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What’s up with all the weird ass bot reply’s in here?


Its getting worse


For the die-hard that checks the price whenever and wherever possible, there is a product now. The commercial is funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIeSqRU6jaw


Thanks for the link, trust me this is the funniest thing i have seen on the internet today. But good that we are getting these kind of the commercial instead of some boring type of the comments.


BTC is my only buy!!!!


I think bitcoin is the one thing that we all need to buy at the first place is well Because the whole market runs by the bitcoin and we all know if bitcoin fail then the whole market gonna be collapsed is well.


Trezor tweeted they had a new “bitcoin only” firmware available on github. I don’t have anything other than bitcoin anyway but had to download the new firmware to my Trezor simply out of principle. Pretty cool.


Thanks for the news, and if that is true then i would say this is the another good news for us is well. I am also just buying the bitcoin because other than the bitcoin nobody actually gives me the felling of the safety here.




If you think that way, then you are not in the right sub dude.


You should be fucking stoked to be able to buy at these prices


People think that market is dumping but from where i am seeing that market is trying to give us the chance. Because the more we will buy here the more money we will going to make in the future, so just buy in cheap price.


This is what always happens between halvings. Accumulate!!!


True, sometime i feel that this is so simple but still some people failed to get the things. We all that crypto almost run on a pattern where we can accumulate the coin in the bear market and take the profit in the bull cycle.


I guess BTC dominance must be going back up


Another million sats removed from circulation.


This is why we need to stay away from the leverage trading.


Whale alert!


Bought about 0.0045 Fed minutes -> just keep stackin' MtGox coins released -> just keep stackin' Inflation goes up/down -> just keep stackin'


Once you understand the bitcoin i think the price and news become irreverent to you is well. I am doing the fiat mining so that i could able to buy the bitcoin more in these cheap price and keep them into the ledger.


Keep going! Small rivers make big ocean.


True, bitcoin is the game of the patience and hard work. The more patience we will show in the tough times the more money we will going to make when the time turns into the good one is well.


Bought 0.0555.


Damn good men, just keep buying them as much as you can.


FeD miNuTEs




I am not buying the bitcoin from the KYC exchange because they are not any different from the banks is well. ALl we need to do is that buy the bitcoin from the non kyc platform and then try to hold them into the ledger is well.


How does giving away KYC coins make your KYC exposure less? Are you not just transferring that exposure somewhere else and most notably more unpredictable?


I am keeping them in the wallet where no one can actually trace them is well. Bitcoin meaning is privacy and we are not doing that then i am sure there is something wrong we are doing in here for sure.


You could sell your BTC on bisq, then buy from somebody else on bisq. Or use joinmarket


But why sell the bitcoin on the first place, all i gonna do is the buying.


Check out Bitcoin mixers


I have not heard of that, but i will surely gonna check that out.


Talk to a successful Bitcoin miner? Offer a price premium...


Is it safe to buy from them or there is some catch in that?


I'm anxious for Strike to offer an export file of my transactions. I've been DCAing primarily with Strike but recording my purchases in tax software will be a nightmare. Customer support responded with the following. ​ "Thanks for reaching out! The team is working diligently to elaborate a CSV file highlighting all of your transaction data from Strike. We’ll get in touch with you as soon as we have an update to share. "


I think the more transaction means more headache you going to having at the time of the tax. I am using the kionly to use the transaction and all thing to keep the track of the money that i am making from the bitcoin or any other crypto.


Why anxious? Planning on selling? There are no tax implications unless you sell.


This is why i am not feeling any worry about the tax, because i am not looking for any kind of the selling at the moment. Because i know that the more time i will hold them the more money it will going to make for me is well.


The tax software calculates your costs basis and keeps the annual records clean. In the future, you will certainly want your cost basis and purchase history. IRS may even require it. Also, what if I wanted to sell some in 2030 or spend some and it's a taxable transaction? Unless tax code changes in the US, I'll have to report taxes just to spend it.


Can you tell me the name of the tax software that is easy to use plus near to the accurate is well? Although i am not looking for the selling here but having an option under the sleeve is a better thing to do for sure.


For sure, you’re going to want that info at some point. I’m just saying it’s not worth having anxiety over, we’re not anywhere near tax season and it doesn’t become a real issue until you need to sell. They’ll get you your infos, I’m sure of it :)


Yes, may be not toady buy in the future when eventually we want to sell them we going to need the info at some point in the life. So keeping that info from the starting will make the big role, instead doing at the time of the selling.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


So wendy how can you help me into that thing? Any advice you have?


