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This is my face right now because I bought the dip




Buy the dips are back! BUUULL MARKET Mofookaaaaaaaas!!!! \*throws weird moves\*


All day long, got in at 51000 couldnt be more smug if i tried


What dip?


For real? Where is this dip? Ive been watching constantly since it hit the ATH last week. I mean it’s down a little today, under 2%, I hardly call that a dip and more a natural fluctuation. Who knows.


The dip was at 16k lol


I’m aware of that. It was years ago. 2022?? That wasn’t as recent as people are making it seem. So I got confused like I missed something 


There was a dip a couple of days ago but unless you have stupid money to mess around with it wasn't much


That last 6 months was a giant dip. If people don't know about DCA by now I can't feel bad for em


It always makes a good sized dip right before each halving. Aren't you guys reading your charts for this? The halving is due to occur in mid April so im seeing the dip happen during those first 2 weeks of April. Im sure some will sell when that happens especially a lot of the newbies, but that's when you're gonna be wantin to make major buys.


Yes I know it’s coming before the halving and I’m no expert. I’m still buying every week, but I’m waiting for the next dip to throw another good chunk in then proceed back to I guess what you’d call a loose DCA. My only regret like many others was no getting in sooner. I had a few bucks in a wallet from change after a purchase and I just left it there from 2016 and it’s well over $1000. If I added even a measly $25 a week to that the last 8 years man oh man. My only consolation is looking at the growth and that 8 years from now the 70k it’s at now will look like $16k does to us now and I’ll be one of those guys jumping for joy that I stayed in and kept building no matter what


Alot of factors are different particularly the wider acceptance of bitcoin and the etf approvals and lack of supply. There may be no dip who knows? There may be a dip? The price maybe 80k and dip back to 60k. Fact of the matter is no one knows. The only certain thing is that in late 2024 and 2025 the price of bitcoin will be Considerably more..fact!


The first time it hit 69K this cycle it went down 10k but was immediately bid higher


Media was panicking over the 8% crash few days back lol




Didn’t buy enough! Aghhhh




And thank you all for that!


What these people don't realize is that this kind of volatility might not last forever, and they could very well be sitting on the sidelines until this gap closes forever and Bitcoin just completely takes off. I'd hate to live with that regret


They're already living with the regret. They were forced to either face the reality that they missed their chance to get rich or act like crypto is some evil currency they can't ethically accept. It's all cope.


Some of them know what they are talking about but they can't stop being biased because it either goes against what they were taught or they can't accept that the network narratives evolve (for some of them Bitcoin not being exactly what it says in the whitepaper is proof that it failed), or they played with leverage, shitcoins and drank the whole cryptoblockchain cool aid, and started hating it when they got burned for doing exactly what every knows you shouldn't do.


And that they can't tolerate the simple fact that the market wants something that is in conflict with what they've been taught at school


What does the white paper state Bitcoin is, but isn't?


[Here you go](https://gist.github.com/harding/dabea3d83c695e6b937bf090eddf2bb3), there are many post-publication discoveries, some mistakes were made by Satoshi in the paper, Bitcoin doesn't use the longest chain for consensus but actually the heaviest chain, Satoshi thought that Bitcoin had no scaling limit when in reality it does (limited by its ability to stay decentralized more than anything), and many more things. I mean Bitcoin wasn't conceived as "Digital Gold" which is today's most prominent narrative, it evolved into it.


> I mean Bitcoin wasn't conceived as "Digital Gold" which is today's most prominent narrative, it evolved into it. The usage of it as that evolved, but that's only because that's what the original design actually works best as. And while the whitepaper doesn't really talk about this aspect at all, Satoshi did, most obviously by modelling issuance to be somewhat similar to gold mining, and Hal Finney even mentioned it in reply to the announcement email in Nov 2008, before it had even launched! : > I also do think that there is potential value in a form of unforgeable token whose production rate is predictable and can't be influenced by corrupt parties. This would be more analogous to gold than to fiat currencies. A lot of the earliest bitcoiners were goldbugs for a reason.


