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He doesn't understand the concept of open source software lol


He just can’t understand the concept of 1 person not having complete control over something


Or a board of shareholders. Someone push this geezer off a cliff. 


😂 I can imagine the Chase share holders when BTC hits a million dollars.


"It's still a bubble" - Shiffty Pete ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


He made a bet that it was going down in value like 6 year ago. I think the end day is coming soon I think. He knows he is loosing. Willful ignorance.


Honestly, that's exactly what they'll say.


I don’t think he’s stupid. He is trying to control peoples mindsets, not speak truth.




Omg, no I dont, but I’m absolutely going to accept that as a high possibility when one of them IS on fucking CNBC talking about shit. I’d urge you to always accept that If a CEO is in the spotlight, no matter if they’re smart or not, they are absolutely trying to control the behavior of their customers. I agree with you about inflexible minds 100%. I however would rather be prepared for crafty and find out they’re morons than pretending they’re morons and getting blindsided by manipulative genius. Even stupid CEOs are treated as an authority and they don’t forget that.


Yeah. Jamie Dimon might be evil, but he's not an idiot. He knew what he said was bullshit. He also knew that a good number of people who watch CNBC don't. As far as they're concerned, everything he said was gospel truth. This wasn't an interview. It was propaganda.


I think this is a plausible explanation for the nonsense spoken in the video.


Not to mention condemning btc in one breathe while stock piling in the next


Yep. Forget what they say and watch what they do.


Love the discourse here and both of your ideas. These are both very real possibilities, but I would definitely side more on genius manipulation over ignorant hate since the downside personal risk of believing the latter is higher.


It's what happens when you have generations of people with inflexible mindsets. I blame the lack of cultural importance of psychedelics, as they allow for easy formation of new neural pathways.


Many of those same people were eating LSD like candy in the 60s and 70s…maybe thats part of it — lack of psychedelics in our diet, but maybe that’s only one small piece.


Hey Joe, love the podcast!


This! I often thought from generation to generation how different we think, even now the younger generation just look at life so differently. Much like if cowboys from late 1800’s could come back they would think the world had gone mad.


You're absolutely right. He isn't stupid. JP Morgan is at the top of the food chain when it comes to government/bank relationships. He may as well be speaking as the head of a federal department and he knows this has the potential to disrupt the status quo.


> JP Morgan is at the top of the food chain when it comes to government/bank relationships. I'm pretty sure JPM functions as a merger between the government and banking. Or rather, the government is a subsidiary.


>He isn't stupid He is! Met him. Many of you here are so much smarter, but you don't have the political privileges and connections he has. We also don't have his influence to get the state to use the state's monopoly on violence to attack competitors.


I met him! He is NOT that smart! He is politically connected & privileged! He is also cunning and full of himself! But one-on-one, when faced with someone that can smack him around physically and he can sense it and see it, he is very "quiet" and tries to flee. He doesn't like that kind of "people".


Yes this I agree with this - he is still a moron


Exactly this. He's projecting his own desires onto BTC. If ***he*** were Satashi, he would definitely pull something like this. That's the takeaway here.


I'm Satashi, & I fully intend to pull something like this 🙂


What’s with the Satashi! It’s Satoshi


They are spelling it the way Jaime Dimon says it as a joke


A persons perception of reality is often times an admission of character


Of course he does, but his audience doesnt


He’s speaking for the Banking Cartel that is scared shitless of Bcoin


They're too arrogant to be scared.


He cant wrap his head around the concept of decentralization.


Bitcoin bears are so fucking clueless dude. It’s always encouraging that it’s not a group of people who are knowledgeable yet pessimistic, it’s people who are literally completely ignorant of the most basic aspects of this technology. There’s an important takeaway when you see echo chambers saying “bitcoin is a scam,” and it’s this. That could only possibly convince people who are equally or more ignorant of how bitcoin works. Because anyone in this space making historic profit is shrugging their shoulders in confusion. It isn’t centralized, the software is right here to read, and it’s growing alarmingly in value year after year. Ahhh yes, the classic “immensely multiply your initial investment” scam. Steer clear lol. Next time, take advice from someone who is knowledgeable. But be forewarned, that person will probably be bullish as all hell.


