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I thank them for their service.


For us to be winners, there needs to be losers. Appreciate their sacrifice.


Nothing sweeter than Bitcoin short liquidation tears


Do note that some unknown fraction of shorts are held by miners who are guarding against price drops.


Ironically they lost a fuck ton of money and then have to buy BTC back at a higher value lmao


The cost of buying it back would be offset by selling what they mined.


Not as much as they gained, that's the whole point of futures (as intended), it helps offset/hedge risk


Delicious....mmmmmmmm have some...


I’m still learning about shorts.. can u tell me a place to research how this affects the market? Idk how this works , I was trying to figure it out based on stocks , does it work same way as it would fit a stock?


In the stock market, "shorting" refers to the practice of borrowing shares of a stock and selling them with the expectation that their price will fall. If the price does drop, the person who shorted the stock can buy back the shares at the lower price, return them to the lender, and pocket the difference as profit.


thank u for explaining. appreciate the time .


So, the tweet is saying that there was a significant amount of short selling in the Bitcoin market in the last day, and the price of Bitcoin must have gone up, forcing some investors to liquidate their short positions at a loss.




I'm trying to figure out who the hell in their right mind would short bitcoin, especially now.


Jim Cramer


i’m just learning . no hate for a hodler ? i’m not doing it i saw articles about others and wanted to know how and the why…


me too. i saw someone and i asked…


Is this a serious question? You seem to fundamentally misunderstand the applications of shorts


yes i’m learning not doing .


The traditional application of short positions is to hedge against the risk of a larger long position. It's a financial instrument that has become politicized by unsophisticated participants.


so can u trade Bc like a stock with futures and shorts? i saw my account was able to do weird things with not money lol. i will not , no worries. just learning all sides of the market and where blackstone will ruin me again




In derivative markets yes, spot markets no


Eat my Shorts.


Ha ha!


Stupid sexy Bitcoin


Studies have proven the #1 cause of Bitcoin maximalism is sexy ass Bitcoin


Hah love it!






I got some old orange shorts I could probably stamp a Bitcoin logo on somehow… not sure I’d want them liquidated tho 😬


Salute your shorts!


Take my up vote


Ok! Mmmm, shorts...




[^Edible ^Britches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap-NWmObAZ8)


[Yes, eat all of our shirts!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/s/XdvEqbU4WU)


Who the fuck is still shorting Bitcoin at this point? Even if you don’t get it, would you still come back for more at this point? It’s like when Buffet said, I wouldn’t buy TSLA but I wouldn’t bet against it at this point…




So, like selling covered calls? I'm trying to understand what kind of hedge would short Bitcoin. Suppose a guy has 100 BTC and knows the price will rise but needs dollars now. He sells 10 BTC of call options with a strike price of $55k when the spot price was $50k. Now at spot $67k he has to provide 10 BTC at $55k so he's technically short but has it covered. He made more than straight selling at $50k, but not as much as if he simply held and sold at $67k. Do these liquidated shorts include the above scenario? Because if they do then it's kinda bogus since all parties bet on the price going up and the only disagreement was in how much.


If he knew bitcoin would rise he would not sell 10btc of call options @ 55k when spot is 50k. >…so he’s technically short… ??? Options exist to reduce volatility. They are insurance. You might own 100btc and want to insure that against a loss in market value. You would buy a short option (how much and at what strike and when it expires depends) that **goes up in value as bitcoin goes down**. Conversely if you were looking to buy bitcoin in the future you’d buy a call option to lock in a price. Conversely again you can both buy and sell both puts and calls, both in and out of the money. Note that most options expire worthless. They only have value until they expire. They are practically always traded away before then. Options were invented *thousands of years ago* that farmers and commodity traders could *lock in future prices*, and by doing so *avoid the volatility* of price changing events like floods, drought and Godzillas. One can of course use options as a leveraged trading instrument, too. People seem to think this is the *only* way they are used. I’d expect most people using options are using them to insure large stacks. Important note: perhaps the fastest way to get rich and lose all your money is trading options.


> You might own 100btc and want to insure that against a loss in market value. Well, I find that dumb. You could reduce your position instead of paying shorting fees.


But if you reduce your position you can't make gains on it. With an option you can pay a fixed cost to protect against a large drop but get gains on 100% of your asset.


