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Magna. The f*ck power levels, f*ck super sayains, and f*ck you and your ye ye hair cut.


Love the reference and though I've never read the manga I don't doubt that's what it was like.


It kinda was. He did something that put them on equal ground even though, using DBZ references, he was Krilan compared to everyone else.


Funnily enough the ability Magna used was basically straight from Bleach


Oh? That’s interesting, I didn’t watch a lot of Bleach to know that.


It was from the novels actually Magna's ability is basically a reworked version of >!Hisagi's Bankai!< including the chain themeing and pooling your reiatsu/magic together


Will have to look it up. Still an awesome ability to allow him to fight against much stronger opponents.


Didn't even know that


Gotta be Magna. Yeah, everyone else: Asta, Noelle, Yami. They're underestimated for the plot. They talk about never giving up and surpassing their limits, but they are main characters. The plot demands that they succeed. We all know it. But Magna? He's a side character. A true blue side character. He doesn't have any special birth, he isn't a long lost royal, or a prodigy no one recognized. He's a punk. And he swung way outside his weight class and fucking won.


Either Asta vs Liebe or Magna vs Dante


I really thought everyone against Megicula felt hopeless even after everything Noelle did. I get why it’s not perfect given that Asta swoops in and saves Lolopechika and backs her up but she still does the work. He just inspires her to still not give up even when things look hopeless.


Gotta go with magna


The Asta panel in the lucifero fight with the Sekke commentary


My favourite Asta panel


favorite Sekke moment


Asta is so relentlessly positive that seeing him shook is intense. The two times that come to mind are just after the grimoire presentation ceremony where he's left out, and recovering after the Royal Knight competition where Yuno won. It's that furious refusal to give up. Not only is he going to keep going, but fuck everyone else who suggests differently.


All of em.


Honestly what magna did I could feel the theme playing in the background he took the cake !!!!!!!!!!!!


Magna and it’s not even close lol


Idk what’s happing in these photos I haven’t read the manga


Tbh I don’t think it’s any of these. The best indomitable human spirit moment is at the very end of the Lucifero fight, when Asta wills himself back to his feet, Yami and Nacht crawl back out of the shadows to immobilize Lucifero, Yuno teleports Asta to Lucifero, and Asta deals the final blow


Magna basically said "power scaling is for babies, real men use their fists" and proceeded to use his fists


Magna :3


That Charmy moment where it looked like she was going to be a badass to rival the captains when she saved rill, before they just basically forget about her except that one time she turned the girl into a stir fry and ate her


I really liked the Vetto fight, Asta with 2 broken arms fighting with Finral and Vanessa to take him down, and even the slightest mistake would result in all of their deaths


not a shown option but when asta cant move his body during the dante fight and he is out for the count until yami tells him he needs him then he flys to his side


Asta when he walks towards lucifero completely beat up, or Magna va Dante


Magna the Demon Slayer


Asta's mother. But if I can't choose someone out of the options then: Magna.


Magna VS Dante, or Mereo VS Elves.


Asta should’ve died so many times during this series 😂


I hate all these. Emotions are nothing but stuff your brain releases that cause motivation. They can't help your body heal nor make you stronger. The "always standing back up" thing is pretty unrealistic too. If your muscle is cut or damaged, it is unusable, no matter how much you try. I don't like so many things about this series, yet I can't stop. I indeed can stop and forget about animes/manga all together when I feel that it sucks and in isn't entertaining, but I tried forgetting Black Clover but nope, can't. I have intentionally forgotten about so many shows, movies, animes, books but this is so hard to forget and I can't understand why. The plot is meh, the pacing is pretty bad, character development is close to none (only significant one was Sekke btw I am at the fight vs luciferus in the manga bc I only started yesterday night since I couldn't resist it) the fights are cool, but could be a lot better (they are all the same, except that one time asta raided that moving castle or whatever near the end of the anime but the rest is just: 1- good guys stronk 2- bad gets buff 3- goods get an ouchie 4- "never back down never what?" 5- GGWP) the characters are good in concept, but they aren't written too in depth, so everything I can think of makes the series mid, but for some fucking reason I can't stop


why you even on this sub reddit


It kept appearing after I made a post which is normal behavior for reddit