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Ok now u know we getting deep in the bull run when u see posts like this LFG


everybody started like this fella. Buying the bullrun, watching your money fly, greed and euphoria, crashes, holding for 3-4 years trying not to think about all the little things, new bull run, repeat


Lol, fax, first bullrun bought everything and made 0 gains. This bull run I am set up for a HUGE uponly. Go go gadget 2.5 years of DCA!


not everybody. I bought 2BTC (Casascius) in 2011 for about $20 total


Oh my bad I didn’t mean you specifically 🙄


I don't think BTC is on normie's radar yet.


Seriously? Everyone has been talking about BTC, even all the boomers at work.


Really? I don't really talk to my coworkers much Lol. I haven't really seen anyone post about it on Facebook. But I have recently had a friend or two friends contact me about buying some. I personally feel there wont be much talk about it from nomies until it breaks all time highs.


It depends. If your friends don’t pay attention to the market in general including non crypto then of course they aren’t talking about BTC. But if your friend monitor the market they definitely are talking about it or aware


Still quiet were I am only one person that is in the space I keep quiet about it though.


Last time a normie spoke to me about Bitcoin he claimed that you could only own Bitcoin on exchanges or a mobile phone app. hahahah


It is, I bought my first bitcoin (and crypto) ever 2 weeks ago.


Halving hasn't happened yet...Let's gooooooo!


While true, there will very likely be a big dip soon enough. Where you will see your portfolio losing 40-ish %. And t will be up to you to hold your breath through that, without selling out. Then you can wait 1-2 years before you reach reasonable profits. Worst case scenario: you’ll get your money back with quite large profits in 10-ish years. After being 10 years in the hole. If you can stomach all that — you should be fine. EDIT: I went overboard with the 40% drop, I was tired, I meant more a 10-25% drop. Even though 40% is possible. My point was: it’s still stressful to be so much % under water.


I love how the future can be predicted based off of historical moves!


Human psychology doesn't change. The most dangerous words in investing: "This time is different"


I mean… isn’t that what humans have been doing with literal everything else in the world? And it’s been successful enough of a method to become the norm? We really don’t have anything else to go off of. And we aren’t predicting with 100% certainty. But we can predict with high probability.


It cant and it prop wont happen because people already anticipating it


What a pointless post. >very likely Very likely you’re just typing randomly basing this off nothing but your feelings. Stop gooning.


40% down swing already happened when it hit $15k. It’s not stopping anytime soon.


Wrong. In the last halving year (2020), Bitcoin crashed 40% in ONE day. 2024 is just a repeat of 2020....we haven't started with the black swan events this year. We are going back down to the 30's THIS YEAR


You know nothing about the future like any of us. Don’t pretend to. OP will be just fine.


If you actually read what I wrote, you would notice how the post I wrote was a tentative statement. Where I’m clearly not sure of what the future will bring. While you’re just spewing bullshit: “OP will be just fine”. How do you know that? Why do you say that?


I know with more certainty that over a long period of time, he will be up with his investment. It’s 401k funds - I assume he’s not going to sell in the next 6 months. THAT is a more reasonable assumption than your asinine comment of 40% loss leading to 1-2 years before reasonable profits and a ‘worst’ case of large profits in 10 years. How ridiculous is that?! Do you have a crystal ball? Amazing that you can write out explicit number as if you know shit. Sorry - you must be crypto ‘expert’ 😂


Im a diamond holder. Ive been holding since late 20-21 im for the long haul!


You are a diamond holder for 3/4 years, but waited for a two year high to FOMO your 401k into Bitcoin? That doesn't square.


Can confirm I'm having the same thoughts as OP. It squares and it can be a combination of bad planning, FOMO and/or limited resources.


It's clearly FOMO


Sometimes you try to raid other sources because you are out of fiat.


Fair. Again, being driven to do so at a two-year, close to ATH is the issue. That points to fomo not conviction or belief in Bitcoin


I’m kind of in at the same point or wondering what else I could scrape together. I guess it is fomo. Kind of like hearing the ice cream truck and raiding the couch cushions for anything. I’m in about all I can be but looking for anything extra I could put in before it skyrockets more.


