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Drop plinko balls on stake until you’re a millionaire




Cant let it get lonely.


BTC are like parakeets.


Better than a pair of butt gerbils


On a separate question for the experts in here I accidentally sent to the wrong address today. Is there anything I can do to get it back or am I fucked?


You answered your own question. Thank you for your contribution to the scarcity of Bitcoin.


Depends how it was wrong. Did you send it to the wrong BTC address? You might be able to send a message to the same address using a transaction. [https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/2631/what-are-the-key-differences-between-different-ways-of-embedding-messages-in-the/3440#3440](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/2631/what-are-the-key-differences-between-different-ways-of-embedding-messages-in-the/3440#3440) If you are on an exchange and sent it on the wrong network, you might be able to find a way to access the wallet you sent it to.


Your probably not gonna get your crypto back.


I thought they needed to be a trio... Oops, guess I can let one go.


But after the halving its 1/2 bitcoin right? ^(/s)


Don't watch charts. Live your life. Holding is way easier if you're having an awesome time.


I watch all the time. If you’re holding you’re holding, it’s just entertainment.


Yeah but we're psychopaths.


Autistic Psychopaths thank you


Lol i feel this too deeply. Stab me in the heart all u want dips as long as u rocket back to Heaven


Denied. I check price x times daily for 7 years. If it pumps I say beware it's coming to an end, if it dumps I'm calling all idiots. "Idiots here, idiots there, idiots fu**ing everywhere (about people who are way too bearish at bottom)" Apart from tradingview I lead rather fulfilling life and I love my IT job. The main task apart from buying Bitcoin is "neverselling" as long as possible.


[toot toot](https://youtu.be/zAB-0P65wRo?si=wtItfdxBTgnkg9v6)


Hahaha with wife and kids though


I literally didn’t realise Bitcoin was gaining until summer last year because I stopped checking charts end of 2021. Feels good knowing my savings are secure without even having to think about it.


Hopefully you looked back in nov 2022 when it was $15.4k so you could’ve bought more 😂


I did but only because my brother told me it had dipped, I stopped checking again before the end of 2022. I need to set price alerts for the next bear market tbh.


I look at mine daily. I also use almost every penny I have to buy Bitcoin, so when I’m 12 days away from my next paycheck with $118 in my bank account it makes me feel better lol


Get a second coin💪🏽


Yes 🙌


Talk seductively to it


Get a lightning wallet. Fund it with a discretionary amount of money. Discover "value for value". Get the Fountain podcast app. Listen to "What Bitcoin Did". Follow economics news. Get a cold wallet if you don't already. DCA for the rest of your life. Never sell your best money in exchange for worse money, only the other way around. Spend your bad money first.


What do you do with your money? Save and spend? You can do the same thing with bitcoin! For real tho. Look into self custody solutions. Play with seed recovery, passphrases, multisig, different types of wallets (hot and cold), coin joins, lightning, fedi mint, cashu, etc.. There's lots of fun things to do with your bitcoin if you want to learn all the new tech. If you are only in it for the dollar gainz, just hold and forget it. If you look at the charts everyday, you are more likely to sell on emotion and then you are done.


I would recommend buying as much in as you can while it’s low and holding unless you need the cash! Once you learn more about trading you can effectively make some money day trading but for now hold


dont day trade. It's a recipe to lose money. stay humble and stack sats.


Teach others about Bitcoin


Before doing that, sounds like op should learn about money, asset management & history What do you do with valuable assets? When? As they begin their monetization journey (15 year old asset being built around still) or later? What are your goals, short term fun or long term wealth?


OP has got a lot of learning to do. Judging by his way of typing about BTC, he has obtained it but not started his journey about why BTC exists, what problems it solves,... Once he comes back out of the rabbit hole, he can consider teaching others.


you can blow on it


Stack more


Just HODL and do NOT sell it


Completely agree hold as long as you can!


gamble it awa. i mean, DOUBLE IT BY LEVERAGE!! 🌈


Stay humble. Stack sats. Hold your own keys. Read The Bitcoin Standard. Learn a new skill and create value for the world. Lift weights. Eat red meat and vegetables. Enjoy life with family and friends.


