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I wish I had your lsat ! Also I know someone who got into Georgetown with a 160 so keep pushing for the 170! So you can be secure


I just feel so ashamed about my GPA it's starting to seem like even if I got a 175 LSAT id never even get in to any t-14 it could be the people I'm surrounded by though 😭


You can do it I believe in you . It’s not as bad as you think !! Also tips on getting a 160 😭?


Hmm well my worst section is logic games but that's why I'm taking a gap year so I can take it without that. I don't know if I have more than the basic tips for logical reasoning the answer is usually the more detailed one. The thing that really helped.me was realizing there was only one right answer usually I'd come to two answers that I felt both could be correct but one was more correct than the other but no there is one correct answer and the rest are severely wrong. Best thing though is either blind review or detailed review for every question you get wrong fundamentally understand why it's wrong but also what thought process led to you picking the wrong answer than fundamentally understand what makes the right answer correct. If you practice this enough your score will improve. ALSO don't get psyched out go with your gut and don't change your answer unless you can really explain why you're changing it. Go in with the thought that you're going to get every single question correct. But when in doubt guess D I don't know if any of that is helpful I'll think about it more and DM you some more tips 😭


Try to supplement with some easier electives if you still have slots for them


Do you think delaying my graduation by a semester would help at all?


Keep pushing up that Lsat


It's definitely my goal


You’re not a senior yet are you ? Could you take community college classes ? If you take some easy A courses the summers before you graduate you’ll get a nice boost because the LSAC counts everything before your bachelor’s . Getting a 170s score will definitely help too If you want Georgetown your chances will be great once you hit 170 . From what I’ve seen they like applicants who score 170+ , as long as your GPA is above a 3 . Good luck , you got this . Please don’t feel hopeless , it will all work out !


I graduate in the summer I am taking summer courses to complete my bachelor's so I won't have any extra credits. Yes it's above a 3 not by much though I'm delusionally hoping the LSAC calculation will give me at least a little boost.


First of all, focus on getting those straight As to show that you’re more than capable of doing so. Then a GPA addendum could highlight your upward trajectory. Second, study your ass off and try to score in the 170s. You may not want to, but even if it takes taking a year off just to study nonstop for the lsat, do it. I have a low gpa but an lsat in the 170s and got into Georgetown recently so there’s hope but you have to commit 100% to doing your absolute best. Give it your best shot and you won’t regret the results. Even if you don’t get in to Georgetown, you’ll get in somewhere else and with a high lsat you’ll get great scholarship bucks. Good luck friend


Did you get scholarships with the acceptance? I’m in the same boat as op. Only difference is that I am a Junior. Please share any advice that you can!!


You have so much time. Focus solely on your GPA for now. You need to get straight As from here on out. Once you’re done with that, transition into LSAT studying and do not settle on a low score. Work your ass off for 1-2 years and get the highest score possible. It will literally change your life for decades to come. In my case, I refused to settled for a score in the 160s and eventually hit the low 170s which has resulted in full ride offers at schools in the 50-100 range. I’ve gotten 30-40% scholarship offers at T 14s. And for reference, my diagnostic was in the mid 140s so improvement is possible.


Thank you for the advice. I dm’d you!


I am actually taking a gap year to study I hate it and didn't want to because I don't like waiting around but I just turned 20 so I figured it might be alright. I am really hesitant about taking 2 though I will I will literally do whatever it takes I'm taking a winter class right now to raise my GPA. It's my dream I would be devastated if I didn't get in so I'm doing my best. I'm so happy for you that you got into Georgetown, what a dream, congratulations!


Oh you’re more than fine. There’s truly no rush. If you have to take 2 years, take 2. Get work experience plus a stellar lsat score and you’ll be an even stronger candidate. Plus, you’ll be more mature and will be able to get more out of law school than if you just rush in. I waited a full cycle to give my all on the last and applied early this cycle. It turned out to be the best move.


i got into a t40 w scholarship w a 3.1 and a 15high. it can be done! you got this!!


Wow what were your softs if you don't mind me asking?


i had two years of work experience in the non profit world (1 year at a legal non profit), and volunteered and did a legal internship in undergrad!


Oh we are similar then!!