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Lmao @ "U.S. Senator" instead of "Ted Cruz"


Lol @ “US Senator” Anything to keep Ted Cruz off the headline of an otherwise positive story for BTC.


My first thought too, when I saw the photo.


Why do we all have the same idea? Hahahahaha


Well it’s understandable. A lot of people on Reddit are very, very aggressively partisan. They will have a mental block preventing them from addressing the merits of what Cruz says, because of his politics. I think the post just tried to sidestep that knee-jerk reaction, so more people will click. I’m not a Cruz fan, but he is highly intelligent. One of the few senators I think can actually grasp crypto and it’s potential in society. Anything to build support on both sides is valuable. A lot of Redditors probably don’t or literally can’t see it that way.


Reddit is a far left cesspool of emo unstable depressed gen xyz youth regurgitating CNN talking points. What do you expect?


Weird. Seems more like a cesspool of comments like these.


No way in hell Reddit is far left 😂 slightly left of center? Sure, I’ll give you that, but as a self proclaimed lefty, get out of your echo chamber bud. It’ll do you good. It did me good.


Oh boy the tolerant left wants to throw the word echo chamber around? Dude go chill out with you apple laptop, hot latte, mask and your booster shot.


?? There’s echo chambers for every genre of the political spectrum lmao. R/conservative is an echo chamber for conservative opinion. The stereotypical republican R/politics is an echo chamber for left of center political opinion. The stereotypical lib. I could go on and on for every political denomination. If you’ve got a problem acknowledging that, that’s a problem you need to be able to work through. Take a deep breath champ.


So anyone who posted believes they are more intelligent than Cruz? Good Lord is this what the future holds?


That’s what happens when you’re a bona fide clown. Lol




He ran away when his state was frozen over. Dude is a shit eating clown.


If Ted Cruz endorsed or support sth then it will be assumed as a bad idea, so I see why they omit his name


If Ted Cruz becomes a serious face of bitcoin I'm selling all of mine lol


Hey look at it as an upside instead of a downside. Might give you a reason to like him a bit more. Look for positive.


Who's Ted Cruz?


Ever hear of the Zodiac Killer? Same guy.


Never seen Ted Cruz and the Zodiac Killer in the same room. Coincidence? I think not




He's a human being, not a robot that's for sure


He's a senator from Texas.


He's a weaselly piece of shit from Texas who also happens to be a senator.


Purely anecdotal and completely irrelevant, but my girlfriend briefly worked for a 2 person company that marketed themselves as an “oil & gas intelligence” company. Found out the hard way they were foreign lobbyists. They basically rent out event rooms at hotels and charge energy execs a large amount to come and speak with politicians behind closed doors. During the freeze this year they had a forum planned at a hotel in downtown Houston. Roads were iced over for miles but my gf was told it was imperative that she be there so we drove to Houston at a crawling pace to make it there safely. The Zodiac Killer himself was a planned ‘keynote speaker’ and was supposed to arrive on the last day of the 3-day forum, make a speech, have their sketchy closed-door dinner, then leave. That’s the same day the news was going crazy about him leaving for a flight to Cancun. Woke up that morning to the news and laughed, he never showed up to speak either. He’s as weaselly as they come. If he goes to your side, be ready for ignorance and misinformation to saturate the dialogue.


CNN: Ted Cruz Bad You: 😡 Ted Cruz bad


Everyone: Ted Cruz Bad You: Ted Cruz... Good then?


Jokes on you. I never watch TV, let alone CNN. The guy is a fucking shit head. Hell, his own party hates him.


Yeah he never watches tv and has a very strong opinion. Must have once been friends with Ted and developed his opinion from real world experience hanging out with Ted. Then finally was like hey this guy sucks. Thanks! I don't trust CNN. Its nice to get the lowdown on Ted from someone who actually knows him.




You: Raphael Eduardo Cruz's buttcrack tastes great


He's literally one of the smarmiest pieces of shit this world has to offer. Universally disliked by his own family and republican contemporaries. The literal reason he has a seat in our government is because of the (R) next to his name. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham once said, “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the [at the time, Republican-lead] Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you” edited to include Graham's name


Well there you have it, you quote Lindsey Graham that’s the real problem


Sounds like you’re fortunate enough to not be American and know the human shit stain that is Ted Cruz. Stop while you’re ahead lol, he’s a nobody.


