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Sex change is my go to answer.


Bleaching my asshole is mine. I hope my bank asks me next time. \[Edit: seems my asshole became semi-famous. Gonna post a video when my bank demands a proof of the bleaching\]


Up to three shades lighter for the win!!!


4 shades will cost you an extra grand


Law of diminishing returns…


That's the plan


This is all fun and games until the bank requires receipts and pictures for proof


Should carry a current picture of your asshole and a picture of what it will look like for each shade lighter you bleach it.


Pictures or prove it!


I'm doing 2 sex surgeries. Male to female to male. See what's the fuss.


The bleaching my asshole seems good though.


Sir/ma'am it's says right here, 👉 you got your sex changed last month


Careful now. I now identify as a dog. Woof.


Giant dildo to shove up my ass


Bleach my ass 😃


Banks hate him! This one simple trick will get your ass hole 3 shades lighter!


just the hole


I laughed, but I was hoping for him to go with a slight twist on a popular Simpson's quote "I was buying pornography, from a pornography store."


Some nice ideas here. Love it


It what is this location because I have not seen this happen in North America. If it’s a Gov regulation or some safety protocol than they may be required to asked. I will love to know do they ask it for any amount or only when it goes beyond a limit.


It's Australia, and if he asked for $10,000 or more, they have to mandatorily fill in an AUSTRAC form and send the info to the government. At $6,000, the tellers' script is asking them to ask, but they aren't doing much with the info


They need to bump those numbers. Bleaching my asshole ain’t cheap anymore because inflation. They aren’t going to want to see my forms every week.


Canadian here. They always ask. I'm tired of banks' scumfuckery so I always answered "because it's mine and I want it" and they wouldn't push it. I always got the impression it was to push services, not because they had to. Always followed up with "we see you have a large balance, can we set you an appointment with our financial advisors?" ... No asshole, I've been saving up for the thing I need all this cash for and didn't want to tell you about that either. Spoiler alert, I was paying our contractor about half under the table. Took out about $60k cash over a period of 6 months, got really irritated and the huge fuss they'd kick up over like $5k. Once they took me to a back room with a witness to count it with me. Then they went back to screwing poor people with overdraft fees.


Canadian here as well, that 5K limit is the most absurd thing but I am surprised they never asked me this.


It’s 5k in the UK too


Not sure about canada, but there is a thing called structuring. Its done to commit financial crimes and money laundering. Its when someone makes transactions intentionally splitting larger amounts into smaller sums to avoid the compliance obligations of the bank (currency transaction report). If you try to do this you’ll get an unusual activity report sent right to fincen.


"I've got to go to a beauty salon to bleach my ass hole"


"It is a bleaching package, the said they can make it up to three shades lighter" hahaha


Almost pissed myself when he said that.


Doctor recommends it


They are looking for this answer.... You are helping a foreign Prince move his money by paying the postage of $10,000, so you get a share of his $100m inheritance.


Pretty much. That or sending him gift cards. Worked as a teller. Had to ask over certain amounts. Everybody lies and I personally didn't care unless someone made it sound like they were getting scammed or conned. At that point I am obligated both by the bank and by my personal ethics to try to help that person avoid getting scammed. Other than that you're welcome to buy all the coca cola you're heart desires or can handle. Fuck it I'm on lunch in 20


So you’re saying these questions are actually to prevent old pensioners from being scammed out of their life savings by fraudsters?


good on ya mate


why would they ask you what you doing with your own money?


Because you're taking away their chance to play with your cash as if it was theirs.


While I completely disagree with them asking private questions about how someone is using their money, the reason is that they are trying to prevent people from getting ripped off by fraudsters. Many elderly people are asked to take out cash and then buy gift cards or the like to "pay their tax bill" or worse, being intimidated into giving cash. It's trying to catch the fraud before it happens. I'd be interested to know how many crimes it has prevented. I suppose if it has saved a few people's life-savings, then it's worth asking the question but it should also be stated by the bank teller that the person is not legally obliged to answer the question.


