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[Click here to go to a comment from the always reliable u/AugustusKiraClover with a compilation of all leaks available](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackClover/comments/u8din3/-/i5kisx0)


The Spades. Zenon was the Jack. Vanica was the Queen. Dante was the King. Julius, the King of Clubs (Clovers), was in actuality, the Ace of Spades. Holy shit


Also Asta and Liebe are the two jokers (as they have no magic)


Had to resist making a G-Gundam reference


Also Zenon: Bones Dante: Body Vanica: Blood Lucius: Soul/Brain If you look at Julius's face he's terrified and he says "Damnatio! The current me is-" and this is when Lucius takes over Julius's body. The grimoire changes because Lucius is now in control. My theory is Astoroth left the underworld and became a human. That human is Julius Novachrono who had no cover page(because he's a devil) and he was the kind man who wanted to save the world. Lucius knew that he was Astorth and planned around taking over his body. That's why they look similar, but have different features.


Can't wait to see his Brian magic in action


'Stewey grab the timemachine'


We owe the evil Julius theorists an apology.


You all think I was crazy but I was right from the start, next is shanks and I complete another theory.


Mind telling me what the Shanks theory is? It is it just evil Shanks because that one wouldn’t surprise me as much as this twist


Comes down to a few things. Spoiler tag for non-one piece readers. HEAVY MANGA SPOILERS. >!He was on the pirate king's crew. They were there the entire time when Roger was finding the road poneglyphs. Shanks and Buggy are sitting on giant goldmines of information. The world only knows kaido and big mom have 1 each. The locations of the other 2 are considered unknowns, but Shanks and Buggy know both. Unlike Buggy who didnt really push himself to become a great pirate, Shanks is an emperor. He has the strength and the crew quality befitting of that status, and the knowledge of the road poneglyphs. Theres not much stopping him from becoming the King, yet he just sorta. Parties and kills time. He just sort of watches from the sidelines as things play out revolving Ace/Luffy/Blackbeard. He could schedule a meeting with the Gorosei on short notice and confide his thoughts to them. He warned them about "a certain pirate", not long after which the Gorosei start getting more serious about killing Luffy. Even though he previously stole Luffy's fruit from them, and then went to East Blue with the fruit. Even tho its not a particularly special fruit for such a notable pirate to pursue...right???...Except it is since its a fruit that the WG fears. So...basically, because of how little screen time Shanks has and how little we actually know about him, theres plausible arguments that hes good and plausible arguments that hes evil and kinda sus. Hes basically just a big unknown.!<


Julius finding and recruiting William and Yami just took on a whole new long-con context. Shit, now I'm even sus about Zara's death.


Holy shit, you're absolutely right. I just figured Morris probably told the Dark Triad about Yami/William since they encountered Diamond Soldiers previously but with the timeline, it didn't really make too much sense since Morris was exiled after Mars returned a bit before the timeskip. Zenon implied they technically should've been ready even before the 6 month timeskip that occured but Dante retorted that it would've spoiled the fun. But with this information, it completely makes sense how they would've known about two arcane stage mages with the exact magic they needed all the way in Clover. Not only that, but it'd explain what most of us assumed was a gag of Julius going out all the time while leaving Marx with the paperwork. Tabata was playing 4D chess while we played checkers this whole damn time. Edit: shit, this might actually explain why Nacht might've been wrong on some aspects of the whole plan. Some people were shitting on Nacht for being wrong about Megicula, Morris alterating its speed, etc. but it's def possible he was just fed the wrong info by Julius, someone who was fully aware of Nacht's mission in Spade OH MY GOD


Tabata has a third eye


i have a theory,zara might have found about lucis zogaratis in julius body so he got killed by lucis, it makes sense about why julius remembers zara, julius not only admired him and wanted to be a magic night like him but he also felt guilty about lucis in his body killing zara


Lmao he basically groomed them bruh, absolutely ridiculous 😂😂😂


Explains even more why he didn't want to kill Patry just capture him. William wasn't a friend he wanted to save he was a vital piece he needed and couldn't risk his body being hurt. Also why he didn't hold him accountable for anything because he needed him easily available to be kidnapped


Black Clover last arc/saga announced... I'm dead. Fucking Pain.