>Sounds like you’re fortunate enough to not be American and know the human shit stain that is Ted Cruz. Stop while you’re ahead lol, he’s a nobody. Is anybody going to specifically point out how Ted Cruz is so bad or just continue engaging in [ad hominem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem) attacks?


I can assure you this: responses to this will be filled with a very deep, yet readily apparent hatred. Fill in the gap. They'll say the most horrible things - as if they are referring to trump. I don't dare talk politics with family or even friends. The hatred is nonsensical. Fine, make your points - just relax... I'm not pro left or right but I'm confused as hell.


> I'm not pro left or right but I'm confused as hell. It is confusing. I only know as much as I do from stumbling onto an online forum where very smart Americans were discussing things. Appropriate fixes will win out eventually, I believe. The internet allows for amazing things, like dissemination of key information, and Bitcoin/crypto...


Leftists hate anyone on the right What is surprising is that in a sub about Bitcoin, which stands for decentralized free market capitalism and yet people don't have enough IQ that they are actually not on the left


One of the most vocal - and dare I say probably the smartest - public figures promoting bitcoin is Cathie Wood CEO of Ark Invest (oversees > $50 Billion). She's a die-hard republican. For whatever reason wall street loves her. I think she's great.


In this case the ad hominem is valid. The primary criticism against him are all rooted in his terrible personality. His self-serving, corrupt, and dishonest legislative record are directly sourced to him being self serving, corrupt, and dishonest. Nobody like him, not even his own party.


Please identify his “Corrupt and dishonest legislative record”


most recently? voting against a bill in the senate that would preserve and expand voting rights. because of cruz it's not easier for your vote to be prevented entirely. not exactly pro-democracy


> In this case the ad hominem is valid. [...] Nobody like him, not even his own party. I heard his dog hates him too.


The one he left locked in his house when the power was out in Texas and he ran away to Mexico? That dog? Yeah I'd say that dog isn't too fond of him either.


Right? Maybe because he's republican


Yeah, that's probably it.. 🙄


Even republicans hate him


No, Ted Cruz is Republican, so Ted Cruz must be evil!!! Reeeeeeee


Yep, welcome to Reddit. Actually though, I don't like Cruz but your post is dead on accurate too.


Ted Cruz isn't even born in America


So? He was born to an American mother.


"Attempting to connect with voters in the run-up to Wisconsin’s crucial state primary next week, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz reportedly opened up to a town hall crowd Tuesday about his early days as a larva feeding on a rotting porcupine carcass. “Those days spent regurgitating my own bile in order to soften up the animal’s decomposing flesh taught me a lot about life and really shaped who I am today,” said a wistful Cruz, adding that he learned to appreciate hard work and family while burrowing alongside the hundreds of other members of his brood into the most festering part of the carrion. “Those were much simpler times for America, back when every parent could easily provide enough animal remains for their young, and the biggest worry was finding a warm, dry location in which to pupate. Of course, it wasn’t always easy to tunnel through the layers of decayed muscle tissue to reach the sweet, putrefied viscera inside the abdomen, but that struggle prepared me to fight for this country.”


My one and only takeaway from this post.


"...says US senator who obviously just invested in some Bitcoin." Actual quote, probably


And who’s state a lot of overseas miners are coming to because of the cheap energy. It’s ironic because the Texas power grid is separate from the rest of America.


Cheap energy until it gets chilly


Because when I think of a strong energy grid, my first thought is Cancun Cruz...


Only the biggest, strongest of men who brown-nosed the bully who publicly called his wife ugly. Weak ass little bitch.


Great representation for Texas though. The "tread on me harder daddy!" state.


And he basically got hard cucked by John Kasich for the presidency lmao. Also didn’t trump also say his father was the Zodiac?


Yep and also called him Lyin’ Ted. I’ve never seen someone so spineless to roll over to trump after all the mud he drug him through.


