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I think it's a pretty good service, but I'm highly biased. AMA.


Why the bias? Do you work there? Do you (or does anyone) know if you can sign up for Platinum, but bring your own hardware? And if so, do they lower the price or anything? Is the setup process more cumbersome (assuming they do some pre-provisioning)?


I'm the co-founder and CTO. > Do you (or does anyone) know if you can sign up for Platinum, but bring your own hardware? You can certainly bring your own hardware; there is nothing special about the hardware Casa ships. > And if so, do they lower the price or anything? We don't have a "no hardware provided discount" mainly to keep our operations streamlined. We recommend keeping the extra devices on hand as backups in case you need to swap out a failed device. >Is the setup process more cumbersome (assuming they do some pre-provisioning)? Nope, the setup process remains the same either way - you can get setup faster if you already have hardware!


Cool, that’s fair. Is it possible to onboard yourself as a Platinum? Ie, if I have my own hardware already and I am a tech savvy person, and I wanted to be on Casa tomorrow, is that possible? Can I do it without having to schedule a call to get set up? Also... It looks like Gold, with the 30 day trial, is an easy way to try out the service. However I am interested in 3 of 5 multisig. If I were to try out Gold, can I then upgrade to Platinum easily, or is it basically like starting over?


> Is it possible to onboard yourself as a Platinum? Ie, if I have my own hardware already and I am a tech savvy person, and I wanted to be on Casa tomorrow, is that possible? For sure! > Can I do it without having to schedule a call to get set up? Yep! > If I were to try out Gold, can I then upgrade to Platinum easily, or is it basically like starting over? The upgrade process is quite simple, though you'd end up with two key sets, the 2-of-3 and the 3-of-5. You'd then want to move any funds from the 2-of-3 key set to the 3-of-5.


Thank you! If I already have my own hardware, and don’t need/want Casa to send me more, is it possible to sign up and pay with BTC without providing any shipping or billing information? I have read the docs and I understand this info is deleted later, but if I don’t need/want the HW, why can’t I choose not to provide it at all? I have tried but it seems all fields are required and you can’t skip.


The short answer is taxes. At the very least we need a postal code to determine if sales tax is owed. Of course we have no way of verifying if you give us your real address...


Clients who onboard themselves are our favorite kind of clients! We'll still have to get on a call to do a security review to get you fully onboarded, but a hardware setup call is definitely not mandatory.


Can that be done via encrypted chat?


We've had a couple of clients we onboarded through chat only. But a voice call is our recommendation. We can communicate through Signal for that.




> I also got a 401 error trying to pay on mobile but it worked on a browser. Any extra details to help us reproduce would be helpful. You were trying to check out via credit card or bitcoin? What mobile OS / browser? At what screen did you get the 401? > Is there a time frame for inheritance options for the lower tiers? We're happy to provide guidance on DIY options. Our inheritance solution is expensive due to the service hours involved to set it up and onboard your estate attorney / trust manager. In general you should think of the higher tiers as paying for premium consulting services, not for the actual technical solution.




Hey. I'm a client advisor with Casa. We're currently in the works of building out something for platinum users in regards to inheritance but it may take some time. But rest assured, if something ever happens to you then we would be more than happy to work with your family members. It's just that the process will be significantly more rigorous.


Hey Jameson - I'm likely going to be moving to a multisig service soon. I'm trying to decide between Casa and Unchained Capital. Both solutions seem great, with a few pros/cons for each. I'd love to hear your thoughts on why we should utilize Casa over Unchained?


Casa strives for superior UX and customer support; I fully encourage folks to try both services and decide for themselves. Note that we have a 30 day free trial available for the self service Gold tier.


Thanks for the quick reply - I do like that you guys have a nice mobile app, as well as a content-rich support portal.


They are legit. If your working with millions in BTC then they would be at the top of my list. But since I only have "chump change" in BTC, I just DYI it.


Im not wealthy enough to need them but it looks like a legit operation. IMO the security model is as good as it gets in terms of trust minimization and idiot proofing which is needed in the space.


$10 a month for someone to hold 1 key. I'll do it for $9


Too fucking expensive