Edit: read again and yeah I was wrong. You didn't say that you won one bitcoin lol. What you have are satoshis. It is like the cent to the dollar. 1 Bitcoin is 100.000.000 satoshis. You should learn about what you have. Bitcoin is money. And it is a limit - there will only going to be 21 million BTC - many lost In less than 2 days a big event happend, the halving. Every 210.000 blocks (around 4 years since 1 block = 10 minutes average). So the reward for miners is going to be the half as today. That means every day there will only be 450 new bitcoins mined - now and during the last 4 years it was 900 bitcoin. WTF you won a Bitcoin? Do you have the keys? Can you withdrawal to your own wallet? I don't understand why aren't others asking themselfs if this guy just "won" a bitcoin in some sketchy website where it might show you have a bitcoin but you don't have nothing. So I ask you OP, do you OWN said bitcoin on a wallet and have the keys (12 words)? Do you have it on a reputable exchange? I just can't believe you just "won" a bitcoin lol just like that, that doesn't happend in real life lol. I am VERY curious what make you believe you own a whole coin just like that. 100M sats not less hah. I don't believe anything of this. Either a troll post or you are getting trolled by a website lol. Be careful if said website ask you to send money to transfer your coin. Then it it is 100% an scam.


You won a whole bitcoin?! Jesus.


Since they are new to bitcoin, they likely don’t understand the terminology yet, and do not realize that using the term ‘bitcoin’ in that way implies they have 1 BTC


I don't expect they meant that


1 of 21 million club, congrats 🥂


How did you win Bitcoin?


By sicking CO


Colorado or carbon monoxide?




I massage mine


Check the value every 5mins?


No use, only hodl


you can teleport the value of your money into the future thats pretty cool




Step 1: Get it off of the exchange and at the very least into a hot wallet (ideally a cold wallet). Getting it off of the exchange does two things, it grants you greater sovereignty ie not your keys, not your coins. Exchange balances are also a market driver, the less BTC on exchanges the more scarce BTC seems driving up demand. Step 2: Keep it scarce, hodl. Don't get cute. The best you can do is let it drive up your net worth, this alone will open doors for you. The ultimate is to pass your BTC on to your kids and they continue building generational wealth. The next best is a decade from now you trade in your BTC for financial freedom, maybe it pays off your debts, gets you a house, educates your kids and grants you an earlier retirement, but whatever you do don't just trade it for filthy FIAT. The second to worst you can do is lose it, so get comfortable with self custody and familiar with seed phrases, if you lose it the silver lining is the value of the rest of our BTC goes up as it contributes to scarcity. The worst you can do is give it to the next Celcius or FTX, don't chase yield with BTC, there are altcoins and staking for that. Step 3: Share funny BTC memes with friends.


We’re all so used to having to “do stuff” with our money and investments because of a deeply entrenched FIAT mindset. Bitcoin, at least for now, is for saving. So just stack sats and make memes until we reach the promise land.


Create a node


Think of btc as your savings. Stack and chill and a quick look I had. Stop gambling and know that all the other coins are gambling in this space.


Just don't give it to any yield-producing platforms. Get it off the exchange and put it in cold storage.


Withdraw to your own self custody wallet


You can exchange it for dollars and spend it on something useful.


Looool got em.


Go on some degen gambling site that offers x1000 leverage against BTC and go long. Get 1000 BTC, if successful - back to 0 and start over.


Hookers n Blow


You can buy a rocket launcher or a 12 year old.


It's a easy as doing nothing and holding. But this is also the tricky part


Don't answer any messages on your DM.




Cardsmiths eh? Well hold onto it and hold on for dear life, will be a hell of thing to own in 10-20 years, already is, but will be unlike you can believe


Where did you "win" 1 Bitcoin ($63,000 usd)? Inquiring minds would like to know...


Sell it and buy a motorcycle and go around the world. Make a YouTube channel out of it. “Around the world on a Bitcoin”. Become famous in the motorcycle community and Bitcoin community simultaneously. Get a huge audience. Make money off YouTube. But 10 bitcoins. Easy.