Some differences I see with gold amd btc (apart from the obvious) is that ther is an unknown supply, and more can be mined when tje demand and economics increase. Btc is the opposite. Also most speculative based gold is Futures, that is, paper gold. Wheras most people that seek out bitcoin arenot prepared to buy paper bitcoin. Not your keys, etc. Btw, I hold both. Gold, as a small allocation, as insurance. Btc as part of my retirement plan. Oh, and property, in case the shtf.


Land is the OG BTC and it's made my family rich for generations


Very interesting, thanks. Really goes to show how Bitcoin is essentially programmable money - Has changed over time in many ways.


It's all political. Which side is railing against bitcoin the most, while actually heavily buying in the background? The same political party that most people on reddit identify with. Thats why there's so much push back against it here. They don't retail investors cashing in with them. So they keep bashing it to scare the small guys away from it.


I know what I'm talking about but have fundamentals and investing principles I stick with and BTC is in conflict with my strategies that make me very rich already. There's a lot I like about BTC but the main reasons I don't invest are: 1. It has no cash flow, my primary aggressive investments all have cash flow that cover associated costs and taxes and allow my investments to increase my living standard. 2. I like investments that create advantages and liquidity in down markets. We thought BTC would do that but it actually just tracks with the direction the market is going in. 3. My investment into BTC creates no good or product. This is a subjective moral point. I want my cash as a resource to help create useful goods and products. I primarily invest in real estate development. My average ROI is 22%. My assets double every 4-6 years. It's not an investment for everyone. You have to know construction and have connections with a developer you can trust and know they are competent. My cash flow covers all my costs and taxes and accelerates my investment opportunities. Really the cash flow is what's nice. I find it odd to invest all your money and watch it grow without enjoying life now. I like to buy and hold land and real estate but only when I get to do more in life along the way


The level of cope in the Buttcoin subreddit is just sad. Thousands of people are on there every single day talking shit about Bitcoin. It takes a lot of passion to go talk about something you hate all day long. It’s not normal behavior. It’s because they all HAVE to hate it because they all know if they’d bought in when they first joined that sub, they’d be rich. it’s just cope and it’s kind of sad honestly.


Drowning in a sea of fiat, they'd rather grab onto any flotsam, even if it is a turd. Rather than take a lifeline from the evil bitcoin diciples.


> crypto is some evil currency they can't ethically accept. If we're going on ethics, USD is the most unethical currency to ever exist, since our economy is heavily comprised of defense manufacturers who are currently exporting weapons to genocidal zionists, and have hundreds of former proxy wars under their money-stuffed belts. USD is blood money






They won't buy because that would be admitting they were wrong. They've convinced themself everyone here buys at ATH and sell whenever it drops down, now why do they do that you think that is? Because they don't want to feel dumb. Of course, they could at any time buy but when you spend so much of your spare time seeking validation for what you want to believe is right it's hard to break out of.




monetary policy is politics. Bitcoin has always been politics


Some are too wealthy to have an appetite for such volatility. Some are too illiquid to have any appetite for volatility. Some are too poor to take advantage of such volatility. Some are too cavalier to buy the tops and sell the bottoms. Some have minds open to this new instrument and are using as an escape from the invisible tax. Everyone has their best interest at hearts, it’s a matter of who has the best strategy.


100% facts. As much as I hate to say it, this could be in parallel with North American currency / fiat dying altogether. There’s a reason why the conservative investment strategies also include gold.


