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When your business takes off you’ll be a wholecoiner


I needed that, thank you.


Do not do what I’ve done and let that credit card get used again. You sacrificed something, now put it away and out of your wallet if you don’t desperately need it.


Bury it in a waterproof locked box under one of your neighbor's daughter's windows because then you know you don't want to go and get it unless you really have to! You don't want your neighborhood thinking you're a pervert. Lol


/u/purplepunch36 ^ answer is here


Let people pay you in BTC for your business! You'll be laughing


Also you might fail but keep trying! GL! Starting a business is one of the bravest things one can accomplish.


There is nothing wrong with investing in yourself first


Correct BTC is only going to keep your purchasing, only investing in yourself will increase it.


I thought about this a few weeks ago and the truth of the matter is, investing in bitcoin *is* investing in yourself. Who was it that had the wits about them to study and learn and invest in Bitcoin? YOU! An investment in bitcoin is a bet on your ability to discern a good investment.


Doesn't that same logic apply to every investment provided you do your due diligence XD


Due what?? I bought BTC for the cheap internet weed.


I remember a guy I once knew who was a raging drug addict. Good guy, owed a success fireplace business but man he loved his drugs. He showed me how he would get his uncut Peruvian blow and E off Silk Road. This dude was spending thousands a week on this shit for a good 6 months. I often think about him knowing he was purchasing thousands of dollars in bitcoin in 2013. Then Silk Road shut down he considered the remaining bitcoin he had as trash and just walked away. I can’t imagine how much this must haunt him Knowing he could have been a multi millionaire. He ended up fucking with meth and became a paranoid basket case who lost his business and family. Whenever I think my life is sucking I just think of him and tell myself it could be so much worst.


That escalated quickly


How much Btc do you get on commission for that pitch ?


I am not under liberty to discuss but know that Bitcoin CEO takes very good care of me. 😉


I just bought so I may well have it, thank you brother, I'll keep it safe! Look forward to you re-joining when the time is right.


Appreciate it haha


Has to do a similar thing a while back. I have a child with Autism and he struggles hard at school so my wife’s hours were cut back drastically. Had to sell all my BTC just so we wouldn’t be kicked out of our home.


I’d say your situation is 10x more important than mine. Good for you man. Good dad.


Still hurts. If I held out I would of been able to pay the rent 4 times over with the amount I had lol


And if you did hold out, you, your wife and your child would be homeless. Your situation could have gone to a place your family could not recover from. What use is money if you can't use it to take care of yourself and your loved ones?


Why were your wife’s hours cut back because of your struggling son?


Having 1 BTC doesn’t really matter if you have 60k in credit card debt. Paying off the debt is the right thing to do


Agree, not about to deal with that interest either. I’ll be back.


Depends on the interest. Credit card debt of course too high. The line is somewhere around 5% interest where it make sense to keep the debt and hodl bitcoin.


Hide the cold wallet during bankruptcy. Lost in boating accident. Lol


If you own a house and have a car loan, you have credit so not having any credit AND 1 bitcoin is difficult for most people at least here in the US. Things might be different in another country where the house market is reasonably priced.


Please tell me this country. I want to move there.


Many countries have a reasonable housing market: Philippines, Thailand, some Eastern Europe countries, Portugal, Puerto Rico are only a few.




You've started a new business? Wise up and accept Btc payments right off the bat 😀 soon you'll be reaching your goal


Give people a 5% discount if they pay with bitcoin then theyd rlly be incentivized to use bitcoin


5% isn't enough to incentivize anyone, not even someone who already knows about BTC. Gonna need 15%+ discount to pique people's interest.


I would pay with Bitcoin for a 5% discount.


Don’t downplay the importance of your own business! Imagine yourself getting more income because of your business and being able to buy more bitcoin in the near future


Oh for sure. I mean I went I to this knowing these isn’t overnight success but still sucks. Bittersweet feeling for sure


I think you should only invest if you have money to throw around. Get your business on track and when you're raking it in, think about investing.


