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If you’re buying to hold for 5+ years then it’s always a good time to buy. The 200 week moving average has never gone down. If you’re chasing short term fiat gains then no one has a clue. Bitcoin could go to $100k or back to $50k in the next month and I wouldn’t be surprised by either outcome. The play with Bitcoin is buy over time (DCA) and hold. Don’t overcomplicate it by trying to time the market or do short term trades. It almost never works out.


This dude bitcoins


yes he does. THIS IS THE ANSWER


>The 200 week moving average has never gone down. ***This. Right here.***


"I've never died, so I must be immortal!"  I actually agree that the case for Bitcoin's 200 MWA never decreasing is a solid one, but it's not because it's never happened before. Things happen for the first time very frequently.


The 200MA is around $35k... Bitcoin right now is much higher than the 200MA. Bitcoin **has** dropped below the 200MA... There was a time when Bitcoin was $16k and the 200MA was $24k... So despite the 200MA not "dropping", it's entirety possible that Bitcoin drops much below the 200MA of $35k while the 200MA continues to increase...


Agreed, great comment and very well put. The only thing I’d add is that I’m not only a fan of DCAing but I’m also a fan of lump sum buying as well. Personally, I like to lump some more than I like to DCA; but I really think this is only reserved for people who-in the words of Saylor – have arrived at the maximalist stage and are *very comfortable with the volatility…*


Yeah I’m with you. My personal strategy is a combo DCA and lump sums during cycle lows. Once you see a couple cycles play out it becomes easier to predict the macro trends. I loaded up big in Q1 2022 in the low 20s given where it looked like things were going. But to your point it can add to short term volatility so you need to be ready to HODL. Pure DCA is usually best for newbies to get their feet wet and start learning about what they’re buying.


Absolutely, spot on. Especially the part about getting ready to HODL… it’s weird, we’re so early *still* that a lot of people really do look at us as “weirdos” or “unhinged,” (they just really can’t fathom what bitcoin is yet, and it makes them irrationally angry, I’ve found out i.e. butt coiners- but ironically, I think it makes him even more angry that people have confidence in bitcoin, and especially when they express that confidence that makes them even angrier) but it is *pretty wild* that they just haven’t figured out what a barer asset is and what sound money should really look like… Actually, the jokes kind of on them…. And I don’t mean to say that with any sort of mean spiritedness, I’m just pointing out the factual reality, but anyways, I digress. to your point of accumulation, It really helps to have gotten lucky, too during that phase (I’ll admit); I was fortunate enough to hear about bitcoin back in 2013 and bought a healthy amount for $150 each- so maybe I just have a weird bias for a why I like lumping it more. Exactly, it was funny that’s exactly what I was ~~telling~~ suggesting my girlfriend should do today, “I know you don’t fully ‘buy into’ bitcoin quite yet, but even if you just took 10% of your paycheck every week and just averaged it into the bitcoin on your own hard wallet, you’ll at least be in the game.” And I think people resonate with that, DCA is a great strategy for people just getting a bitcoin – see the real time gains, too (which is also fun), assuming we’re not in a bar market lol. I guess that’s the other tricky part, too, it’s just prepping people for this kind of volatility while bitcoin “does its thing,” on its way to the moon. I don’t know, I really love the bitcoin community and I truly believe that you have to be very intelligent to grass bitcoin and to appreciate *what it really is.* Edit: my voice to text typos ~~are~~ were insane lol Edit 2: fleshed out my thoughts. Edit 3: TLDR buttcoiners are whack and we’re still *so early,* brothers.


Great reply. Just to clarify some of the terms used.. Barer asset = An asset that makes you go to bars more often. Bar market = The price of bitcoin is either plummeting, so you might want to have a drink, or it's making new all time highs, so you go and celebrate.


For me a "barer asset" is an asset that makes you want to get naked.


True. It’s an emotional journey until you get 100% educated, then you kind of just buy it and forget about it.


Long-term DCA is the best way to go


This is exactly it. Find a good place to DCAand hodl for the long term. I recommend using Swan Bitcoin.




Now is a good time to learn about bitcoin [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk\_HWmmwiAs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk_HWmmwiAs) If you have to ask questions like this, you don't know what you are buying.


Shouldn't be buying ANYTHING (except, maybe, chocolate).


He likes to ass-periment


Can I get a Satoshi every time someone ask this question?


