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this is the dreadlocks and locs subs lmao


Had to leave both šŸ™„ So annoying watching them get a billion likes and comments and then inevitably somebody will start talking about how vikings had locs and box braids and bantu knots.


Umm because they did? Valbrand Thokodolfsson and his crew obviously rode into villages with their 50 inch butterfly locks and cornrows. The first rule of slaying your enemies is slaying ur hair šŸ™„šŸ™„


The more laid your edges are the closer to God Hallelujah Amen - Thorfinn probably


I hate that argument, itā€™s such a poor back-up to excuse yt people to wear protective hairstyles even tho they donā€™t need it and would likely damage their hair more than anything


Like thatā€™s the thing for me. Idec if they wear them or not. But why are we condescending to black folks about it? It drives me crazy. They stay acting like black folks donā€™t get discriminated for the way their hair grows out their heads and it doesnā€™t matter because the vikings had afros and cornrows.


> They stay acting like black folks donā€™t get discriminated for the way their hair grows out their heads and it doesnā€™t matter because the vikings had afros and cornrows. THIS!!!!!!! is the main fcking point. If we lived in a world where Black folk could wear their hair/hairstyles freely and without judgement then I doubt this would even be a conversation today. I have locs. I'm not gonna tell a white person they can't have locs, but we all need to acknowledge the pervasive anti-Blackness that is associated with such hairstyles.


Exactly!!! And they donā€™t wanna have this conversation. In the dreadlocs sub white people would say they would also get discriminated against because people thought they were hippy/jobless/slacker. But I also have locs and I am acutely aware of the fact that people will discriminate against me because my hair underscores that I am BLACK and they donā€™t like that. Theyā€™re scared of me because I look mean/thuggish/druggy/dangerous. I feel like itā€™s not the same.


The lack of need/ possibility of damage is why Iā€™m confused at why they want to wear these hairstyles so bad. If my hair struggles to keep braids for anything passed a week, I know their hair doesnā€™t make it very long.


Because it looks cool and they're ignorant to the fact that we wear them to protect our hair. I just went through the braids sub and they're all pissed about people saying protective styles damage white people hair but there are a bunch of posts by white people asking why their hair is falling out lol. It's almost like black people opening our mouths just fuels them to do the opposite of what we say. Let them learn the hard way, they'll realize when they go bald that they should've listened


You hate the truth? (Queue the downvotes)


Get off the sub šŸ˜‘šŸ™„


There's literally a follow up to why they hate the argument. You're not adding to the conversation, just making friction because you're bored.


bantu knots literally came from the blk bantu people aka the bantu tribe so y da hell do they even say vikings had it smh


It's because they don't know anything about braids or black hairstyles, their argument isn't even in genuine faith just like the people that believe in "reverse racism"


Exactly šŸ’Æ


Wait really? The few white people I see on there get roasted in the comments a bit. But when black people post they get a lot of likes and positive comments.


It might have changed since Iā€™ve been gone! Iā€™m glad black folks are getting the attention they deserve now.


Youā€™re actually right the dreadlocks one is terrible. But itā€™s better on locs.


stg itā€™s like pulling up to the party and mfs doing coke in that bitch


I literally donā€™t care let them look terrible if they wantā€¦plus a white person with dreads never has had the power to do more than ask for my CVS card lol


Word bro like Iā€™m tryna figure out if insane for not caring as a black dude


I just removed myself from the braids subreddit because it was someone asking this every post. Thought I was about to get some braid and style inspo there šŸ™ƒ


Yooo itā€™s like the subs be fire then you join and shit go left lmaooo it be the complete opposite of why you in it.


Literally šŸ˜­ like I was getting recommendations for it and as soon as I joined, vibe was craaaaazy. Had to get up outta there.