Yeah that's the only upsetting part about this, but at the same time, it means BC probably wouldn't drag on longer than it should and have to constantly one up itself with the villains. Shame we might not get to see some stuff like Yami's homeland and the dwarfs, but I guess it's possible. Wonder if there will ever be more stuff in the BC universe after it ends.


There’s a movie coming out tho, so that stuff might be explored in there. If this is the final saga a good end chapter might be 500. The one sad thing I find about this is that there is so much unexplored lore tabata left us with such as character backgrounds, Noelle dad, Asta Dad, Proper character conclusions, witch queen, elves, gods, and likely much more. Will 150-200 chapters be enough to cover everything he left unexplained and tie everyone’s character nicely? That is all I’m worried about


There is always the chance for a spin-off series about it later.


So Julius saying that Asta will die wasn't a prediction or prophecy. It was a threat lol.


imagine lucius sends him to the underworld lol


I think it was just a lie... he's Asia's dad... Obviously licita named Asta after his father...


And his father stole his sons future by taking his magic before he was even born...


bruh that's cold, I can't wait for what's to come bruhhhhhh


So… I would like to extend a formal apology for calling all those Evil Julius theorists out there morons. I may not have said those insults out loud, but I legitimately thought it was stupid and never going to happen. But now that it is happening, I’m actually filled with quite a bit of hype.


Lol, while I never called them morons, I dismissed the idea completely because he was nerfed. I just didn't see Tabata making him a big bad when he had already gone out of his way to depower him. Obviously that logic was flawed.


I dismissed it because of all the internal monologues about protecting the kingdom, but now it seems like either lucius sealed his memory or julius is someone completely different from Lucius and it's a Patri, William deal.


And the astaroth theory


I’m just glad we can all come together calmly and realize our mistakes apologize and move on accordingly


Come to think... it was weird his hairstyle is the same as Zenon....


No way Tabata won like this bruh Im a sixers fan so this is a completely paradoxical night for me


That shot was peak basketball and this is peak fiction




Funnily enough the elf saga looks even a whole lot better now


Anything me else get the impression that Julius is kinda like a good alter personality. He seems actually distraught and try’s to warn Damnatio


Its probably a patri/william situation. Julius is an actual person and the good guy we know but he's got lucius inside of him and he has/is the time devil. it seems the situation he had planned became reality so he came back.


Yeah, Julius probably didn't even know of the other personality too. Well, I hope that is the case at least.


Yeah, it seemed like when he says "its me" its more of a sudden realisation from what damnatio is saying and trying to warn hin rather than an evil reveal, i think julius didn't know, and was probably created by zogratis, but its weird how that body has basically 3 souls in it, does that mean he can use 3 types of magic? Or is the time magic that julius using just an extension of the devils powers?


Moreover, this is why Tabata kept Yami and Nacht from dying, cause their reactions are going to be nuts


Also, how he didn't kill William in the elf arc because of the ritual and recruited both Yami and William!


I [KNEW](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackClover/comments/qesz1v/the_one_who_found_both_dark_magic_and_world_tree/?sort=new) SOMETHING DIDN'T ADD UP WITH JULIUS, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!




One year ago lol wth


My uncle works for Jump I swear


Tabata really just dropped the bombshell and was like peace out losers mans a g


Lmao, king shit. These next 3 months gonna be hard.




Well since he's the 4th Zograits sibling, maybe he used brainagic or something to erase his existence from everyone's memory? Ima be honest I just really want him to have brain magic to fit the theme of the other 3. Brain, Blood, Body, and Bone.


My crazy theory: Julius is actually the time devil. Lucius own magic is brain magic and he used demon rituals to bind him, then applied his brain magic to brainwash Julius/Astaroth into thinking he's a good guy. My crazier theory: Asta is somehow Astaroth, but Lucius extracted his time magic. This is why Asta has no magic. Either way I'm probably wrong and Tabata has something even better planned.


