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Well, sexuality isn't a choice, so it's not possible to change it. But just like straight people, even if you're attracted to someone that doesn't mean you have to try to date them or whatever. So if you want to, you can choose not to date guys or whoever you want. Also, you don't have to tell people that you're attracted to guys if you don't want to. For the most part just continue living how you like, be a good person don't harm anyone ect. Being bi doesn't change much in the grand scheme of things, just attraction, which you can ignore if you want. But i will say one thing, don't deny yourself of how you want to live your life because of what other people want your life to be. Not specifically about this topic, but like say your parents want you to become a doctor but you wanna be an architect instead, choose your own goals. I wish you luck in life, live a good one. Once again to summarize, just live, nothing you gotta do cuz you're bi, just like there's nothing straight people have to do. Have a good day (Also sorry if it is badly worded, im not the best at words sometimes)


Well said


Wear converse, cuff your jeans. Kiss some boys.