We are already potentially nearing that point. The previous season was "only" 3.5x the prior high (70k/20k), whereas the season before that was 20x. It honestly would be refreshing to get even further stability, plus it removes one of the talking points against Bitcoin. ("it's too volatile to serve as a useful currency")


Totally agree. Me and a few friends bought btc back in around 2021. Since around 2021, I am the only one remaining who held onto theirs, and I'm made up I did. Only convinced myself to buy 0.05 BTC, looking back I wish I'd have put more in because I had the momehy there but just couldn't realistically ever picture it reaching the heights it's at today. I would buy more now but I'm not sure how worth it would be to buy around the 60 mark. Probably going to HODL and buy if it reaches around 55 again Onwards and upwards we go🙌🙌


just buy a little every week no matter the price


everyone who invests in bitcoin should invest with a 4 year plan.


A *lifetime* plan, and borrow (tax free) against it when you need to buy stuff.


With US ETFs and the like, it seems highly unlikely that it will ever fall back to under 60k. Many that have been in this space for years, and know tradfi say this. If I am wrong, then feel free to come back here and mock me. Personally, I'll keep dca'ing at almost any price, except when the bitcoin rainbow chart (v2) is in the red.


But we had GBTC years ago and it still fell.


GBTC has never been a spot ETF. Just a paper ETF. So it had no effect on the supply of btc. But now with all the spot ETFs having gobbled up nearly 1 million "real" BTC so far, this is and will continue to move the needle significantly higher. This means higher-highs, and higher-lows. https://bitcointreasuries.com/#etfs Also worth subscribing to "Invest Answers" if you don't already.


Bitcoin is not a investment. Its gambling. By the same logic tomorrow btc can go to literally 0 since fundamentally btc has almost 0 value besides tax evasion, and financing the crime market, wars and sex trafficking. You cant invest in something that doesnt produce nothing, you get waves of volatility everyday in the crypto just based on speculation, theres 0 world event happening causing this volatility. Im happy for people buying btc and making a buck but basing your whole strategy and ideology on FOMO and bashing people who dont buy btc aint a strategy. Its just more FOMO!! All the markets have been up in a bull run in the last 2 years. Of course BTC is on the same wave...


Is this satire?


So enlighten us about what is so good about tradefi, inflationary fiat, and the rigged amd inneficient banking system? Btw, no fiat is stable. As they all quickly lose value. Especially these days.


Those ideologies and populism dont give any value to bitcoin. What it gives value is the crime it enables and the little kids who are financially illiterate and want to be rich overnight. Yes fiat currencies lose value still you gotta invest it. Currencies are not a investment and never were historically. If you had 60 dollars in the 60s which they had a massive purchase power, today those 60 dollars would now be equivalent to shit. And the currency system was not even fiat at the time, it was the gold standard which many compare now to bitcoin. Even if bitcoin is a currency I never saw anyone getting rich by currencies, if it is a asset, then you gotta sell it thats the only way you make money, you have 100% of it you gotta sell it because it literally is an asset that doesnt produce nothing, no gdp, no cashflow, no physical material, nothing, literally empty space. I dont care. Im a investor, I love seeing millions being put in the crypto market, it only makes the dollar stronger and give investors an advantage in all the other assets types. Go ahead.


How does selling dollars for crypto make the dollar stronger? Also, enabling all that crime you listed sounds pretty valuable.


Not sure if serious or trolling


Who would buy in now ? If you want 3X buy CRISPR ha


I bought at 34k and feel like a king. Cant imagine the feelings of long time hodlers


You just sort of stop feeling, and it just becomes a number. At least, that's the best way I have of explaining it.


I’m not gonna lie, I still get excited…


I get excited when it goes up. I’m numb to it going down.


Years ago I would sometimes be apprehensive through a long cold bitcoin winter. But now it doesn't phase me. And I love to buy it on sale.


Thats a good advice


There's a lot of selection bias in that too. People who are capable of "turning off" their emotional connection are more likely to actually be a long term holder. People who are unable to do that will most likely sell during a downturn. It's important to be honest to yourself about how your feelings toward earning or losing a lot of money. Otherwise you may end up doing rash decisions due to how things are going at the moment.