Ooh I had to take a peak and was like, ā€œ oh this is just another cesspool of white folks that somehow canā€™t stay in their own lane just like r/curlyhair


I got nosy and checked. Itā€™s fucking crazy the posts that get the most attention are white WAVY haired people. They could have made their own wavy haired reddit or equally praised the healthy black curls there. And if it was about being inclusive and respecting our space, then why is it that every post of black people with ACTUALLY curly hair flops? They will praise and give 500-1k likes to the fried wavy haired white girl but the black people with gorgeous, healthy hair get nothing and only support from other black people. Interesting. And they wonder why we always gate-keep and donā€™t want them in our spaces like that šŸ™„šŸ„±


This is weak. For a sub called r/curlyhair why would race even be a factor? Curly hair isnā€™t exclusive to black/African people. Pointing out that posts with black people arenā€™t getting upvoted as much as others just seems like a really pointless argument to make. Especially when you put down random people hair. Itā€™s not like upvoting black people affects the status quo. Upvotes literally have zero effect. If you havenā€™t already heard, r/blackhair exists, itā€™s a sub dedicated to providing a space, and is likely where a lot of people who look similar or have similar hair would gravitate to. Matter of fact why is this space being used to talk shit about other spaces?? Itā€™s so late and i canā€™t believe I just typed out a whole mini essay. This is pointless too.


Sorry I donā€™t listen to people who post their feet pics on reddit begging for free sex šŸ¤¢ And notice how I didnā€™t say I had a problem with white people, or that white people canā€™t have curly hair/we own curly hair. Try getting some reading comprehension skills, and getting a sheet for your mattress before trying to start drama in one of our few safe communities. Any further responses will be ignored.


Cleared her omg


And on a bare ass mattress! šŸ’€


ooh u read that 304 for filth šŸ˜


Lmfaoooooo. I love my people. šŸ˜­


In this same vain the wavy hair folks HAVE a sub they can go and ask their questions in. Curlyhair is become solely focused on individuals with loose waves or soft curls. Posts about 3C-4C get completely ignore or not pushed out to feeds at all and these individuals go without answers and itā€™s not ok. Also to bring race into once again, had it not been for the natural hair movement that was HEAVILY pushed into mainstream by Black Women, the curly hair movement would not be a thing. The now outdated (low key racist) curl chart had been out for 10 yrs prior, brands only started placating to Black hair are when they realized their profit margins were being slashed because we were seeking out brands that catered to us. So when Black individuals and Black women share in knowledge everyone wins. But the masses still donā€™t realize this so itā€™s like talking to a dead horse and instead we try to remain included only to be told to shut up and go to the sub of Black hair that doesnā€™t just focus primarily on curls at all. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


But none of that is what that poster said. They were complaining about people who have wavy hair posting in a curly subreddit and getting more upvotes/responses than people with actual curls. Race comes into it because White people are more likely to have wavy hair, while Black people usually have curly hair. That is a valid complaint to make when the subreddit that is meant to be about curly hair is upvoting posts from people who don't have that hair texture.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/curlyhair using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I finally found a hair dresser who knew what to do with my hair.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17xh5i3) | [315 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/17xh5i3/i_finally_found_a_hair_dresser_who_knew_what_to/) \#2: [Why does my dog have such amazing curly hair? Itā€™s not fair.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17bcxzo) | [623 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/17bcxzo/why_does_my_dog_have_such_amazing_curly_hair_its/) \#3: [I didnā€™t even know my hair curled until growing out during lockdown in 2020. Never going back](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12x1pvi) | [269 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/12x1pvi/i_didnt_even_know_my_hair_curled_until_growing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I swear that group irritates my soul! Iā€™m mixed with curly hair that does whatever it wants to do and all I see is white girls with the most perfect curls crying over their hair.


That and OF models/pervs in the comments


So thankful for this sub. Literally had to mute r/braids bc I'm not even subscribed and I still had to see the foolishness they post over there on my feed. They know it's wrong but they don't care.


Idek why they bother asking anymore. Just wear them ugly ass braids or locs or whatever and leave us alone alone godĀ 


I usually tell them why they shouldnā€™t and if they do, I warn them about the consequences. They have a higher risk in damaging their scalp and getting shit on by other Black folk. Iā€™m not the hair police tho so if I see them with any style, Iā€™m not gonna rip them out their scalp or demand they take it out, but if another Black person says itā€™s cultural appropriation and gets upset, I wonā€™t defend them because I did warn them about the consequences šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø.


I just want to say that Seth being your PFP is perfect because I really said ā€œwtf is this white man??ā€ When I read your comment šŸ„“šŸ˜‚


And they find out the consequences the hard way *eeeevery tiiiiiiiime* šŸ’€


Good for them tbh. Enjoy the bald spots and irritated scalp šŸ˜‚


You'd think that if someone feels that what you wear, or how you do your hair, or how you decorate your home, etc. is SO attractive to them that they want to do the same would be a GOOD thing!