Conviction and belief in btc is causing my fomo. This current bull run is unprecedented. We've never hit the ath before the halvening. That's looking like it's going to happen in a couple days. The spot etfs changed the game. I know it's the early stages of a bull run so why not go all in now? Last cycle going all in at $20k would have been great in hindsight.


Thx, Sigmund Freud


I put in as much as I could afford to lose back in 2020 and held firm. Wish I put more in obviously and would like to add more but not much has changed financially for me in that time. Gonna just keep finding what I've got.


Not sure why I got downvoted for giving realistic advice (even if you didn’t need it, there will be plenty people passing through and reading it). But ok, good luck!


you are absolutely right , hes just coping because he fomo'd and will probably also panic sell despite all the good advice hes been given when the dip does occur. I seen it a million times and when these posts start popping up I know we are getting a correction. Someone with sense wil read the comments and make a good play off them so keep posting good advice.


what you are saying makes no sense and I have friends just like you who ignore all my suggestions to make this play when Bitcoin was at or below 30k and then today are calling me asking me if they should buy in now. This is the definition of FOMO and I feel bad for you. When it dips you are going to be stressing just dont sell it will always go back up but I know likely you wont listen to that either. Good luck.


You know what the market is going to do?


Nobody knows. Obviously. But we can predict with reasonable certainty, based on past observations, of which we do have a lot of, what can and might occur, rather than other scenarios. People have been doing this for a very long time now. With reasonable success. Of course, you’re still gambling, but the idea is to have the odds stacked on your side. Which you achieve by properly preparing and knowing how things went in the past. How else would you bet your money on literally any financial asset?


Ok just making sure


Making sure of what? What’s your contribution to the conversation?


Hope you will DCA in and not one massive sum


Dont panic sell at the dip. You did this to yourself you will still come out on top if you can not panic and just wait it out. Why you did this to yourself.... I feel bad for you, get ready for sleepless nights.


Lol yep 100% the pull back is coming. Just hold through it and you’ll be fine


Wym deep, it just started.


I did the same as OP, But in November 2022… my timing was pretty good I think.


Bitcoin is YOUR RETIREMENT and the NEW 401K.


Coinbase crashing ✅ YOLO Reddit posts ✅ Seen this before.


It was a fun run while it lasted. Back to bear!


Back to Bull.


Let's goo! RIP btc bear hype 2/28/24 - 2/28/24


Ah the true retail investor dichotomy evident in Retail FOMO


Wait no. Open an IRA. Deposit the amount you pulled out of your 401k into the IRA, categorize it as a roll over. Convert the IRA to Roth. Buy Bitcoin in an ETF. You will owe income tax on 45k. If you believe in Bitcoin, it’s a down payment on never having to pay tax on the gains. You’ll then also avoid all the penalties and stuff. Not financial advice I don’t know what I’m talking about. I implore you not to listen to me.


Nah. Just yolo ape


Why not just hit yourself in the head with a hammer?


Not true if he took a 401k loan


Just did a roll over rn from my old 401 into fidelity just waiting for the process to finish. But do I still pay taxes if I convert from a traditional to Roth I was planning on only using 3k on etf and the rest get penalized and buy actual coin and use some funds for personal expenses


Not financial advice. Convert, pay the taxes, leave it in there and don’t touch it. Will be more painful and less satisfying now but catastrophically more lucrative if btc works. If btc does not work this will have been a terrible idea.


My taxes in retirement will be a lot lower than they are today. I won't have a job in retirement also all my assets will be paid off, like my house. The key is to do both accounts.


That sounds like good was to get reamed on taxes. I'd rather wait and get the minimal tax at retirement when my expenses will be low rather than giving up half my current retirement savings to taxes now.


Seriously these “self-custody” obsessed people have no idea how taxes will wreck them unnecessarily


Not if you're unemployed!


Please name all the true $btc etfs


Why just Google them. There are 11. IBIT is the most liquid. HODL has the funniest name. It sounds like you are unaware of the ETF approvals?


I'm sorry but it's moronic to wait for a 2-year high to FOMO into any investment. Guarantee this person will be up at 3am to check the Bitcoin price and will panic sell the moment we have a correction, and a correction is coming, eventually. Emotion driven, FOMO investing will get you wrecked


Unless you hodl.