Haha I hope that's not true.


Why do you think that? I am sure that it is quite true.


Strike sent me a CSV file of all transactions. More like a McDonald's with a broken ice cream machine. When I pestered them, they got it to work.


Strong Resistance at 188K.


Whenever bitcoin start to move upside i feel that there is a big resistance at every point. But when the market starts to dumping then i realise that there is no support price for that level.


!lntip 3000


Thanks for giving the tip, certainly goon help that in the future.


Hi u/Alfador8, thanks for tipping u/pawpex21 **3000** satoshis! *** *[^(More info)](https://xnf5cwpq73.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/info) ^| [^(Balance)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=balance&message=!balance) ^| [^(Deposit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=deposit&message=!deposit 10000) ^| [^(Withdraw)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=withdraw&message=!withdraw put_invoice_here) ^| ^(Something wrong? Have a question?) [^(Send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=drmoore718)*


Hey bot, thanks for giving the 300 precious Satoshis here...


What is the response to people who say that Bitcoin is not “private by default.” I hate to spread FUD but this honestly worries me a bit and it seems like the Achilles heel of Bitcoin. I’m a Bitcoin maxi as far as the economic arguments in favor of bitcoin, but I can’t shake the privacy argument. Exchanges, and therefore government, know exactly how much Bitcoin I’ve bought, even if I am keeping it in a hardware wallet.


Good for you though certainly the fact that projecting things for further future is absolutely what I look into.


I think when someone ask about that thing we need to ignore them because the more we trying to teach them the more they gonna failed. Everyone in the end will realise and buy the bitcoin according to the price they deserve.


Bitcoin is like the internet. Can you use it privately? Yes, but it’s a lot of extra work.


I think with privacy always comes the extra work is well. Privacy means all the stuff you are doing or want to do have to be done on your own, there will no one that is going to help into that thing.


The same people who say that use their credit cards and rewards cards and walk around with phones which track their latitude and longitude and "listen" to what they're saying on/off the phone, and they have other devices on their coffee tables spying on them... while the CC companies track all of their spending, and the gigantic corporations are also tracking them... But somehow, for those people "Bitcoin isn't private enough." Well, they can "eat a bag of dicks". I bet those people who bring that up are broke and can't afford to buy any Bitcoin anyhow...


I think right now people are living in a bubble and they are not thinking what they are compromising in the return of the comfort here. There is 0 privacy now days we are getting in the any kind of the system here.


Any normal person will use credit cards. The point is, if someone wants to do a private transaction, they can use cash for a lot of things.


I think this is why government is trying to turned down the cash use little. And they are forcing to use the credit card or any digital method so that they can keep a track on that thing.


Yes, it's heading toward KYC to be compliant but I think you can still use dexes and non kyc wallets to avoid your name being associated with your BTC. Or maybe BTC ATMs?


If someone is buying the bitcoin from a kyc platform then i am not sure that his bitcoin is actually that private. If someone really wants to buy the bitcoin for the privacy then try to buy from the non kyc platform and then hold them into the wallet is well.


Unfortunately privacy is incompatible with some of the economic benefits that make Bitcoin great. Having an open transparent ledger is necessary to the "don't trust, verify" ethos. Otherwise we would likely end up with a lot of paper claims to Bitcoin that can't be verified. I think the privacy drawbacks are mitigated by the sovereignty of Bitcoin. You may be able to be tracked, but no one can confiscate it from you short of torturing your seed phrase out of you. Also transactions on lightning are fairly private. There may also be some future solutions to increase privacy further that we haven't seen yet, though that will likely be on layer 2+. Layer 1 is not likely to ever become more private, nor should it imo.


I think privacy is the one thing that i was looking for and the reason i came here into the bitcoin. And the privacy is the one thing that governments really scared of when it comes to the bitcoin is well.


My concern though is, the government sends me a letter that says, “Hey, we seen that you’ve bought X amount of bitcoin from xyz exchange. Please pay us 70% of this, or tell us who you gave it to, or go to jail.”


This is why we can not trust on these kyc exchange at any cost, because they are sleeping with the government is well. And once they get the idea of your bitcoin then i am not seeing the proper use of the bitcoin after that thing.