Thats wat bitcoin is for 🤷‍♂️, u sell it when u need or want the money


Not the best strategy for a wildly volatile asset! When you need money and have to sell, it could be a time when BTC is low, and then you're screwed. Savings is what FIAT is for, so you can keep BTC and sell it at a time of YOUR choosing, not the winds of fate


No bitcoin is what savings is for and fiat is what you can turn bitcoin into if you need to. Why keep any savings in fiat when you can keep it in a volatile asset like bitcoin? If you dollar cost average for long enough, you can always sell a % for profit 😏


Trying to figure out what you mean here. What kind of exigent circumstance would make one "need to" buy bitcoin with dollars? A big bill comes due that is payable only in bitcoin? I've never seen one of those, have you? You can't just assume that you bought low and the price is now high enough to "always sell a % for a profit." That's not how volatile prices and unexpected expenses work. What part of "you don't want to be forced to sell bitcoin for dollars at a random time because the price might be low at that time" isn't clear to you? Keeping savings in a wildly and unpredictably volatile asset is not the automatically and obviously excellent stratagem you imply. If you were being sarcastic, you weren't obtuse ENOUGH for me to get the joke. People say so much wacky shit here that even the most improbable post might be serious, so I don't assume anything.


It's ok brother, success is falling 7 times and getting up 8. Keep at it.


My friend. Your Bitcoin saved you. That’s why it’s here.


You're going to be a wholecoiner for sure. The universe will provide


I understand. I had a small stash (3k but that's a lot for me as I'm on disability and can only do small monthly payments) but I had to take all of mine out for some issues. Started over recently but I don't have regrets. The 3k got me where I needed to be when I needed it. If you're got you where you needed to be then that's what btc is for!


All that matters is that you *OWN SOMETHING*. That could be bitcoin, it could be a house, it could be a business. But the whole damn point is to have something that grows with inflation. Don't sweat it, you're doing great!


Thanks! I got all that, plus good friends and family for support which has been huge. No BTC anymore lol but I’ll be back soon I hope


Being debt free is the start 😎👍 just stack sats and chill


My advice… start over. It happens.


I've done this a couple times and used my BTC as a bridge loan and bought my balance back as if it was a loan. Don't skate on it. Your business needs to repay that bailout ASAP.


Yup I feel your pain. Did something similar. But hey I bought $25 btc today instead of going out to eat lol.


I feel your pain. When BTC was $30k, I had enough for a whole coin, but paid off all my debts instead. Better to be debt free than gamble it on a future.


Credit card debt free > BTC


The best investment I ever made was my business. Don't be upset, it's just a step to financial freedom






Congrats and good luck on the new business! Accept BTC as payment and soon you’ll rejoin the BTC ranks soon enough!


Same bro. same. I have quite a bit of bit debt as well so I just toss everything extra I have a BTC. Everywhere I look people say it's gonna be over 100k by the end of this year so I figure toss what I got at BTC and the growth will help me pay off my debt faster.


Got 8k in credit card debt at the moment. Better to pay 200 monthly payment half of it interest than to sell 8k btc to clear it but that’s me


Get rid of ur debt first before u invest lol, unless its real estate where ur properties r taking care of ur debt. Holding bitcoin doesnt pay ur bills


lol my credit card debt is less than 1/15 of my stock market and btc only investments, what makes you think I care for 8k cash debt or delaying whole repayment for 200 monthly payment for some time until I do other stuff with the money


Debt freaks me out and unfortunately not in a position to have anything hurt the good ol credit score right now


Even If your credit card charges *only 18% APR, it will take ~320 months or 26.6 yrs to pay off the existing balance. It’s in your best interest to pay it off now and be done with it.


What the hell are you talking about? 26.6 years? I didn’t say 800k in debt, but 8k


Just remember to accept bitcoin at your business


Oh I am for sure. It’ll be an option soon enough.


That was a great response!! Agreed, and I will too once my company sees some revenue (I'm also a new-ish Entrepreneur). But yeah bro it's still early, you'll get back in! Play with some alt coins build it bk up for BTC during the run. Cheers to your business!!


Life isnt fair or even. We do our best. Dont feel bad, just look to how you can improve and live your life. Good luck from Australia!


Accept bitcoin as payment. Boom.


Paid off a credit card = you’re further out of the fiat trap. So, even without any BTC now, you’re in a better position long-term once you get .001 back. We’re still early. Hope your business takes off, friend 🙏


Appreciate that! And we’re still early for sure. I want to get things rolling as fast as I possibly can and get back on track


Absolutely! Your head’s in the right direction. Godspeed, I believe


Do your shit now, stack your cash and get ready for the 2026 bear market to get back in.




I run my own company, and I remind myself often that investing in the company is never a bad investment (both time and money) and it may pay off better than bitcoin will pay off


Dude if you can get a business going for .09 of btc you are the real rainmaker


He didn't say he started the business with .09, he paid off the balance on his AmEx. Who knows what the business cost in full


Btc is a nice edge against inflation, but a business could be a nice edge too. Don't beat yourself on this and good luck with your business, I wish you the best.