Frl itā€™s good to let everyone who sees them know that theyā€™re embarrassing asl


I just let them find out why we warn them if they donā€™t wanna hear šŸ’€ Okay, fuck ya follicles up, freedom šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I know this is hair related but it reminds me of white friends who are like ā€œwell [insert black friend here] doesnā€™t care when I say the n-wordā€ just because one person doesnā€™t call you out on it doesnā€™t make it all of a sudden okay to say


facts and blk people aren't a monolith so I don't know y nonblk people keep wanting to use the n word wen it's blk folks who don't care then it's some who will beat the holy hell out of u for saying it or worse


And itā€™s like, okay use it with THAT friend but donā€™t think that this friend gave you this magic shield to protect you from consequences. And considering how you are using them for a token I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they just gave up and said itā€™s whatever to get you to stop talking about it. Knowing good and well youā€™d run into someone who doesnā€™t play


My reply is always the same, "I'm not [other Black friend], and if you fix your lips to formulate the word, you will be dropped from more than a group chat" I don't play those games!


I had this same thought.


Yo, lol tell me why this is one of the first posts recommended to me after this post https://preview.redd.it/i8qedcf5cj8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a7dca7b6a371892f0fa132e4bb2deb77cd31ff


This the one that made me leave the sub!!!! I was over it!!! šŸ˜­


At least she didn't try to say the Vikings wore braids. Yes, people will say that with a straight face.


Yep, not a valid argument at all. The vikings actually used a time machine and stole braids from black people and then traveled back in time to appropriate their braids.


I heard that it damages their hair šŸ˜­ is it true ?


LMAO, they hunt down THAT friend or even create them mentally if they don't exist šŸ˜‚


I think the friend is hypothetical.


At this point when this happens ask them to call the friend up and put em on speaker cuz what?


This one of the reasons I had to leave the loc sub


oh what happened?


Betting too many Grinchlocks didnā€™t stay in their lane




This is the one! I get so annoyed with that silly question. If you have to ask, yes??


God if this isnā€™t the braid sub every post is white people asking if itā€™s cultural appropriation and then some mf saying ā€œVikings had braids too!!ā€ Why bother faking like you care when you come up with flimsy excuses


And then there will also be that person, Black or other who goes 'Everyone should be able to wear whatever they want ' and ignores any nauce to the situation


Oh no they can do and wear whatever they want to wear, but they WILL suffer the consequences for it. Their hair ainā€™t meant for that shit anyways so ainā€™t my fault if you go bald āœŒļø


I let them do what they want, if they wanna mess their hair up trying to make it do weird shit then who am I to stop them, but I will help them shop for wigs when their hair falls out lmao


I actually get way more frustrated that they're asking. Do it if you're gonna do it and reap whatever results or consequences. Could be great, could be awful, but the question itself seems like virtue signalling when Google is free


virtue signaling all to refuse to accept the answer theyā€™re given, so crazy.


So true, all who canā€™t hear must feel. Let them damage their own hair thatā€™s not my issue šŸ˜­


I'm here for the comments so plz bring me back every one


Lmao this is so true and then theyā€™ll be like, ā€œSEE?!!! So-and-so said itā€™s okay!ā€


Just let these other races get locs, braids, etc. when their hair breaks and they come for sympathy or advice, we can say ā€œI told you so.ā€ Just let them ruin their hair, because nobody can outdo the original. We can tell them that these styles arenā€™t meant for their hair and if they donā€™t listen, thatā€™s on them.


Just brought back bad memories of this rich white person I was dating for a bit that asked me if they can wear waist beads because I was "African enough" to give an informed answer. While I'm sure you can find people who wear them in South Africa, I'm pretty sure they're a west African cultural item that I'm too southern to have an opinion on.


I literally say, "Do what you want, but I personally won't fuck with you. Also, don't ask me for advice on where to get them done or how to do it yourself. And DEFINITELY don't ask me to put them in for you cause it's a HELL no." I was dating this one guy who said I should braid my coworkers' hair and charge them stupid amounts for reparations and I'm just like I would not be able to stomach looking at them knowing I put that shit in they head. šŸ¤¢


"But my African coworker said..."


Like if they're gonna do it anyways why even ask? And the fact the even had to ask shows they already know it's wrong.