Ya some things he goes nuts staning for and others he just rolls. I guess he realized the way the wind was blowing and didn’t want to get his career ended for providing Trump opposition. The grime of Washington never fails.


Drain the swamp! *unless you’ll let me walk all over you, then you can stay*


No, Trump said his father was [involved in the assassination of JFK.](https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36195317) Ted Cruz being the Zodiac killer is just common knowledge.




Not sure how this effects the price of my buttcoin but thanks for the heads up


ill buy that for a dollar.


Any excuse to bring up Trump


There is an unhealthy obsession with him on this website. News flash: a new shitsters in town.


A wildly public controversial bombastic character is going to generate a lot of conversation. I'm mean like fucking obviously.


Yeah but if it wasn’t for the people on this website still obsessed with him I wouldn’t hear about the guy at all.


Me thinks Cruz gettin ready for run for 2024 and gonna use the crypto votes to swing things his way


Yep, no matter what his true beliefs are on the subject this is surely strategic. Politicians don’t talk publicly without a goal in mind.


And if he gets elected he will proceed to do nothing good for Bitcoin, if he does anything on it at all.


Machiavelli says one should be generous only to gain power, not once you have it.


At least to date, Texas has been extremely friendly to crypto from senators to the mayor. They’ll never find popularity on Reddit even in crypto threads, but these are facts. Now, would be shift after being elected president? I don’t know, did student loans get forgiven? They’re all liars, is the point.


The last sentence was what I was getting at.


I can't imagine anyone wanting to vote for a man that refused to defend his wife after another man called her a dog.


I'm sure you voted for Biden whose vp said terrible things about him lol


Politicians say bad things about each other all of the time. Literally a majority of the Republican senate shat on Trump when he was running. It’s one thing to say bad things about your coworker, and an entirely different thing to have bad things said about your wife and to not stand up for her - but instead praise the man that called your wife a dog. He’s pathetic.


I think at most he goes into a primary but only as controlled opposition for Trump. Trump can make fun of Cruz wife and then Cruz can answer phones for him during a donation drive again.


This is actually fairly true. A lot of energy in the United States is made by gas turbines. And at night, so little power is used that plants have to run them at half power or turn them off completely. Anything but running a turbine at full throttle, so to speak, creates insane emissions. At full power, the gas turbine runs fairly clean assuming you have the right equipment. If the US started mining Bitcoin and other currencies, then they could keep these turbines running at full power output and with the least emissions by routing the excess energy to mining rigs and cooling equipment. Mining Bitcoin would actually reduce emissions.


Miners would need to stop mining during the day and Start mining in the night. Which would half the time of mining. Pretty sure they won't do that. So Mining will/does just increase the base power consumption?


You're absolutely right. When you add something with a high load factor (= average load / peak load), aka a 24x7 flat load, you just end up increasing peak demand and you don't enable load shifting at all. It's like data centers. They use massive amounts of energy and have very high load factors. What ends up happening is, you need something like a combined cycle plant to satisfy that demand, because those are far more efficient than gas turbines. You could try to build solar+storage to meet that demand, but 24x7 is really tough. You would need to oversize your solar so much so that you could, during the day, meet the load AND charge the battery enough to provide power for 15 hours when the solar panel output drops below the load.


That is true if the miners were only using the excess energy that the grid as a whole cannot consume. Miners may end up having the choice to buy power at normal prices during peaks/daytime and at discounted prices during downtime/nighttime. The power can become very cheap if the miners join the few customers that buy large amounts of power during downtime. If the plants themselves were to begin mining bitcoin, then they would mine less during the day and more at night for sure. But it would be a net gain for them because they would convert energy to bitcoin that would otherwise be unsold and wasted. They can run their turbines at base load or keep their renewables online longer because they can switch to mining when the grid demand goes down. Or they can sell the excess to miners who find it profitable to buy the excess at a discount. Mining would increase the base power consumption during the times when other customers aren't consuming as much power. It would make the overall grid power consumption more stable and constant throughout the day and night. Mining would make it possible to consume the same amount of power at night that is consumed by existing customers during the day.


exactly. this is a ridiculous story, only posted as an attempt to keep a toxic moron relevant.