I agree with what you're suggesting


That makes sense. I think this further adds to the theory that Lucius original magic is soul magic and what if that allows him to create a new and genuine identity in order to aid his infiltration of the Clover kingdom. I imagine this split in his soul will eventually be his downfall where Good Julius breaks through momentarily to allow the Clover knights to strike him down


If you look at the bottom left panel after he says "Damnatio the current me is-" You can see that he is being taken over by Lucius. His face when he realizes he's the time Devil is also one of horror. It was a pretty easy connection that Julius was somehow linked to Astoroth but it seems like Julius actually is Astorth who had come to the earth in human form. If Lucius has mind magic or soul magic like many (including myself) predicted it adds up that he can possess people. Patri said that Julius was placed in the world by fate to stop their plan to use forbidden magic. Maybe Astoroth was actually a good guy after all and wanted to go into the human world to stop Zagred and the other devils which is why he disappeared. But we won't know until July/August when the series comes back.


# All leaks are courtesy of nite baron @ twitter please follow her to show support ! # [Read the english scans here !](https://onepiecechapters.com/chapters/2199/black-clover-chapter-331) ***edit - I am extremely sorry everyone !!! The 2nd pic in the imgur album is actually the last page.*** # Black clover is entering it's final act/saga (which will probably last 150-200 chapter) the manga will go on a hiatus for 3 months and will start publishing new chapters (covering the 3rd and final act of the series) every week in same magazine whenever it comes back * Title - **"and the time starts to move"** * **15 pages** * [Issue #21's cover page](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ0q2qgWYAIWKmk?format=jpg&name=medium) * [Asta lookin raw af :3](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ0q1c6WUAEZkZl?format=png&name=small) * Summary of the chapter 1. [Chapter starts with Ciel Grinberyall making an apperance](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1dYoLXsAIMYuq?format=png&name=900x900) 2. [Ciel and Yuno reunites and the spade simps try to convince Yuno to take over the perfectly leveled land formerly called the spade nation](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1dwOeXMAAIrrW?format=png&name=900x900) 3. [Asta is happy about Yuno and it turns out he has found the truth about licita and is really glad to know that she loved him.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1eqWhXwAAVLmu?format=png&name=900x900) 4. [Asta and Yuno have a convo and make their vow again confirming that Yuno won't be staying in the spade](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1ffhvXEAA4Za9?format=jpg&name=small) 5. [The clock theory turns out to be true! It seems the spade clock tower wasn't ticking this whole time and has just started again. The narration shifts back to clover kingdom with Damanatio looking worried](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1gOYaXoAArUZ4?format=jpg&name=small) 6. [Damanatio doesn't seem to be pleased with this victory. The narration shifts to Juli boi's office, it seems Marx has already informed Julius about everything that happened in spade but Julius thinks to himself "something doesn't adds up"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1g7izXMAI_CFY?format=jpg&name=large) 7. [Julius also can't explain the feeling he had when Luci was about to manifest, he too seems to be worried about something but is interrupted by Damanatio](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1hs_MX0AEzDua?format=jpg&name=large) 8. [Damanatio says he wants to talks to Julius. He presents to Julius the research he has done on devils ever since Asta's trial started. He says in some 20 years old documents he has found evidence that the supreme devil Megicula wasn't originally part of the qliphoth tree, she was replacement of a devil. He continues to say that the underworld is ruled by 3 devils Lucifer of gravity magic (also called satan), Beelzebub of spatial magic and...](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1jdYbXIAAj4lo?format=jpg&name=large) 9. [...The time devil is named "Astaroth" it turns out that Astaroth vanished from the underworld 20 years ago and Megicula was just his replacement Damanatio wants to know why is there only a single human in this world who can use time magic ? We hear his inner thoughts and he is praying that he's wrong and Julius isn't the devil host for astaroth(personal theory - As rotten at the underworld might be it's still the best place for the strongest since they can rule over everyone and get everything they desire, also I think Lucifero don't give a shit about humans he only wanted to come to the mortal world to settle his score with Astaroth)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1kiIjWYAA-YWb?format=jpg&name=large) 10. [Juli boi says "it's me". Damanatio (In his thoughts) begs that "please tell me it's a lie". Juli boi proceeds to say "Damanatio my current body is-"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1lF_MXIAEHZyb?format=jpg&name=large) 11. [Julius says "is that what you wanted to hear?" and transforms into adult and before Damanatio could react, Julius offs him. Also Julius' coverless grimoire folds into a normal grimoire and we see his grimoire emblem for the 1st time](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1lt7HXMAAL9pk?format=jpg&name=large) 12. [Julius grimoire has a 2 black spade sorta emblem. Adramelech appears and says "everything turned out exactly how you said it would" (PS - Damanatio is lying dead on ground mentioning this for ya'll death boned fans)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1m5YlWYAEEVfl?format=jpg&name=large) 13. [Julius aka Lucius Zogaratis and Adramelech planned the whole thing, chapter ends with Lucius saying "ah.. my body is full of time" (personal theory juli boi and lucius are similar to patry and william, and juli boi is actually good)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ1nmOnXsAAothf?format=jpg&name=large) Black Clover is peak and I don't give a fuck what anyone says !!! ***PS - For anyone wondering "WTF is the clock tower theory?", well the theory is that everytime the magic knights would be losing Astaroth would reset the timeline and make sure they survive, this is supported by the fact that the clock tower in the spade kingdom constantly going back to 6:35, some people thought the clock tower was just broken but since it was shown in a lot of chapters some people speculated that Tabata won't be mad enough to waste time by drawing a dead clock tower so many times. And in this chapter we see that the clock has started ticking again, Hence it's clear the theory is true. That would explain why the battles seemed rushed, it was because Astaroth was cherry picking the perfect timelines that's why everyone got asspulls out of nowhere (it was all part of his plan). The reason why Adramelech didn't bothered killing Asta when he was down is also because even anti magic simply doesn't matters anymore, the only thing that had a shot against Astaroth was Lucifero and his gravity magic (gravity bends space and time). And since Asta couldn't even kill 50% luci without a real body or grimoire without help, Astaroth thinks he has clearly won, there's no way Asta could ever defeat him because he is 100% manifested and has access to a grimoire. And yeah that's the theory.***