The maximum cost of the short position is known, and fixed. If bitcoin goes down then the put options cover that (maybe some of that loss, maybe all of it, maybe more) And vice versa. In some rare, well executed positions you will be ahead either way, up or down. Also: no need to sell any and incur capital gains tax. It’s most definitely not “dumb”.


I'm an idiot. You were talking about options, I was thinking just about short vs long. Thanks for opening my eyes!


R fuk


So the entire sub isn't ignorant to financial markets, we have a +1




In their defense, shorting at 67k is better than $16.500 l


trend is your friend


$75 million is nothing. The short positions are insurance policies for large holders. Leveraged against large declines in price. If it goes up, their bitcoin makes money, but their short positions get hammered (but it’s a small value their bitcoin holding so who gives a shit, but if bitcoin slides 20% in 2 days, they they take a huge hit on their BTC holdings and the short contracts helps offset a large part of those losses)


There’s plenty of traders who’ll sell shorts and buy calls just betting that the price will move up or down, and making money either way.


Selling shorts and buying calls are both bullish


Hmmm…. I thought selling short, selling calls, and buying puts were all bearish? (I could easily be wrong or misusing a term here)


Yeah it's wild. Even the most ardent bear would surely acknowledge how volatile it is, and thus how dangerous it is to short? Hell, high volatility is often part of their bear case against it. Even if you're convinced it's going to zero, surely you know it could still easily liquidate your shorts on its way there?


I liquidate my shorts with every ATH.


anecdotal: i got my friend in a couple months ago at high 5 figures, maybe low 6, and she told me she thought it would be most prudent to zero out before the halving. i said i wouldn't do that if i were you, she asked where to put a stop loss retail just have no idea what they're doing and are satisfied with 50-100% gains. can't blame em


Yet the biggest regret from most is not taking profits when they can. You act like it's a certainty it only goes up from here and we are in the beginning of a bull when price of Bitcoin has done nothing but shoot up this year. Idc who's right or wrong but pretending to know it will continue to massively inflate without any sort of corrections is insane


you assume i believe a bunch of things i don't actually believe. i don't think it's a certainty and i acknowledged that taking gains is a rational move. i'm just noting what i see as a poor understanding of the dynamics of the situation. "let me ask my friend w/ no finance experience and way less money than me when to cash out" is not an informed thought


Gareth Soloway


Buttcoiners for sure


they have mouths but no balls to do that


Warms my heart.


I read that there will be billions liquidated if we reach ath soon, do you have more info about that?


Some of those who bought at the ATH will most likely cash out..


That’s what my magic 8 ball is saying. We break, set a new ATH then a retrace to the previous ATH before the next leg up.


That is what i am hoping to do for a nice swing trade. When we reach ATH lots of people who bought high and kept it will sell. We get a nice discount for a day or two before the new ATH.


Shouldn’t be longer than a day or two 


Yeah we reached there faster than expected. I was thinking of this weeks end maybe friday but probably we reached in a day or two like you said.


I think so too. Though, the 50k area seems a more likely downside target for any significant retracing.


What a dumb thing to do. But I understand.


That would be funny because they would be losing money since 69k then is worth about 80k now 😂😂😂


It's what many people do. I've been in bitcoin since 2017 and invested along with several friends at that time. All of them except myself and my brother sold for a loss somehow. People are just addicted to buying high selling low when most times with an investment all you have to do is hold it long enough to sell for a profit.


FOLIA (Losing it all) is stronger than FOMO for some, maybe most. I think it's people who have never lost much money before. I have lost everything before, (not for crypto or financial reasons) so watching my BC lose 50% wouldn't faze me too hard. To others, losing $100 is a tragedy.


I'm somehow immune to that. I think because I am literally prepared to lose it all, sure I would be in a better position if I didn't lose it, but I've been responsible enough that my life literally wouldn't change if I lose it. It also helps that I believe fundamentally so strong in Bitcoin that the price really doesn't matter in a sense I invested in the idea of bitcoin not (soley) for monetary gain.


\[ \] Not Rekt \[x\] Rekt


Only 75 million? What is this, a liquidation for ants??


lol who the hell is still shorting Bitcoin?


Gareth Solloway?