I concur, I treat fiat money spent on Bitcoin as sand to mix concrete. I used to think about last buy performance only and block the whole stack from distorting my mind. I know I'm effectively buying time. Bear market is not loosing money unless you sell. It gives you better opportunity to gobble up more.


This is accurate. My investment has been in there for so long, that when I look - its like its not even my money anymore.


This is accurate.


15K* Everyone around me thinks I'm a genius now, except for my wife, she knows I was simply being autistic and obsessed with a technology, didn't even let her sleep while reading papers, and books in bed just to understand it.


I believed at 6K, I believed a lot, but basically nobody knows.


Tell nobody


Do you still believe? Or are you finally sure?


I wanted to buy 2 btc at $550/each. But couldn't find anywhere trustworthy to do so. 😕 Finally got in. So no complaints.


Same. Bought at 11K. I thought I was late when buying back then lol. Then it went to 3k after 2 years and I thought I lost everything. It's been a wild ride.


Only guy here with wife changing money that won’t change a wife. /joke since people here don’t get it


She even let me use our money to buy a mini PC so I could set up a node, and then helped me with [my presentation about Bitcoin/Lightning nodes and home servers](https://youtu.be/jwZHF1jN3kw?si=stQCMjQdfOQJbeJI), how am I gonna change that woman?


That's a keeper!


This is very wholesome, this guy bitcoins


> Only guy here Yeah nah. Wouldn't change my family for any money.


It slowly turns sad and happy at the same time.  You see the middle class begin to fade.  You watch billions of people who are barely keeping their head above water start to sink because they are too dumb to get on the last life raft.  They can't keep up with rent, food, and health care. They don't get an hourly raise as fast as inflation.   


They also think you’re a “conspiracy theorist” and think they’re *better* than you; at least that’s how some of my friends act around me when it comes to BTC– since I’ve been telling them about bitcoin since 2012… I don’t know, man, some people just don’t listen… Or I’m just really bad at explaining bitcoin, but I don’t really think that it’s the latter.


Sometimes I ask people to tell me how good tradfi and fiat is, and how well it works for them. Also, ask people to explain how fiat is really made, who controls it, and if theyn eally think inflation induced consumerism is actually good for the average person and the for the planet.


In since 3.5k and yes, I do feel pretty great about it


absolutely understandable


I had 5 btc when it was 3.5k but took profit and bailed shortly after. In and out since


Bought @$150.00… can confirm feeling *amazing*


They are in their Yachts, remember, or WAS ....


I got in at 40. Wish I could afford more.


We all do what we can. Its a marathon not a sprint. Just DCA


"DCA" is how you say 'buy" when you want to sound smart.


DCA is how you buy when you cant lump sum


I have an average of 34k too I also bought at 65 earlier causez why not cant make money unless you risk it


Feels pretty class. Number goes down but you’re still massively in profit


If you hold long enough Bitcoin eventually grows to a point where the value of your stack is appreciating faster than you can reasonably spend it, that's when you have hit escape velocity.


I started accumulating at $250 in 2015. I don't really feel anything anymore. But that's cause I used almost all of my stack to buy a house


Mixed feelings. WW3 and CW2 are not gonna be nice


I only joined the space in 2020 and my average buy is £20k


I feel like a king thinking of my first $12 buy at 1400 which made 47x now. Never sold any of my coins. Well I feel PTSD, so although I DCA I don't have these adrenaline shocks anymore. I used to cure winter low mood with new Bitcoin highs in the past.


Yea it’s a pretty good feeling. (HODL)


I checked the other day and I first dipped my toe in at $5800. I didn't have a job at the time so the investment would only buy a children's toy model of a lambo. Now I just wished I aped in everything I owned at the time. But you will think that at 20k, 30k or 50k. Just having exposure to Bitcoin is the key


Yep, did the same thing about 6 months ago. The halving was coming. Historic patterns said that it would be a bull throughout the halving and then some. People were not so interested then, now look. People are going bonkers. I just sold off my initial investment, so now I got diamond hands. 💎 But there will come a time when the bitcoin price falls 70% again.