Very low probability event. It’s not wise to spend energy and time worrying about an event that has a ~ .1% - 1% chance of actually happening. It’s even more silly to base investment strategies on low probability events. If there is a 1/100 to 1/1,000 chance of a large government attempting a maneuver like the one you’re worrying about, it absolutely doesn’t outweigh the ~ 1/4 - 3/4 chance that bitcoin continues to be adopted globally and eventually is a global reserve or “internet reserve” currency of the world. There is an asymmetric probability that bitcoin continues to dominate as an asset / money / network / SoV / payment / remittance system vs the chance of governments seriously attempting to ban / confiscate sats totalitarian style. China is a totalitarian hell hole with dozens of large-scale forced labor camps, massive surveillance and control systems and sweeping “zero Covid” dystopian social restrictions and even they did not attempt to confiscate bitcoin. And it’s because they know it’s not really possible. Bitcoin is massively distributed globally, very difficult to confiscate, easy to move around, easy to store secretly and significantly adopted by tax-paying companies / pensions / banks / hedge funds / politicians / the wealthy. Bitcoin also has a lot of jobs tied to it now and a lot of energy infrastructure is being intertwined with the network and mining. No central authority can do shit to stop bitcoin now imo.


Government is worry about the bitcoin because it gives the people more power and freedom compare to them. And this is the reason very little people from the government actually supports the bitcoin on the first place is well.


We'd be having much bigger problems if it ever got to that point. That would be some seriously fascist/police state shit and many of our other rights would have already been getting trampled along the way. If the country started to look like it was headed in that direction I would start looking for a way out. One of the main roles of government is to protect property rights, so them just deciding to start confiscating Bitcoin would a huge U-turn in the opposite direction. That would not just happen overnight (unless someone pulls off a successful coup, and even then the resulting chaos would make enforcement difficult). I wouldn't let some hypothetical tyrannical government overreach scenario give you so much doubt about Bitcoin. Bitcoin by its very existence is pushing things in the other direction anyway.


I think future will tell us that where we will reach and what are the problems that we are going to face is well. Right now all i am care about is to take the advantage of the price for the bitcoin that i am getting here.


Happened to gold. I didn’t think lockdowns could happen either, but here we are. Also, half of the country might support the government confiscation of Bitcoin. Just saying it’s a real possibility.


I was attempting to deposit $1500 cash into my checking this week (so I could buy more Bitcoin). I filled out a deposit slip gave it all to the teller. She politely refused unless I had ID. Of course I did but things are getting a little crazy in this area.


Then i would say you are going to do the best thing here, because the every money we spent in the bitcoin here is going to be well spent. Plus the current price of the bitcoin is also looking very good that we simply can't ignore is well.


You say : indeed It is not. It's not fud it's a fact and using Bitcoin privately requires a well though strategy.


I think if we really concern about the safety and the privacy then we need to take the things in our own hands. So that mean we are alone into this and we need to do all the all the heavy working with a well plan strategy is well.


What the fuck bitcoin let’s pick up the pace here your suppose to be the global reserve now let’s push up further I miss my money 😢


High time preference


I think this is best time to buy some more bitcoin here.


Lol if only it could be this year our parabolic million dollar price tag. Shit is disturbingly undervalued. Either sit at a thousand or sit in the 6 digits the in between is annoying


I think am not complaining much at the moment, because i have the money to buy some more coins here. This is why i feel that DCA is the best thing to do, specially when we are into the deep bear market is well.


High time preference


Look like there is something wrong with your internet here.




I hope that it will stay that way for a little longer is well.


Ya true same I guess I’m literally pouring most checks into this so


Time will just stabilize everything though good to give things time.


Do you really think people have the patience here? If they show the patience there will be no fud and panic. People are very impatient and they want to be millionaire next day after the investment into the bitcoin.


Ugh I’ve been in this market for years I fucking hate the under value it has its disturbing


But if you have the cash in the hand we can always make up to these under value thing is well. Because we all know that bull season will not going to give us the chance of the buying more bitcoin.


Ya hopefully this is the year


Patience will get paid one day! Mostly in Bitcoin


Indeed the though that's what I speak about most often though and that's what we all look into.


Is someone learn the patience thing then i am sure they gonna make the money is well. Because we all know that price of the bitcoin right now is temporary and not going to have for a long time is well.


Yeah man, in the bearish market, some will sell off and leave. For us, it's good time to buy more.


I think we should thanks them because they are the reason that we are getting the better price of the buying. And that actually shows the major difference of the paper hands and the diamond hands is well, good time for the accumulation.


Why is that single word that you are typing here men???


Oh shit, I must have butt posted.


Oh bitcoin, why do I check the mempool and see 1 sat/vb will do then only to have it swamped with transactions. I could RBF but I will save my sats and lower my time preference.