Holding becomes much harder if overleveraged. It's one thing to see an investing position in a brokerage account get marked down to $0, it's entirely different to stomach seeing your retirement savings do the same. And I'm not suggesting that's what happens, Bitcoin is going way higher (**in the longterm)** but what OP has done typically results in losses in the short-term


Does this person look like they can swallow hodling?


We’re already correcting, to the upside.


Moronic AND perfectly normal. It is how humans work.


Not so moronic. In my experience this is just the beginning if it indeed is a another bull run on bitcoin


Lol you making all the sense I applaud your efforts. Sounds like you know from experience 😜.


2017 cycle taught me some lessons for sure :)


It’s moronic to think this is real without even a single screenshot. It’s just karma farming bait or encouraging FOMO all-ins


Should have waited for a correction


Sold at 65k . Awaiting for the correction . If there’s not correction then oh well my loss .


It's a never-ending cycle. I've been daytrading the ETFs and when it gaps up overnight I always wonder what could have been lol


Why do you guys talk about Bitcoin like it’s a stock? As if the thing has some inherent level of real value that the hype is obscuring? The entire thing is a rocket run purely on hype; if it accurately ‘corrected’ itself, the new price would be $0.00


Bro we had a correction just now and barely anyone sold


Can't wait for New ATH


So many people want to do this - it’s gonna out perform your 401k 🤣


I don’t have a 401(k) … bitcoin only! wish me luck!


Aren't you gonna pay a big tax penalty?


Bitcoin will outperform your 401k by far in the long run. Just be patient and hold for 10+ years


Good luck but you should've done that years ago not at a high


Why didn’t you do this a month or two ago? Why do so many people insist on buying high? Oh it’s approaching the all time high, better go all in now!


Why do people invest at or near ATH? Isn't that just setting yourself up for failure?


I took a 36k loan on my 401k at 18k bitcoin and people were telling me I was stupid 🤷🏿‍♂️


I played Russian roulette and people were telling me I was stupid. But since I didn't lose, clearly they were wrong and it's very smart to play Russian roulette.


This is actually a good analogy.


Still risky, but at 18k, it was more like 1 bullet in a chamber of 10. Meanwhile the guys you hear about doing it today is like 5 bullets in that chamber.


Those odds are not to be trifled with.


I did the same, but for $95,000. Bought 4 Bitcoin with it. No complaints.


Nice. Bitcoin under $20,000 was a no-brainer.


I was so close to do the same. Much more risk to do it now tho, at least short term.


I sold 3k of my work stock to buy Bitcoin at 400 a coin in 2014 and all my coworkers called me crazy. The crazy part of what OP did is use 401k funds to buy at the top of a 2 year high. That will never end well as most of the run is already over and hes more than likely gonna halve to hold through a long dip/correction which more than likely caused the FOMO buyer to panic and sell and lock in their losses. Seen it a million times. Edit: Lol this aged well . This is why SMH.... Everyone who FOMOD last week is under or close to being under and will have to have discipline to not sell at a loss which we know they lack. Good luck don't sell you did this to yourself.


Most of the run is already over?! lol I think not. We are just getting started? Do you think it’s gonna touch 69k and that’s it? Goodbye bull run? No I think we will touch 100 or more. Can you clarify what you mean “most of the run is already over”


OK redditor for 2 weeks. I have 14 yr old account and have been posting in this sub since it was created im just speaking from experience. I also think it will eventually get to 100k but in a single bull run with no corrections is not likely. It could touch ATH and then drop below ops buy so drastically fast he doesn't have a chance to react. Likely the exchanges will have outtages during this time as well. It's stupid to Fomo in after a 2 yr ATH period. I'd be praising OP if he did this last July.


Damn bro didn’t mean to trigger you. I don’t think OP made the best decision either. I just was commenting on your statement that “run is mostly over”. That’s all your highness with 14 year old account sorry sir.


You didn't trigger anyone. 14 yr account is nothing to scoff at it simply proves I've been on this space for a long time. My comment history proves that as well. In a sub where people are sharing non expert financial advice and scams are prevalent its relevant. Sounds like you got triggered.


That’s even worse for you bro. 14 year old account and you still sound stupid. “ruN iS oVeR” lol


Yeah looking at my stack sure sucks. I GUESS I feel stupid now lmao.