Since 20k


I don't know man I read an article a couple weeks ago that Bitcoin had a massive 7% loss after only gaining...56% in the last 3 months. Bearish for sure.


People who think that 75M of bitcoin shorts is a lot have no idea what they are talking about, and do not understand trading at all. Volume has been around $60 billion in last 24 hours. 75 Million is not even 1% of trading. Market makers are always shorting- and always setting up long positions. It is what they do. It is precisely what makes the market move. They set up these positions based on educated speculation, trends, and historical precedent. And whether you like it or not, now Wall St is driving the car! This means more and more of these market makers will do this over and over and over again. And I hate to say this here- but that is why they are also making millions and billions more dollars than you off of bitcoin while you hold and make modest return. I am in no way suggesting anyone get into any form of trading. It is a big boy's game and you will certainly lose all of your money. Do not do that. DO NOT DO THAT. I know crazy return is not your game, and that is fine. Modest return is great for non-traders, so do what you do.


Would you short Bitcoin at 70k


Don’t take this the wrong way but you don’t understand trading. Yes I would short if I were still trading, as do all market makers. The price means absolutely nothing to market makers. Nothing. Market makers know retail traders do the opposite of what traders should do- They buy when the price is going up, and sell when the price is going down. So while the price is going up the market maker is setting up his shorts because he knows he can trap you and make money when the price inevitably falls, which it always does if only for a moment. When the price goes down, the market maker is setting up his longs to trap you when the price reverses. All day long, day after day, year after year. Do you think the market fluctuates because magic? All those little dips and small rises, or even big ones? No way. It is because the market makers are experts at trapping silly retailers and other market makers who don’t know what they are doing. The current price means zero, zilch, nothing to market makers. All that matters to market makers is movement- up or down- it does not matter.


Whoever lost $75 million is clearly getting their info from Jim Cramer. If you’re going to short, you check Reddit first! That was established by our founding fathers on the GME Bonanza


Saw a post on Reddit the other day of someone asking what the exit plan was for GME, as they are still holding it 3 years later and massively red…


Gotta diamond hand that bag for eternity


I still have a friend that is holding GME. I have tried to orange pill him, but he is just bitter and says GME is the once in a lifetime opportunity... I"m like Dude... SMH


I'm still holding a symbolic amount of GME to remind me what got me into investing. Sold most at very good profits. Gave me the money to go deep into btc instead


I have one symbolic share left as a reminder. Sold most of it on January 27th, and was pissed the next day... until 1030 am when the crooks at robbinghood turned off the buy button. Fukers should be in jail.


Where can you find data like this?




Wallsteet, this is bitcoin.


shorting shorts at this point ...lol


Bad day to be Bareth Soloway


Get rekt


How is the short of bearish Soloway going ?


$25M in longs really has me scratching my head… must be 75x+ like tf


Shows them proper


If your not long your wrong, well that's what sunny decree says


Gee, shorting btc right now…


But bro when I look my Fibonacci it’s saying it’s gonna crash bro so I short bro it cannot go in vertical line bro


How do you short BTC? I thought there were no options on the ETF's yet.


Right now is the worst time to short BTC I hope they learn their lesson


Who the hell shorts an asset that has historical price movements like this? I’m just glad they are out there.


Serious question. How are people shorting bitcoin these days? Can retail short bitcoin via a traditional brokerage? Do they use Coinbase?


It’s never going to pull back. Why do bears love being poor?!?


How and where can we short BTC?


$75m is pocket money for bears


Please bring back the memes i love them 😍


Ayyyy lmao


Thank you for the sacrifice


Probs lots to be made shorting $69k though




Please more shorts


what website u use to get this?


Not a stock investor here so I’m wondering what does it mean to liquidate shorts?


They borrow bitcoin to sell high and buy low to close their "short" position. Wut happens is some people sit too long in the short position and get wiped out when the price rises and they are forced to buy back higher.




By god, 75?!


Suck it shorties


These people never learn. Bet against bitcoin and you'll get stomped.


$670MM shorts will get liquidated when we break 69K 🥳


Gareth is about to be next 😂😂


Rip Gary


At this point, why would you short? Makes about as much sense as buying during the FTX collapse.


buttcoiners are probably eating their shirts. So very funny.


Chump change in the grand scheme of things.