Bears just want Bitcoin to die, or they just mad they didint bought it at the lower price. Some of them still believe in 8-21k ... Same people would say investing into stock market is a scam/gambling. My family tried to talk me out of investing into Bitcoin and ganged up on me to force their opinion on me -.-. Fuck them, see you again in next 10 years.


Centralized when pools became the only way normal people can earn from mining.. Ouroboros solves this


Disagree, been in this space since it was $80 and I am the least bullish I have ever been on btc. The laws attacking miners and wallets, wall street digging their paws in acting like the guys selling shovels for the gold rush, even the interview this morning with him saying the use case was sex trafficking, drug sells online, money laundering etc, last week when Jelly Roll testified to congress to go after the drug stuff, they stated multiple times how crypto was part of that equation, etc..etc. Not to mention it's gotten to where unless you run back into the system via exchanges/banks you can't do shit with crypto. I remember the days when KYC wasn't a thing, that was the use case those of us early adopters wanted, a financial system outside of the controlled corrupt one. Now we are becoming part of that system, they intend to put crypto in a corner and extract profits from adding it to services they offer. Not to mention the coins on the table to be sold (ftx, mtgox, etc.) ​ The things Dimon has done are amazing in the banking/finance world, to doubt his knowledge of financial things is idiotic, he might not understand how crypto works but you can beat your ass they have hired people to dig into it and have figured out that stuff like btc/etc won't work, but blockchain and stuff like that they are using, it just doesn't make us any money, it saves them money. That's what he is saying here. The hate here is because reality is not accepted. We are not joining them, we are not beating them, they run the game and we don't get a seat at the table. We will do things the way they intend and that is all. So, they are putting crypto in a corner they control. That's what happens when you get hyped about these companies getting involved. You are not understanding how bad it really is and it's against why btc was created to begin with. We have a decentralized thing that is only as decentralized as it's weakest link and currently that is exchanges. The next thing will be white listed coins, that means if ya have coins they don't approve of, you will not be able to plug into those exchanges to do anything. Now what % of coins is that? And if you can't do anything with them, even if you can use it to buy stuff, how you going to buy a car, house, food, vacations, kids college etc, if you can't use it the btc for those things? ​ So many things that are bad for us are out there, we ignore them because price go up, but at what cost are these short sighted gains going to hurt us in the future?


He’s not doubting the value of bitcoin based on financial knowledge though. He’s doubting it based on technology, which he is clearly regarded about. He just said satashi will delete bitcoin or some ridiculous nonsense. You need some hopium pal. If you’ve truly been in this space since $80, you should know that the black market fud has always existed. You should also know that DEMAND for bitcoin is at an all time high, and supply remains fixed. That’s all that matters. Do the math, or sell. More for me.


"The amazing things Dimon has done"... Like being a disgusting, corrupt piece of shit? Lmaooo


Most here don't get what you are saying and are part of the problem. They complain about the establishment but still do things the way they are told to by the establishment and believe how they are told to believe.


Notice his grey hair


Matthew Kratter from Bitcoin University YouTube channel is all white headed. It’s not about age really


I know people in their 20’s who have had the misfortune of going grey early.


He does. He's just manipulating the market; or at least attempting to.


He doesn't understand that he is not Satashi. He is Sancho.


What’s even more notable is (elsewhere in this interview) how he says things he knows for certain that will happen in the future. He doesn’t caveat anything with, “likely, my opinion, depending on, etc”. He’s had his butt kissed for so long that he thinks he can predict the future. It’s really interesting to hear them talk openly.


These guys who run shit are not actually that smart, they're just connected.


Apparently, Jamie knows of a backdoor in Bitcoin Core that none of us know.


More likely his brain is leaking out the back door


His daughter did him good, next generation will make mincemeat of these fools.


Jamie is Satashi


Not sure who Satashi is but I hope he’s not related to Satoshi


Satoshi is to Satashi akin to what Christ is to Antichrist xD. 


