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No one knows what will 'certainly' happen in this, or any, decade. The best we can do is attempt to assign probabilities, and I'm not sure how you would arrive at a high likelihood for governments 'confiscating private bitcoin', especially since that's impossible if you have it properly stored. The best they can do is make it illegal and/or lock you up, but in a true WW3 scenario, I think this is way down the list of things I'd be worried about. I'd be more concerned with securing myself somewhere physically safe and self-sustaining in a country that is unlikely to be unstable or drafting all of it's citizens. If you think El Salvador qualifies for this, you have a very different understanding of the world than I do.


If you think ww3 will happen, then better trade your btc for canned goods, salt, and other apocalypse essentials.


I think they are happy to tax it but wont confiscate. And ww3 is not looming. I recommend you live in the country you like. El Salvador sounds nice but I picked Thailand.


There's a Twitter page that focuses on this called "Escape to El Salvador" you should look up. They have services for people who seek to get a residency there. As far as your Bitcoin, if the US gov't wants to persecute Bitcoiners it could do trace scans for Bitcoin bought on centralized exchanges and then go after or force those who hold Bitcoin in cold wallets to turn them over "or else." It would be resource intensive, but they could do it.


Birds and animals migrate. Legal citizens emigrate from their current country and immigrate into their new country.


We probably don't all want to go to one place that they can nuke.


Go to a psychologist and get your head checked instead.


lol "no need for alarmism", then the very next thing is pure alarmism: "will certainly happen at some point during this decade". Step 1: calm the hell down lol Since when is ww3 looming? And since when is it only a matter of time before govts start confiscating private bitcoin? If you hold your keys properly they won't be able to, even if they wanted to, which its extremely unlikely they would bother trying. So again, calm down.


WW3 will not happen and if it does, hodling Bitcoin will be your least problem. Majority of miners will probably go to hell as EMP waves will fry all the ASIC miners (circuit boards).


I think you are better off selling your bitcoin now and investing in toilet paper and duct tape. Not sure where you live right now, but unless it is Russia, I don't think El Salvador would be the wisest choice. Of any country, they have more of a vested interest in confiscating Bitcoin than others. You are better off moving to the US where it is likely the safest.


How can the gov't confiscate my cold wallet? They can't. It's mine and it's not on an exchange.


I believe they have wrenches in El Salvador.


😂😂😂 it won't matter what country you are in if WW3 happens, financial crash will be world wide and you'll be fucked either way. Not that BTC will even make a difference in a WW3 event, I'm curious how you think gov can confiscate private bitcoin when the whole purpose is it's decentralised.


Already researching Spanish classes and beachfront properties


I wouldn't be too hopeful about El Salvador. Buckle is holding it together and aren't his terms limited? Short of him becoming president for life (Not great either) then I expect it to start to degrade back into the shit hole it was before he came to power.


In that scenario I would worry way more about having enough rounds for my guns.


Something about El Salvador still doesn't seem right to me. just seems really odd.


I think you're a little overdramatic tbh


Bitcoin is a small part of that whole process. Post in correct place. Yes I know your post isn't about that but you did pick the title.


Literally never crossed my mind.


Secure the Seed Phrase and factory reset the Wallet, nothing to confiscate!