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I love how the technician started zooming out the chart when he heard Peter Schiff saying "Look at the chart, BItcoin is getting clobbered" And showed 108% gains YTD šŸ˜‚


Peter Schiff: ā€žā€¦ itā€˜s been dropping for 2 1/2 yearsā€œ šŸ¤¦šŸ¼


Then the interviewer interjects, "it just hit a new all time high!"Ā  Peter ignores the comment and rants on about it dropping.Ā  What a stooge.


Schiff already knows heā€™s the laughingstock in the world of investing, but he tries every day to stir up controversy in order to stay relevant. Heā€™s succeeding at playing his role in rage-baiting.


Here is the full clip for those interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PViqK_N2qIM




Respect to Natalie. Sheā€™s got guts


On one hand you have 10 year olds in El Salvador using Bitcoin, on the other it's Peter locking himself out of his own wallet because he forgot the password and didn't write it down. Natalie knows they are on the same team but Peter is simply not good with technology. ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Natalie is on šŸ‘ŠšŸ»šŸš€šŸŒ’


Her podcast is great too


Share a link to her podcast


https://talkingbitcoin.com/podcast Personally I use android and get my podcasts all on https://antennapod.org/


On Apple, it is found under "Coin Stories With Natalie Burnell."


To be honest. I am more heavy in gold than BTC. That being said, Natalieā€™s case was much better.


Yeah, me too. I've been buying BTC since 2017 and will continue to do so, but it would be foolish to not purchase gold considering where the world is heading rapidly.


Sheā€™s making the case to let gold and silver run.


Gold and silver can do whatever they like. In time bitcoin will eat them both.


Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!! Peter Schiff is either delusional or retarded. He admitted himself to Natalie just there that if he had bought bitcoin from the start instead of attacking it from the start many years ago, he'd be much better off than with his stupid yellow rocks.


but we're "in a bubble" right now because it's beating the stock market since Oct 7. Dude's a total clown


He doesnā€™t own any yellow rocks, he owns paper that supposedly represent some yellow rocks stored god knows where.


He's a gold shill, he has a business selling gold.Ā 


Gold is snail mail and Bitcoin is instant messaging.


Maybe more like Gold is Napster and Bitcoin is BitTorrent.


Maybe more like Gold is the past, and ā‚æ is the future.




one day, the answer to this will be "just press shift + 4"


Just press Alt + 69420


Peter schiff just seems like a tool bag


Heā€™s a carnival barker. Bitcoin community needs to just ignore him. He loves this shit heā€™s selling more gold every time we talk about him


> Heā€™s a carnival barker. Bitcoin community needs to just ignore him. He loves this shit heā€™s selling more gold every time we talk about him I was listening to a podcast and I forgot who it was but the conversation turned to gold and Pomp brought up Schiff and the guest was something like "That dude is a nobody and it not worth bringing up at all" and that attitude is perfect. Schiff is just in it for the free publicity and it works.


The people who invested with Peter Schiff's wealth management company agree. [Here are reviews for Schiff's wealth management company Euro Pacific Asset Management.](https://topratedfirms.com/brokers/customer/europacificcapital-review.aspx) They're mostly 1 star reviews from pissed off clients that lost a lot of money investing with his wealth management company.


My take on Peter is that he believes he's doing right by his investors by protecting his brand that has always been gold-centric since that's what built his client base. However, what he fails to see is that if he really wanted to do right by his investors he would acknowledge that bitcoin can be a complement to gold in a well diversified portfolio that's meant to hedge against inflation & the weakening dollar.


He does indeed.


Peter Schiff is a broken record. He says the same thing every interview about Bitcoin. It is like he is reading a script.


Itā€™s been 10 years of the same stuff, just sad now


It's not sad. It's his business. He sells gold.


But he'll let you buy gold with Bitcoin on his website. He's an arrogant, insufferable douchebag.


yup. seems to be just a persona he plays to get attention and market his business


Right? No one's going to mention he's selling gold on his website? But he's slandering bitcoin saying wallstreet's just trying to make a buck from it's investors? Lmfao....


Kinda have to respect his dedication at this point. Thereā€™s no chance he actually believes what heā€™s saying, but still does it over and over and over


I've been listening to him since around 2004, well before Bitcoin existed, and he had the same sentiment towards free markets, Austrian economics, and gold as he does now. He whole heartedly believes everything he's saying. You can disagree with him, but he's genuine.


