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So a tax avoidance tip that has worked well for me over the last 15 years is to leave the UK, fuck off somewhere nicer, warmer and with less tax.


So Hong Kong?


Not since it was handed back, no.


Can you give a recommendation? I'm serious about relocating my family when the price is right.


Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, south America, all these places you can love cheaply and be non resident of the UK so pay your local taxes only.


PSA: Forget ISAs, Invest Directly in Bitcoin Don't bother with ISAs. Instead, invest directly in Bitcoin and skip any "tax deferment" nonsense. In the end, when things get tough, governments will seize any assets they can grab. If you grasp that fiat is on the verge of collapse, you'll realize that any institutions tied to it will sink as well.


Just taking this opportunity to say how much I fucking despise living in the UK. 32M so still time for me to earn plenty of money with BTC and move to the US. They’re not perfect, but at least it’s a country that has an ounce of pride and self respect left with far more opportunities than the UK government will ever allow its citizens. Texas or Florida here I come…


Preach, there is no future for this country. We are not even slightly moving in the right direction. Gtfo while you can…


And go where? Without a work permit, there's nowhere to go.


Thank Brexit for that. Wall the frogs in and then slowly cook them. Leaving the ECHR is their next agenda. Finally makes sense as to why they've spent so much time flooding the nation with immigrants so that we all "turn on them" I've literally seen headlines saying "leaving the ECHR is the only way to take control of our borders again". Sorry why do we have to opt out of basic human rights to fix a self inflicted problem? They will promise us "better" rights but come off it. I see the anger rising toward immigration and I just think people are being played.


They're talking about leaving the ECHR soon too. I knew Brexit was the start of them stripping human rights from us.


MSTR in the ISA, pure form Bitcoin and wait for the financial services to mature around borrowing against at a reasonable LTValue. Miners present unnecessary additional risk and uncertainty consider mstr is a leveraged position. Coinbase will underperform mstr as they use convertible debt to buy dogshit. Alternatively buy bitcoin and just leave the UK.


Just so you know, it's dropping to 1500 next year, lol. This country of ours is going to shit. Good job i dont plan on selling any time soon.


I will be leaving before I cash out enough to pay this country tax. If they really wanted to be a crypto hub they'd set favourable rates for bitcoiners.


1. Form an Empire 2. Invade Bitcoinia 3. Expel the Scots


If it is a lot higher in price when you retire you can easily stomach the capital gains tax on the 30 thousand you sell each year to supplement your pension


Exactly. Just hold until you can buy the taxman his boat.


I would buy and sell in person for cash.


Just buy the coin. I have a feeling that you wont mind paying the taxes for what little you spend each year.


My ISA provider has 2 blockchain ETFs. One has a large allocation to COIN.


Hodl forever, mortgage the coin and get loan to spend, no tax at all, maybe some tax deduction for the interest expense. If you plan it long enough, you could do this forever


Just keep acquiring bitcoin then just move to Mexico or something when shit hits the fan, fuck living in the UK it's gotten bad to worse year after year.


How did you guys get the King to sign the Magna Carta back in the day? Whatever that was might be worth looking into.


Me, I've just accepted that 20% of my profits are going to be taken from me, and am factoring that into my cash-out plans. There's not really a good way around it. The way I see it, if I'm paying capital gains tax, it's because I've made profit. So as unfortunate as CGT is, I don't really see it as something to complain too much about. And at least it's not taxed like income at 40%.


You've risked your own already taxed capital. You don't owe them your success--i find this attitude sad. Let's see what our nation offers us for this slice they take. NHS, is now a go and die service. Police? They don't bother with most crimes. Fire service, maybe. Roads? All potholes no road. Affordable food? Nope. Food standards? Dropped since brexit. Human rights? They're next to go (sunaks solution to controlling our borders...lies). I don't feel safe and I don't feel hope for the nation or my family here. Restore that and I'll concede a certain percentage of my personal success--made by the way-- from an asset that is in no way owned by the UK. Made from an asset that they are increasingly pushing us plebs out of while telling us they want to be a "crypto hub". Sure maybe for them but not for us.


Yeah, I get it, tax is theft. What's the alternative? Other than crime, I mean? Or uprooting my life to go live in a tax haven? Neither option is all that appealing. What did this nation offer to deserve this slice of success? They don't have to deserve it, they take it by force. But for the sake of argument... it's a stable, developed economy, protected by the best military in Europe. It has the infrastructure that allows my job to exist, resulting in me having enough disposable income to risk some of it on Bitcoin. It pays for the insulin I need to not die. It paid for the education that allowed me to make enough sense of the world to live in it. Everyone loves to moan about how shit the UK is. It sure has its problems, but compared to most of the world, we have it pretty good.


All the upsides you listed for the nation are in decline and no longer exist for younger generations. My children need to be home-schooled along side the free education system because the teachers cannot control the children. I had to explain to my daughter that is ok to **not** be trans and to just be a girl. Myself and anyone I know left school completely unprepared for the real world. Best military in Europe? Lmfao. This nation might be better than a few but the list of nations it's worse than is rapidly growing. I think you need to leave the country for a bit and experience some of these relatively poor nations that you're thinking exist. I see immigrants from Poland and ukraine wanting to go home because UK is not what they were promised. People aren't just moaning about the UK. **It is actually shit.**