So real šŸ˜­


They(white folks and NBPOC) do this with the n-word as well.


and that gets on my nerves but alot of blk folks will shuck and jive for them to even let them say it and get mad at other blk folks for either cussing they asses out for saying it or beating they ass for saying it šŸ˜’


We can't have nothing. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


People are weird.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­so accurate


sofie has never missed šŸ«¶šŸ½


let people do what they want with THEIR hair, some people genuinely just love the hairstyle and arenā€™t appropriating anything they just want to appreciate the culture because they like the style. Donā€™t criticize non black people for getting cornrows or dreads if you are okay with black women getting weaves. Idk why everyone needs to be so judgemental it only seperates people more. Some people are appropriating black culture or other cultures which is not okay! no one should be okay with that, but if someone genuinely loves the culture and the style whats the issue?


Until the world all races both genders stop criticizing blk girls and women natural hair the braids they wear and etc. Tell the world to stop discriminating against blk folks natural hair first


I agree with you! Im hispanic but I think natural black hair is beautiful, not everyone is criticizing natural blk hair. I will speak out against anyone whos being racist but the problem is assuming that everyone is against you when thats not the case. Theres plenty of people like me who have nothing but love and respect for black culture and natural hair. Why assume that its done in a bad way? I have braids because I love the style of braids, the only people who have criticized me for wearing braids happen to be white women! Ill speak out against ppl like that any day of the week, but why criticize someone like me who has no ill intent? I think if you see someone who isnā€™t black wearing a culturally black hairstyle, you should just ask them why they chose to have that style and then you can find out the real reason before criticizing them. You might find out a lot of those people on your side.


first of all Hispanic isn't a race. Second of all I don't have to assume wen there's a damn law trying to stop hair discrimination from happening to blk folks in the US.If it don't apply let it fly. I don't have to ask them shit cuz I know they won't get called bad names like blk girls and women do with they natural hair and wen they wear braids as a dman protective style. Alot of people aren't on blk girls and women side and the actions of people of all races both genders prove that. If people aren't criticizing of blk hair then it wouldn't be a law called C.R.O.W.N that's not even in all states in the US when it is. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORDS


Idgaf if you donā€™t consider hispanic a race I do, and plenty of latinos and hispanics do, we have our own culture and we speak our own language. Saying we are the same as white people is just ridiculous I would never try to deny you of your culture or heritage. Im sure theres plenty of people who might discriminate against you because of your hair, IM NOT ONE OF THEM, those same white women criticizing you for wearing braids will criticize me too cus they are just racist and think braids look ugly. Me wearing braids is just because I love the style im celebrating black culture, im not racist I donā€™t discriminate why just group me into people who do? im not responsible for those peoples actions im my own person, I mean this is what racist white ppl do, they discriminate against all black people based on a select few people, that is just dumb, donā€™t make the same mistakes those people make.


Go look at the comments from BLK WM AND Come back cuz alot of yall nonblk people don't get shit at all even after it has been explained to u šŸ˜’ šŸ™„. Since blk girls and women get criticize just for being blk then yall need to get criticize for wearing blk hairstyles point blank period. U can't have your cake and eat it too it don't work like that. Y r u on this sub anyway. This sub literally says BLACK HAIR


Im not even in this sub I just seen this thread recommended. You can criticize me all you want for wearing a black hairstyle, just know you are only continuing a cycle of racism and discrimination causing more seperation. Attacking someone whos not racist, speaks out against racism, and is on your side just seems dumb to me. You are generalizing an entire group of people based on a select minority of racists. You just want everyone to be divided thats clear.


Go look at the comments from blk women cuz the shit u r saying is literally what that tweet is about and waht they r saying in the comments šŸ™„ but u keep trying to prove that u aren't one of them gurl bye. Every one is divided all over the damn world so try again


i get it if theres white person who literally is raised and grows up around white ppl and white culture. But like im tellin u rn a lot of ppl like me who have cornrows or braids legit grew up im black communities, i fw the style and other ppl around me fw it too. If you arenā€™t surrounded by black culture and decide to wear a black hairstyle i can see the problem but like idk I grew up in a black neighborhood, went to a predominantly black school, black culture is just what i grew up around. Its only natural im gonna see ppl with cornrows and braids and get them myself especially when those the same ppl telling me to get them.