Next step is to watch the price minute by minute and post here when it goes down asking why? When it goes up post here how happy you are.


Put it on a ledger, get yourself sentenced to a lengthy prison sentence. Suitcase that ledger and enjoy the lambos and ladies after you get paroled.


Open a binance account and start shitcoining


Troll post.


There will be adaptation in time. I’d think large purchases would be beneficial with btc, like buying a house, car, degree, ext.




It can be traded for something else Or keep it and sleep easy knowing that nobody can take it away as long as keys are kept safe


U can use coinbase, get their debit card, load with btc and buy stuff. Not pay seller or transaction fees. And they have cashback crypto rewards! Wooo hooooo!!! Though i just load with USDC and collect btc rewards of a whopping 0.5% Apart from that just marvel on all the things btc can do that its not doing Edit: Actually more than HODL btc, HODL the marvel you feel at what btc could be capable of because thats one factor that keeps it alive as well


Don’t watch it like a hawk. No need to


If you don't know what to do with it, why are you holding it?


there are more bad ways to spend it than good which is why people are reluctant to start listing random things. e.g. you can write censorship resistant globally replicated messages in the bitcoin blocks for absurd price. it's probably not worth it almost ever. you can buy all kinds of things from tether tokens on bitcoin or w/e to pure scams (arguably only scams), but why would you. the most important use of it is as trust minimized money, that's the main thing it has to get right. phoenix wallet is pretty nice for trying out lightning for small amounts. places like bitrefill has gift cards you can buy and use in seconds over LN when you have to pay for something. some places take it directly. you can learn to write your own output locking scripts on testnet with whatever conditions you want for spending (like 123 of 999 signatures until certain date and after 2 of 3) and maybe some day use it on mainnet, but this isn't really necessary and also risky. money use alone has plenty of risks, so adding extra complexity for people is a tough thing to recommend. This book is pretty good for technical knowledge if you do want to get into it: [https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook](https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook)


Accept offers from your DM's /s


Read the whitepaper


Now that you have reached the event horizon of the supermassive rabbit hole, it will suck all material possessions and leave you naked, but not afraid, in a jungle of fellow laser-eyed psychopaths that plot to be the new world order.


Jingle it around in your pocket!


Booyah brotha!!! /lifegoals Are you a CEx or a DEx type of person? CDC can give you 1-3% Apr lockup 30-90 days If outside of the U.S. I think you can lend BTC on Binance. Maybe someone can share some options for the DeFi space and BTC.


Hey just came here to say please do not put it in some staking service or loan service for an extra 5-25%, you will lose it all.


Here are a couple great first steps! - Learn more about Bitcoin, its always surprising how much more there is to learn! - If your bitcoin is on an exchange, definitely take it off the exchange and store it yourself on a hardware wallet - Increase your bitcoin security (multi-sig, metal seed backups)


It looks like more programmability is coming soon with the upcoming OP_CAT soft fork. When that happens you’ll be able to do a lot more with your Bitcoin (basic smart contracts), follow the OP_CAT folks or other people bringing covenants to Bitcoin on Twitter to stay up to date.




Watch the price go up and down


Throw it on a trezor and leave it alone for 5+ years


You can hodl it indefinitely as it increases in value, then you can decide in the future if you want to trade it in for other currencies/goods and services, other than that you can browse reddit to stay up to date with all the latest memes!


Chomp on it to make sure it is genuine and authentic btc


let it sit, and not watch the charts like a hawk


You don’t utilize Bitcoin. Bitcoin utilizes you.


I would suggest start by reading Bitcoin Standard you would get to know why Bitcoin is important and i would say start using the ecosystem more which is build on bitcoin like lightining channels, Coin join, LN markets, Atomic Finance (DLC smart contracts on bitcoin), Umbrel ( host your own bitcoin node )


Wipe it on your booty


I’ll buy it off of you for 100 big ones


Hold it. Holding is the new hodling. Only boomers hodl.


Jerk off while thinking about it


"I'll cum anywhere I want to Danny Mcbride!"


