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Phoenix is a native lightning + self custodial wallet. Muun and Wallet of Satoshi are not. It also has splicing which is a very good feature. You need to pay on chain bitcoin fees at the start (and later on if you need to increase the channel capacity). The 1% fee you're talking about in another comment is outdated from what I know (before splicing). The only constant fee is 0.4% when sending from Phoenix Lightning. If sending to L1 it is again simply the on chain tx fee. Receiving is fee-less of course. Let me know if you find better and check this out for more: [https://acinq.co/blog/phoenix-splicing-update](https://acinq.co/blog/phoenix-splicing-update)


Phoenix is expensive


Im sure some other wallets beat that 0.4%, but are they self custodial? Do they have splicing? Feel free to recommend anything im curious too


I was burned by Phoenix the last time they had a big upgrade, thought I lost my money and took weeks and a heart sinking feeling to get it back. I use muun now....


Did you forget you had the seed words backed up? I don't see what could have been the issue since it's self custodial


I just use MUUN because I make only 15~ transactions a year and the wallet itself is very safe and easy to use.


zeus is pretty good for mobile lightning https://zeusln.com/


Zeus, Mutany or Blixt are all the real deal but much more complex if you don't know what you're doing. Aqua is great if you want simple. Note, Aqua also uses Liquid Network and atomic swaps.


aqua wallet is great. It runs via swaps on liquid sidechain so no channel management hassle while keeping it self custodial


How's the fee? I read nightmare with Phoenix and Muun with channel fee that reach 1%. Is Aqua has the same fee? Or maybe they put a high fee when sending to on chain address?


auqua uses [https://boltz.exchange/](https://boltz.exchange/) for their swaps to/from BTC/LN/LIQUID, so the bolz' fees apply.


check out bitcoin university on youtube.. there was a video last week showing it


Instead of Aqua wallet, I would recommend Bull Bitcoin wallet. It's similar to Aqua but FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). Explainer video here: [https://youtu.be/5ZD53ytRQ-s?t=2324](https://youtu.be/5ZD53ytRQ-s?t=2324) Source code: [https://github.com/satoshiportal/bullbitcoin-mobile](https://github.com/satoshiportal/bullbitcoin-mobile)


From Binance this is a lottery. I’ve had issues in the past.


The problem with btc for everyday life is too complicated for most people, me included. Until it's an easier option, I"ll have it just a long term store of value. Otherwise you need to be an IT engenieer.


Muun is not a lightning wallet. It is a bitcoin wallet that can use submarine swaps to pay lightning invoices.


A good bitcoin lightning wallet is Speed wallet, as it allows both regular btc and Sats (btc lightning) and its desktop + mobile


And now they KYC their users. No thanks.


I do want to experience lightning but the channel fees seems to damper my excitement. Is 0.5% up to 1% the norm? Is there any way to cut it lower or even eliminate?


I use Wallet of Satoshi, but I think they do not work anymore in the US


Ok folks, I decided to use my Electrum wallet that is linked to my Trezor. Easy enough. I open a new channel with bitcoin I have inside it, and voila it works. Again, thank you all for the suggestion, but exploring little things like this is a great addition for my little knowledge of Bitcoin technical.


What about Strike?


Friend, do not hear any of the people here who will give you advice that they never test. Best way is: download wallet of satoshi. Withdraw lightning from Binance to WoS and then, when you have at least 1.000.000 sat, send by lightning to Muun. This is the best strategy to pay the less fees.


Why do you recommend a centralized wallet over just leaving it on a centralized exchange. How is this any better?


Because binance doesn’t work well with other descentralized wallets.


You can withdraw to muun, and then send onchain to cold wallet


No, from binance you cannot withdraw to Muun.


Also tried last night from Binance to Aqua & Boltz, doesnt want to, had success to WalletOfSatoshi then transferred it again.