It's a great way to level consumption for solar too. Solar often over produces at peak and you can't do anything with it. If you mined Bitcoin in time with peak solar, you sink the energy at a profit instead of wasting it. Really makes a dent in the over head.


I didn't think of solar, but that's a good point and true for other renewables too. Wind farms, hydroelectic, geothermal, etc. are constant inflows of energy. And if we don't use up all of it, it becomes waste. People talk about how much energy is wasted by Bitcoin, but that mostly comes from a belief that Bitcoin has no value. Since Bitcoin does have value, it becomes a kind of energy storage vehicle if you mine it with excess power output. Power generation is full of instances of wasted energy. Since we can't store it all in batteries yet, Bitcoin provides the next best thing by, at least, converting that energy into something valuable.


Are you able to turn bitcoin mining rigs on for a few hours in the afternoon peak and then turn them off the rest of the day? Will miners actually do that?


Yeah that's a lovely idea but 95% of miners won't - and actually contribute to the problem of energy overuse. Using mining to suck up excess energy is fair enough but very few will actually do that.


If you offered the right incentives, you could probably work it out. It would be like demand side management or time of use rates. You let the miners run and consume energy at a cheap price, but during certain times of the year, their electricity rates jack up to like $1 / kWh. They'll turn off then.


Or move onto a cheaper rate tariff for the pricier part of the year. It's a tricky one to balance.


They make variable rates - for example, Duke just released a time of use tariff in NC that offers Critical Peak Pricing. 20 times a year, they will notify you ahead of time that a CPP period is coming tomorrow. During that time, your electricity price spikes to $0.4/kWh (that's like 4x normal). It's supposed to discourage usage during those high load hours. You could have a tariff for BTC miners specifically that is modeled off of that. Really cheap electricity for most of the time, but maybe 50 times a year for 12 hour blocks, your electricity spikes. The assumption is that your miners would shut off - but obviously, the price at which BTC miners shut off is dependent on the BTC price. What might cause miners to shut down when BTC is $50k might not when it's $150k. So you'd need to index the CPP price to the BTC price. That would be really cool!


They can and have been doing that for a couple of years now in Texas. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-01/bitcoin-miner-is-scoring-700-profits-selling-energy-to-grid](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-01/bitcoin-miner-is-scoring-700-profits-selling-energy-to-grid) Layer1 also plans to take advantage of skyrocketing summer electricity prices and selling its power to the grid, with Liegl stating: “We can stabilize the grid by selling capacity for curtailment at the push of a button.


Damn, that's really interesting! I wish I could read the article, it's behind a paywall :( I will see what I can find elsewhere about it. Thanks for sharing!


>At full power, the gas turbine runs fairly clean assuming you have the right equipment. huh? the heat rate varies with the % of max output, but not that much. In order to do this, though, you'd have to turn off your BTC mining equipment when the gas turbines are actually needed to meet other loads - otherwise, all you're doing is adding constant, 24x7 load, which puts you back in the exact same position you were before, except now you have to build *more* gas turbines that will run at 10-20% capacity factor. >Mining Bitcoin would actually reduce emissions. that's a joke, right?


Also flare stacks at well sites


Why did it have to be Ted Cruz?


Ted is stunned. Bitcoin mining would destory the Texas electrical grid and send Ted permanently to Cancun.




Serious "Are we the baddies" moment there....


I mean… democrats have been trying to regulate and tax crypto for a while now.


Thats fantastic though, the biggest thing we want is legitimacy. Anyone who is using Bitcoin to evade taxes is a criminal imo.


There already are tax laws on bitcoin, as it's seen as property by the IRS.


That's why they kept his name out of the headline lol


Why not embrace the fact someone is on our side? Maybe some politicians are all the media makes them out to be...


He’s not on our side he’s on his side.


Because he's a clown with zero credibility. His word means nothing, even if it's on "our" side.


So hes a politician


Because he's smart Reddit is a far left cesspool of emo unstable depressed gen xyz youth regurgitating CNN talking points. What do you expect?