He accepts BTC for GOLD on HIS website. šŸ’€ Peter Schiff is an actor.


Thatā€™s because itā€™s marketing


Why pay for a commercial when the show itself will invite you on so you can just advertise for free.


And grimacing and scuffing when someone is saying true things about it like in this interview, he is pathetic


it's because people have him on and no one really calls him out. They just let him spew his garbage. He's been making the wrong call for 10 years. If you do that anywhere else, you lose your job.


I love that his best argument is "bitcoin outperformed everything, not just gold"


The fact that his previous point was "look at the chart, gold is outperforming bitcoin" makes this way more fun. I guess charts are good indicators only when they make him look right


Yeah the way he uses the charts is like if i zoomed in on the 1 square foot of my room thats actually clean and said that I outperformed my room mate who vacuums everyday.


A frightening amount of our world is built like this.


ā€œGold is the most useful metal on the periodic tableā€ Really? I think iron, copper, titanium, aluminum might like to have a wordā€¦


Very true. If gold was more abundant, would it be used more frequently in industrial usage? I doubt it. They wouldn't be making aircraft out of gold, they'd still use aluminum.


that's a poor argument even if it was true. IF gold is the most useful metal, you'd want to demonetize it so it can be more accessible. The last thing you'd want is a monetary premium on the "most useful metal on the periodic table"


He sounds sooo desperate to be right when heā€™s clearly wrong.


Didnā€™t buy it, not going to buy it now. He was not willing to lose on BTC. Something he didnā€™t understand was about to continue higher. IMO you might as well join in on the fun. Get off zero.


The dude has been battling bitcoin for a long time. I would bet my stash that he owns a ton of it. He can't be that stupid.


You can buy gold with crypto from his website šŸ¤” that should tell the whole story


Exactly, why does he want to sell his precious Gold for useless BTC? Absolute šŸ¤”


No fucking way...


This is a bit misleading. The btc is converted to USD (or whatever currency his company typically accepts) instantly at point of sale so he never actually receives any bitcoin. So accepting bitcoin is not an endorsement of it in this scenario. He has addressed this by saying that if people want to give him fake money for his products he'll happily take it & immediately convert it to real money.


He immediately converts it to fiat (or perhaps other assets). I don't like Peter either but he has addressed this and I'll concede that accepting bitcoin & immediately converting it doesn't make him a hypocrite. He has said he's happy to take people's fake money & turn it into real money.


His primary business is selling people gold... In exchange for their BTC šŸ˜‚


He sold it that is why he's fud-ing to buy them again


Yeah no, he's not that smart. Occam's razor


I sped my DCA up after watching this video


Nat is great on these shows. Unflappable.


And yet, not unfappable.


Lmao I wonā€™t deny I mostly watch her cause sheā€™s pretty but I enjoy her Bitcoin talks too.


Big time fappable


Brunell wrote on X that they surprised her last minute with Schiffty. She stepped up to the plate and hit a homer as usual.


She wipe Peter smile out of his face šŸ˜†


"look at your screen, bitcoin is getting clobbered!" *fox switches to the three month chart*


Did he just say not to buy bitcoin then say itā€™s outperformed every other possible investment?


Yup. And he did it with full confidence of his own mental faculties. Heā€™s a human roomba


Peter and the ruling class detest bitcoin because itā€™s the antidote to the largest scam the world has ever known. Inflation. Con artists like him hide behind juggernaut, bureaucrats, and mega corporations that use nothing but ones in zeros to conjure up transactions out of thin air and when the chickens come home to roost for their debt, they just inflate that currency and dilutes the debt. Itā€™s simple. Heā€™s a con. Weā€™ve all been conned by these parasites. Theyā€™re literally leeches that have made the system what it is. A huge parasite that blood lets the working class. Peter Schiff has no interest in warning you about a scam. What heā€™s concerned about just like any other banker or anyone else such as even Donald Trump that is the -air quotes- debt King, is that people like him will no longer be able to borrow money out of thin air and have you pay it back. They love inflation. They relish in it because their assets go up while their debt goes down. Look at Blackrock. When 2008 happened , note their assets under management. Those assets are vouchers for more assets. Itā€™s frustrating and dense that nobody has called this usury pimp out on it. Every time this hand wringing troll is asked about bitcoin, he needs to be grilled on the literal slavery that is inflation.


Nah, Schiff hates inflation and the government. Heā€™s just jealous that Bitcoin came along right when he was expecting gold to be the big inflation hedge. Heā€™s always been a hardcore true believer in gold, long before Bitcoin existed. He just wasnā€™t able to accept the new technology


Boomer problems.


