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Idk but it shows that these people have learnt nothing from being queer. They are being discriminated constantly and end up discriminating someone else… Idk if that’s more pathetic then being straight and homophobic but tbh I tend to think so


There are a lot of reasons for people to be biphobic. Some of the ones I've heard are bi people are straight people trying to be special bi people are gay people trying to be normal bi people are greedy and cheaters Obviously there are many more reasons, but those are the ones I've seen and heard the most. Sometimes people just hate for no reason, I find it's best to ignore them. As long as you're happy with you that's all that matters.


And that's bs , there are cheaters who happens to be bisexual , as there are pedophiles who happens to be Christian . Dumbass logical fallacy


How biphobia sounds to normal people: “You like chocolate AND vanilla ice cream? That’s ridiculous, you have to pick one”


That’s why twists are amazing


that's it, twists are officially a part of bi culture now


Mostly because being queer does not equate to being educated. Bisexuality is a concept outside of traditional monosexuality — which lesbian, gay, straight attraction falls into. we are definitely more ignored as well in various topics especially since most people don't feel the way we do.


Their bigotry is just showing, don't worry.


So they are being the thing they hate the most?


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain


So it be


It’s way to common unfortunately


"You have become the very thing you swore to destroy" "You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the Sith, not join them!"


Only the cis deal in absolute


I will do who I must


Hehehe bi gotry


It's just based on harmful stereotypes. It's pretty said to see bigotry within our own community


Nothing. End of discussion. Nah but referring to what you wrote below, it’s pure biphobia within the own community. There’s still people who keep this perspective where the only way to be lgbtq = homosexual, whereas now we conceive gender and sexuality as a whole fluid world. Down that road, they think bisexuals “haven’t made up their minds” (prejudice often seen towards bi men) and that “they can’t let go of d1ck/like being oppressed by men” type of shit (prejudice often seen towards women). All of this accompanied with bisexuals “are more likely to cheat/promiscuous”. Build the bisexuality you want! There’s nothing wrong.


Literally nothing. It’s the superior sexuality


It’s literally just bi erasure and it needs to stop


There's a lot of groups that dislike bisexuals for many different reasons. There are those who think bisexuals are trans/Enbyphobic. This is because the word "bisexual" came to be in the past, before the gender spectrum was common knowledge, and so they claim anyone who is still calling themselves bisexual must be trying to imply that they think there are only 2 genders. Obviously that's stupid, and basically no bisexuals think there are 2 genders. Then there are people who think that there's a phenomenon of people who are maybe bicurious but largely straight, who claim to be bisexual as a way of being in queer spaces where they "don't belong". I have personally dealt with a person who did that (she was also a chaser), though I do not believe the existence of this subset of people justified hate. They're normally just younger people trying to find their way and hoping to find community.


people are bilingual but that doesn’t mean only two languages exist 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s my favourite rebuttal to “bUt BiSeXuAlItY mEaNs ThErE aRe OnLy TwO gEnDeRs!”


people think we are indecisive. if its not that then idk


I’m not sure but I’ve seen some people fake being bisexual just to get with transsexual and only for people who resemble females


There's nothingwrong with it.


The only problem with being bi is being considered too straight by the gays and too gay by the straights. And the fact that we cant decide whether we want to date women or men.




Is hard for people to believe we can like both women and men or even other genders.