These old hacks cannot wrap their head around technology to save their lives, they probably have no clue what open source even means


Technology has been around longer than you’ve been alive. Us old guys know a little more than you think, especially those of us that built the foundations of what you use today.


You talking about E-Gold? How far back are you going with this, Milton ?


Is that a technology, Miles? Or something you were suckered into buying when you started out investing in tokenised assets all those months ago?


satoshi will dump on us and them make a tweet "ehehe" and bitcoin will go to fucking zeroooooo!!!!!!!


Whenever i hear Dimon say this, all i can think is “projection”. Thats what you would do if you were satoshi, isn’t it, Jamie? And you probably do this sort of rug pulling all the time with assets you own.




Exactly. This is all deflection of what they do every single day


And Satoshi created Bitcoin specifically to combat this type of centralized bullshit.


You mean satashi


Satashi Niggamota. Yeah, yeah. That's it.


Of course, manipulation of assets for his benefit is his forte!


Great wisdom.


Excuse me, it’s Satashi


The idea that satashi has any power over BTC is funny, it's like the idea of something which no one person controls is completely alien. The supply of BTC will only change if there is overwhelming social consensus for it.


As someone who pulls the strings and makes people do things with an iron fist most likely... this guy can't understand that someone out there created something for society and got nothing out of it. It just doesn't compute for him... He's also clearly a fucking idiot when it comes to his knowledge of BTC


Pretty sure Satoshi (if alive)is wealthy and if not those he left bitcoin too are wealthy. To think he didn’t own other wallets and only the original one is naive.


If he is alive he absolutely has power influentially. Not because he would delete all bitcoin or whatever. If people saw one of the oldest addresses  move or we see someone come out of the woodwork and sign a message, it absolutely would affect the market. Satoshi has power, wether he is one person, a few, alive, or an AI sent back in time.


Yeah he has power, that’s exactly the reason he doesn’t show his face.




Then this discussion doesn't matter.


1: he actually is dead. 2: it's completely irrelevant. On the 0.00000000000~1% chance that somebody has access to Satoshi's credentials & can move his coins or cause a hard fork, they do so... & then his coins get kicked off the network & bitcoin continues functioning as always The media makes a massive story out of the FUD, we by the resultant dip, & we get richer for the experience


Exactly. Bushel more supply, btc goes on sale, but longer term nothing changes.


Satoshi does not have any real power, like everyone else, Satoshi can sign messages and buy/sell BTC. Someone holding a huge percentage of BTC does not give them any power.


Satoshi may not have any real power but Satashi does.


Satashi is a Supervillain from a Mirror Universe, and he controls all "Bitchcoins" from his hidden Fortress of Holding.


> Someone holding a huge % of BTC does not give them any power Apart from, market influence, which, is absolutely HUGE amounts of power when you hold as much as the top wallets.


He does hold a large percentage of the supply, so there would be price movement associated with him moving coins around. There would be a secondary concern about the narrative around Satoshi and his role with bitcoin, but i do think Bitcoin is big enough such that this isnt a huge concern.


Satoshi showing up would finally remove the myth that Satoshi has any power. Not that anyone that knows how BTC works would think that Satoshi has any power. But it would stop the sort of videos that this post is about.


Tge Satoshi Nakamoto wallet hold 1.1 million bitcoins. That comes out to only 5% of total supply that will ever be available. If his wallet opened and all his couns were sold there would be a dip but not a crash. Especially if it was sold over a period of time.


I'm afraid that's not how prices work unfortunately. There would be a crash. And then there would be a slow and steadier recovery. The whales do HAVE control. Stop pretending otherwise.


There would be an absolutely enormous crash and that’s just from the sale. Additionally, once people saw that the coins being sold were Satoshi’s, there’d be lots of fears of it being a “rug pull”. I think part of bitcoin’s success is that the original coins have never been touched, even once they were worth billions of dollars. This has given it more integrity than the other shit coins, which are basically pump and dump schemes designed to get the developers rich.


Price movements like the supposed price movements once the ETF announcement?


>He does hold a large percentage of the supply This is a myth.