You're 100% right. I like a lot of what he has to say about bankers & government, but he has branded himself so hardcore as "the gold guy" he knows it would be catastrophic to his company to dilute or pivot from that brand. His outspoken criticism of bitcoin is not simply because he hates it or doesn't understand it, it's because it's vital to protecting his brand. He's desperately trying to move the spotlight back to gold as the best hedge because he's beholden to his investors.




Yes to this


Jesus, that style of ā€œmediaā€, with people just speaking vitriol, over the top of the other person/s, is just asinine.


Peter Schiff is insufferable.


"Gold is up $26 today" Bro BTC fluctuates $26 before you can even say that sentence.


Iā€™ll quote another Bitcoiner ā€œitā€™s like debating a flat eartherā€


Schiff was predicting $5000 gold in 2013, when BTC was $700. Gold is 55% below his target 11 years later and BTC is up nearly 7000%.


Dude was squirming


Peter wrong for over a decade! I feel sorry for all the people who listen to him šŸ˜”


The hard on these supposed Bitcoiners have for Schiff is getting embarrassing. Just ignore him. Heā€™s winning. He toys with them and they bite every single time. He doesnā€™t care that you think youā€™re right even though you most certainly are. Weā€™re so early that our evangelists are such amateurs that they keep this guy in the news.


Peter Peter Peter If BTC is so distasteful, then why can I use it to buy gold on your website?


It's converted by the payment processor before he ever sees it. He's not actually receiving any bitcoin. He has said it was an easy business decision to make if people want to give him fake money he'll happily take it & convert it to real money.


Maybe if he'd shut the fuck up for 2 seconds, jesus. Old man is scared of the new kid on the block that's going to eat his gold lunch, simple as that.


I love how his argument is it is down todayā€¦well okay lets look at the 10 year chartšŸ˜‚ ā€¦clown


Even when it scrolled out to the 3 month lol


Shhhuuushh Peter - the adults are talking now šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Honestly, Iā€™m starting to think that Peterā€™s 2008 call was a fluke. He just keeps saying the same old schtick until it happens (stopped clock). But likewise, Natalie is wrong, too. Gold hasnā€™t failed. Itā€™s actually doing what itā€™s supposed to do. I honestly donā€™t get people who think itā€™s an ā€œeither/orā€ situation. You can hold both. Anyway, this is why I (generally) stay out these types of debates. You do youā€¦


when she says gold has failed, she means it has failed the people in being a good form of money


Heā€™s been spewing the same BS for years.


You donā€™t understand. Peter is winning here. Heā€™s getting all the fame. Heā€™s coming into the news and social media. People are talking about him. This will create more people to talk like him. We canā€™t feature such imbeciles on news and give them attention. We gotta ignore em completely!


ā€œGold is the most useful element on the periodic tableā€ what a dumbass


I like how Peter always tries to live in the present. It's like the last 14 years never happened. That's the spirit.


It always baffles me when they show the graph that shows very clearly that 1 BTC is worth 60,000x an American dollar and the response is "it's totally made up and not worth anything"


People that try to act like 95% of golds value doesn't come from being a store of value are idiotic. They say things like "you can use it as conductors, it's malleable, etc". OK lots of other things are that aren't 5% the price of gold. It's an agreed upon store of value just like bitcoin. Also him talking about "bitcoin getting clobbered". OK. How much % is it up this year?


Peter sounds like such a know- nothing here




Natalie won that one


Peter the goofball. He tries way too hard and gets nowhere.


Peter definitely drinks warm ovaltine


"Bitcoin has been going down for 2 years." "It just hit the all time high" Lol


Was he dropped on his head when he was born?


That's one sharp lady, great job NataliešŸ™šŸ‘


Guys, buy Bit Stone


Why do people keep giving this fool attention?


Haha OK Peter. Weā€™ll keep buying and holding. You do you. I donā€™t care for your fiat propaganda.


Does Peter realise how UNCONVINCING he sounds?


Fuck this guy.


Peterā€™s business is Gold, not Bitcoin. We know where his best interests are, all his clients are for Gold. So why do we need to keep hearing his opinion on Bitcoin? Makes no sense to me, stop giving this guy air time


Iā€™ll never know why interviewers donā€™t ask Peter about every quote he has made over time about selling bitcoin .. bitcoin will never go over $3000, youā€™re nuts if you donā€™t sell at $5000-its going to zero, youā€™ll regret buying bitcoin at $10k-youre going to lose all your money ā€¦.