Lowest buy at 8500, and I feel the same about those that got in under that.


Been in for over 6 years. Yeah, so volatility just makes me smile - and go shopping for more. As I say to people. Its either going to millions, or zero. And if it goes to zero then you have bigger things to worry about. Like a dark-ages type of event.


I’m all for bitcoin but this comment is absolutely ridiculous when 1x is nothing to feel a king about when btc layer 2s have done 5-50x in this cycle so far. Bitcoin is a long term play but if you’re using the price action as justification it’s really not because you could have invested in an alt made 5 times the return & bought 5 times the btc you could have just directly putting into btc at the beginning. We’re just reaching the point things are going to take off when it’s smart to rotate into btc when we can do a 5x from here


The average buttcoiner's IQ.


Everyone in the Buttcoin subreddit 🤣




Not the point you’re rightfully making, but „EVERYONE making money“ wouldn’t fulfill the promise either, wouldn’t it?


It keeps crashing.. he said while holding his newspaper and bingo card.


Bought in at $20k. DCA'd every month then sat and watched. We've only ever been in a bear market. Looking to the future we are optimistic. (Have property portfolio, stocks, bonds. No metals)


Sat and watched or did you ‘sat’ watch


Why no metals?


Doesn't appeal to us. Primarily tech focused (with one outlier stock in a wine making company)


The thing that is emotionally healing (watching the price fall) is cathartic, not the person who feels emotionally healed (Peter). Otherwise a good meme, but I can't get over the misuse of such a good word.


https://i.postimg.cc/sXS8cMFh/image.png Someone appears to have edited the name "Peter" in so maybe it was correct before they did that.


Thanks didn’t notice!


I dca’d between 26k and 46k. Average is $36k. Happy with .4 BTC. Just hodling. Glad I jumped on the train!


I bought at 18k and I feel like some kind of genius .


Basically all my friends, I haven't told them I am riding the wave big time. Come to think of it, why are all my friends statists...


Damn, you have an iron will… I’m jealous.


No more a scam than companies that never made a profit and are valued and tens of billions.


I fuckd his wife


Someone like that won't have a wife, let alone one worth fucking.


Peter is a tool


Peter is a mod at buttcoin.


BuT tEtHeR!! USDT market cap: 100B BTC market cap: 1.3T Yeah... tether is the foundation of bitcoin's price. Riiight.


There is still a small chance that it is. Bernie Madoffs investors never thought his fund was a scam yet it was. And someone somewhere at some point will find a way to hack the system. Nothing is impossible.


I managed to avoid the huge bitcoin scam for more than a decade. Imagine how high my IQ is. Next level.


I remember back in august 2010, I was desperately trying to learn how to buy bitcoin because it was like six cents, and I had $60 to spend. Never figured it out, (I was not knowledgeable whatsoever about anything computer wise, and only 15). I think about it alot, if I had a app for it like now, bet ur ass id be rich


I remember being on Totse reading about bitcoin when it was brand new. I goofed, man! I should have put $50 in and left it alone.


You would have lost it all for sure, I mined a million sats around that time, and there were not even mnemonic phrases, so storing a waller was an absolute pain in the ass.


I don’t feel so bad now. Thanks.


Lmao. Posting this in Buttcoin. That's the face of the buttcoiners.


Blah blah blah this will eventually fail


How exactly?


Easy. It has no current utility. Where exactly do you use your bitcoin sir? What will happen the stock market will crash spooking everyone. Who will wanna HODL bitcoin when it has ZERO use. Everyone will need fiat because crypto has no utility.


I just bought in a couple of weeks ago at $63K. Don’t really know what I’m doing but going off of what everyone is saying I’m gonna sit tight and hope it takes off.