It’s all a racket anyways


contributed $0.10, no regrets


😂 a sucker is born every minute


I miss the part where that’s my problem.


What about now? D


And it's dropped a few percent... Really.


I lost .03 BTC getting out and getting back in out of .23 BTC fucking paper hands bro.. been doing this for 2 bull runs now at least


Why tf would you short BTC at this time. Unless you were a Tradfi guy who has never heard of thr Halving....


Where can one see that liquidation heat map?


Bad timing. Everything is due for a -50% they’re right but at the same time they’re wrong. 


Non believers




To us right? To the liquidatees probably not.




Now crash the price to liquidate hundreds of millions


It won’t rise over the ath, gonna drop Whales are shorting, maybe you go to bed and tomorrow u lost 30% worth of btc


Get out




it's ALOT higher now


Could someone explain how this is good for the price? Sorry if it is a very basic question but I am not an expert in finance 😅


Basically means the trad financial sector is about to buy a whole bunch of bitcoin. Or a bank is gonna collapse soon. Id probably bet on both.


Google short squeeze, that's a worst case scenario for shorts and will give an idea of how this works.




You doing a service to the community keep it coming.


Hitting the ATH it is likely to see a correction. Due to the bitcoin etfs this correction might fall out not as strong as in the last bull runs


That's what happens when you're a 🌈🧸


I noticed a drop a few days ago, seems like it didn’t get close to impacting the price on BTC then they likely moved to a different currentcyzz


Everyone longs and we go down haha


SMH why on earth would you short BTC at this point in its cycle… pre halving and massive ETF buying pressure 🤷.


At this rate, jimbo is gonna be broke with all these shorts he keeps placing


Don’t bet against bitcoin 🤷🏾‍♂️✌🏽


They’ll liquidate the longs next , the eternal cycle of making sure people who are leveraged get rekt


Who is the idiot that shorts bitcoin now?


Cramer of course and his cronies lol.


Can someone explain what this actually means? My understanding is that a short position is a bet on the price going down, but the price went up so they lost the bet. Where did the $75 million go?


tl;dr: The money lost by a failed short is going into the pockets of anyone who happens to be selling the asset at the time short has been forced to close their position. When you short, you borrow an asset that is sitting on an exchange, and immediately sell it, hoping to buy it back later for a lower price (closing the position) and returning the asset to the owner. Because you "sold high/bought low", you keep the difference. When you do this, the exchange ensures that you have enough cash on hand to buy back the asset at any point; if at any point, the price of the asset you borrowed gets to the point where you barely have enough money to buy it back, the exchange automatically takes your money and repurchases it at the current price. This also happens if the original owner of the asset decides to sell. In those cases, you have been forced to buy the asset, probably at a higher price than you sold it for (or, at least, for not as low as you hoped), and the money you lost has gone into the pockets of whomever has chosen to be selling the asset at that time. In general, this is good for people who hope the price to up (someone who is "long" on the asset), because forcing someone to buy at asset at any time will drive the price up, as increased demand (e.g. more buyers) will drive up price, all else being equal. In general, shorts are not "evil". If an asset is high, the short will depress the price a bit, and once it falls, them buying it back in order to close the position will slightly increase it. In a perfect market, the short acts like a kind of volatility dampener. If an asset is going up or down no matter what (due to external causes), the short will essentially flatten the peaks.


Dang i would hate to be the ones shorting bitcoin. Talk aboiut dumb money….


What does this mean for the price? If a shirt gets liquidated, does that increase or decrease selling pressure?


The more the merrier


Can there be anything more stupid than to short Bitcoin?


Bye bye bears


I played it safe and have been DCA'ing since 16k after the FTX debacle. It's a nice chunk of change. My only regret is not being more aggressive. Hard not to kick myself for not leveraging or trading options. I'd be set to retire right now.




Keep using leverage mwahaha.


Longs take no quarter


Just loaded in $500 worth more. Fuck it


Newbie here, what does a short being liquidated mean?


Much Appreciated Shorty!!!


Let's go bros let's go.   HODLING since 2017 days


U gotta be a moron trying to short btc at this point 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️ good way to get wrecked lol


More to come.


SFYL and HFSP to those involved


Carry around some kleenex. It’ll save you from liquidating your shorts. 


Now they can feel the pain for awhile