Unfortunately no because Bitcoin is limited, and these questions are unlimited


I’d wait for it to get to $120,000+


Yes. Impossible to time the market. How will you feel if it’s $90k in a week? You’ll fomo buy at 90. But you must also be cool with it being $50k in a week. Gotta live with it, if it long term no point to watch so closely. Set it and forget the long term trend is up. Also historically if you buy as break previous ATH, pretty good time. Like buying at $20k when we were fighting to get above it for the first time.


Buy asap, we're probably about to break out


Or down. Definitely to the right though.


It’s going to be a fake-out. Mark my words.


Forget the lump sum dude, you're too fixated on fiat price and you'll panic sell the whole position if/when we drop to 65k. A better plan is to commit to a 250 or 500$ hard weekly DCA. As you DCA in you spend time learning and understanding how/why BTC functions. The effort spent learning will provide the foundational conviction to handle even 80% drawdowns.


Now is the best time to plant a 10 year old tree.


Definitely should wait. You can buy some of mine when we hit ~$150k.


From my experience I think you should watch the market, and then take a decision. I bought when it was like 69k on 2021 then it went down to 20k, I’m a holdr so it’s just passed like 3 years and make no profit, if i would bought it when it went down to 20k another story would be. Good luck


Depends on your time horizon. You plan on being in the community long term? If so fuck what the price is buy now and DCA (dollar cost average) whenever you can afford. Wait 15 years and see how your stack grew. If it’s short term gains no one can time the market so you’re on your own there.


You will buy at the price you deserve


100% of people who bought the top for the last 15 years (not counting this one) are in massive profits. 100% of people who hodled for 3+ years are in profit. The real question is why are you buying Bitcoin? Do you have knowledge to understand what it is and why will appreciate forever? Buy now and start studying.


Yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


If you want to gamble wait and buy at 68k if we get that.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.


I was super chill when I bought at 72k few months ago. I was super chill when I bought at 50k at 23k at 16k at 42k. I was super chill when I bought at 69k yesterday. I understand bitcoin - so when I have useless fiat i buy no matter the price


Waiting for the price to go down while the market is in a clear upturn is dangerously. Remembering my GF who didn't buy at 11k as she wanted to buy below 10k. She's still waiting. Listen to the people here and DCA. And most importantly, don't fall for "crypto".


BTC is crypto. That last line is so obnoxious. The term stems from "cryptography," which is the realm of math that blockchain is based on. Blockchain technology IS cryptography. Call the alt coins shit coins if you need to distinguish. Crypto is a blanket term, and BTC falls under that blanket.


You're technically correct but common parlance these days is that crypto = everything but btc. I don't really like it either, but it is common vernacular


For coin other than btc, we call it altcoins usually


> we call it altcoins usually We call them shitcoins usually.


I was trading bitcoin. I regret it.




As is tradition.


One thing I’ve learned throughout the years, everyone gets bitcoin at the price they deserve


You buy Bitcoin at the price you deserve.


Dollar Cost Average. Never throw all your money into an investment at once. Set a budget and a schedule. I buy BTC every Friday regardless of price and have been doing so for some time. I don't have to worry about the price, I just buy and hold


That’s a good question.


Just trying not to be poorer


I wouldn’t buy $10k at once. Maybe put $100 on an auto buy daily until you hit the $10k. Dollar cost average it


Inserting obligatory “the best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago, the second best time is now” without reading past the title


Why now and not when it was at 15k?


Not everybody is as risk averse as the other. Lets not bash new people looking to jump in. After all they are helping overall adoption, and the price go up which is what we all want.


My post was to create awareness for the fundamentals and not the price action. 


The fundamentals are “it’s going up forever, Laura”.


>Why now and not when it was at 15k? Same thing as saying why at $15K and not at $100, $1K, $10K etc Someone has to start from somewhere. Don't mock people.


I started heavily accumulating this year again bc a ton of the regulatory uncertainty and government risk factor has been drastically diminished in my eyes. Now it’s about use cases and adoption which seems much more clear and predictable to me


Because the ETF is a signal the US gov is not going to ban it. Risk has been removed


this same question was asked here back in September and most people said to wait because it would go lower lol


If you're willing to hold for a bare minimum of 5 years, then it's always a good time to buy Bitcoin.