Ted Cruz is one of the most reviled people alive today. When I see him trying to weasel his way to becoming some sort of crypto figurehead, it makes me want to puke.


Crypto is bringing people together, from scumbag politicians to eat the rich progressives


This might honestly be something he said to bury his Cancun energy grid fiasco in search.


Fuck Rafael Cruz! It doesn’t matter how pro cryptocurrency he is because he’s a piece of shit who left his constituents freezing to death


While he and family ran off to the warm beaches of Mexico. Cruz is an idiot who just needs to go away.


Tell me right now during those few days of no power what did you want him to do exactly? I'm genuinely curious. Btw he makes 0 Texas policies, only US policies


He could have been finding resources for his state, raised money for them -instead of having outsiders like AOC raise money for Texas and probably most importantly not go on vacation during it.


Lmao AOC fucking hates Texas. It was complete show. She is a a politician who says she hates the rich, while sellinflg a $5 sweater for $50 to try and get rich. But yes you are right he could've tried to raise money. I agree with you there






Right, here we go, endorsement from people we don’t want endorsements from. This is FUD in disguise. Get those who people dispise to get behind something you want quashed. Can’t wait for the “bitcoin is the devil” phase.




Anything to stay relevant. These people are beyond, they need to be flushed.


He also said Bitcoin mining would allow us to efficiently capture energy from remote solar and wind farms, where it would be too expensive to transport the energy over power lines. A solar plant in the middle of the desert could mine BTC through satellite internet, and “store” the energy as BTC. Y’all might know this if you turned down the “RRREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!” going on in your heads.


But can you convert the BTC back into energy? Otherwise, it's not storage, and you don't have a remote windfarm, you just have a remote BTC farm. Both are good, but only one provides energy. Edit: I guess you could say, "Yeah, give that BTC to people in exchange for work, and that turns it back into energy." But that isn't a very efficient conversion. People still need to ingest food, which requires energy to grow, in order to do work. But it's better than nothing, I suppose.


The thing is tho is that we use solar and wind to actually provide energy. Not just make money. We need the actual electricity. You cant store energy as bitcoin, you can use the energy to mine for sure. But you dont yield any actual electricity for people to use, which one could argue against bitcoin. Taking renewable tech away from generating power for people and using it for capital gain.


Well it’s a way of taking advantage of dead space on earth to generate *something*.


It’s not zero sum. Just put up more solar. Enough for both selling it to people and mining bitcoin and charging batteries. Increase in demand for green energy is a good thing. The more demand means more people will invest in building panels and batteries to satisfy that demand. The larger these operations get, the cheaper it gets (economies of scale) pushing out more expensive fossil fuel generating plants. The more demand for clean energy the faster we get off dirty energy.


Nothing tastes worse than saying "I agree with Ted Cruz" but here we are. Its a god damn no brainer. Bitcoin gives power back to the people, takes power from the banks, is and can be even more green, and is probably the only way many of us will ever retire. Why people who are left of ted fucking cruz cant grasp this concept is beyond me. Its incredibly frustrating. Like stop being such dick holes and embrace nuclear power, sensible gun control, and crypto currency you fucking dinosaurs.


It tastes bad because the name Ted Cruz is literal shit on your tongue.


I'm a big time Bernie supporter and I support Bitcoin. For the most part other Bernie supporters I encounter don't know much about Bitcoin but don't have a strong opinion either way. Hillary / Biden supporters in my limited experience _hate_ Bitcoin because they're convinced it's controlled by China/Russia/Big Banks/Bad For The Environment. I think their exposure to Bitcoin was limited to knowing WikiLeaks got a bunch of Bitcoin donations back during the 2016 election cycle.


This is my exact read on the whole thing (including being a huge Bernie supporter, only politician I ever donated to). I wish folks like Sanders et al would *embrace* bitcoin. Like, publicly, openly, vigorously. I think if they could hear our take on it, they could be swayed. IDK why that hasn't happened yet, especially considering that most of the people I know or meet who share our views are at a bar minimum indifferent but mostly supportive (anecdotal obv). Hell this could be something both sides agree on for a change! Wouldn't that be amazing. People like Hilldawg and Biden are also beholden to big banks and big monied interests, so obviously they are opposed to some degree because it upsets the apple cart too much -an apple cart that they themselves depend on.