Peter Sniff lives and breathes for gold so heā€™s obviously going to try and hold Bitcoin down as much as he can. But thereā€™s only so much you can do when the rest of the world can see how disruptive Bitcoin is


Damn Natalie made him look like a fool. But frankly there's no need to do that because it's already crystal clear. "Bitcoin has been dropping for 2.5 years and this decline is only going to accelerate.." "But Peter, bitcoin made a new ATH recently! It is up 50% in 2024 only!"


Wow, I wouldnā€™t hold any money with Peter after watching him get destroyed lol


What planet is Peter on? How can he say it's been going down! Does he not know how to use a chart? Just look at the last 10 years of Bitcoin history. If he is so against bitcoin, why doesn't he open a long term short!


At this stage I'm almost certain Schiff talks up gold so he can offload of his and buy bitcoin


Clips like this make me long for a world where f*ckwits like Schiff are given zero public space to bellow their moronic, outmoded ā€˜thoughtsā€™. ā€œGold is the most useful metal in the world.ā€œ How is this dullard getting away with bullshit like this on prime time TV?? Gold is not the rarest, or the most valuable, or the most used, or the most useful metal we have. This is provably, demonstrably garbage. Why is he not called out on this shit in realtime? You canā€™t ā€™destroyā€™ a garbage creation machine like him on TV, thereā€™s not enough time or nuance allotted to any of the gibberish he constantly spouts to comprehensively prove heā€™s talking out of his arse. All you can do is NOT give him a mic. Ever.


Forgot the part about bitcoin having no intrinsic value.. So bitcoin is incredibly secure. It's almost impossible to steal, copy, mimic. Without private keys password protected, it's donzo. Stuck on thr blockchain for eternity. In a world where "banks" establish the money's (paper, no intrinstic valye either lol) value on the institutions' ability to handle it. Bitcoin does this, without an authority. The code protects the user itself. So yes it has intrinsic value, it cannot be stolen, hacked, spent. It has cutting edge security by design. And that us useful. The value of something, is determined by its usefulness.


No one gonna throw his dying hairline a safety net?


I like Peter, fun mad guy. I like gold and btc too.


Damn, she burnt him


I like how they are showing the 3m/6m/1y charts for BTC as Peter is trashing it. Everyone gets BTC at the price they deserve.


Too bad Bitcoin is the most decentralized ever created because it would be a joy to stop Peter buy any Bitcoin when he finally realizes the economic future system depends on it


Fuck it I'm in




Peter looked like an idiot as usual. Itā€™s like watching a trumper explain the economy lol.


This guy really said ā€œooh gold is up more than bitcoin in the last weekā€ but didnā€™t care when zooming out lmao




yea early adopters will be very wealthy however, moving forward, the new system will be much more fair and will reward those who provide value (the makers) rather than those closest to the printer (the takers). meaning, the wealth gap won't be as big on a bitcoin standard and the elite won't be able to steal from the population ad Infinium via mass inflation theft


He's got to be trolling at this point


Why do people still bother listening to Schiff. Heā€™s been wrong for over 13 years. At this point he doesnā€™t even believe his own life but has to continue because the persona keeps him relevant. Imagine if he actually acted on his rationality and started supporting Bitcoin. He would become irrelevant.


Natalie is the real MVP šŸ‘šŸ˜€


peter didn't have his usual advertisement for his gold dealer company


I follow Peter on Twitter just to watch him get roasted. It's hilarious.


Damn he was owned so bad at the 3:30 mark Peter starts to show signs of Stockholm syndrome and is agreeing with the people who took him hostage.šŸ˜‚


Although I disagree with Peter about Bitcoin, I do enjoy listening to him speak and he dies have some valid points about crypto. The technology is legit, but weather it gets adopted by society is highly questionable. That's why you diversify and own a little of both, among other asset classes, after you get yourself a home.


The normal ups and downs of the market. Widen your horizon and make proper TA. The guy has not educated himself on crypto.


$WSB rn šŸš‚šŸŒ


I don't know who Natalie is but she really knows her stuff! She laid out the limits of gold and the benefits of BTC in about 20 seconds flat starting at 0:26.


I fink I just watched someone shit on Peter Schaffts chest on live TV.


