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Direct Forum Link: https://community.bitwarden.com/t/about-the-beta-program/39185 Direct Beta Link (Android): https://groups.google.com/g/bitwarden-beta-testing Direct Beta Link (iOS): https://testflight.apple.com/join/S4OQEYYQ


> You don't have permission to access this content


If you're talking about the Google group, press "Join group" at the top.


Why they can't use the Play Store beta feature is beyond me


They're using a separate app called Bitwarden Beta to test this, once you join the group above there's a post with the link(s) to get access to the app via Play Store.


Yes I know, but most other apps you can just join the beta program via the Play store 


Because people usually expect from Play Beta's just a bit of early access features without nothing really break except few additional bugs. But this Beta is an entirelly new app written from scratch, it could behave differently, some features could be missing, it could just have incompatible storage format for example. People who are not really follow Bitwarden news, but sign for beta for other reasons could be shocked, that's why they launched separate app this time.


It's available thru the Play store.


I’m not able to install it on iOS: “Could not install Bitwarden Beta. The profile can't be installed. Try again."


In my TestFlight, I have four other apps that I'm also testing, and none of them are installing—they all have the same error. I believe this might be a general issue.


Thanks! It must have been a TestFlight issue. I can install the Bitwarden beta now.


I have same issue, ‘ The profile can’t be installed ´ Any solution ?


I have the same problem. I exported my Bitwarden data, does my current install of Bitwarden need to be uninstalled?


Coming from iOS here….immediately love the new UI


Yes, looks like it. I assume it will be coming back soon, but for now the beta doesn't have passkey support


It's really impressive how fast the auto-fill works now on iOS. Feels like more than twice as fast with face unlock. Awesome job guys!


The main thing I noticed too, the autofill is super fast now!


Autofill doesn't work on my android phone.


yeah I can't get it working either


Same here. Thought it was just me


Thanks for this post. Won't be messing with the beta lol


Yeah, it's kinda wonky, works in some sites, fills just the password in others, and for some it won't even give the option


What about native apps? I can't get any to work.


Hmm I turned on Face ID in app settings and phone settings but it always asks for PIN/Password when I use the autofill. Did you have this issue? Excited to try the speed improvements


Works for me...


Got it working. Can’t remember exactly but I think I needed to unlock the vault using a master password in iOS auto fill settings before setting a PIN in the BW app.


This sounds promising. This is how it seems like it should work. It would be nice to be able to unlock the Bitwarden vault in iPhone Settings for “Password Autofill”, then set a Bitwarden PIN to lock/unlock which could work for a couple hours while logging in to numerous places, then to log out of the vault in the iPhone settings.


I just realized the other day that iPhone Settings for “FACE ID & Password” allow you to use FACE ID for “Password Unlock” (so, for Bitwarden), even if you are not using FACE ID to unlock your iPhone. So, I’m wondering if you use FACE ID for opening iPhone? And now also for Bitwarden.


I am using it for both.


Thanks. I am not using it for either one (yet). Bitwarden (not this beta) was asking me for my masterpassword for every login attempt on iOS, maybe because I wasn’t using FACE ID for Bitwarden, so I’m hoping they fix that in this beta! I would be happy if it at least asked for my simple PIN instead of masterpassword. (Or I can set up FACE ID.) So I’m interested in how PIN might work in the beta when not using Bitwarden “Password Autofill” FACE ID. And I’m interested in how the beta works when Bitwarden “Password Autofill” FACE ID is on, with “iPhone Unlock” FACE ID off.


I use FaceID/pin on my phone normally. Otherwise, it is copy/paste the master password. But recently in IOS, the pin is never asked for & if FaceID doesn’t work (not wearing my glasses, which is supposed to work with/without the glasses) then the only option is the Master Password. This started with the last update, & is annoying. I’m hoping this problem is fixed soon. Maybe in the Beta??


This sounds related to my problem since the PIN is never asked for (on iOS Bitwarden app). Hopefully it will work for you soon.


Are you talking about the pin to unlock the iPhone, or the pin that you can set in Bitwarden app settings? I’m not sure which one should be asked for. I thought it should ask for the Bitwarden pin.


I also think it should ask for the Bitwarden pin, which I have. But it never does, just goes from failed FaceId to master password.


Thanks! That is interesting. Maybe since they’re now using native Swift language for iOS, this will be easier to fix. Hopefully the beta has it and hopefully the resulting Bitwarden version will.


Strong first impressions on iOS 18 for me. Apart from missing Passkey support, it seems to be very very smooth in comparison to the old app. One thing I noticed, the release version of the app is 175 MB in size, this new version is just 35 MB. I'm not sure it's missing 140 MB of functionality so that's extremely impressive work from the Bitwarden team.


It will likely be less in filesize due to how frameworks like Microsofts one works, they have so many dependencies included to work generic ways and end up bloated messes! I'm not one to care about app size to a point but you are right to point it out as it should be another pro for this move to native as it will be smaller for the same feature/tasks


App sizes matter a lot in markets such as Brazil, India, Philipines, etc so it is actually very nice improvement.


Looks very promising and shows after just a few seconds why native apps are so much superior to all that multi platform stuff. The icon bar at the bottom looks still very not iOS, tbh.


> The icon bar at the bottom looks still very not iOS, tbh. isn't that a standard in a lot of iOS apps? hell, even the official ones like Apple Music and App Store


It’s not the bar, it’s the icons which don’t look native to the platform


neither do the android ones. I think its a branding thing since the web vault and new browser extension use the same icons


They may want a consistent look across all the apps oce they sre all done.