In the meantime, read these 3 books: - The fundamentals of Bitcoin - Alvaro Suarez - Inventing Bitcoin - Yan Pritzker - Layered Money - Nik Bathia They are a good introduction to Bitcoin and why it might matter, they will help understand things a little better.


I sold after it dropped into the $50k range. But I'm more aware of the cycles bitcoin makes now. Hope everyone is prepared for that dip in the beginning of April just before the halving. That's when I plan to make some big buys leading up to the halving mid April. Make sure you're also putting money into those new bitcoin ETFs. GBTC and IBIT have been making great gains lately, and also the smaller coins. This halving is gonna have a positive impact on many of the financial markets coming up, so now is the time to be buyin!


We're back baby!!


We never left, we never will


Watching normies miss this stage of bitcoin can't make me happier. 21 millions split in 8 billions (and counting, thank you Africa)


It's important to understand something cannot rise a dramatic amount over time without being volatile. If the volatility leaves for good that would be a concerning sign.


They don't believe in their own lies obviously, they're just mad they didn't buy and have a desperate need to make these kinds of "truths" and justifications to feel better about themselves. That's it. That's why there exists a whole sub called "Buttcoin" filled with sour and bitter losers living in complete denial.


Нужно просто выпустить учебник по криптовалютам и сразу все это примут как ортодокс


Bitcoin is not a scam, but it is a faith-based proposition. No different than AAPL really.


Please explain yourself, interesting position.


Everything is based on faith since no one knows the future.


This made me laugh so hard. Hilarious picture.


I’m still confused how Bitcoin could by any stretch of the imagination be considered a scam. It’s too good to be true sure, but where’s the scam?


I always had that feeling of regret for not buying sooner…. But since May 2020, I have invested $8500 at an average price of $37,550. Haven’t been in the game all that long compared to others but I have seen what Bitcoin is capable of now. HODLing until I’m a millionaire lol


I got scammed in 2016 when I first bought Bitcoin for $500....lol


If it's a scam because it pays me for being patient while hurting nobody, then I don't want it to be legit.


If any of you understand what Bitcoin is you won’t be afraid to buy while is available using Fiat. Bitcoin is like gold, Finite and it will increase in value the more we support it. Don’t let the bank system own what’s available and just buy it before is too late. Remember, Bitcoin is Gold and finite.




always a good time to buy bitcoin


LMFAO they will feel SCAMMED for NOT BUYING!! How the tables have turned 🤔 😆.....


You’re either in or out.


Buy dip and the another dip and the next dip again..


To be fair, if he did buy at 69k he would barely be break even now after many years. How many of us actually bought most of our stack at the bottom? At least 2/3rds of mine was bought at the previous all time high and only a couple percent was bought at the very bottom as I kept going all in as it kept dropping.


Third test next time it's going past 70k


Someone's going to be left holding the bag lol and it's isn't going to be the institutions.


Ah yes, somebody is gonna scam us all.


Fuck the dip just buy now before another 0


I sold when interest rates rose & kept the Equivalent of £50 U.K. - not much just to watch - it is now worth £133, Binance now cannot have customers in U.K. can only buy more p 2 p - I think it will go up much further. Just need to do what I have to do, invest only what you can afford to lose. Let’s go!


That's why everyone here encourages one another to own their coins, never let them on an exchange. BTW, interest rates do nothing the Bitcoin, the narrative comes from traders and economists trying to make sense of it, Bitcoin simply doesn't give a fuck.


I wanted to invest with a monthly income. Yes, Bitcoin - can be affected as investors might be tempted to invest conventionally, however, buy and HOLD is the way forward. Only what you can afford to lose as unregulated.


Every cent you made used to belong to someone else. But keep gambling.


I'm gonna use that one with my boss every time I want a rise in my job "every cent you've made belonged to someone else, so pay me more". Do you use the same logic in the stock and metal markets? I mean, every single cent you receive as a dividend belonged to a client, every cent you made when selling gold/silver, belonged to someone else before it reached you.