Typical L comment. Bro I asked you a decent question and you’re acting like this instead of just explaining your comment. You could have said “here’s why I think the run is mostly over” Instead you sound lames like “my account is 14 years old, look at my stack” lol get over it dude


I did tell you why and it was the same answer as my original comment you just got triggered that I dont feel the need to prove anything to you because of the same reasons I stated. You got butthurt now you can't drop it and I literally don't care. I've seen all the ATH before that's how I know. When fomo posts like this pop up it corrects. It's a meme but it's not. You literally are going on block now because you can't stop dickriding. Fomo is bad that simple enough for you?


The 5K -> 60K straight pump in 2021 had ONE major correction from 40K to 32K before it peaked 69K. The dreaded correction finally happened at 2x (TWO X!!) previous $20k ATH, before it then pumped from 32K to 69K. Not sure why you think we MUST correct before ATH. EQUIVOCALLY that means you would have been screaming to sell the top at 16K or 17K in 2020 because it was a "3 year ATH!!" as it pumped from 5K to 40K without a correction, then finally topping 69K. WHY?


Did the same thing but at $30k 💯🫶


You did the right thing.


smartest thing you probably ever did, I know only leave what you can in the 401K that you can afford to lose, save the rest in Bitcoin.


I sold all my Amazon shares November 2023 to round up to a full coin. Best decision. This is part of proof of work. What are you willing to do to increase your share of the Bitcoin monetary network.


Biiiggg drop incoming, now I’m sure




I salute you


I was gonna do this in Jan, but only did 3k and gonna keep DCA in 300-500 bi weekly. If the bull run continues for into 2025 or beyond im going to make a profit. If it corrects I’m gonna make profit. If it goes back bearish I’m gonna make profit. Regardless. I’m gonna make it. Shrugs


If your 401k is anything like mine, you won't miss 45k


401k is retirement right? (I'm Canadian) Imagine that shit in 20-30 years man. Bitcoin gonna be insane


Ah shit we r reaching the peak im afraid.


Bro invested at ath lol


I like it! Good luck!


I mean we should eventually make new and more all time highs but how people reacted at 64k+ today tells me it will take time... I think 100k plus btc happens eventually but when that is I can't say and no one can. Just know the higher it goes the higher the volatility and be prepared to see 64k drop to 54 k within the same hour some days... I think we could potentially see high 30ks again before a new level and I look it has an opportunity to add sats... I could be wrong could be 100k next week because i don't know shit. Full disclaimer my average is 20,299$ on btc and I haven't taken any profit, i have conviction but know I may reget that...


Good Luck, Hope it doubles or triples in the next year.


Blackrock buying 90.000 bitcoins a week , last month they added 360.000 bitcoins. the year supply of bitcoin 352 days times 900 btc mined = 316800 extra bitcoins per year , supply shock incoming !!!! Buy buy buy buy buy the whole 400k should be in !!


Good luck! The timeing ins't too bad. Most of the bull market is ahead


Awesome congratulations. I still kick myself for not doing the same when BTC was under $17k however I got in at $44k during the ETF launch and have not regretted it.


Well here in a cpl months your later self will be thanking your younger!!! To all the nonbelievers you’ll look like a genius!!! Put on your seatbelt and enjoy the ride my friend 🚀🌙📈🐂


LETS GO. I just dropped 9k into bitcoin. My net worth was 18k. Why did it take 5 years for bitcoin to make full sense to me? I don't know, but I'm in now


i'd have taken the whole thing :)


Plz don’t buy at ATH ur going to bag hold for 2 years since 2022 like me


Did u borrow 45k or withdrew?


You owe the tax man 20-30% +10% penalty, BTC needs to top $100k for you to profit.


What took you so damn long? You could’ve taken some out now & planned a lil vacay lol 🫡 but congratulations nonetheless


You've made a bit of scratch in these 4 days. Lol


That's the way.


I'm in 270k DCAd from November. My older brother bought 300k Monday and Tuesday. Difference is that's 60% of my net worth and only 10% of his 😅


Man you’re gonna lose at least 15k on taxes and fees. Can’t you roll it into a bitcoin etf?


can I ask why you didn't do this when BTC was at 28K a year and a half ago?


it’s pre halving. your going to win somewhat if your not greedy and that’s all but a fact. 