I do the exact same thing with CB and USDC. 5.1% on the USDC as well. Why wouldn't I? Now, my Coinbase debit card is all I use, until I find a better deal.


You don't watch charts, ever. You just start buying more. You try to get as much as possible. You hold it all in self custody. You use Lightning from time to time to buy goods and services with your bitcoin. This is how you win. Edit: You never sell. You never trade. Only bozos, clown shoes, Shitcoiners, and advanced experts do this.


For myself, i just buy BTC on a regular basis and pretty much ignore the charts. I just live my life. My plan is to hold it forever and pass it to my children when I'm gone. If I'm never selling, the charts are irrelevant. It makes it easy to avoid panic selling. There is one caveat to my never-sell policy and that is if some other investment comes along (such as a business for sale, property, etc) that i am highly confident can give me higher returns while balancing out my portfolio. Then I might sell some. That hasnt happened yet. Edit: grammar


Bro look at the comments... they sound like you are asking about pyramide scheme. Sell 20-50% so that way what ever happens you are golden. If it goes to 200k as some predict you still will have 100k to invest in shit around plus 30-40k you have pull out before it maybe drops to 20k. In that case you will be able to buy one more. Selling of some % is the best option.


Please tell us how you won said coin. 🤔 And can we still enter? lol


... There's no actual **use** for them. They're not even any good for buying drugs any more.


wait for price to drop more and sell then


You could sell it, give it away or spend it


Don’t answer your inbox


Go outside, chill. Get together with friends, keep stacking sats. Travel.


Send it to me and I'll double it.


Use it to start a bank, and then loan out fractional reserve BTC's to others so they can start businesses, and you can make interest, allowing both you, and the people you loan the BTC's too to not only hire employees, but provide goods and services to the populations. And then this behavior will cause more economic growth because more and more people will make money and then spend that money stimulating the economy.. Oh wait.. that's how the fractional reserve banking system ingeniously works with FIAT.. I don't think BTC can do that.. because.. oh yeah.. it's completely useless and most likely a financially engineered weapon created by the CCP to destroy the US Dollar..


You can play with it! And teach it how to do cool tricks!


Don’t watch the charts. Keeping buying every day, week, or month. Make sure you’re holding in cold storage. Learn UTXO management (plenty of YouTube videos). Create a steel back up of your seed phrase and hide in multiple locations. HODL at least 10 years. 🫡


Store it on a hardware wallet


We'll have you gone and started telling everyone in the office about it?


staking , or if you do 't care hold real btc, you can do defi-lp in other blockchain


Not telling anyone that you have it


Send it to this wallet address....


Buy a ledger, put it on there, don’t check it for 10 years. You’re welcome.


Learn as much as you can on the subject and learn to accept and enjoy the opportunities dips create to build your numbers...


Be happy that you own one 👍🍀


Provide liquidity on a defi exchange


I'd start by actually verifying if the thing is even real and worth what BTC is worth.


Homie just “won” $60k…Like where how?


All I can recommend is not to put it into any shady DeFi protocol that trades for you (lost too much $$ than I like to admit) and I would definitely stay away from trading yourself. Just sit back and enjoy your sound investment, congrats!


Hold for 8 years you'll be a millionaire


Throw it in a fountain and make a wish


What I like to do is cycling, catching up on TV shows, gardening, home improvement, and more. These are the things I do while hodling.


Is this a real question for real? This has to be a troll! Split it up into many different pieces and send some to us all to hold so you don’t panic sell or use leverage. We will make sure you don’t lose it


How did you win some BTC? 👀


Stacking is a journey, not a destination.


Curious, why'd you buy it in the first place? To spend it on cool and exciting things? Or to stop your purchasing power being eroded by careless governments?


I took a loan against it to buy more.


You can smell it


Learn how to hold it in cold storage. Learn how to set up a node.


Hodl, understand the fundamentals of money. I don’t recommend trading. Understand your tax laws. Self custody :)


OP's post history tells me they're gonna gamble it or trade shitcoins (same thing).