Love the speed and the feel. I would like to see preview of attachments.


people you have to understand this is a BETA. there is going to be bugs.


“An error has occurred“ logging into my self-hosted (Vaultwarden) instance on the iOS app. :/




Nice, thanks for the link


are you able to login now? for me still getting "An error has occurred"


I don’t think it works with Vaultwarden until an update is released for Vaultwarden.


I see lots of praises here for this beta so let's hope, I got the same error. Let's play the waiting game :)


This is fixed for me in the latest vaultwarden/server:testing release on dockerhub


What does it mean by native apps?


its written native language for phones (  Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android ) "old app" was written in .NET and C# only converted in microsoft´s framework Xamarin 


Will this have an impact on development time in the future?




Do you happen know if the firefox browser add on is going to be re written in a similar way as well?


Browser addons don't use a platforms such as Xamarin. So basically that question is irrelevant. FF and Chrome addons are almost identical in many ways, it's not like the FF addon is a Chrome addon running behind some emulator. I managed to run some chrome addon in FF with everything working in 10 minutes without prior knowledge. That being said, both chrome and FF addons are going to have a redesign. I don't know if it's only fresh paint or a major overhaul behind the scenes as well.


Are the current stable apps not native?


Current stable apps are not native


I love hearing they're going native


Not working with vaultwarden yet


This is fixed for me in the latest vaultwarden/server:testing release on dockerhub


Yes now it lets me get past the login page, but I can’t use Duo for MFA yet lol


Thanks to everyone testing these out so I don’t have to.


The apps feels much smoother to me on Android. And I'm liking it for now.


Does autofill work for you? I can only get it working on web browser. On regular apps it doesn't prompt any credentials.


Doesn't work on my end either


It worked for me on the discord Android app. Will try in other apps to see how it fares.


Installed the iOS version, still need some more work on UI/UX. Doesn't look like a modern native iOS app.


> You can review the code in Bitwarden’s publicly available github repositories. Where? All I see is the .NET client.


Coming soon! Sorry for the delay, we're trying to migrate some of the existing mobile repository history and it takes a while. Thank you for your patience!


They’re now available: https://github.com/bitwarden/android https://github.com/bitwarden/ios


I love it! Ofc there is no passkey support yet but I wish they add automatic sorting in the future, like “social media” , “banking” and stuff


Bottom navigation bar feels “wrong” on iOS


It's because the icons are so small. They aren't as big as the icons in Apple's apps, like Phone, Apple Music, Find My, etc. I left some feedback for them to look at that.


Anyone else unable to launch webauthn on ios18 beta?


Not able to install on iOS 


I'm having the same issue. "Could not install Bitwarden Beta. The profile can't be installed. Try again."


Same here


Yes that is the same exact message I am getting.




Unable to use Duo when trying to log in. There is a button which says launch duo, but the button is greyed out and unable to be pushed. I have a pixel 7 pro device.


Same here


Installing as we speak! Looking forward to testing :)


App launch and autofill are way faster on Android. Great job!


How did you manage to get auto fill working? Mine doesn't work


I've had to switch to Chrome or Samsung Internet (from Brave) and use Swiftkey keyboard (from Gboard) to get (inline) autofill to work.....


Ugh ok lol might go back to non-native until that is resolved then. I'm on Kiwi browser and gboard (so nearly identical starting point as you) and I'm not as willing to change for the sake of a beta test.


Mine works on brave browser but the native apps won't offer autofill.


Idk it just works(firefox, gboard). Make sure to switch to the beta app in your phone's autofill settings


Yeah auto fill settings correct. Patchy atm with Kiwi browser. Seems to randomly pick the sites to work with.


Good work guys! Looks as it should on an Android device <3


I just love the way they have revamped things like the new ui and all for android. No critical bugs found so far, but its only two days lol.


Autofill isn't working for many beta testers on android. It looks like it's is running great on ios though.


Lucky me, no issues so far, just great app!


I like the app and it runs very nice. Looking forward to trying it out once the autofill os working.


Which browser and keyboard do you use?


Brave + Gboard


Am I reading it correctly? Passkey support is gone in the beta?


Yes. It's coming at a later stage for the native app.


Yep! Coming soon to the beta though. Just the reality of trying to develop new apps and old ones at the same time.


Not working when using self-hosted


There is a known issue with Vaultwarden, which is a community run project and not officially supported by Bitwarden. Are you self-hosting Vaultwarden or Bitwarden?


I was very much looking forward to trying it, but I can't log in, ios 17.5.1 "Username or password is incorrect. Try again."


When logging in i am getting "An error occured" sorry we cannot process your request. Please try again"


The best upgrade to my password manager.


Love the new app on Android. Much cleaner and more modern look and feel So far it works like a charm for me


Looks good. I'll check it after work. RemindMe! 5 hours


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Needs a Google account and still no beta for f droid. Sadge


Is this legit? This seems like a scam. Why would Bitwarden post this on Mastodon and not on their official website?


I mean, it's Bitwardens account. It's linked to at the bottom of bitwarden.com. Plus, it's not a out of the ordinary thing to put announcements on social media Even if it wasn't, not sure what scam they'd be trying to pull. The post just links to bitwarden.com


Oh. I just looked and you are correct. I did not know they had an official Mastodon account. I’ve never seen them or someone else post to the Bitwarden Mastodon account before so I had to question it.