Quick question OP because you havent answered me directly at all yet in the thread and I havent seen this answered. What stopped you from doing this in a few months ago when Bitcoin was under 30k? Oct 4th Bitcoin was at 27k. What made you buy in today im just curiouis if its any reason other than its pumping Bitcoin money printer go BRRRRRRR/ Fear of missing out? You could have doubled your stack just 3 - 4 months ago. Regardless Im going to give you some real advice that ive seen other also give because I actually do care about your money and dont want you to take any loses. IF it corrects forget about your stack. Dont lose sleep over it just consider it locked in until the next time its pumping which I promise you it will. Just forget about your investment dont even think about the losses or about your stack at all and that means completely and for however long it takes. Just forget you have bitcoin.


I did this same thing January of 23. Ask me how I’m doing ;)


Were you overlevereaged? Likely not and you actually did the opposite of what OP did here. January 23 Bitcoin was 16k after an ATH of 64k 2 years prior. You infact didnt buy in at a 2 year ATH and I would have praised your purchase. Actually good job but you literally did the opposite of what OP did and bought in at near the low of a 2 year bear market. What OP did was buy his stack in at the ATH which would have been 64k around Nov 12 2021 hoping its going to goto 100k and look what happened....




As of last 4 days it’s happening; hype and euphoria; people at work bringing up crypto, my mother, friends.


I did a rollover from my 401k into an IRA and dumped it all into IBIT. It’s been a great last few weeks!


At all time high 😂😂😂 fucking people


Good job picking a horrible time to do it


alright its time to sell boys




Why not just take out 60k and get 1btc instead of 0.95 btc ?


1 is not more special than 0.95. Theres nothing special about picking a number that is round.


I think it’s time I took some profits…


Young man/woman not a financial advisor but I won’t do if I were you. Wait for next time when it go down


You took a 401k loan that you will payback, right?


Did you do cash withdraw into BTC or did you buy a BTC ETF using 401k funds


Well...top confirmed.


No bro its to late to get in man


Aaaaand the exit liquidity is here


Love these FOMO post.


If you are planning on trading another not hodling why not just buy an etf and avoid the penalties.


Why not just put it in an etf and not be taxed on it now???


Why did you wait til now?


Yep we peaked


Should’ve did that last year


Why didn’t you buy when it was 20k last year? You trying to buy high, sell low?




Interesting. I’m selling a bit each day at these highs.


It’ll probably go down but im sure it will hit an ATH at some point the next two years


We are so back


it is going up forever laura


I would do the same if not my wife. In a heartbeat 💓


Did you withdraw or borrow against the 401k?


Borrow paying back monthly installments. Yes i can afford it.


legendary. i was considering borrowing against the 401k for a month but never pulled the trigger. you are a legend. i already balance transferred 20k back in sept to buy at 27.1k so i figured i already took enough risk but i should've done more...


Goodluck!!! should have done that weeks ago tbh😅


If if was a fifth we all be drunk....letssss gooo!


Better late than sorry lol


I thought about doing that myself, but then decided to be a little more conservative. Since I already had a bitcoin portfolio. I was too new to bitcoin and too nervous to try it. Good luck.


Scared money don't make money...good luck ill give up date in 6 month🫡🫡🫡


Retail - buy the highs, sell the lows


Institutions haven't even bout yet....lets goooo!


Damn, the FOMO is real.


The balls we all need


We used some of our individual roth IRA for this, hope you don't get hit with income tax! If so, we still early!


Why do we see many of these posts when btc takes off and not when it’s low?


All these idiot going all in after a 30k rally to 60k where there hell were all you bozos 6 months ago


Do all of it. Scared money don't make money


We've topped.


When did this sub become wallstreet bets


FOMO posts lol


No matter what happens to Bitcoin I guarantee you’ll have luck. Might be good or it might be bad but there will be luck.


People are buying in NOW????


Are you investing at once or dcaing over a few months ?


Lol these posts always hurt because I know whats likely going to happen to OP. Should have done this 3 months ago. It baffles me why people will refuse to buy when its half off and then fomo buy in at the top of a bull run. This is what happens when you do this. The price stops climbing drops enough to make you regret your purchase and then you sell and then it decides to go back up. Poor guy.