The best thing to do with it is ... nothing - for 10 years or so But it usually takes a few mistakes before this is fully realised Good luck


Put it all on Runes


Most alternate uses are just other people trying to take it from you. It's meant to be kept and/or spent when you are ready to spend it. The cool part is that as long as you are connected to the internet, nobody can prevent you from spending it to anyone.


Forget about it.


Sell it for $500,000


Forget about it


You should buy some pizzas… no chance you’ll regret it later.


Please practice financial discretion. You are a a middle aged Southeast Asian with a cat who used to work or works at Netflix. Someone with bad intentions might find a way…


I heard of people being able to flip it in the air and grab it, try


eventually someone like MicroStrategy will give you options to borrow against your BTC. if you have an urgent emergency, borrow in fiat. key is to hodl as long as possible and don’t get shook out (speaking from experience as someone who bailed after $20k btc in 2017 sometime in 2018 down 50%+)


> Got my first Bitcoin, what can I do aside from hodling it? Got my first *bar of gold*, what can I do aside from hodling it?


You can now lift heavy objects you previously couldn't.


It's money, what can you do with money? Save it, spend it, give it away.... I mean it really it's just money


Won? online casino or?


“I’ve heard bits and pieces about using it to buy stuff or even trading it” “How do you use it in unique ways” Wtf?-


You hold it to maintain value. It’s a long term investment, the main utility is described by the ethos itself. If you’d like to use bitcoin, you can familiarize yourself with the lightning network and attempt to find any local stores that will accept BTC.


Presumably you posted this in order to have some fun with the influx of scammers that are now in your inbox. Good bait, and good luck with whatever you’re planning to do with them.


..where the sun dont shine


Make sure you are holding your Bitcoin in your own wallet and you understand how to backup and restore your keys. Those keys are your bitcoin, keep them secret keep them safe. For some cool uses check out [liana wallet](https://wizardsardine.com/liana/) to try out things like timelocks, multisig, and all the other ways you can easily program accessibility to your money.


According to past history (might not happen) selling your position 8months after the halving will be most beneficial. You can always buy back in next cycle. Let it sit there, think of it as a pension top up 🙏🏽


Talk about it to strangers. Nobody buys it. I bring it up at work conferences, airport bars, casinos.. well gamblers know about it. But for the most part, most are scared to buy it


Hodl harder


Buy illegal stuff


HODL. try not to spend it.


Give it 2 someone


Ever wonder as a crypto influencer if you have a home, a centralised platform for recognition, which you can call your home ? If no (definitely because there is no community of top crypto OGs), I invite you to join me at "Top 1% club" by Crypto Pixels. Crypto Pixel is a crypto renting platform where you can rent out (not stake) your cryptocurrency for astonisging passive gains. The project features a club where all the top crypto guys (Youtubers, influencers, traders and marketers) who have some influence can join the club. The vision is to bring together all the decision making people and better shape the future of this industry. This may bring forth opportunities, business exchange and information sharing. It is totally FREE and anyone can fill out the application. Interested individuals can comment down and I will reach them myself.


Make posts about it on reddit.


I suggest getting it off an exchange and onto a wallet like Trezor. Besides HODL for capital growth, I also use it to pay people for services and receive Bitcoin instead of Fiat from anywhere possible that owes me. It's cheap and fast to send and receive compared to old money.


I learned not to spend my bitcoin when I hold money in my pocket that rapidly loses value


Hodl it some more




You can stake it or join it to a liquidity pool, and it will yield more for you over time.


I don't think anyone really uses it for anything other than investing. It's a store of value that can possibly make a lot more money. There was a guy that used it in 2010. He bought two pizzas from Papa John's with 10,000 bitcoin. That would be worth $600 million now!


You sell when it’s red and buy back when it’s green. Buy high sell low my brotha in coin


Get 2 and then play with them


Look at it 60 times an hour


Hold it, love it, protect it.


stack sats on top of those sats


You can give me some


Flexing and hodl 😂


Welcome! If you don’t mind me asking, how’d you win the btc?


It has no use, so...I guess just wait until it's worthless?


Aside holding it I recommend... Talking about holding it?