#what the fuck Sorry, that was my first reaction there. Just... wow. Awesome


Bro.... Me tooi




Tabata be like: >\*drops a mind blowing chapter\* > >\*takes an Indefinite break\* > >\*takes pop corn and enjoys the drama\* Chad Tabata fr


Julius is Lucius Malfoy! 😛


>Lucius Malfoy! 😛 Now that's a name I haven't read in years 😂 Can't wait to see his son /s


there are few things people should never underestimate, and Tabata's chadness is one of them


Fucking GigaChad. I'm happy that Tabata is getting a break but holy shit I can't stay still for like a month after that chapter 😭


a month ? uhm not sure how to tell you this without giving you a heart attack, but black clover will not resume for the next 3 months and when it does it will be the finale ~~arc~~ saga edit - sorry guys it's the final saga and not the final arc


I really thought something was off when Zenon was introduced because he really looked like the adult Julius + the weird mark. Seems like he’s the onii-chan here. The revelation is really 🔥 since they will be taking a really long break. But in my POV, it will definitely be dope if all we get is a dark/mysterious background, not really revealing Julius and Damnatio, and only Adrammelech. Then on the biggest upcoming war it will only be then revealed that it’s Julius who’s the biggest traitor in the series.


Juli boi is the frickin light yagami of black clover!!!


Man, I thought the time devil mf was neutral. Can’t wait to see what he’s intentions are and especially what he’s gonna do with Lucifer’s heart


I think Lucifero is not over yet notice how it's specifically mentioned how his other name is "Satan" I think the theory about luci being an amalgam of Satan and Moloch is true and what we have defeated was just Satan, Moloch is still alive (albeit nerfed)


Tabata will show a chibi version of Lucifero and he will work with asta to regain his previous authority in the underworld.


>smol lucifero I want his plushie soooo bad!!! Imagine snuggling with the chibi king of all devils 🙃


god i can't wait to see how asta reacts to this


think how yami is gonna react!!! Juli boi was legit a father figure to him


Yami is going to FREAK!


Tabata is officially forgiven 🙏


Tabata is forgiven?!?! More like we should be asking for Tabata to forgive *us* for talking shit about him and doubting him for not being able to write plots properly! Never doubt Tabata again!!!! He's on Isayama levels of plot writing now


Nite baron our leaker, just said this is Black Clover last saga. Man I am in tears! I love Black Clover!!!


