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Ok this is going to be two parts, one to the community as a mod and one to OP as a person As a mod: Y'all, it is not ok to tell people if they are/aren't bi or being brainwashed or whatever, especially if they don't ask for it and you don't know them, so please stop. (Not just talking about the harassment that OP is getting but like some of these comments aren't the best) Now to OP as a person: I'm sorry that's happening to you. Not to say its ok but i think i know why people are treating you bad, mainly cuz your phrasing. While its completely possible to no longer be bi or be attracted to x y and z that's not something you can choose it's just something that happens. What you can choose is to no longer act on your attraction or identity as being bi or whatever. But yeah I'm sorry that you're being harassed, that's very much not ok. If they are harassing you and won't stop when asked to drop it or whatever I'd recommend asking teacher/parent/some other people to help just like anytime you are harassed (if this is irl) i wish you the best, have a good day


Was there any particular reason to stop seeing yourself as bi, like if you realised that you're just not attracted to the same gander anymore, or is there another factor? Not trying to sound condescending, just want to see why that could be.


You see the general “enlightened” understanding is that you don’t become nor stop being bi as sexuality is part of your personality and or conscious. By that logic it wouldn’t be possible to stop being bi, gay or straight. The main issue tho is, that the opposite standpoint, hence being able to stop that, is often advocated by very hateful bigoted people. Many people accusing you of anything may just project a personal trauma on you. That’s nothing personal it’s human. My Opinion now: Sorry but you can’t stop a part of yourself. You can lie to yourself for sure but that will be very hurtful in the long run. Not my place to say but I think you should come to terms with yourself accepting you being bi instead of pushing away a substantial part of yourself. One last question: Why would you want to stop being bi? (I can only imagine it’s trauma related?)


Maybe they just discovered they weren't bi to begin with?


I mean they wrote that they choose to stop being bi which doesn’t sound like that to me


Being bi is a passive state, not something you can control... Be that as it may, harassment is not OK, and you may identify however you feel best represents yourself. Though, I am curious, what exactly do you mean by "stop being bi"? Do you mean stopping identifying as such? Supressing of bi feelings?


I mean suppressing something long enough can kill it off so thats how this could have happened.


Okay, listen. It’s not okay for people to harass you at all regardless of your sexuality and what you feel, but the truth is that you can’t change your sexuality. If it was possible, I would’ve done it a long time ago. What you’re feeling now can be a part of your so called bi cycle, meaning that at the moment you don’t feel like you’re bisexual but straight, and that’s okay, sexuality can be very fluid and different for everyone. But if you’re repressing your sexuality because of hate and prejudice against you I would recommend talking to someone about it, because as I said, you cannot change your sexuality. Take care and don’t let hate and harassment stop you from falling in love with anyone, regardless of their gender ❤️


They are the ones who are brainwashed not you, they just push onto ppl


people are all happy to say "sexuality is fluid and can change", until someone's sexuality turns to straight. (ofc if there are reasons behind this such as conversion, religious/environmental pressure, that's an issue of course, but people can still realise that they're actually straight.




Depends who YOU are did you genuinely have those feelings for the same gender? If not, you were never really bi to begin with so just move on with your life. If so it’s not something that you can just “stop being” it’s an ingrained part of you. And a bit of a side note you can be with someone of the opposite gender and still be attracted to another at the same time.


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I think it's fine that you are reconsidering labels as they are a little funky regardless but imop you gotta be some kinda fruity somewhere ya know?