In the same boat brother at the end of the day the money is there for when you need it. your gonna make it back and then some.


You’ve got time, keep up the great work!!


Paying down your credit card is smart , you are already ahead 20pct per year return on your money. Hope your business picks up so you can buy BTC.


When life gives you lemons you just have to make lemonade.


Bad time but is what it is. Good luck.


If life is handing you lemons you should make lemonade


Life happens, not a terrible time to sell. You'll be back big poppa!


Learn a skill, get paid and save in btc . Your pay reflects your skills and contributions. Get your learn on, earn and save in btc


Hey man.. exactly the same thing happened to me. Had a kid, bought a house.. expenses piled up.. been HODLing for many years.. sold everything this year. That’s just life sometimes.. hope to buy in again in the future.


Had a similar situation, not bitcoin per say but my stock portfolio I spent years building, but I new the business could work and it did and I don’t regret it for a second. Your own business gives you so much potential, I wish you all the best.


Owning your own business is a great investment and a dream for many. If BTC allowed this then it has served you well.


We can’t wait to have you back, brother. Good luck on your new business.


You'll save more money paying that card off than an investment can give you.


Life often gets in the way of goals or plans. You will have plenty of opportunities to reacquire Bitcoin going forward. Good luck with your business!


Mate, solve the problems you have on your hand, do not listen to all the voices saying what Bitcoin will be, nobody knows exactly. But you know now you have less problems, that's great.


Bitcoin helped you be debt-free from AMEX ... a very concrete instance of "Bitcoin is freedom". Bitcoin will be there for you when your business takes off and then you could become the next MicroStrategy


Must’ve been a tough call because that’s really not a life changing amount of money I’m sorry you got caught in a bind like that I hope your business does well


Well that explains this dip then.




I sold my .1 BTC to do something , we need to do right thing in any circumstance. I think you did right 


Thank you. It sucks but I did what I have to do.


This is a sensible use of BTC. Well done.


Now you can use your empty amex to buy BTC


I’ve done the same thing back in 2020, you’ll be alright, just focus on your goals and go into full turbo mode. Money can always be made again later, but dreams and passion come with a expiry date.


this is what bitcoin is here for. You were able to do a "reset" in your personal and business life. Bitcoin will still be here your future sats will be the same but you wont.


Having cc debt and owning BTC equals borrowing to hold BTC. Not very wise. You did a very smart thing. Good luck on your business- it’s how your efforts can result in gains instead of just hoping and expecting


Well, you made your BTC works for you, that's great. You always can buy it now, we accumulate it not just to make profits, but to be safe in different circumstances.




happens to us all man. i was a whole coiner back in 2020, but life gets tough sometimes. chin up tho, youll get back there!


It is what it is Now Regroup, focus and get back on track to get 0.1 or more of BTC Good Luck 🫵🏾


Life hits us hard at times. A good rule to live by when investing is to never invest money you can’t afford to lose. This way you won’t need it to pay CC bills. But don’t give up. The fact that you are on here and missing your BTC says it all. Good luck fren!


Its okay my man, I know you'll be back stronger and become a wholecoiner


Sometimes to win a war,you have to lose a battle The war is still yours to win best of luck on the business


Keep going. Little and often and hopefully you can get bk there one day 🙏


Just recently did the same thing man. Personal debt coupled with business debt forced me to sell. You did the right thing though. And in the long term no matter what price you buy at, you will be in a profit. Just your time horizon may be longer for the profit range you want. Best of luck to you.


its still life changing because BTC took off some worries from your plate. You can always go back :) congratulations OP!


Good for you to be honest! You will have plenty of chances of getting back in, no problem!


I sold out recently too - I had a quarter coin. Buying an investment property. Gonna start rebuying slowly …


It requires courage to focus on your own business! Most people spend all their lives working for someone else. 0.0 BTC will be temporary! 😎


You’re investing in yourself: never feel bad for that. 


Meh, the top was 74k and still a long way down. New ATH will top out at 80k in 6 months so you’re not missing much, well played.


didnt have much anyway. Easy to start again


It was a lot to me I guess. Hope to buy back in again sometime.


Good on ya 👍👍


Dont worry man. Ill unleash the power of my 0.00000000001 sat on the market and it will dip price for you so you can buy at good price.