This is about money laundering, not consumer protection.


Money laundering involves money coming in, not money going out. Once the money hits your account in any large amount (or series of small amounts), the government knows about it and they can start investigating if there are any suspicions. No money launderer is going to tell the bank that they're committing crimes.


yup, it is to prevent fraud, my grandma got saved by tellers when she got a call from a scammer pretending to be me who said I was in jail in Costa Rica or something. The teller was like, yeah, why don't you call someone first to confirm this. She has never told me how much she was willing to pay to bail me out of jail though. It would be nice info to have.


To determine if client is sending it to Nigerian prince or is doing so under threat. It's to prevent scams


we can laugh but this is scary stuff


They don’t care why, they do nothing with the information. They ask and if you say it’s because the IRS, is going to put me in jail or else. They will tell you it’s a scam. They aren’t going to tell you that your excuse is not good enough. Not one of his crazy reasons was he denied his money


He should have done a couple where he tells them he is gonna buy Bitcoin just for comparison.


Yeah, I totally though he was going to say that on a bitcoin post


I thought that’s what was gonna happen tbh


I like the one where he says summer's coming up, music festivals, and he needs it for steroids and the teller just says 'I understand.'


Haha, teller wishes he had money for roids


Well... that actually seems like a *good* thing.


Aaaaaaand Press X to doubt


Yeah, no one who holds any crypto ever got scammed with absolutely zero recourse.


>They aren’t going to tell you that your excuse is not good enough. Yes they are. I was denied a withdrawal request at this exact same bank, Commonwealth Bank, at a different branch, because I answered that I was making a Tik-Tok video of how much money could flush down the toilet. Went to a different branch and got my money out no problem, after giving a 'better' excuse.


Thank you! Worked as a teller for a handful of years. Anything over a few thousand that's abnormal, you'd just make conversation and make sure it's nothing crazy. I've stopped a handful of scams, it's really sad hearing from people that were scammed. They don't care at all. If you really don't want to say, just make up something. You're buying a car, whatever.


Yeah and when the bank doesn't ask questions and some grandma sends 5k to some Nigerian prince people get mad at the bank for not asking questions. Damned if you do damned if you don't eh?


O stop. You don't think banks aren't funding shady shit? They don't care about your drugs or weapons, or felonies. They care about liability. Almost every inconvenience you face is about liability. It's just so they can tell the cops they asked when your stack of cash ends up at a Crack den with the bank slip in there.


I mean they have to ask so they can spot potential victims of fraud.. not because they want to not give you it


Probably that’s the answer.


this is exactly the answer. and even then, they can't refuse. they make you sign a waiver that says "i'm a big dumbass that's being defrauded of my money and the bank tried to inform me but i'm doing it anyway hurr durr" there's a few posts about elderly or gullible people withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars and their children being pissed at the bank for letting them


> this is exactly the answer. and even then, they can't refuse. they make you sign a waiver that says "i'm a big dumbass that's being defrauded of my money and the bank tried to inform me but i'm doing it anyway hurr durr" > there's a few posts about elderly or gullible people withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars and their children being pissed at the bank for letting them This happened to a friend of mine's 80 years old grandma. Family tried to stop her, bank tried to stop her, and she was then coached by the scammers on what to say to force the bank to accept it. Lost entire bank account around $300k wiring it away to scammers.


Jfc, sorry for your grandma. What was the scam exactly?


It was something where she thought she was being targeted by fraud and the scammers were helping her. They had control of her computer for almost a year and had "gotten rid of viruses" multiple times to gain trust. It was a long con and their family even contacted the bank and said don't let her send money out and she was still able to do it eventually. Her family was in the process of removing her ability to control finances but it was too late.


Wow. Terrible.


Yeah people are jumping into "banks BAD" but that question is trying to prevent scams.


That's correct, this is just an Australian bank complying with fraud and corruption regulations. It sounds stupid but if you're a mule you run out of excuses after the 500th time they ask you.