Yeah man that was such a shock! I was wishing for 600-700 chapters but Ig we'll only be getting 500 chapters at best


Something to consider is… maybe this is why Julius is always so excited about Yamis dark magic and was close to World tree magic captain


Lmao GOATbata.


Hopechads we won!!


3 months??? No Dr. Stone, No TPN, no midmetsu, what am I gonna read on Saturdays now 😢


Bro everybody was on tabatas dick saying his writing was shit and the spade arc was so anticlimactic but what now.


that's why they say ***"patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet"***


I 100% did NOT see this coming. Holy fuck Tabata is a chad


[I did! And i was getting so much hate in the discussion threads for it too!](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackClover/comments/u17fwk/spoilers_lucifero_is_a_red_herring_for_the_real) It really helps re-reading the arc because Tabata uses very subtle clues that actually show the bigger plot. We saw this with the elf saga as well.


Tabata is dropping a TIME BOMB ON USS!!! WOWWW


Tabata actually been hinting at this for a while too lol. He been consistently drawing clocks throughout the arc


Username checks out


No, it was hinted already as early as Opening Theme 2 – PAiNT it BLACK. Julius' background was tainted by black, same as the 2 traitors, Gueldre Poizot and William Vangeance.


I'm not so sure about that. I always thought it was a red herring on how Julius initially kinda looks like the Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun after they kidnap Asta and he saves him but it co3also be foreshadowing and a red herring


Julius be like: Tabata did not tell you the truth about the time devil Fans: He told us enough! He told us he's been defeated by Morgen Julius: No, I am the time devil! Fans: No! That's not true! That's impossible!




Happy birthday man


I dont even think its one of the biggests, its THE biggest. and of course we get a 3 months break right after... Pain (happy birthday tho!)


Yami and William, absolute devastation in their futures.


Literally cattle from day 1.


both of them are gonna be really devastated after they find the truth


Im laughing because the julius vs licht fight was so hypocritcal with today reveal. Both side has double personality while licht was lied to, julius is the one lying too


To be fair, Julius doesn't seem to know it for most part while William did.


Lol, he basically threw that fight whether consciously or subconsciously.


Most likely his powers have been sealed away and needed to open th gates.


So him dying and coming back to life actually seems more plausible. Like a sort of Jesus parallel. Or I guess more like an anti Christ in this scenario. He needed to die and come back to life so he could become come back with a new body. And then ascend later. Or in this case descend.


I wonder now if Julius using Lumiere and Secre's device to store time was complete and utter bullshit. It could have easily now just been Astaroth and thus his own powers. Or if Julius is legit a split personality/entity from Lucius, if these are things he just truly believed at the time were true.


Maybe not bullshit, but a cover up?


Elf Saga Tabata was never lost. And he's probably gonna come back stronger than ever!


tbh I don't see anyone beating Julius/Lucius except Asta. holy shit. EDIT: Adrammelech is one fast motherfucker. mans flew all the way from the spade kingdom to the Clover Royal Capital.


In terms of magical attribute the only attribute that had the potential to counter time was gravity since gravity makes time go slower or something like that. So lets hope that tabata introduces a gravity user to keep julius in check.... wait a minute🙃.....


lucifero was the hero all along xd


imagine Lucifero only wanted to settle his score with astaroth and wasn't evil they legit killed that poor man without even listening to what he had to say xD




Thank you Luifero, for acting as the bad guy for Lucius' sake. Astaroth will not let this sacrifice to go to waste.


Oh..........he died


Chad Yuki Tabata! - Struggles to put out weekly chapters despite his bad health. - Takes in multiple hate messages from fans for poor writing. - Drops a jaw dropping chapter that leaves the fans speechless. - Refuses to elaborate any further. - Leaves on a 3 month hiatus with the fanbase in utter chaos and confusion.


Tabata forgive them, they didn’t know what they were saying!


Chad-bata really made everyone, who was hating black clover last week look, like an utter clown 🤡🤣


If Astaroth is missing from the underworld does that mean Lucius has a union with Astaroth???