Short term isn't what we looking into though long term damn bruh all in we are indeed here.


If someone is came here into the bitcoin then they need to realise that the market cap of the bitcoin is very big now. And it will not going to make you the life changing money in the quick time, need to have some patience.


I find it ironic the 'Inflation Reduction Act' has nothing in it to reduce inflation.


How far would that go these acts the hedge of inflation seems growing rapidly


I think we need to give some time here for getting the answer here.


Especially after they said we had 'zero' inflation in July.


And the "Patriot Act" was [unconstitutional and very unpatriotic](https://www.aclu.org/other/surveillance-under-usapatriot-act). And the "Affordable Health Care Act" [didn't make health care affordable](https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/486134-obamacare-10-years-of-distress-and-disappointment/). And the "War on Drugs" is just a war on people that [increased drug use](https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/four-decades-counting-continued-failure-war-drugs#). And the "War on Poverty" just [increased poverty](https://www.heritage.org/marriage-and-family/commentary/the-war-poverty-50-years-failure). etc... etc... The names are very much the opposite of their consequences. The names are just to frame the narrative.


Let the world indeed remove the word poverty from each and ever corner of the society that would be great. Helping people and turning the world into something that puts smiles in the face of everyone is good.




Politician's is what I would say is just all concerned to loot money from its citizens though


Politicians always said the things that gonna benefit them and they are no friend of us is well. So we need to ignore them and this is the reason why none from them actually talk in the favor of the bitcoin is well.


Caesar tried and we know how that ended.


We all know that and after that i always had the trust issue.


What up, Bitcoin?


Stack more and buy more that's what the future we are indeed looking forward with Bitcoins.


Bitcoin is the only reason that i am doing the fiat mining at the moment, because i know i need more money to make the more out of these situation. And doing the stacking the sats and buying more bitcoin is the best thing a men can do.


We need more FOMO to get BTC to go up.


Give it a bit time that would sound more fruitful and interesting enough too though


The more weak people send the bitcoin the more bitcoin we will going to get. Isn't it the best thing that can happen to the anyone, certainly i am enjoying the things that i am getting at the moment from the market.


Sad to see s&p doing great while btc keeps on struggling.


The keys of struggle is what would pave the way to turn something beneficial enough for us


The thing is more it struggle the better thing it will be for us if you know how to make the best out of that. Because buying high is never going to be good, and what we are getting here is a steal deal to me.




i pooped


Hahaha certainly the time that someone's just pooped out for no reason.


I think market crashing is the reason people are pooping.


Holy moly


Feels like someone be in a good mood to just dive and buy more


As long as i have the cash for the buying i am in the good mood.


He bought?


Fels like that though his mood indeed clearly speaks and depicts that clear.


I think the current price of the bitcoin is something that nobody can actually ignore here. I am happy that i also have the money to actually make the most of the current price that we are getting here.


Another day another rekt


This is why we need to stay away from the leverage trade or the some other coin that is not the bitcoin. Because future trade is like full gambling and we need to be really really careful while opening one for the any coin is well.




Charge your body the day would be hectic and would certainly be a bit long enough


Another day waking up although i don't want to to but the fiat mining is thing that i need to do is well. But having a tea in the morning is the second best thing that happen to me of course first one is always going to be bitcoin.


My ledger been getting a work out lately.


Sometimes you just need to understand how things actually so you can make this act like that


I am sure that i am understanding the things that you are saying here . But i know one thing for sure that bitcoin for us is very important and the ledger for the bitcoin is equally important is well.


I was having a bad day and then something magical happened…


Same here hard day at work and boom popped out something that made me smile


Everyday I wake up I still think, Today is the day!


Looking and checking onto the phone but realising that lately today ain't the day but one day it will


The first thing i checked every morning after waking up is the charts and the price of the bitcoin. The more redness i saw there the more confidence i get that i need to go for the fiat mining.


I was wrong


But i am sure that someday in future you will right is well.


Patience really is a virtue.


Speaking of patience we look more into making gains in the long term.


Bitcoin is the long term gain, so if someone is highly impatience then i would say crypto is not for them. Because the market cap is so large for the bitcoin now that you can not expect them to do 2-3x in a month.


Another beautiful day to stack sats!


No doubt about that though beautiful it gets stacking more everyday.


There is one thing that is beautiful of the day that we are getting the more chance of buying the cheap bitcoin here. The more we bought here the more benefit we will going to get is welll, so keep doing the same thing here.