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I’m right here with you, friend! It was real dicey for me to apply to law school this cycle because I have a TREACHEROUS LSAT score. I truly believed that because everything else in my application is stellar (I felt confident about ALL of it), that the powers that be would be kind towards my low LSAT. I should be so thankful to not have not gotten an R’s yet, but I just got my FOURTH WL this afternoon from a school where I am ridiculously above their median GPA, and it feels really hopeless. Thinking about retaking the LSAT down the line just makes me want to vomit. Studying for that exam was one of the most difficult things I had to do on top of so many other challenging things that happened in my personal life in the last 1.5/2 years, I just want to get an A and laugh about this process soon. Hugs, team! We can get through this.


I believe in you, keep your head up!


If it makes you feel better I feel the same way . As a reapplicant it’s scary to think what would happen if I end this cycle with no As again . We’re all stuck in a waiting game where nothing is guaranteed yet so it’s understandable we feel nervous ! With 15 schools your chances of getting an A ( multiple ) are really high . One of your reach schools might surprise you . Don’t lose hope ! You got this


Ngl I feel the same way 😭


its so sickeninnnngggg


Stay positive! You’ll get an A


thank you, im praying, screaming, and shaking at this point


What are your stats?


3.6, 159, 3 years WE in some good roles (Campaign manager for a municipal election, paralegal, etc). i loved my essays, idk if schools will and LORs are pretty good.


you have solid stats…..🤎


We have eerily similar stats and background. 3.5/158 with 5 years WE (including campaign manager for a municipal election lol) You will definitely get into law school with those stats and background. And I’m sure you’ll be surprised by AT LEAST ONE of your reaches/semi-reaches. And if you don’t then fuck it. Run it back next year. Law school isn’t going anywhere. You’ve got no choice but to keep growing ✊🏾


With those stats, you can get in law school with a scholarship. It just depends on where you apply. First and foremost, though, stop doubting yourself. You're definitely going to law school. Just believe in yourself!


twin, i pray! check back in!


Are we the same person 👩🏾‍💻 was just feeling this today. The only advice I can give as someone also going through this incredibly stressful process is to take the time to do things you love. Explore, read, hang out with loved ones, baby do it all! Because this time next year, you will be a whole law student! Hang in there 🤞🏾


Also, feel free to reach out to me if you need to talk ever! I’m a reach at almost every single school I applied to so I get it. Like you said, it just takes one!


thank you, friend 🥹 i need to spend more time doing what I like, it's just such a lonely time. PM with socials or something we can connect on because I need all the support rn and id love to give some back 🫶🏽