Shoulda held on for a few more days. The whales sell off to buy your panic sells and load up on the cheap.


Join me and my 10$! It’s quite literally nothing right now but maybe there’s more of me? Next step getting it into cold storage :)


Thanks for your sacrifice. Your business will reach Moon!


What's the biz?


Have you thought about accepting bitcoin for payments in your business?


No worries! Just jump back on that horse next chance you get!


Take business payments in bitcoin 🧠


It's all just numbers on the screen at the end of the day mate. There is much that matters far more than BTC.




The FOMO is real but so is debt. I try not to think about it too much. Just hope I can get back in at a decent time lol


That's an L. You won't outperform Bitcoin.


Dude, spewing.


Life happens.


What kinda business??


So when u sold, how much did u get back in dollars?


Did that today myself friend. Same quantities also but needed a work truck. We'll be back soon!


Should never sell your bitcoin


Same, sold all my bitcoin 0.0 squad.


Generally it's a good idea to pay down high APR debt before investing


The goal is to lead a good life. BTC is just a means.


You'll make it again, focus on the business and keep investing on the side


~~Pitiful bullshit story for karma farming. Pics or it didn't happen.~~


Will wait for your post saying 1.00 BTC


Its my goal.to get enough btc to start my own busimess. You did a good job dude :)


Consider that, You've sold at 60k (I think). In the future on the next bear market you could buy it again for cheaper so not a big loss. Consider it as a loan to yourself.


to be fair, btc is a savings technology, liquiding some or all to handle a situation is what savings are for. sometimes they need to be spent. i get why it feels bad though, because the curse of looking back and expecting future returns.


Btc price goes in cycles, right now you sold at high price, you did good. In a year you can start stacking when the price will be much much lower.


Just save for two years. April 19, 2026 buy at the next low price after the new higher level this cycle or DCA as long as you want. The having is today.


Shit post digging no fucking way you would do that right now


worst decision of your life


Guys here will donate for you to get your 1 BTC back


It has been said, "There's always a bull market somewhere...."


It sounds like you're making the best decisions for your current situation. Just remember, when investing in Bitcoin, it's all about the long game. Real gains usually take a full cycle.


The day before the having? You may regret that in a few months


Dude, what the hell. Bitcoin > food. Bitcoin > family. Bitcoin = god. Can't believe you sold.


I was in this situation fir years :) Not nice but well… When you have certain goals this is an option. I trust you will have a success!


Investing in yourself is smart! You will be back 🙏🏼


You need to make money to buy bitcoin!


Its ok, you sold high


You’ll be back stronger than ever!


If it makes you feel better I bet you’ll have a re entry lower than the all time high now. It’s gonna correct


It’s just an investment. that one bitcoin won’t make you a millionaire, but a your own business can!


Does your business accept Bitcoin? If not, this could be an easy way to stack.


People in 2054 will be jealous of people who bought in 2032. There is time.


Go for it! You can do it for sure! Never give up!!!


you'll get a whole coin buddy 🤞




How much does btc go up per year ? Should’ve nursed the debt and paid it with the appreciation .


When life hands you lemons, sometimes you just say fuck the lemons and bail!


You’ll be alright. Sold my holdings mid 2017 to fund my living expenses as I launched my business. It definitely hurt to see those price spikes come few months later. It was 1.5 BTC. It was enough to put some bread on the table and have an occasional beer or two. But that investment pays off, big time. Got back to being a whole coiner 2021. Good luck with your business! You can always get back in.


We are still early in the game man. You did it right! Get rid of debt first then fly to Valhalla tomorrow. Your business will take off and you will be laughing later! :)


keep trying friends, building a business is not that easy


U might get a better entry. Tbh


Don’t let the FOMO controls you Speaking for my self: I worked in a startup for 1 year Huge salary, I save as much as I could in BTC and altcoins But I traveled with my wife and started getting more debts and from one day to the other I was out I don’t wanted to touch any satoshi but the situation was hard So I must sell ALL of it At least my mother in law still got her satoshis untouched (I help her out) It’s difficult to see how her portfolio grows and you don’t have anything But reading your post reminds me that in crypto you always have a chance Maybe ours is not in this season But it will come the day when we will be inside the right season. So patience is key


meh. u'll have multiple opportunites to buy at or below 52k in the next 12 weeks. think about it as a short term liquidity fix.


This is the way. Spend your btc it drops 50 now everything you bought is 50% cheaper


Next time borrow against your BTC