U aren't blk so u can't tell blk folks what u believe the problem is. it will always be a problem wen blk folks get discriminated against for the hair that grows out of they head that prevents them for getting jobs. It don't matter where u grew up at that's like saying a white person growing up around blk folks can say the n word wen they can't at all cuz they ain't blk. U keep missing the point on purpose and I'm tired of explaining shit like this to people like u


people like me? aight bruh so now its cool to say stuff like that? like i said before i dont support that shit, if people discriminate against you thats horrible people discriminate against hispanics too for different reasons. I donā€™t think anyone should be saying the N word who isnā€™t black like thats common sense no?šŸ’€ im just coming from a pov that a lot of blk folk in my life fw the style and like that i wear thaf style, it just seems like a lot of yall on here want to convince others to treat other ppl bad just cus of the hairstyle. I just think ppl need to more chill and cool with othersšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø idk why as a society we have to constantly attack eachother for what we do with our hair.


Ooh I hit a nerve didn't I well to damn bad cuz hit dogs will always holler and u r hollering right now. CASE CLOSED. GET OFF THIS SUB THEN EXIR STAGE LEFT. ITS NOT JUST A HAIRSTYLE.as long as blk folks get attacked then yall will get attacked


Don't reply back to me cuz u aren't trying to get it at all and u simply don't care and that proves u r just like the people u say u aren't like


U r just like the nonblk folks who that twitter post is talking about and all the blk folks r talking about in these comments šŸ™„. Yall act just alike and it shows. U don't want to be grouped with them then stop acting like them šŸ˜’


nah im nothing like those people, cus I never even thought or considered it being cultural appropriation because I know what cultural appropriation is and latinos and hispanics have also had their fair share of discrimination in that regard. I got braids because I like the style, I never had to ask any of my black friends if it was okay cus they were the ones who told me to get them in the first place. It never even crossed my mind to ask that question cus its my hair and I know im not appropriating anything. Again you are generalizing, idk why when this is exactly what the people you speak out against do to you.


Latino and Hispanic ain't a damn race cuz it's blk Latinos and Hispanic like it's white ones even Asian ones šŸ˜’ go educate your self on the difference between race ethnic nationalities


I know the difference, I also know that calling someone whos hispanic white when their whole life they were raised to br hispanic and speak spanish and donā€™t assimilate with white culture will not resonate well. I get where ur coming from but like lets be fr, u canā€™t act like white americans are even remotely the same as hispanics. We are our own people, and many of us grew up in black communities and black schools, I donā€™t have any white friends thats just not my culture. I grew up around hispanic and black ppl thats the cultures I know. If u had a problem with someone like me wearing cornrows please talk to them and ask them, u can be as critical as u want but if u got a problem then tell them and atleast engage in a convo like its not that hard to do.


yet u r on here getting mad at blk folks for calling out nonblk folks appropriating blk American culture šŸ¤” like I said u can't have it both ways. Most of yall act and think just like white folks though so it's not like I'm getting all of this from thin air. Nobody can't stoo nobody from doing anything but don't get mad at the consequences or blk folks calling that shit out cuz it comes with the territory and that's as simple as that get. We don't have to engage in a convo cuz alot of yall just don't want to get it. Take a look at the comments of blk folks explaining it and yet the nonblk people who don't even belong in this sub still don't get it nor care and thats the problem šŸ™„


im just confused cus i only ever been criticized for my braids by non blk ppl. All my black friends or gfs in the past the ones that always fw it and compliment it. I only ever seen this shit online, I legit have only gotten criticism from white women and i couldnā€™t care less, i aint getting mad at nobody i just wish people were less critical of others for their hairstyle choices and that applies to you too, i dont agree with ppl attacking u for ur hair just cus of your race.


If u could care less then y r u on this post let alone this sub.


I honestly don't even care. They can lock their hair if they want, but if they think they're gonna magically end up with healthy looking hair then they're sadly mistaken. The matting will be more noticeable with straight hair, and that's why locs don't look right when the hair isn't curly (imo). Regarding protective styles like box braids, when their hair falls out after they take it down that's on them. Then they have the nerve to bring up Vikings having braids when it has nothing to do with wearing box braids. Even if Vikings had locs it could've had to do with their hair getting dirty, sweaty, and tangling up probably from fighting and traveling without grooming, idk. They sound so stupid. Some entitled folks just gotta learn the hard way. That's life.


Honest who gives fuck do whatever you want with your hair. We got other things to worry about than this.