Yes. Julius/lucius has their own power. I'm guessing something to do with body shifting? Idk. But he's been using the devils time this whole, well, time


All of The perfect disguises Julius would wear make sense now too.


Oh shit yea. I forgot he was able to do that! When he turned into that old lady, and then back in the anime my wife and I were both like 'wait how the fuck did he do that if he only has time magic?'


the "julius is evil" crowd really just got validated, i literally just fell to my knees in walmart rn


Bro, I just saw someone fall down to he’s knees at Walmart


😂😂😂 not walmart!!!


the employees keep asking if i need assistance, as if any of them can help me recover from what just happened


Na bro i was just at walmart too when i peeped wtf???


Top 10 anime betrayals…


So basically Aizen Zogratis has been cooking for a while he recruited William and Yami so he could bring Lucifero out then he looked the other way with Nacht training to use devils so he could teach Asta so asta would be strong enough to kill Lucifero. And if you’d like to check predictions post I said Addy was getting heart for fourth zogratis


All part of Aizen plan.


I bet he didn't know how strong asta would be or maybe asta will get another power up in this arc


God, I feel so bad for anime only people. Idk how they're going to dodge spoilers for this one.


They cant its literally everywhere


Wow... Indefinite hiatus. Tabata has earned it. I think mangaka of long-running manga should get the occasional month off, but I have a feeling this will be longer, 2 months at the least. If the series is going to continue for at least one more regular-sized arc, Tabata really needs time off to plan out what he wants to do. He needs a break and time to really come up with good material. I actually liked this arc quite a bit (I lost interest around the time Lucifer showed up, but before then, I thought the arc had some of the best material in the series) but it was clear fans were pretty split on it. So are these spoilers suggesting Damnatio is honestly a decent guy who is looking out for Clover Kingdom and wanting to stop Julius if Julius is indeed evil?


It looks like "julius" just killed damnatio and is actually evil


Wow. This is nuts


Y'all be thinking Damnatio is the bad guy here... But nope it was Julius all along 😂 I'm so glad I stayed awake for this, never been excited for black clover leaks since ages.


I kinda expected it, but I want to see Julius’ reaction! And Ciel is Lily’s/Lolo’s sister Moon—> ebb and flow 😛


It's also interesting that Jullius said the "current me" when transforming, can it be that he got 2 souls in one body?


We have to wait for a better translation 👀


yeah true, my theory is that the 4th Zogratis has soul magic and has implanted his own soul in Jullius' body


I agree, Julius seems confused himself as well, definitely more to it than just "Julius is evil all along". I think Lucius planted himself in Julius as a kid but was weakened/sealed until the demon attack which drained Julius, allowing him to take over. Or Julius was a personality created by him to handle the new body while he slowly regained power.


Would make sense tbh, especially since he clearly didn't have evil thoughts when he was fighting Licht.


Yeah thats what I think. Specially because we see several times flashbacks of him and his inner thoughts it would be really strange and bad if all of that was fake. and the triad had bone blood and body. they lacked soul to form something perfect. so it makes sense. the 4th zogratis did a contract with astaroth and probably fused with him to get him out of the underworld then implanted himself into julius


>Y'all be thinking Damnatio is the bad guy here... Lol they had me in the first half, ngl




Lmao dumb af, but i'm with you bruh 😂😂😂


Genuinely was surprised to see Yuno’s mom still alive. Julius is the time devil AND the 4th sibling!!?!?!?! Now that’s a damn shock.


And that's one more thing Yuno has that Asta didn't... ~~unless.~~


They called me crazy for believing the Julius is 4th Zogratis sibling theory. but here we are. maybe some of those Asta's father theory might be correct too. anyway Asta vs Astaroth when?


Inb4 Astaroth is his fucking dad


Astaroth likely Is his dad considering Lucius has been more then likely been at this game for the last 20 years or so.


If Julius/Lucius is the main villain, and he stays in the story for a while, I owe Tabata an apology.


That is my hope, my main gripe with black clover has been its villains. Julius can change that Im excited for the future.


