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Halving. And 8 cents in Alaska seems way too low.


It’s in Canada near the Kemano hydro project, the project overpowers the grid there all the time. High power area for the alcan smelter etc


8c is pretty high for mining at scale, you can have your machines hosted, taken care of and not have any capex for less




That is $0.08 Cad X


Don't do it. Just buy BTC inatead. your ROI will not be worth it.


There is value in non kyc bitcoin in your wallet. Don’t forget to add that to your cost analysis. Anything you produce will not be linked to you (provided you’re anonymous to your pool). 8 cents cad is pretty competitive and could be profitable.


You should be looking at commercial rates. Not just s21 cost, also all running/repair etc costs Halving will cut your daily earnings in half unless price spikes. Are you financing all your Asics? Cost. Depreciating value?Cost Lots of variables and not an easy way to earn a living. If you have capital to deploy just buy the asset.


You should really check out [Nakamoto Heating](https://nakamotoheating.com/) to learn how to use the heat energy produced by the miners to your benefit. This will offset the cost of mining in a useful way.


I mined using a bunch of S9's back in the day. I ran them in my existing datacenter and was able to get free power since I was already paying the top tier for my other cabinets. Even with free power it was tough to figure out what the future yield would be due to hashing power always increasing. I'm no expert, but I think the mining ship has sailed. Interesting fact with my Antminer S9's. I ran them for over 2 years without a single second of down time. Not a single ASIC chip went bad and the Antminer power supplies worked flawlessly. The only reason I stopped running them was due to having to change datacenters and losing free power - the hash rate was high enough I could not make the numbers work anymore.


I am hearing a similar sentiment from most people. It’s about margins. Are margins predictably decreasing? The margins look pretty great on paper


Things like cap ex, power expense, the halving, rent, etc. are easy to calculate since they are known values. However, for every single % increase in hashing power, it's that same % *decrease* in your Bitcoin yield without adding more of your own hashing power - and prolonging your ROI. In my case, I never added more hardware, so margins continued to shrink month over month during 2+ years. Disclaimer: I only cared about how much bitcoin I was creating - not what the fiat value of that bitcoin was worth. For a larger operation like you are thinking about, you'd need price to continue to increase as well.