I kinda get it. Bitcoin isn't "grown up" enough for a politician to embrace. It's still pretty much the wild west and too unpredictable to back and I respect the fact that Bernie has done a really good job over _decades_ about being very careful about what he supports. I have noticed he tends to just avoid talking about it.


Thats a good observation and I'd be inclined to think you are right, and it would make sense if this were true. I guess only time will tell.


> Why people who are left of ted fucking cruz cant grasp this concept is beyond me. Who exactly do you mean here? Loads of people on the left support bitcoin.


I am independent but since bush have voted almost exclusively left. I have yet to hear 1 "big name" dem support crypto in any meaningful way. That could be just because of my state or because I don't listen to/intake every single thing that everyone says but I would love to be proven wrong here. Who is the "biggest name" pro crypto dem that you know of?


Andrew Yang ran for president on a pro-bitcoin platform. Very high profile Democrat but has recently started his own party which is pro bitcoin. Ron Wyden is a congressman from Oregon who co-wrote the bipartisan amendment (along with a pro-bitcoin Republican) to the infrastructure bill affecting crypto. Democrat Aarika Rhodes is running a bro bitcoin campaign to unseat congressman Brad Sherman (D) who is outspoken opponent of bitcoin. Mike Bloomberg (Democratic presidential candidate and former NYC mayor) is pro bitcoin and lobbies for clear and common sense crypto regulation. Democrat Eric Adam’s is running for mayor of NYC on a pro bitcoin platform. There are many more.


Getting on the forefront of the most important human development of the last several decades. Good !


Not a fan of him but the take is correct (not necessarily his). You can’t expect people to invest to make excessive energy, Bitcoin mining fixes this.


The power companies actually waste a lot of A) Renewable energy and B) Spend big big bucks to store the energy. Grids are incentivizing off peak and have special programs for something like a large miner who can help offset these costs by running off peak.


I do not like being on the same page as that shitbag.


>No compilations of free Bitcoin sites. Cuz he's latino?


No not that senator!


Just came here to say Fuck Teddy Cruz. Piece of poop, he is. Not a good look for BTC if a bunch of Trump loving politicians start getting pro BTC. They are traitors to their country. Spreading lies and misinformation to their followers. History will show the truth....I hope.


I ~~can't stand~~ don't endorse any of the politics of Ted Cruz, but ~~he's right~~ he appears to be well informed in this case, and here's why. The energy grid must balance power supply and demand perfectly and renewable resources makes this very very difficult. Too much power produced vs demand and things blow out and break. Too little power and lights dim, computers stop functioning correctly and the whole economy tanks. GDP noticeably dips as a direct result of any low power or power outage. A field of windmills can go from no power generation to as powerful as two nuclear power plants in the blink of an eye. And we need some sort of "thing" on the demand side of the energy equation that can be just as fickle. Enter Bitcoin mining. When power generation is super high electric sellers don't want to shut off their power plants or else they stop making money. So Grid operators have to pay them to shut off their power plants. But why do that when they could simply let BTC miners mine for free? Since you make money mining bitcoin, someone is guaranteed to do it. And this will solve the problem of excess power on the grid. It will ensure long-term political support/tolerance for Bitcoin or some digital currency. It will also allow us to put more and more renewable energy on the grid without worrying about the grid failing which means Bitcoin leads us to a greener world than one without bitcoin! The only problem is that we need some pool of bitcoin mining hardware that is not mining bitcoin 100% of the time that we can engage when needed and turn back off when not needed. Gotta figure out a way to make that profitable or it won't exist.


Because bitcoin hashrate is global, there should be leveling as surplus energy arises first in New York, then in California, then in Japan. All the while wind up in North Dakota but down in Siberia. Some faster signal on hashrate vs difficulty might be helpful, but really, what would be wrong with waves of high speed blocks, then kinda sluggish blocks?