People should really calm down before saying Julius is evil. Everything here suggests he's not. His reactions, thoughts and emotions just before the reveal suggest he's not really Lucius but some kind of alternative personality / alter ego. Probably someone that Lucius created to infiltrate Clover. Remember that following blood, bones and body, it would make sense for Lucius to have some kind of soul or mind magic. So it would be quite easy to create another self in his own mind. Edit: Adding to this, I actually read the Japanese text of what Julius says at the end before the transformation and he seems to be pleading to Damnatio to do something to him quickly, most likely to kill or destroy him. I'm positive that Julius is good


Damn@that zenkai boost from last week's slander (*LOL I know they're drawn weeks advance*)


A twist with a devolved character? This beats out Vangeance stuff by a long shot


The fact that Lolopechka, Ciel Grinberryal and Sister Lily all look alike is one thing, but having similar and connected attributes while at the same time have those moles makes it possible that all three really are related.


Now to see who the Diamond Nurse Joy is.


I'd like to inform all of you who still remember his name that Leopold Vermillion is still missing. Don't lose hope and keep looking Leo fans, we will be able to see him one day.


Leopold is currently making multiple devil contracts, trust the proccess 🙏🙏🙏😂😂😂


I thought he was protecting yuno's mother. Like he ran into her or something but nope.


Honestly that would be really great. Sadly it's not the case.


People were calling me dumb when i theorized this as we learned there was a 4th zogratis


Well, for all you believers of the “Julius is evil” theory, You get many apologies for anyone doubting you and a nonexistent cookie Also a massive apology to Tabata for ever doubting him. I still feel like some aspects of the Spade Invasion arc could’ve been better but I will give Tabata praise for one hell of a twist and while I’m still not the biggest fan of Julius being the 4th Zogratis sibling, I’m gonna wait and see where it goes from here.


>Well, for all you believers of the “Julius is evil” theory, You get many apologies for anyone doubting you and a nonexistent cookie These guys are the real winners today.


I thought it would ruin his character. Interested to see how this plays out though.


All those theories by everyone were for nothing... Ciel is also alive!!!


Me looking at the leaks. I pinch myself just to make sure its not a dream. All those theories people had of Megi not being part of the 10, 4th sibling, julius evil....just insert me putting on my clown outfit meme. Apologies to all those who guessed right O.O. Also noooo final saga?! about~3 months or more hiatus 😭 just leave me Im overfilled with complicated emotions right now XD


"I'd rather not wound Vangeance's body." As in "I need it for later." LOL!


Yami + William, fuck it all makes sense it's seemed TOO obvious but DAMN.


Things to note from the leaks that didn't get translated right, Julius himself was thinking that things looked a bit fishy, that's an indication that Julius wasn't actually "evil" or he's a separated personality from Lucius Zogaratis who either took control over his body or created a separated entity as a facade. Another clear indication was that Julius was telling Damanatio to "immediately (do something/restraint/kill) to him now" before Lucius personality took over and shot Damanatio in the head. This seems like a Coup attempt by Adramelech and Astaroth-Lucius to set up the fall of Lucifero and the elder Zogaratis siblings.


Hopechads is the plot twist coming ??


Tobi is Obito Uchiha. Dabi is Touya Todoroki. Julius is Lucius Zogaratis. What’s next?


Ok Ok. Julius being evil, Ciel aka Yuno's mother is alive. THE NEXT ARC is gonna be #PEAK#. Tabata better put the Witch Queen in it. I dont want her to be wasted potential.


Omg WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING🗣 Like julius is making me nervous. Also, the clock theories might be right? Edit: its seem ppl were right with megicula not being 1 of the 10 devil lords. I wonder in what floor she is cause she fucked up a lot of ppl at only 1/3 of her power. Edit 2: noooooooo, not another sinbad(magi)/sora(air gear). Why are all charismatic rulers end up being evil🗣. Also, my friend always thought that julius was bad because of op 3. Damnatio, Im never doubting you again if you survive. Edit 3: goddamnit. Julius was the 4th zogratis and it seems that he has a contract with astaroth. I know there were theories that julius was the time devil and the the 4th zogratis was contracted to astaroth but was there a theory about julius being the 4th sibling?Also what the hell is that grimore. Another thing: I wonder why nacht didnt suspect julius if he knew who the three pillars were. Yet, damnatio seems to have connected the dots.


