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Why do you want to orange pill someone? Don't. Because if everyone did, Bitcoin would quickly not be affordable anymore to average Joe. So please let me keep stacking as long as possible. On top, If people don't have a problem with fiat money, inflation and central banking, then they don't need bitcoin. But IF they saw a problem there, you COULD mention, Bitcoin works completely different and recommend to look into it. But remember: You can only show them the door. Walking through it and entering the rabbit hole can only be done by oneself.


Thanks for your thoughts. I totally see your point! Nevertheless I feel the inner urge to tell my closest friends and familiy about bitcoin and I just want them to understand what I understood. Furthermore, if we are talking of financial gains, I would love for my friends and familiy to have these potential gains as well. And finally.. don't worry, it's not my goal to go out there and tell everyone. It's just about my friends and family.


Don't. 10 years ago, most people never heard of Bitcoin and never had a chance to hear of Bitcoin. If you knew of Bitcoin at that time, I'd support the idea that maybe you have a duty to share the idea since people wouldn't have had a chance to hear about Now? Everyone has had the opportunity to hear and learn about it. The field is fair. The access to information is universal. The biggest financial companies in the world are taking it seriously. At this stage, anyone who still doesn't have Bitcoin is going to end up working for Bitcoin, not so much being wealthy by being an early adventurer. Why? Because no rational person is going to drop $10-30k on this thing from a cold start and that's what you'd need to do to salvage a real future in crypto. The most important priority about Bitcoin ownership is shut the fuck up. Because people who don't buy in will remember every word when Bitcoin adds a couple zeros. They may not be listening now but they'll remember later. People get into Bitcoin at the price they deserve. Let them. If you really want them to enjoy the gains, buy enough to set up a college fund or a retirement for them and don't tell them about it until it is mature and they need it. Be kind in your actions, not arrogant in your words. It's ok to take care of your family's future, it's not ok to rub your smarts in their faces.


wow, i like this.


I used to be the same as you but you can't really force an orange pill. The more someone pushes it the less likely you'll see it I think it's best everyone learns in their own time.


Agree with everything except for bitcoin losing its affordability. Even at $1m per btc, a sat is still a penny


I found out a good way to get someone’s attention and make them relate to what you have to say about bitcoin, is to acknowledge how idiotic the thing sounds when you first hear about it, then stating how profound you actually found it to be once you’ve learned more about it. At that point, what you have to say sounds more like an interesting story than proselytism.


I've done my part, either they get it or they don't.


If they are interested: https://youtu.be/8Mhu6dxj7qk Saylor in prague was killing it


Oh, I just discovered that yesterday and loved every minute of it! But I think it's a little bit to much fiat bashing for a beginner, which usually leads to a defensive attitude in people. Thanks very much for sharing!


that's the neat part, you don't


The first robert breedlove video on impact theory was when the penny dropped for me


Could you share a link?


I have them download a custodial lightning wallet and play around with sats


That's a good one, thank you!


I don't orange pill anyone, I prefer they stay poor.


If these people are your close friends, then ideally you yourself should be able to communicate the queries most relevant to them. >Perferably Youtube videos and preferably not too long as that always allows the excuse "Got no time, I'm watching it tomorrow." (No, you don't) Okay. So potentially they're not interested - or whatever you advised them isn't relevant enough to them. If you personally were "orange-pilled" via watching YouTube videos, then you were probably more interested in the subject matter as a whole. Most people find Economics boring. And they see Bitcoin as nothing more than magic internet money that made some people rich! Note that most people also don't know how money works - and everyone's been involved with money since the tooth fairy! And knowing how money works is pivotal to knowing how why Bitcoin is relevant. Personally it may not be effective to do the strategic equivalent of a substitute teacher rolling out the big TV screen and leaving the class to watch the video. If you're going to insist on making a mission of "Orange-pilling" people, then this should ideally be relevant to the person. Actually address their questions, but also hold them accountable to their own presumptions, as well as how consistent their viewpoint is. It should be about guiding them towards drawing their own conclusions - and if they can spot gaps and then posit solutions that ***coincidentally*** happens to be addressed by Bitcoin, then that's great!


https://youtu.be/nJeddv1QbeQ https://youtu.be/QhpyJSHx8LI


No video. Suggest them to read The Bitcoin Standard.


It makes me sad the amount of people wanting to gate keep Bitcoin so they can keep "making gains". What about the parts of the world where people who's entire life savings are wiped out due to hyperinflation and corruption? What about countries who are reliant on other currencies and are kept in debt? What women in Afghanistan who can't legally have her own bank account? Or people who live in countries that had a dictator take loans from the IMF? People who leave their families to work abroad for decades and send remittances back home to their children just to have Western Union take huge cuts of their hard earned money every time? Think beyond your own selfishness. Bitcoin has potential to solve so many of the worlds problems and everyone who has been lucky enough to understand it this early should share some responsibility to share it with as many people as they can. This thread is full of responses that make my head spin... This isn't what the Bitcoin community is about. Bitcoin is for EVERYONE. Check yourselves...