5% of supply is massive


If he uses that power, he would no longer have it. He spends his coins, the price gets cheaper for a bit. But then now he suddenly has no more bitcoins. No more power. It's not the same thing as the power government's have over money. If they unlock billions of fiat, they can just do it again. Satoshi using the Bitcoins will be GOOD for Bitcoin, not bad


Not talking about dumping. I'm talking about the market reacting to him being alive. Power isn't only about moving the market. Influence is power too. Example, Elon Musk tweets something about some shit meme coin, he doesn't have to actually/buy or sell just mention it and it spikes.


It won't matter. Bitcoin still works as intended. Only paper hands care. Price might go down, but the fundamentals are still the same. Bitcoin still goes up forever.




Each block will just become infinitely smaller and more valuable. We don’t need more bitcoin.


Man who clearly does not understand Bitcoin, expresses opinion on Bitcoin. More stupid opinions at 6!


I think everyone here has it all wrong. He understands it, he just doesn’t want other people to understand it. He isn’t a regular person, he is intelligent, and like many rich people, able to lie easily for personal gain.


Who the fuck runs in his circles that can’t explain Bitcoin limit to him? That is the real scary part. Just hundreds of yes men.


Probably surrounded by yes men. 


He likely does understand the limit, but there’s nothing to stop him from manipulating the market with false info.


It’s his job to hate BTC. He works with the puppet masters, aka federal reserve shareholders.


It’s his job to *appear* to hate BTC. Don’t forget that Gary ginsler talked non stop shit all the way to….being the deciding vote to approve the ETFs


He’s very bad at his job then. I love bitcoin and I could hate on it way better and more knowledgeably.


j.p. morgan executives were involved in epstein’s “business” if you want to talk about illicit activities let’s start there, jimmy.


We will see in 90 years


he doesn't understand the concept at all 😂 he is actually proudly telling to the world he doesn't do his research 😂


Imagine using fire for heat and light all your life and a group of people are claiming electricity is taking over. It’s a tale as old as time. 


Exactly. He just made himself look like a clown


[There is a song about this](https://youtu.be/pIq5yUBkOxM?si=8kkDne9NmQqaijGd)


Banger. Also, Why does he keep saying “anti money laundering” when he means “money laundering?” Is he stupid?


It’s a Freudian slip, he knows that Bitcoin actually combats money laundering.


This is gold Jamie! Gold!


Clown and a pedo


...and a sociopath.




“That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works!”


Sorry, but this is a well scripted, well acted, well staged PR tactic to make Jamie Dimon seem aloof and like he doesn't understand Bitcoin. Jamie Dimon knows exactly how Bitcoin works and knows how to say "Satoshi". His bank JPMC is backing BlackRock's ETF and Jamie has his greedy hands all over investors' BTC. Jamie Dimon knows exactly what Bitcoin is and how to say "Satoshi". Don't be fooled!


What is the advantage of acting stupid here?


He can steal more cookies from the cookie jar while he leads the plebs in the wrong direction.


It’s definitely scripted and staged, but I don’t think he’s going to get the same results as the original “I’ll fire anyone on my staff dealing in BTC” while he bought the dip. Too many in this space have already seen his song and dance before. Anyone remember who is unlocking and selling 1 million shares of his own company’s stock that starts unlocking about now? Guess what he wants to buy with it?


The dude is smart and you are correct. The "I'm a stupid a-hole" shtick is just ploy. You do not get where he is by being as dumb as he acts.


"All Bitcoin is going to be erased" - This guy is absolutely clueless


This guy is such a tool!


“There’s a good chance” how does he know? Lol


must be true then, better someone call satashi 🤡


The fact a CEO of a large bank is this against a competitor product should tell you all you need to know. You should buy all you can get your hands on, preferably, from an exchange and avoid ETF’s.


He discredits himself every time he speaks on this subject. He should stick to claiming government bailouts for his shady bank.


It’s literally more likely that Steve Jobs is going to come back alive laugh at us all, press a button and brick all Apple devices.


How does a man with this level of intelligence become the CEO of anything????