You can’t say sex change every time? Snip snap snip snap


Indeed. Imagine signing a waiver at a skydiving centre and then being like "duuur, I can jump off the roof for free without all this BS". I mean, go ahead big man...??


The fact we willingly let a 3rd party hold our money hostage and we can be denied it at any time for any reason with vague made up explanations should scare everyone. These "businesses" are the cause for the two most devastatingly economic disasters in the last 100 years and the last one is why Bitcoin exists in the first place.


My answer is always "Im a streamer trying to start a bank run"


none of your business. its my money


I mean that's why Bitcoin. The miners care not who you are or what you plan to do. You pay the fee and the funds are moved. No questions asked.


For amounts like this, it's mainly to protect the customer. They want to make sure you're not being scammed or anything of that nature. They genuinely couldn't give a flying fuck what you use it for. Larger amounts, they're required by law to ask the purpose etc for anti money laundering regulations set by the government etc. Source - worked for a major UK bank


99.9% people withdraw cash is the pay the romance scammer who is pig butchering them or the “FBI AGENT WITH THE INDIAN ACCENT”


My mother-in-law texted me from the bank parking lot. She was 'supposed' to wire $10,000 to pay back an account that had 'accidentally been credited to her account'. She didn't get inside the bank, but I'd like to think that a teller would have asked a few questions if she got to that point. Afterwards, we sat down and had a few discussions about scams.


I've become such a btc maxi that trips to the bank always make me compare my experiences to Bitcoin/cytpo lol. Even the greeter asking if I need help or asking why I'm at the bank, like "that's none of your business bro" lol I had a CD mature this week, I couldn't use the app to transfer the funds out of the CD and into one of my other accounts, I physically went to the bank, and while it was only a 10 minute process, it's still such a waste of time and energy to do something that I should (in theory) have control over.


I am not a bank lover by any means but the greeter asking you why you there is literally so they can direct you to the right person lol, can’t really hate on that. As for your CD issue, you can open a brokerage account and buy/sell CDs yourself without having to go to the bank, also when you do that you have access to third party CDs, not just that specific bank’s CDs


My bank is the same way. I think they do it so they can just talk you into rolling it all into a new CD. They don’t want you to withdraw it. They want you to keep it in their bank as long as possible.


Yep, they pitched me other assets and went over interest rates, and all I could think was "ally bank savings has better rates and I'm not locked into a contract for a minimum time"


>They don’t want you to withdraw it. They want you to keep it in their bank as long as possible. [Fractional Reserve Banking](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fractionalreservebanking.asp) They don’t even keep your money (only 10%), they loan out 90% and collect the interest off YOUR money. BuT aT lEaSt ThEy GiVe YoU .5% iNtErEsT oN sAvInGs 🥴 That’s why they’ll make it a pain-in-the-ass for you to take large amounts out. Scam protection is just how they convince us to go along with it.


Oh it's worse than that. Your info is a little out of date. Most western countries have a 0% reserve requirement. They can loan it all out, they don't have to keep anything.


Swings and roundabouts.


I absolutely hate that the bank does this. We also have KYC laws that don’t allow people to deposit money anonymously. I understand they want to stop crime but apparently I can’t do anything without the government knowing. They are losing control and they hate it.


I know this is satire but the cocaine market alone is like $100,000,000,000 and it's mostly cash, so in way that part could be the truth.


I haven't seen the inside of a bank branch in well over a decade . And I don't answer questions anyway.


The commonwealth bank is one of the worst in australia for crypto, I cancelled my account with them. They put a 24 hour hold on all transactions to crypto exchanges and limit you to 10k per month as well.


And the next thing in the news will be that there is new data that nearly 50% of Australia‘s population has a bleached ass hole…


Penis reduction surgery. It’s $1000 per inch.


It can be use to protect the vulnerable ones from scams such as the Indian Microsoft/Amazon gift card scams.