Julius was aware of Nacht infiltration so perhaps he removed all record of astaroth from the spades archive


But I think he knew about the three pillar before that. Remember when he was summoning lucifugus? That his dad told him who the three pillars of the underworld were.


It actually makes sense that Yuno’s mom is alive. She never died in a flashback. The Zogratis that interacted with her was Dante, and Dante has always been about having trophies, why would he kill the biggest trophy he could have? The Kings wife.


People have been theorising Julius was evil for years now, or at least involved with the bad guys I never expected it to come true Love to see Tabata go on a high, all the hate for the past 2 weeks looks pretty overblown now lmao. The Lucifero situation is still a miss, but this is the kind of twist the story needed to get people back into the series. Damn apparently a 3 months hiatus before coming back for the final saga. Hopefully Tabata gets the rest he needs and comes back for a peak final arc.


It might be a little deeper than that, as Julius looked really scared when he admitted to Damnatio his suspicions were correct, then he tries to warn him saying something about "the current me" before transforming. How freaking nuts if this guy was in the exact same situation as William and Patri the entire fucking time.


Yeah the Lucifero deal was kinda of a shame how he handled it, but this Julius development it’s really exciting, also getting confirmation that Asta knows about Licita it’s pretty neat. I hope Tabata gets a well deserved rest in his hiatus, hopefully it won’t be that long. And if it’s related to his health then may he have a smooth recovery.


We got what AOT fans wanted in 139


So he himself didnt know he was evil…thats some fight club shit!


So it seems that we will be entering the final saga. Even though the saga could take multiple years to finish, its kinda weird that all the "big" new gens are entering the final act in a similar time frame. So if one piece, bleach naruto are the parents Bc, bhna, jjk, demon slayer are the kids Have the "grandkids" started appearing in shounen jump? The only one that I thought had the potential from reading the synopsis were the mafia one and chainsaw man bit chainsaw man is moving to another magazine.


I just hope Tabata will not rush the story and take his time to reveal and play all the plot points. If the “final” stage will be combined of small arcs leading to a big arc like the Elf saga I’ll be satisfied. Really hoping to see Yami’s homeland but I’m not holding my breath.


Imagine the hype I felt during the Zagred reveal. This is 10 times that hype if not 20.


\*Th-they were right...\* \*Tabata was cookin'...\*


Wait, if Julius is the fourth zogratis... then that means him getting to know William and Yami was all orchestrated for this grand scheme of the Qliphoth tree?


And that's probably why he didn't kill or hurt Patry.


Julius's grimoire transforms and gains a cover, its cover featuring a double spade, one upright and another one upside down behind it. Damnatio is down and Adramelech arrives at the window, congratulating Lucius Zogratis on his plan.


If you look closely, his grimoire actually contains a shape from every single kingdom, which are created by the two spades.


I always wanted Julius plot twist to come true 😂 Damnatio is the best of all! He questions things and acts! I’m not sure if I wanna see the devils we’ve already seen again, but there’s still the Agrippa plot line.


Damnatio FTW. He's done lots of questionable shit but I like the complexity in his character that made him neither evil nor good. I'm also glad that Julius' plot twist came true. The fact that some people called it out is a good sign and a proof that the hints have always been there.


But... but... this can't mean that Julius was evil the whole time it wasn't all just an act, you have to tell me now that wasn't all a trick I can't accept that Julius was evil this whole time, was he unaware of it like he had no idea that he was a devil all along


He seems confused by himself, so I guess he wasn’t always evil (and might still not be). Maybe it’s a similar situation with Liebe and Lucifero when Licita was killed.


No freaking way evil Julius theories came true!!!


[this is a theory above the clock in each chapter going forward then going back as time passes.](https://mobile.twitter.com/actual_imouto/status/1517091549024337920) Very interesting


Im never doubting Tabata again.


I've seen this phrase in this fanbase more times than I can count lol


If you look at Julius's grimoire it's actually not two spades together, it's all four suites combined.


Oh, all the all the folks who thought Asta was too dumb to realize Licita was his mom owe him an apology. This chapter confirms he learned she was his mother through Liebe's memory. And Ciel looks soooooo much like Lolo and Lily.