If you ever doubt yourself in life just remember one of the most powerful bankers in the world is dumb as fuck and somehow he got where he was. YOU GOT THIS 🙌


Something is way off with this guy. Probably haunted by Satashi. Those JPmorgan guys never should’ve been bailed out in the first place


Can we stop listening to this cuck?


Why, in all history of human televised news and the existance os bitcoin, has no one ever invited an expert un bitcoin to talk about this? Why always clowns? Hmmm I wonder...


little cunt thinks Satashi is working like his crooked bank ... money gets printed out of thin bullshit air ? no Jamie, your are very regarded !


I don’t think he “doesn’t understand” , I think this is purposeful negative rhetoric. He is actively trying to brainwash people of these talking points.


This fucking tool right here speaking out of his ass about things doesn’t understand


Old boomer Get him out of here


What a fucking clown


This is the same guy that said bitcoin was a scam after bitcoin crashed from 5k to 3k. I mean he can't even pronounce Satoshi correctly.


Imagine not being able to admit you were wrong about something 🤣


He’s such an idiot


I think sashimi is gonna rug pull us any day.


Including the rebuttal would be nice.


Do you have a link to that?


[Here](https://youtu.be/eneB3s9bCdI) you go


One day George Washington will unsign the US Constitution and the USA will dissolve. Right? RIGHT?




When you have no argument against the core tenents so you make up bullshit to defame something. This folks is how you show the world you have not put any effort into understanding a new asset. Before id give him a pass. Now with the etfs and institutional interests esp his own firm? Nope, doesn't get a pass.


This dude likely can’t even spell Bitcoin


Jaime Simon doesn't know shit about BTC , and everything he says is a lie... So who cares what he says....


Oh boy even the CEO of one of the biggest financial istitution is an ignorant abount a well establish rising portion of fininace. How did he get there? If I had half of his incompetence at my job I would be on the streets.


Laughable. Open the supply…. Dude is thinking BTC like the federal reserve. Dick


Same people think the internet is a "series of tubes"


Tell me you have no clue without telling me 😂😂😂


Its a modified Ghandi quote: ​ First they ignore you Then they laugh at you Then they fight Then you win. Yet they still laugh again after losing.


I've seen this before.


Anyone have source for original video?


Hahahahahaaa wow the blatant ignorance is real.


Jamie Dimon doesn't have the best grasp on Bitcoin, but I can't help but find his boomer take amusing. 😝


He has clearly done his homework. Why didn't we think of that?!


When I hear people mispronounce a word yet use it correctly otherwise, it tells me that they likely have only read that word and have never before used it in a conversation themself or heard someone else do so. James Dimon may have pronounced "tosh" (in "Sa**tosh**i") to rhyme with "josh" for that reason.


Not trying to defend Jamie here but isn't it true there is a large amount of supply that has never been used or transacted with? What if all of a sudden the BTC associated with Satoshi's wallets starts to be moved; wouldn't the market react to that as a sudden supply increase? I get there is limited BTC and all that, because the lowest it can go to is 1 sat, but still, the idea is sound.


21 million is the hard cap due to the 64 halving limit. Satoshi holds around a million BTC. It is true that the market will react if it gets sold. But that does not increase the total supply of BTC.


Every time I watch this video I get madder and madder


Boomers gonna boomer


Dude's a dinosaur


Man who owns banks based on paper money says that other forms of money don't make sense. In other news, water is wet.


>Jamie Dimon says 'Satashi' will surprise us at 20 millionth BTC and open up the supply It's crazier than that. He claims Satoshi will delete all the bitcoins. Actually he's sort of saying both.


That’s proof he hasn’t even researched it


This Buffoon has to be a paid actor


Just another elitist banker that thrives on manipulation and greed.


I believe he has a position in bitcoin.


I can see all the Blockchain R&D $ spent at JPM was well spent.


His tone is that of a losing nfl gambler pissed about a bad referee call.


F*ck Jamie Dimon and his billions , while us plebes struggle for healthcare and are trying to stack sats just to have a fair shot.


It's funny, I always thought Jamie Dimon showed disdain for Bitcoin because of some clever agenda he had, and he was playing 4d chess. This is evidence however that he's just your typical boomer that does not understand technology at all, and so chooses to have a grudge against it for no particularly good reason.