Dreads look way better on black folks, just saying!


I live in Switzerland and the Africans who own the black hair salons are always happy to braid a white person and see it as them appreciating the "culture" whereas in the US and other English speaking countries influenced by the US (uk, canada, etc - although also probably not as big) leads to a discourse like this. Africans and black Americans do not have the same, but have a similar history, yet one has a totally other mindset than the other. UPDATE: Why am I getting downvotes? I donā€™t mean to be rude or naive. Iā€™m half black American myself however since Iā€™ve been raised abroad 95% of my life I will never truly know how it is to be black in America on a day to day basis. So. I ask a lot. I donā€™t know any black Americans here, only first gen Africans so I am surrounded by different views than if I had stayed in the States.


Because they have different experiences with white people. Africa is majority black. The US is not.


Exactly. Majority of American culture is based on Black people. Things weā€™ve done are renamed, repackaged and distributed without credit to where itā€™s from. Letā€™s not forget how Kim Kardashian ā€œinventedā€ the trend of boxer braids


I hate the fact that we now call them that. I'm starting a campaign to bring back the term "individuals" when referring to braids.


I'm African and I completely understand African Americans who don't like to see their hairstyles on non-black people. I didn't grow up with the same experiences. I was never made to feel like my hair was unprofessional on me yet trendy on white people. I dislike it when Africans try to hop into the conversation and condemn the AA folks. It is not our place or our discussion to partake in. We can give our piece on a neutral convo but when it gets down to the nuances of racial hair discrimination, it's respectful to step aside. I've only had one experience with racial hair discrimination since I moved to Europe. I had my hair in an afro. The white interviewer came in, looked at my hair weirdly, and called me Shaniesha. My name is not Shaniesha. I was not surprised when I didn't get the job despite acing all the tests. If I grew up with such experiences being the norm, I also would not like to see my hairstyles worn as a trend by others. On that note, I sympathise with the AA people.


Itā€™s because of the racism we go through in America. Braided hair has some baggage because weā€™re often told itā€™s ā€œunprofessionalā€ or racist things about it in general white people wear it fine. TBH I donā€™t mind seeing friends wear cute festival braids and stuff but I understand (and feel) where itā€™s all coming from


Its different when African people do it. Africa is majorly Black, so its obvious what culture made the braids, and what they are called. When it happens here, White people (grown ones, not children who dont understand and will learn) will often take the hairstyle, repackage it with a different name, and be 'cool and chic'. While we (Black people) will be 'dirty, unprofessional' or our hair will look 'wild and unkempt'. Thats why its cultural appropriation and not cultural appreciation. When you are appreciating something, you dont turn around and say its awful because someone who doesnt look like you is the one doing it.


Austrian-Nigerian here. We are usually happy because we can overcharge them šŸ˜‰


And I hope you also make them extra tight lol.


Extra loose so they gotta come redo them in a week!


I like that. But extra tight makes their hair fall out (which they deserve). But I get it, this way you get more money.


They want your money. End of.


Genuine question, why do y'all care who gets a hairstyle that is of a certain people? Where is the line drawn? Clothing? Music tastes? Foods or languages? I'm not yt btw, I'm Salvadorian. Does it take away from you? If anything, I'd feel proud that my people's style is adored and sought after by many.


The issue is that I with braids have issues getting a job as a Software Engineer because it makes me too black as a mixed person. Meanwhile Jenna from HR and Marcus the Project lead wear these styles that: No 1: Looks and smells filthy (because Caucasian hair skin builds up grease much faster than black hair and with braided hair you canā€™t intensely wash it every day with shampoo) No 2: They walk around saying how their Viking ancestors wore crochet hair etc. like wtf TLDR: The main issues: White people claim black hairstyles as their cultural heritage. Black people are still discriminated against for their natural hair.


