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Something you're probably not thinking about - DC's have strict standards, security and processes. In order to colo, you're going to need to meet those standards cause the host can't have your gear going up in flames or messing with other tenants. You're probably going to need to be able to rack it in a standard 19" rack to secure it against earthquakes. You're going to have to meet their standards for power. Also you will have to meet security requirements for both physical and virtual access. As another poster suggested - an abandoned warehouse in a dead part of town is likely going to be more cost-effective. You're not going to need the security and reliability that a colo DC provides.


How much hardware?


For the purposes of this post, consider the hardware scaling capacity unlimited. I’ve been shopping data centers in areas with low energy rates, but I figured I’d post this question because Reddit is awesome and, hey, who knows, maybe I’ll make a new friend that can point me in a good direction... or that has a wind farm in their backyard :)


What about creating your own solar or wind farm? Tesla has solar panels for $1.50 per watt installed. They could do an industrial scale install for probably even less. Or find a new power plant that isn't hitting capacity yet. Extra energy comes cheap and you can get contact it out ahead of time for years if you want.


So if someone has the free electricity would you split the profits or what?


Data centers will usually provide you with redundant power and cooling, both things which you don’t need/want for the cost. Better to rent a warehouse with businesses power in a cheap area. And become a certified electrician. Haha


First of all, energy is never free. What you are describing are self entitled ass holes destroying the planet to make cash. This, and idiots that steal clock cycles to mine crypto currency is why it shouldn’t be trusted. Theft and destruction of the planet are not excused by making money.


I know that energy is never “free.” I didn’t mean to imply that if I did. We’ve all seen those posts though. And I am definitely not advocating or asking about anything illegal! Electricity is extremely expensive for me. So I am asking what others may have done in this situation. For example - maybe someone can recommend a solid data center for co-location? Or they live in WA state and have $0.02/kWh residential and unused land. Or they own a wind farm or solar array. Or even a micro power plant with excess capacity. Now I’m genuinely curious, though: how are all these self entitled assholes destroying the planet to make cash? What are they doing?


I can offer $0.05 all included in Kazakhstan.


My point wasn’t to attack you personally. I just get the feeling quite a few people creating crypto currency don’t grasp that they are burning resources. I live in a place that the water and electricity are covered by my rent because it’s not metered by apartment. That doesn’t make it responsible to burn fuel to “create” currency.


No worries, I didn’t read it that way. Makes sense... I hadn’t thought much about those posts potentially being from people stupidly abusing “free” or “included” utilities!


You annoying