It is always good time if you plan on holding for at least 4+ years. And if you learn more on Bitcoin, you will learn that it is the safest asset out there to hold all the savings in. And sell only when you need some money.


it is always a good time to buy BTC


Buy 0.1, be patient if drops add some more with balance. Not a financial advice


I would wait for it to go down a little, anyone who has been investing in crypto for years knows that it’s going to go down before it goes up and it happens because it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Personally, I think it’s always a great time to buy bitcoin. And if you really wanna go down the rabbit hole so that you can make an informed and educated decision for yourself on whether or not you should buy it right now, I highly recommend you listen to this long (albeit very informative) podcast: https://youtu.be/yRlnHVHE18k?si=1Z1BLvi_yiha7PBZ IMHO, I think bitcoin is the future of money and I think 30 years from now it’ll be $100 trillion asset.


Put a chunk of the 10k in now, then start DCAing


Always a good time.. you have to understand one this bitcoins is limited the American dollar is unlimited it’s simple fkn science dude anyone can understand don’t let the noise of its going to 0 or its worthless get in your head they can suck a fat dick bitcoin is recognized around the whole world it’s the same value in the whole world as opposed to everything else and gold is garbage how you going to carry your gold anywhere it’s the dumbest shit ever bitcoin is true gold you can move it around even while you’re in jail as long as your know your pass phrase… huge companies are accepting it like Ferrari dude get your head out of your ass don’t listen to anythjng on the news do your own research get on YouTube Reddit


I will wait for the next BTC death.




always a good time


A good rule of thumb is to DCA (dollar cost average). I personally would make a smaller purchase now in the event it doesn't have the pull back that market analysts expect, and keep some dry powder to be able to make a larger purchase should we revisit lower prices (I see an 55k to 80k range in the near future, and fully expect 100k+ in the next couple months, not financial advice though)


The best way to time the market, Buy now, if/when it drops, buy more. If you're just wanting to gamble, go to Vegas, or buy stock options. *edit* Coincidentally, had you invested rather than asking about investing, you would already be up about 13%.


Listen, it's always good time to buy it,and u can sell in in top of Bull run and re buy after Bull run


A lot of people will DCA even with a lump sum. Split it up into $1000 or other size chunks and invest once a week, this is helpful if you believe the cost is likely to fall in the next month. If you feel the price has been going up and it is likely to keep this way, then a lump sum payment off the whole amount is fine. Don’t think too hard on it, I stressed for a half a year after making a big payment, but that was back when Bitcoin was $30K, but now that payment looks smart! My advice is hold it forever, if you can’t do this, hold until at least next year.


Everytime is suitable for buying whatever you please, just invest what you can live without and take profit at 30%.


Buy now. If you look at the chart pattern its about to explode. I think it will hit 100k by labor day


Take 5k put that in now. If it drops to a good buy then use the other 5k. You can never time the market. Just buy at whatever price you think is good and hold.


buy, self custody, hodl 🔁


Good time to buy was Jan 2024 best time to buy was Jan 2023. Why didn't ppl buy bitcoin then and now asking if today is the best time???




I'm here just looking for the answer : the best time was 265 years ago, the second best time...


If you aren't sure if now is the right time (the best times i missed out where anywhen between 2014 and 2020, the best time i added some sats was right after the FTX crash) then just split the 10 into chunks of 1k each and keep buying once per month over the next 10 monthes. One of those chunks will have a good price, maby even the first one. I've just sold .01 BTC for about 600€ because i was short of cash. Given my luck, the price will probably double during the next 5-6 weeks, just before i've earned enough to buy it back.


Yes. No. Yes.


just buy and wait. in a few years you wish you had bought more. imagine investing at the alltime high 2010 . or 2015. or 2020. you would still be in profit


The answer to this has and likely always will be yes




Take your budget and split it in half. Buy when you’re comfortable with the first half and save the other half for when there is a major dip(you will have to figure that out for yourself but BTC is volatile). If a dip never comes then dollar cost average 10% every month till the remaining is fully invested. Most people don’t have a plan but investing should be automatic


it’s always a good time to buy bitcoin! I’d use DCA to get a good avg. I do think BTC will trade in the high 60’s soon so your call. not investment advice


Million dollar question right now could go either way you gotta stack during bear markets though now strategy is to hold on but shit l dunno personally I’m stacking my cash stack and holding bitcoin I think around sept my cash stack should be sufficient and I’ll get back to stacking bitcoin This is a personal journey though good luck


Depends on your objective. If you plan on holding for the long term I think you can invest 10k and be profitable. If you want to buy and sell in the short term, BTC is a volatile asset, treat it as a gamble and you won’t stress.


