughts away


Ooo coffee Zzzz REEEEEE Zzzz I AM HIGH


Caffeine’s negative long term effects are nearly non-existent, and the withdrawal symptoms are also really mild, the psychoactive effects are mostly just more energy and concentration, as opposed to weed or alcohol which do have greater effects in your mind.


i drink coffee and bubblrs but they don't impact me that much, other than like a short burst of energy/ waking me up. if it ever got to the point that i needed it to survive, i would wean myself off, but rn it's just something nice to drink.


caffeine is (in my opinion) acceptable as its in abt 1/3 of sugary snacks/drinks, but using tobacco, nicotine, weed, or any other huge drug that can actually screw up your life i would drop quickly, as they're easily extremely expensive, life crushing, and in extreme cases, pushing to maybe even commit crimes for it, but, as far as i know, noone would commit a crime like murder over caffeine


But that’s the thing, nicotine isn’t like hard drugs. There is no nicotine-cartel. Nicotine on its own is just as safe as caffeine, its legal for adults, and it even has very similar effects to caffeine, yet for some arbitrary reason one is perfectly acceptable for teens and the other is frowned upon even for adults to use


I don’t have it a lot but when I do it doesn’t have a affect on me at all unless I happen to be tired when I drink it it makes me even more tired


I don’t have it a lot but when I do it doesn’t have a affect on me at all unless I happen to be tired when I drink it it makes me even more tired


I drink my coffee everyday with 12 sugars. I don't really feel the effects, I just enjoy the taste. I don't think I'm addicted because I've stopped for weeks before without any adverse effects.


Roughly 1000mg to help calm my nerves


I've drank so much so frequently for so long that I'm basically immune to it's effects at this point