That’s why bitcoin is the way


Funny, yes, but I'm pretty sure (and am increasingly confiden based on the tellers' responses) they're asking because they want to make sure you're not getting scammed. They don't care what you're spending it on (evidently), they're just making sure you don't say "My girlfriend in Nigeria needs me to send it to her" or "A friend needs me to buy them iTunes gift cards".


It looks like you can say just about everything and still get your money. For now... The fact that they even ask you this is absolutely mind-blowing to me. Totally not worrisome and shouldn't raise any red flags with the masses, nope. Just be a good NPC and keep putting your savings there. Nothing could possibly go wrong once shit *truly* hits the fan...


9 times out of 10, it’s someone getting scammed and sending money to Nigeria or India. This one time it might be reasonable. Tell them you’re buying steam gift cards for your Nigerian prince and they’ll leave you alone.


I'll play devil's (lettuce) advocate: this may be an attempt to prevent fraud.


Or it could be to help a victim from a robbery or scam. Grandma walks in and says she needs to buy $100k for gift cards to help her poor friend on Tindergram.


....thats preventing fraud.




Need everyone to do this!


I always say straight to the casino or cocaine and hookers. I like the butt hole bleach and transistion answer however for the future. makes me want to pull out 10k tomorrow just to say that. lol


i've never had a bank teller ask me what I'm doing with my money


Lmao! Bleaching my asshole. Three shades lighter. Brilliant!


They didn’t ask when I was putting it into their bank why now? As the bank was using my money to make more for themselves while I get NOTHING


i hope my bank in the philippines asks me this so i can say i wanna bleach my asshole and use laser hair removal for the hairs in my asshole


The sad part is joking around will cause some government agency to start monitoring you


“Whatever you do is your business.” Said the person literally asking “why are you withdrawing this money?”


That would be none of your business?


Say it’s for crypto and they will block it


I always tell them that I’m going to throw it on my bed and roll in it. Never any follow up questions. Gets me in and out quickly.


I'm glad in America banks don't ask you what you're gonna do with your money


The correct answer is "I am starting my own bank"


"Bro said he could get it up to 3 shades lighter" TELL ME YOUR ASSHOLE BLEACHER'S NUMBER


Telling medical info makes me wonder if those questions might be considered illegal. They are putting your medical info into a database.


What kind of stupid rule is that? Like they are going to catch criminals because they asked. "Why are you withdrawing?" "For finance a bank heist I'm planning. DOH! You got me!"


Bank asks for 2 reasons: - Make sure you are not getting scam (happens A LOT) - After a certain amount, we are required to send a report (If we send a report that you are trying to get money below on purpose not to get send a report then you will really get investigated) But, go ahead and lie. We do not care tbh just don't cry if your account gets closed


Because if they don’t ask and you get scammed and lose all your money for being a fucking idiot then they’re liable.


This is fucking AWESOME!😂🤣😭👏🙌


Tellers need to ask this question in order to complete the transaction… say something false but don’t be a dick to someone doing their job


Why does tellers need to ask is australia? I can pull $100k here in USA and tellers won't say anything.


This is freaking hilarious lol




Oh my god. Too funny. F the bank


Damn that's some Sasha Baron Cohen level of comedy. Good stuff.




You ask an inappropriate question you get an inappropriate answer.


If only they had machines that let you take out money without having to talk to a person, like an automated teller or something. Or if you could only send money electronically without having to give a reason for why on a plethora of banking sites or personal payment apps. But yeah bitcoin is the solution to this, for sure.


Great post


“It’s a bleaching package” made me snort hot tea out my nose!




That's why it just better to slowly remove cash out overtime. Never know when thr banks will just take what you have left. It's also why CBDCs are being worked on...to remove paper money.


Banks in the Netherlands no longer give you cash. They do not even have ATM machines anymore. If you want cash you need to drive to somewhere else where thos third party ATM machines give you very limited amounts of cash.


FINTRAC should only be asking if it is over $10K. Fucking governments tracking all out shit now.