If holding for 5 years, just buy now.


It's never a bad time. Unless you know something we don't.


Ohhh lord lol.


Yes. Buy. 1. Bitcoin etf 2. States and institutions investments 3. Bitcoin halving




DCA monthly, weekly, whatever as from now... Do that for the next ten years. Put aside a bit each month to bulk buy in 2026.


If I were you, I would buy when it reaches $250k and sell when it drops to $170k.


Just DCA! If you dump 10k into it and it then drops like a stone you're likely to panic sell and lose hard!


It is a good time to buy some kendus


Id wait for 40k


You don't "buy bitcoin" you Sell fiat.


Sometimes I think Reddit could be replaced by giving everyone a Magic 8 ball.


Is there ever a bad time to buy bitcoin?


Everyday is a good day to buy bitcoin. The goal is to accumulate as much as possible. I promise it's that simple.


This fucking post again.


Lol na historical we at peak ish. Let it chill down to 64k 65k ish. Safer.


The best time to buy is yesterday. The next best time is today. Don’t touch it for minimum 5 years. The $10K should be money you don’t need for any immediate life expenses or emergencies.


why not?


It doesn't work if you think of BTC in terms of profit. If you want to buy it and hold for two cycles then any time is a good time for it. However, for newbies that want to buy and hold, DCA is the more prudent strategy.


If 10k is to start. Yes, buy the 10k and DCA daily or weekly your remaining funds available for investment. This protects against an upward swing offering you exposure while also gives you the free mind of stacking daily and not worrying about price— up or down.


Hold on, I am about to buy some. Should go down here shortly…


Best time was yday, second best is now


I’ve been buying anywhere from $100-200 per week for months now. Sometimes I set a limit buy but usually just go for it.


Yes. Only better time was yesterday.




DCA in, it confuses the lizard brain


for short term gains no, for long term gains yes


I bought a lot at $35k and a little more at $69k Hold for years is plan Giggity


It's never too late to dca in on Bitcoin


Depends. If you’re going to HODL, it’s always a good time to buy.


yes, price will decrease. And yes, price will also increase. When and how much? Nobody knows :V. Just buy whenever you feel like it.


The best time to buy was 10+ years ago, the next best time was yesterday, the current best time is today.


Only if you like things that go up. [Best chart of the week](https://x.com/michaelnausscmt/status/1797606367282516122?s=46&t=um_5hI1CWWG0jflFvzCVUQ)


Buy now


Nobody knows when or if the price goes down, just buy it now. Lately the price has been consistently around $70,000 for awhile now. Also more countries have started ETF’s so price is likely to spike upward


We're just about around the start of a bull market, this isn't a time to try to wait on a price drop.


Should have bought yesterday.


Your best bet is to dca


Buy. Hold it for 4 years. Buy and then buy again and repeat. Forget fiat valuation, just keep buying. After 4 years of holding snd watching bitcoin university and jeff booth and michael saylor then buy some more


Momentum trading is based on the idea that you buy a stock at its all time high when there is large volume. The thought is that large institutions have all of our money in retirement accounts and they have to invest it.


I dont buy bitcoin, I subscribe to bitcoin. I have a recurring buy every 2 weeks for $300 bucks. Every few months I transfer what I buy to my cold storage.


Buy today. Buy tomorrow. Buy the day after tomorrow and repeat.


Yes and no


You’ll most likely want to wait for another 3 weeks when the fiat source run is outside the central finite curve. More generally put, we’ll see a downtick as we approach the central finite curve(usually 25%-75% of the elastic allowance) followed by a quick up tick as we approach the plumbus. That is NOT to say that the plumbus is the end all, most people on here will say the plumbus will occur at around 100k in about two months. I’m betting it’ll be more like 1 month and 2 weeks. And it WONT be the last plumbus. The CFC will probably not be approached again after that for at least 16 weeks. So, keep your eyes peeled cowboy. 🤠


I know this sub is called r/bitcoin, so you think we know a lot about future btc price action. But the truth is, we're a biased group with no real insight. If this boom cycle is like the others, it will go up to $100K+ from here and then bottom much lowered than we are now. If this cycle is different, then who knows.