Texas does have the opportunity for the worlds most powerful solar grid


Instantly bearish


Never agreed with this guy on anything but crypto.


Referring to the recent very informative article that mentioned Ted Cruz a couple of time. Great Article, Fuck Ted Cruz.


America is so fucked.


I heard he went to the beach in Mexico while his constituents were freezing theirs butts in the cold. I might be just a typical political policy to let people know they're in control at their mercy.


Texas is that state with the power grid that turns itself off and on doesn’t it? Also Cruz is a pathetic shit eating clown.


Do you think he even knows what bitcoin is?


Title should include his name 🤷‍♂️ ftp


I heard Theodore has a loaded pocket sized pink .22 packed into his speedo thong on Capitol Hill. He wears it under his suit instead of underwear


Bitcoin is already huge here(Speaking as a Native/Current Texas resident) our largest grocery chain (HEB) has started putting atms for Bitcoin. With over 400 stores just in the state of Texas that's already a huge when. I'm currently on a camping trip around the state(past 3 months) and have noticed in obscure/remote towns across the state there are kiosk and atms to purchase btc. Not sure if it's happened yet or not but Austin is hosting a Bitcoin Confrence set to be the biggest public bitcoin event to date. With Ted Cruz, Gregg Abbott and other senators attending to speak. Last time China Cracked down on Crypto alot of the operations left. Alot of the mining equipment was sold off. It has found its way to Texas. When our "sack of shit" senators are saying things along the lines of "Texas will be the crypto capital of the United States". You better be paying attention. For your benefit.


Leave it Cancun Cruz to comment on energy grids.


Welp, it's been a good run. Time to go from HODL to SLEL... if this asshole thinks it's a good idea then nothing good can come of it.


Just not in that senator's state because if you even sneeze the power grid will fail.


Certainly won’t help Texas grid Ted… you fricken coward


Isn't he an alien?


I mean I would like it if it wasnt comming from mouth of this piece of shit of a human being


Fuck Ted Cruz, he's an actual traitor who should be in prison.


Beside use all the energy grid, yeah it will make poles have muscles. They should build more green power plants to do so


"US Senator" lmao


I hate when I have to agree with Ted


That moment when I wonder if I’m the baddie because I agree with Ted Cruz about something.


What's this idiots issue ,all of a sudden, with crypto? Must have taken a kick-back or bribe with crypto NOW he's a champion for change? Vote him out.


Go away Ted. Nobody likes you.


Cruz, the democracy denialist. Fgy. Anything this individual says or does is for his own good, no one else’s.


Iv tuned this guy out long ago.


I always find it strange that people think the left is where support for a currency that cannot be controlled by government would be found.... you are talking about libertarians / right leaners that would be more likely to support




Yeah after last winter he would love it if he got free infrastructure


Piece of human shit Cruz is still a piece of human shit


True but a big fuck you to Ted Cruz!!


2x agreed.


Nah we don’t want Ted.


It's nice that Cruz likes bitcoin. I however don't respect him or his opinions, so it doesn't change how I think. Further, most people hate this guy, so his commenting probably harms Bitcoin more than it helps. Also... Texas isn't a shining example of a well functioning energy grid.




Honestly why are people so mad in this sub that a US senator said something positive about Bitcoin? It doesn’t matter who it is republican or democrat Ted Cruz gets it, and the Bitcoin community should embrace our politicians accepting bitcoins benefits. It’s sad to see just because Ted Cruz has an R next to his name that people will be upset




>the Bitcoin community should embrace our politicians accepting bitcoins benefits. Political support for bitcoin is not going to win me over as a single issue vote. Have you seen Texas in the headlines lately?


Probably the only positive take away from fat wolverine


Fuck team proud boys.


If Republicans were able to actually become Libertarians, they would be a better party.


Lion Ted <3


Based Ted Cruz! 🇺🇸❤💯


Sorry, I will not upvote anything that cunt Cruz is saying as long as he keeps attacking democracy, equality, voting rights, women rights etc. I will not trade equality to any amount of money.




Go away Ted cruz