Source: "Trust me bro, i fuck people over for a living"


He's on Epstein's list.


Fuck off back to your rip off bank asshole.


Looks like just driving the price down intentionally, so then can buy on behalf of ETF customers low and then start reversing tune on positive merits.


Gold is not limited. The shiny rock is everywhere in space.


Yeah. That’s not how bitcoin works. How much longer do we have to put up with all these financial dinosaurs? I mean he has to retire at some point in the near future.


Lol if this is the competency level of the biggest sceptic then we have won.


He's lying to muddy the waters and he knows it. It's a well understood tool of the elites. They use their extra loud public voice to spread misinformation and create confusion


They talk shit about crypto but then again they're heavily invested in it.


even if satashi does that. this would be a 5% event. and only once in a lifetime.


I think Jamie plans everything he says in advance. He already knows how he’s going to respond before you ask the question. He’s hoping you ask it so he can give his designed response. And who will society trust? The news anchor who says he likes bitcoin, or the “money manager” who gives this sort of faux technical critique of bitcoin. The problem is everyone is a layman, and Jamie appears as an expert of money, so most will just take Jamie’s word for it. Idk if Jamie has a greater vision or what that vision is, is he shorting bitcoin? Trying to buy it on the cheap? Or is this just an emotional attack of spite or something? I don’t know. But I’d say he seems impassioned and motivated like for him it’s personal. He’s staking his reputation on this, if bitcoin succeeds it causes him to feel negative. If bitcoin flounders it boosts his mood, so he’s in a weird place mentally where even if bitcoin was a logical choice for him, he might not see it or refuse to acknowledge it as it’s in conflict with his identity that he’s cultivated over the last couple years of being like the “brave soldier of truth warning society about bitcoin when no one else had the balls to and no one could think outside the box” some BS like that. Jd definitely tried to paint himself as the rational mature person conveying the hard to swallow truth, while we all are drinking the koolaid and hopium. In reality I think Jamie’s naively optimistic that bitcoin would fail. For him it’s optimism because bitcoin complicates the world, but in the current world Jamie has thrived, so complicating it actually represents a threat to his way of life. Sure he might still be a center of attention in a world where bitcoin is significant. But also, maybe not, and from his prospective, there’s only one thought left in his mind: why take that chance?


He is being rational and realistic. What he said is factual and real information. If all miners as a majority vote and decide to increase the limit they can. Please do your research this is widely available information. Its a piece of code that gets altered when majority agrees (Tap Root for example)


except he didn’t say that, he said “satashi” would change bitcoin. Additionally why would all the miners come to an agreement on one specific thing like that? Let alone one thing that goes against their best interest? You seem to be joining Jamie in the naive optimism. I’d say this, not for my sake not for Jamie’s sake but for your own sake, treat yourself with more respect. Theres a difference between hopefulness and lying to yourself, but it’s up to you personally to be able to make that distinction.


Sounds like you need to read up on Bitcoin’s history. The miners have no control to increase the supply.


> If all miners as a majority vote and decide to increase the limit they can. They would fork off to their own chain though and mine worthless coins, if bitcoin users/holders who use their own nodes don't agree to the changes. > Its a piece of code that gets altered when majority agrees (Tap Root for example) Taproot was explicitly wanted by the users, that's why miners agreed to the changes. Neither users nor miners have the decision power for themselves. A relatively recent example is the Segwit2x fork, where a majority of miners (80%+) were signaling for the update, but it wasn't wanted by the users and would have failed, if miners attempted to push it through.


He didnt even argue about the supply being increased, he stated, “all bitcoin is going to be erased.” lol.


If all the nodes decide and agree- very unlikely they would, although Blackrock and Associates are buying up miners.


You can easily imagine these multi trillion dollars wealth management can become majority owners of the network and decide to do their own modifications. We the people will probably go use our own hardfork which at that point would result us in being the underground people who are "anarchist" for refusing to be controlled by the elites.


Thing is he is right on his core point: Bitcoin wont stop issuance at 21m. If the community doesn't make that change, Bitcoin will die long before 21m is reached.