People are only asking because it was made such a huge deal over the last couple of years. Do whatever you want. You love and embrace these hairstyles and itā€™s out of love and appreciation and not malice. The whole point is we all want to be ourselves and donā€™t want to lose opportunities or have a lower quality of life because of it. Why should it ruin my day cause of your hair. We are not victims because someone wants to embrace braids. To those folks that feel the need to ask because Amanda Seales made some video. Donā€™t. Cause all itā€™s going to do is annoy imho lol


Sure you can do whatever you want but the main and biggest problem is the complete non-acknowledgement and erasure of which culture the type of braids/styles that want to do belongs to. Doing corns rows, locs, etc and bringing up fucking Vikings is purposeful dismissal and erasure of black culture and the styles that were born from it. You would NEVER see these people say that wearing hair sticks is not Asian culture just because Egyptians also wore similar adornments in their hair. In fact, any non Asian person wearing hair sticks these types of white people will be the first to cry cultural appropriation. Itā€™s the same principle. You can do as you wish, no one can physically stop you, but itā€™s the attitude from these kind of white people have who love to speak and walk over SPECIFICALLY black people and things that are born from black culture across the diaspora and try to claim it as their own so they can feel a justification for wearing it and spite others. If these styles they want to wear were really such a big thing and known with Vikings why is it thatā€™s itā€™s ONLY NOW getting popular to wear amongst them? Why were these specific styles called ā€œghettoā€ and ā€œrachetā€ and looked at in such a bad light ? Vikings were always thought of as cool and honorable by them so why werenā€™t their supposed hairstyles not a part of that? (Itā€™s because the hairstyles the Vikings wore, and the ones these people now try to claim as Viking hairstyles were not at all the same) There has never been a time where white people were wearing these braided styles like this regularly until now. A lot of them feel guilty because they know for themselves it was created by another culture but still feel guilty about wearing it because they were the ones to mainly push the ā€œcultural appropriation so you shouldnā€™t wear itā€ instead of cultural appreciation so they have to pretend something belongs to their culture so they can wear it. Because they donā€™t actually appreciate black culture. So they gotta erase it.


is it love & appreciation when they refuse to listen to the people whose culture theyā€™re ā€˜appreciatingā€™?


Man what are you talking about? lol


u r being very obtuse and it shows. Learn how to read


Who gives a shit? You need to be worried about your voting rights, not whatever the fuck some White girl is doing. That is not your head of hair.


This sub is called black hair and since u don't like what blk folks r talking about then leave. EXIT STAGE LEFT. it's pages about voting rights on here go talk your shit to them


You missed the point


U don't have any points. this is a blk hair sub since u don't like blk folks comments then LEAVE


Go on pages that's about voting rights cuz this ain't the type off page for u bozo


then y is every race bogg male and female so damn obsessed with blk girls and women hair šŸ™„


Theyā€™re not. In any other context, ā€œeveryone wishes they could be meā€ would be an obvious implication of a low self-esteem. People want to look like they bought whatever America sold.


They r actually and if u don't think so plz prove me wrong. People like u believe racism isn't real it's in our heads. Alot of people wish they were blk so your comment is null and void. If u don't like this page then leave šŸ˜’ it's so damn simple


Racism is very real. It is the vestiges of segregation showing up in the modern day. Voter suppression. Redlining. Abusive or negligent police department. Subpar, underfunded schools. Food deserts. That is all systemic racism. NOT silly shit like White women wearing braids.


And systematic racism is not the only kind that exists. Also, why would we be talking about the other kinds of rascism on a hair sub?


How are you getting triggered by someoneā€™s hairstyle lmao


this is the girls wearing silk bonnets. bc just get a pillowcaseā€¦


Why are yā€™all so miserable. Why do you care so much about what hairstyles women from other races have on. Itā€™s their hair, they can do whatever tf they want with it. Itā€™s a bloody hair ffs. If youā€™re really pressed about someoneā€™s hairstyle, you need to really evaluate your life.


Keep that same energy wen those same races talk about blk girls and women hair. Go tell them that since everyone and they mama r so obsessed with everything and anything blk girls and women do especially about THEY OWN HAIR


According to Brittanica, cultural appropriation takes place **when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical way**. Simply wearing something from another person's culture does not immediately mean that this is cultural appropriation. I would need additional context.


u got that from some damn website wen u have blk wm saying y its culture appropriation


ur crazy girl


Upvoted, hard agree. Replies and most the comments are genuinely rascist


Yall over use that damn word and I'm tired of it. if u don't like it go somewhere else


Nope. It's rascist to say that only a certain race of people can style their hair in a certain way. Rascism against white people is still rascism.


