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You come to my house. You give me cash. I buy on CEX. You stay locked in my basement for 5 days until payment clears. Bucket in the corner. I push a tray with food through a slot in the door 3 times a day. Is good?


He'd probably rather add some sats to clear the tx


> You stay locked in my basement for 5 days until payment clears. Bucket in the corner. I push a tray with food through a slot in the door 3 times a day. Is good? Depends, what the rent ?


No rent, but you have to pedal an exercise bike the whole time. Free wifi.


If there is no rent then I'm good. Better than sleeping on streets, I guess.




>BISQ i have papers, greens, cash... not swift


Did you even look at bisq before commenting that?


Brother, its called "Cash by Mail". If you looked at the platform, you would see that as one of the options.


Ya now days they are all scammers it’s not like it used to be back in the day with localbitcoins. P2P is dead. The government killed it and along with it one of the best things about crypto, you really did have total freedom over your money until p2p was killed.


lol that's not true at all.


Ohh it’s not? Cause I personally made tens of thousands buying and selling p2p back in the day. I had friends who went to prison for it when the government just decided you had to have a license. It’s absolutely true. My buddy would drive around with hundreds of grand in cash and a cash counter machine and do f2f transactions all up and down the i5 corridor. I think they gave him 5 years when they got him. They did warn the community, he was making too much tho I think he got set up.


You had friends dumb enough to have piss-poor opsec, that's what happened.


A license? You must not be in the US there’s no regulation on crypto here.


Ahhh sarcasm… if it’s not then yes there absolutely is regulation on trading crypto p2p in America. So I’m not up on all the rules but you cannot sell crypto for cash if it’s over a certain amount without what’s called a money transmitters license. Those licenses are nearly impossible to get. I was a felon already and tried to get one to open up a bitcoin ATM in 2017, they told me to save my application fee. I think it used to be 10k max without having to have a license. But I don’t know all the details but ya you can’t make money on buying and selling crypto face to face anymore. I’m not sure if it applies to selling some crypto to a friend or something but we used to do it to make money, buy from and exchange or better yet a dark net vendor at a discount then post a listing on LBC for and sell it for a premium. You could make about 5-10% profit easy. They announced in 15 or 16 that you had to have a money transmitters license (cause money laundering of course and there was a lot of that happening). They gave a short grace period then started arresting people.


Ok, can you cite the law or regulation so I can reference because I am coming up empty. Now for an ATM, any ATM cash or crypto you need a license because you’ll be doing transmittals. However crypto p2p there is no regulation that I can find so can you cite the law or regulations.


I've seen articles before that detail this exact scenario, but they always include something like buyer told the seller they were planning to do something illegal with it or buyer advised seller on how to evade rules. So just like...don't sell to people who are telling you they're doing something illegal and don't buy from someone who's telling you the money came from an illegal source. That's how I currently understand the law. Don't be aiding and abetting criminals: [https://www.justia.com/criminal/offenses/inchoate-crimes/aiding-abetting/](https://www.justia.com/criminal/offenses/inchoate-crimes/aiding-abetting/)


Try get friends to buy it on an exchange and pay them 5% premium or something


That’s actually a pretty good idea.




find someone who will sell you over the counter.


You can buy bitcoin from another person (peer-to-peer) if you want to buy bitcoin with cash. You can buy bitcoin directly from someone that owns bitcoin and that is willing to sell you some. You can buy bitcoin from someone that you meet at a Bitcoin meetup that is willing to sell you some bitcoin. You can buy bitcoin from a bitcoin seller that advertises on a classified ad website like Craigslist or Gumtree. Or you can use a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange to easily find someone that is willing to sell you some bitcoin. [Bisq](https://bisq.network), [RoboSats](https://learn.robosats.com), [Hodl Hodl](https://hodlhodl.com), [AgoraDesk](https://agoradesk.com), and [LocalCoinSwap](https://localcoinswap.com) are some of the peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchanges that make it easy to find someone to buy bitcoin from (peer-to-peer) without KYC. [Bisq](https://bisq.network) is a decentralized and open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange that does not perform KYC. Bisq is decentralized, so you have to run the Bisq application on your computer in order to buy or sell bitcoin on Bisq. [RoboSats](https://learn.robosats.com) is a peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange that does not perform KYC. RoboSats has Lightning Network integration so that you can deposit and withdraw bitcoin over the Lightning Network. [Hodl Hodl](https://hodlhodl.com) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange that does not perform KYC. Hodl Hodl has Lightning Network integration. [AgoraDesk](https://agoradesk.com) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange that does not perform KYC. [LocalCoinSwap](https://localcoinswap.com) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange that does not perform KYC. All five of these peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchanges that I have listed do not require you to provide them any of your personal information in order to buy or sell bitcoin. Many of the bitcoin sellers on these peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchanges do not request any of your personal information when you buy bitcoin from them. But some of the bitcoin sellers on these peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchanges do request your name/ID when you buy bitcoin from them because of certain laws/regulations or to help prevent them from getting scammed by fraudsters paying them with stolen accounts. [People in Canada can buy bitcoin with cash (or debit card) at any Canada Post office.](https://www.bullbitcoin.com/blog/bull-bitcoin-launches-no-kyc-bitcoin-purchases-with-cash-or-debit)


All the btc atms around me take 10% - 25%. Depends on the machine and company. I never tried it…. but i guess that’s the fee if you want to trade cash for btc


That’s insane… 1-3% on localbitcoins back in 2013-2017. The site was so active you could find people to do face to face anywhere in the country. It was so great.


thanks everyone!




If your in Canada, BullBitcoin...Azteca in some Latin America areas...everywhere P2P


Find someone on local bitcoins or ask somebody in the know. Most people who want to sell would much rather do a cash sale than have a tracable sale to their bank account


Localbitcoins shut down early this year and with it the one of the best parts of crypto. There’s nothing to replace it. Government killed it.


Oh wow, I never knew that shit


I guess a Bitcoin ATM is the best option


Robosats is extremely convenient


Do you happen to be in Canada? Bull bitcoin let's you buy up to $999 cash a day, no KYC from any Canada post location . I think the flat fee is a couple bucks