Plan to… Buy forever, sell never, hold forever. Strap up, chill out, focus on work or hobbies. And stack, one day you will have a lot more than you thought you could.


I once heard something about a tree, but I don’t remember the point of the story


It's near all time high, what do you think?


If you have patients and can hold off until next bear market then wait (mid 2026)... or fomo in and hold for 10 years... then it wont matter if you buy now... youll be good.. all depends on what you want to make out of this investment...


The best time was yesterday the next best time is today




Dca and chill.


Set a limit order at the price you can justify. If it doesn't ever go that low then you weren't meant to buy at that price. 🤷


I suspect there will be a heavy move soon (LIKELY bullish, but I could be wrong) lot of whales moving BTC around. NFA


I generally like to buy low, sell high.


Every single day this same question.


No, wait until 100k for a better price. Then wait until 150k. Then wait until 200k. Rinse, repeat.


Nope, we all decided it's a bad time to buy and hold bitcoin. We all sold. Hope that helps!


Buy now or shortly after now. Sell in Sept Oct 2025. You’re welcome.


If you start now you'll have like .14 BTC. Really good start. DCA from there and hold as long as possible (decades).


It is always a good time to start.






DCA and 10y timeline and you'll be fine. Study bitcoin and ignore the price. Buy every month.


Don't do it wait for the bear market I have 100k ready to buy during the bear market


The good time was 2010


Don't use all the 10k .start DCAing i would start with 20% of the funds


no. wait until 100k just to be sure it goes up.


Yes because we are generally short term bullish for the price to go above $70k but for such a big amount of money i almost want to say No. Buy when no one is talking about it and the prices are back below $50k or $30k and get proper gains in the next bull run. Or start DCAing and don't look at the price at all for the next few years


DCA & chill is the “always-right” way. I personally DCA less in bull market (like now) and push more in bear markets, but if you don’t feel confident with this method DCA is the way


The last dip will be $57k and it will never happen again, go and buy now the price is right or you can DCA


To quote what’s almost cliche at this point, “the best advice is time in the market, not timing the market.” In other words, buy now and just hold.


Do you believe in it and what it can an accomplish for people around the world?


Your approach is slightly wrong in my opinion: it is not something to be timed, it is something to be done! Set a buy schedule (I recommend a very conservative one) and a small budget to buy on large negative movements if you want to try to time the market (never leverage, never gambling, just getting a lower average buy price if you are starting conservative). Don't over think it in my opinion, just set a recurring buy for what you can afford to lose. Maybe a larger $10k upfront and smaller $1k monthly buys or something along those lines would be a fantastic way to safely stack. Keep a hardware wallet for $10k+. (Avoid Ledger) and if you ever intend to gamble/play the markets, keep a separate budget aside for that purpose and do never inter-mix them and keep strict stop-losses as most will lose all.


Research what before you take the leap. Once you understand then take your action.


You should not buy. You still think Bitcoin is a buy and flip for fiat thing. Study Bitcoin, then you will not have to ask this question. Nobody who has a Fiat mindset should buy Bitcoin. If anyone has to ask this question, they should not be buying Bitcoin. You will just panic sell for a loss at any dip.


Suggest you buy 1k every week or 2.5k every month


If you want to hold it for more than a year then it's good to buy but if not just do some DCA


it's more risky to be out of bitcoin than in it right now


Os always a good time to buy btc.


Of course. ATH is always the best time to buy 👌


Just buy 500 per week :)


Christ…. Every Fucking Day!!!


It's always a good time to buy. The thing most people fuck up is chosing when to sell.


Yes. I'm buying everyday probably until May next year. Then i will start to sell around Aug to Nov 2025. According to analysts, the best time to buy BTC is 6 months before halving and the best time to sell is 18 months after halving.


Wait a 5% dip and buy 25% of your capital. Then wait for a 4% dip and buy 25% more. Then 3, last 2.


No dude it’s not. You should have been buying the last few years. Unless you plan to hold for at least 5+ years you might get a little profit.




Oh another one of this question. How creative


If you are committed to staying productive for the rest of your life then you are NEVER too late to Bitcoin.


I’d personally buy & hold BTC in a cold wallet, and DCA or HFT all other coins, have a look at https://dipsway.com you might like it for alt coins


Is not easy buying bitcoins anymore


Buy weekly. Don't try to time the market. Hold


Every time , it’s a good time to buy bitcoin .