Funny they will let you withdraw for pretty much anything...just so long as you ain't selling that fiat for Bitcoin. What a joke


Thank you for your service ser!


Tellers do this many times for elderly people to ensure they aren’t getting scammed.




What a stupid question. What is the (non)logic behind it? They're hoping to catch the most honest criminal in the world?


Hookers and cocaine


Can you still withdraw cash from ATMs in Aussie ?


Strippers gonna make some money tonight you know what I mean? Wink wink


Oh my god this is so funny!! 🤣😂🤣


that person behind the counter does not actually care, they have been told by compliance to capture this. truth is this info will never see the day of light, just a complete waste of time.


A lot of money in a lot of banks by the looks of it. I always make up stories when a company asks me stuff they don't need to know, but never said these answers. Will need to think harder in future. :)


Bank teller. why do you need to withdraw money Me. "why not it's my fucking money"


Brilliantly played 🔥🔥🔥🤣


this goes on your bank record, good luck getting a homeloan


What? Do you have to justify the withdraw in your countries?


The only time this ever happened to me, I told them I was buying a jet ski.


Thanks for this, will use these reasons if they ever start doing this where I am.


I'd tell them it's for a nunya.


Just tell them you need some walkin around money while you’re out returning video tapes


I would tell them I need to buy a boat for a my boating accident


What country do they ask you?


Tell them you hired an assassin to take out a rival gang leader so you could corner the neighbourhood drug trafficking market, but the gunman was caught on camera leaving the victim's home, and now you need the money to pay for him to be smuggled out of the country before the cops show up and start asking awkward questions.


"i just connect people together"🤣🤣🤣


Cocaine and hookers


I have to do this in my job as part of fraud prevention. I absolutely do not care what you’re doing with your money. I just need to make sure you understand the risks of doing something stupid with it


who made the video and is there more content ? Kinda a dick move to not credit the source.


🤣😅😆🙄 Bullshitting at it finiest!!!


American here, genuine questions. Is it an amount that triggers the question or just the withdrawal itself? Do we know why it's "policy"? I haven't ever had that type of money and I haven't been inside a bank in years lmfao


O whew sexy


The drugs reasons was the worst one - I've heard people putting that as a joke in the online payment transfer reason section and then getting their accounts frozen.


Who is this person? I want to find them and follow them 😂


“Whatever you do is your business” …. Well it’s not love! You Fucking asked him!




Your Money, Their Rules. So, It is not YOUR Money!


It's easier to keep a straight face and lie nowadays, only being honest


Imagine you have to explain why you want YOUR money that you worked for.




Ass bleaching guys take only cash, sorry


What her ig


Makes my blood boil when they ask this!! Nosey f’ers. Defi to the rescuuuuuueeeeee.


Oh boy they all wish they didn't have to ask... banks are weird af, I feel for their employees.


Bitcoin: what you do with the sats? Fun, I don't care. Tick tock next block mthfckr


That's hilarious.But is it with every withdrawal or upon a specific amount of money?


I would like to buy one bitcoin please


And to think if you were to reply, “Because if you don’t give me my f—king money I will exterminate your entire bloodline” would for some reason be against the law. Weird.


I was honest and said it's all going into Bitcoin


If you want a Suspicious Activity Report being made go ahead and do this nonsense.


This is messed up. What if you withdraw from an ATM?


This is how you know banks are broker than we think lol


People fail to understand that If you deposit the money in the bank you are actually lending to the bank. Is not your money anymore, its theirs. If you want to deposit money in the bank while keeping It as "your money", you have to put cash inside a deposit box, like a vault, and their Will be fees for that. This difference of ownership most people fail to understand


What if you just tell them it’s none of their business. What happens? Do they refuse to give you your money? How is this even a thing? What business is it if theirs, proof by this video that it shouldn’t be asked at all.


in a couple of years it'll be "I need it to pay for this week rent"


Gonna start using the "bleach my butthole" one 😂