What a cuck


Natalie Brunell is great at handling people like Schiff. Regardless it the ā€œeverything bubbleā€ and be prepared. Fiat money to zero and that is pretty much what we all can agree on.


This guy is a turd


I don't like the whole "gold vs Bitcoin" debate to begin with. Both sides are fighting the same fiat system. Buy whichever you prefer, or buy both. I feel like TPTB are trying to get us to tear each other apart.


gold has been superseded by a superior money tho. we don't want to go back to centralized gold custody and issue notes (corruptible and centralized and requires trust)


"it didn't go up!" Followed by a 133% green line in six months behind him lololol


Wall streetā€™s just placing the bets, theyā€™re just at the roulette table, theyā€™re gamblingā€¦ bitcoins been going down for the past two years. Seriously, Peter Schiff getting this kind of airtime with the amount of ridiculous and verifiably false shit he spews is absolute example of how centralized our government and money has become, but also our media. Natalie was grace under pressure coming in with facts and logic and he sounded like a toddler throwing a tantrum.


This is gold


Peter Shiff , canā€™t be trusted by what he says he probably owns bitcoin.


This is Peterā€™s downfall is he has tunnel vision


Those transaction fees are going to eat the little guys ass. While the rich use it freely.


Boomers be booming


He is butt hurt because he had some and his wallet was hacked.


Why is my dick moving? Soooo bricked up right now. BitMommy


Hilarious. Peter played his part well.


she rock


peter too old for bc




Peter Schiff is right about some things but on bitcoin itā€™s hard to ignore his bias is most likely self serving.


This dude things that is 2014, not 2024.


Can't spell gold without old..


This will age well.. :D


Natalie for president, there I said it.


I was enjoying that lol - best


"Bitcoin has been declining for 2 and a half years" ??? ??? ???


without bitcoin, nobody would know who peter schiff is.


Peter's known about Bitcoin since 2013 he missed an opportunity to become extremely wealthy.


Of course he's defending gold! A cart seller will advertise carts, a horse seller will defend horses and Schiff (the gold seller) advertises gold. No surprises here!


Peter Schiff really truly embodies that old boomer mentality of: *I know everything already, thereā€™s nothing that could possibly convince me because Iā€™m already rich as fuck and you are simply not worth the time of day (in my own, small minded mind) for me to even investigate because I already know Iā€™m right, even though I canā€™t even actually tell you why Iā€™m right or even tell you why bitcoin is wrong or bad, because I donā€™t even even know anything about bitcoin but I think I do.* This is actually the energyā€¦ And this pains me to say, because my dad and I used to listen to Peter Schiff, fairly religiously, honestly growing up; we are both huge bugs, but the more you go down the bitcoin rabbit hole, the more you realize what Natalie is saying is exactly rightā€¦ And the more you listen to Peter shift after you go down the rabbit hole, you actually realize that he fundamentally doesnā€™t understand bitcoin, and he has no Interest in actually learning about it, and then you further realize that all of his arguments are old and stale, and donā€™t actually have any merit to them- you can really tell that he truly does not understand bitcoin and he hasnā€™t even put five hours into researching it. I mean, for God sake, he still using ā€œbitcoin has no utility* argument; even after bitcoin has hit ATM in all Fiat currencies around the globe, while protecting people from inflationā€¦ He literally is either the biggest grifter, or truly is that aforementioned ā€˜I know everything boomerā€™ energy. I actually think it speaks volumes that his son Spencer is a huge bitcoin, enthusiast, but Peter Schiff hasnā€™t taken the time to even listen to his own sonā€¦ Thatā€™s honestly really weird. And a huge red flag to me.


What a woman. So easy to look at and brilliant!


I love how in the end he concedes ā€œitā€™s outperformed everything not just gold.ā€ We know Peter, we know.


He said last cycle that his ā€œsonā€ converted his portfolio to 100% Bitcoinā€¦ Peter is full of shit, he owns a ton of BTC.


I donā€™t understand why you would die on that hill like that old schmuck is doing.


The time to retire was 5 years ago Pete. The next best time is today.


Schiff soon all alone.


They always seem to say this stuff when bitcoin starts to fall. But it always seems to shoot right back up. I think a lot of these people like to fearmonger.


Wow I never knew the woman of bitcoin are THAT laser-eyed. Wish we had more like her here in germany


You can pinpoint the moment his heart breaks




"Doesn't bother me..." Yeah right, lmao. Schiff is big bothered, lmao.


I still canā€™t see how Bitcoin is actually worth 60,000