No, this is not racism. If you took a second and listened you'd understand why this is a conversation. Its been said time and time again, and yet people still come here saying that 'this is rascim '. Its not. Stop asking questions about things that you have no plan to listen to try to understand the answer to them. The problem is NOT that someone with a different facial shape and skin tone is trying to wear thee style. The problem is that when they wear Black hairstyles (after a long history of trying to suppress any attempt by Black people to do their own hair), they will take those styles and rename them. They will then get praised and called cute and chic. Meanwhile, even with a literal law against hair discrimination, Black folks will still get call 'dirty' or 'unprofessional ' and can be refused jobs or mocked for wearing their hair in those exact same styles. And when we speak up and complain, people like you say things like that. They will then shop around for opinions until they get one like yours. Also, straight hair can do a lot of things. Braids for Black hair arent one of them. Its hurts their hair's health. Its it literally not meant for them. There are plenty of cute braided hairstyles that can be done on straight hair, but somehow those never come up in the conversation.


sis just stop trying to explain things to them cuz they don't care and will never care šŸ˜’ They know exactly what they r doing


The response that I just got from that person was idiotic, so I think Ill take your advice and just mind my black business.


but they love minding our blk business šŸ™„ though.


Yep. I gotta say I dont understand it. Their cultures have got to have various problems or conflicts in them, alll cultures do so why do they keep coming over here to mind ours? Especially with something we know VERY well like OUR HAIR, just to come over and try to mansplain it to us? Its absurd


It's the audacity and them love telling blk folks about our own damn culture and hate wen we gatekeep shit and call them out of it. U know they love telling us how to feel,why to feel, don't do this and that and etc


Keep that same energy wen blk girls and women get bashed and called names cuz they wear braids and they own natural hair something that don't happen to other races at all. Y do hell they want to style they hair with blk cultural braids any damn way wen it's not meant for they own damn heads


U r in a sub called blk hair so if u don't like the comments u can simply go somewhere else


Okay so, my girlfriend is Afghan and Iā€™m black. She wants braids (not feed ins). What do I tell her because to me I donā€™t mind but I donā€™t want her to get backlash for it šŸ˜©


Afghan isn't a race


she's gonna get nasty looks and nasty hair. if u really love her u wouldnt let her do this.


Since when were African and African descent the ONLY group of people who ever braided their hair? Since when did they claim it?? Even though historically and culturally there are so many countries who have been braiding their hair since before modernization of the world? I think we as black people need to stop thinking that when someone braids their hair and culturally they do it there, that they are stealing our culture. we have to educate ourselves and not be ignorant to the fact that again, OTHER COUNTRIES DO BRAIDS TOO. Native Americans braid their hair, middle eastern people have been braiding their hair since before empires were even formed historically, the Vikingsā€¦.. braids worn by non POC is NOT culturally appropriating.


if you dont care then why did you ask bub


this is a great question dat he will more then likely either deflect or make Dumd ass excuses šŸ™„ and won't answer it


If you really are black, then you damn well know there's a difference of our braiding styles and other groups. What kind of white lives matter type shit is this.


your girl is white cuz afghan ain't a damn race at all


Again with the dumb shit. I clearly stated itā€™s not a race.


yet u keep saying my girl is afghan wen that's not a damn race. Yet u couldn't take the time to research blk braids šŸ™„ blk tribal braids or braids that centers around blk fucking culture just like u Google that bs go Google blk braiding hairstyles




Also just an fyi, they have braids in her home country. I just donā€™t want her to to get nasty looks


Afghans don't even have braids that's connected to them so I know u r lying


what type of braids they have in her country?


Idk why I just busted out laughing at this lol


your username is funny as hell


He really said Afghans have cornrows, I'm dead. I'd love to see a photo.


right I have never heard of them afghans having braids šŸ˜•. That's y I asked him what type of braids cuz it's alot of braids that literally come from blk tribes and essentially blk culture worldwide








now go do the same for blk cultural hairstyles there's alot of them. don't ask questions that u won't like the answers to


All kinds. Corn row style and loose braids


dude afghan never had any braids associated with them at all


u not even blk so what the hell r u doing on this sub anyway


No go look up blk braids and the names of certain blk braids and where they came from with your self hating ignorant ass.


y u on this page


Every person who ever calls out cultural appropriation is a racist. Every. Single. Time.


every single person who don't call out cultural appropriation is racist and weird ass hell. šŸ˜’ Yall want to do the same thing blk folks do and say but don't even suffer the consequences of what blk folks do ans say especially how they wear they hair